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May 26, 2015 |
Principal’s Message |
Dear Covington Families, We have lots of events coming up at the end of the year so please read below!! 6th Grade Girls Win Third Place in Basketball Tournament Congratulations to our 6th grade girls for winning 3rd place in the LASD basketball tournament. Kudos to Audrey Boenninghausen, Arynn Carty, Shayla Gossain, Maddy Hale, Tori Hamblin, Greta Jensen, Zarina Khader, Parisa Larson, Jocelyn Lee, Carissa Leong, and Morgan Taylor-Cohen for showing true Coyote spirit by playing hard and unselfishly and supporting one another. Way to go, girls! Important Upcoming Events: May 28 - LASD CSTEM showcase @ Almond School 3:15pm-5pm May 29 - Volunteer Appreciation Coffee, Multi, 8:00am May 29 - 2nd grade Theater Works Performance 1:00pm May 29 - 6th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament 3:00pm June 2 - Primary Music Concert, 1:00pm June 4 - Music Teacher Roadshow for 4th Grade June 5 - Field Day, Minimum Day for Students, Dismissal at 12:15pm June 8 - 1st Grade Patriotic Performance 9:00am June 9 - 6th Grade Picnic at Saratoga Springs June 9 - Kindergarten Performance 9:00am June 10 - 6th Grade Promotion, 8:30am-10:00am June 10 - Last Day of School, Start time 8:15am, Dismissal at 11:15am. Enjoy the week! Raquel Matteroli, Interim Principal |
Tick-tock: $42,438 and 12 days Special thanks to the 48 families who contributed last week! We also received 20 corporate matching gifts to bring us closer to our $3.3M fundraising goal. It’s not too late to donate or request a match to pay for the programs your child has enjoyed THIS current year, including STEM, PE, art, library, music and smaller class sizes in K-3. With 12 days to go, every gift makes a big difference! Please give at or drop a check in our school’s office this week. Thank you. LAEF Survey & CSTEM Showcase 5.28.15 Through our 2015 LAEF Survey, parents shared their support and excitement for LAEF’s funding of Computer Science. That’s why we are proud to sponsor the district wide CSTEM Showcase on Thursday, May 28th from 3:15 to 5:00pm in the Almond Elementary Multi. Bring your family to celebrate coding in our schools. |
School Toolbox |
Covington School Toolbox Donation:In an effort to save money and ensure all classrooms get the supplies they need, the Covington PTA has purchased a school toolbox for every student. We are requesting your support in contributing $65 per student to reimburse the PTA for your child(ren)’s toolbox. The donation form is available here: If you prefer to order online and pay by echeck: Please do not order directly online from School Toolbox, even if you received an email from the company. |
Kinder News |
Pencils of Promise Fundraiser. We are excited to announce that we surpassed our goal and raised $372! Thank you for buying our pencils and for helping children around the world! |
Volunteer Appreciation Coffee & PTA Awards: This Friday, May 29th at 8am, parents are invited to our multi for breakfast treats prepared and organized by our staff. The PTA is providing a Coffee Cart so you can get your morning kickstarted with a latte or cappuccino. At 8:40am, after the Volunteer Breakfast & Flag Salute, the PTA will honor its members who have gone the extra mile for our school community and have a very Special Award Ceremony. Please show your support to your fellow volunteers who have given countless hours of their time for your children by attending the awards Ceremony and congratulating them as they receive their award! Room Parents and Committee Chairs - don't miss this event to be recognized for your contributions this year! Field Day 2015 is quickly approaching. On Friday, June 5th from 10:00 - 12:00 all students will be participating in Field Day. If you haven't had much of a chance to volunteer this year, this is the event for you! Field Day is a fun filled two-hour event where the children participate in tons of games, face painting and a blow-up obstacle course. We need your help to make Field Day a success. Please sign up on the Google doc found here: We need at least two parents from each class to help!! Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you! Louanne Gonzalez ( Play Dodgeball with Mr. Heeb! Get ready for summer with a fun game of dodgeball with friends on Thursday, June 4. Game time is 2:25 PM – 3:25 PM for the lower grades (1-3). Upper classes (4-6) play from 2:45 – 3:45. Both games are on the green field, but are separated by age. Popsicles are served at the end. There are still a few spots remaining for this annual fundraiser game. Donation is $30/child. Please email if your child is interested in attending. Thanks a Billion: Target is donating $25 for each teacher "thanked" on Facebook (only one teacher per facebook account). Schools can earn up to $25,000. The promotion will end when Target has donated $5 million (promotion started on May 14th). So why not show thanks to all of our amazing Covington teachers!…/thanks-a-billion |
May 28: Library Closed for class visits and during recess Books may be returned to book return carts in most classrooms, brought directly to the library, or dropped off in the book return box in the school office. Bill Notices: Books overdue after May 27 will be considered lost and a bill notice issued.. Please check your emails that are coming from - Mrs. Drobot, Thank you! |
District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) |
District English Advisory Committee (DELAC) Meeting On May 28 from 9:00-10:00am in the District Office Board Room, there will be a district-wide meeting about the English Learner program in LASD. On the agenda are the following topics: Presentation on the District Local Control Accountability Plan and information about the Consolidated Application for Funding. This is a public meeting and all who are interested are invited to attend. Please contact Raquel Matteroli, Interim Principal, Covington school, at, if you have questions. Click here for the flyer. |
From the LASD School Nurse |
Students currently in 6th grade must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin 7th grade in August of 2015. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your current school office as soon as possible. |
School & Community News |
6th GRADERS CAN CODE! Come to the district wide CSTEM SHOWCASE to learn more: Thursday, May 28 from 3.15 to 5.00pm at the Almond Multi. This must attend event, is a time to play games created by 6th graders in the district, and encourage and celebrate coding in our schools. Invitation/poster link: School & Community News now found via Peachjar:®ion=54001 |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
May 19, 2015 |
Principal’s Message |
Dear Covington Families,
Yesterday our Upper Grade Students wowed us with their Spring Concert performance in the multi. There was a combination of orchestra, band and choir groups amongst our 4-6th grade classes. Thank you to our Covington upper graders for demonstrating poise, enthusiasm and many months of effort and passion in their playing and singing. And a HUGE thank you to the music teachers, Mrs. Dunn, Ms. Jorgensen, Mr. Beeman, Ms. Masters and Mrs. Fletcher, for supporting our students with their musical expertise and instruction!
I also want to point out that the music program is one of the many programs funded at Covington School, thanks to your donations to the Los Altos Educational Foundation. You make it possible for our children to get an exceptional education. Thank you so much for your support. And I hope you can join us again on June 2nd for our Primary Music Concert. Dine Out for Covington: Have you eaten at the restaurant providing our kids' school lunches? Remember tonight Pasta Market will donate a portion of their proceeds back to our school. Pasta Market is located at 4546 El Camino Real in Los Altos at the corner of El Camino and San Antonio. (650) 949-1235. No flyer needed, just mention Covington School. And thank you to Manjita Bhaumik for doing such a fantastic job this year organizing the PTA Dine Out Fundraisers. Enjoy the week! Raquel Matteroli, Interim Principal |
Important Dates |
May 19 - Tonight! Dine Out for Covington @ Pasta Market (no flyer needed) May 22 - Last Indoor Assembly at 8:30am (Parents Welcome) May 22 - All Library Books due May 22 - JO Slide Show & Awards Assembly at 1:30pm (Parents Welcome) May 25 - Memorial Day, No School May 28 - LASD CSTEM showcase @ Almond School May 29 - Volunteer Tea May 29 - 6th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament 3pm June 2 - Primary Music Concert, 1pm June 5 - Field Day June 5 - Minimum Day for Students, Dismissal at 12:15pm June 10 - 6th Grade Promotion, 8:30am-10:00am June 10 - Last Day of School, Start time 8:15am, Dismissal at 11:15am. |
School Toolbox |
Covington School Toolbox Donation:In an effort to save money and ensure all classrooms get the supplies they need, the Covington PTA has purchased a school toolbox for every student. We are requesting your support in contributing $65 per student to reimburse the PTA for your child(ren)’s toolbox. The donation form is available here: Please do not order directly online from School Toolbox, even if you received an email from the company. |
Junior Olympics Assembly |
Parents: This Friday 5/22 at 1:30pm you are invited to the Covington Multi for our Annual Junior Olympics Slide Show and Awards Assembly. You are welcome to join the 4th, 5th, & 6th graders in watching a review of the fantastic JO Competition. |
LAEF News |
50 Families & $73,277 To Go: Summer is around the corner which means LAEF only has 2-1/2 weeks to raise $73,277 to fulfill our promise and grant to LASD for 2014-15. There are 150 families who gave last year, but not yet this year. Please donate today or request a match from your company to pay for the programs your child has enjoyed THIS current year, including STEM, PE, art, library, music and smaller class sizes in K-3. We strive for 100% participation from our families, and it’s not too late to give. Please donate at or drop a check in our school’s office this week. Thank you. LAEF Parent Survey Results Are In! The 2015 LAEF Parent Survey Results are now available at Close to 1,800 families completed our annual survey. Thank you! Your voice has helped LAEF determine our funding priorities for 2015-16 while also providing the focus for our strategic planning sessions with LASD leadership. We look forward to announcing our 2015-16 grant before the end of May. |
Tonight, May 19th is Dine Out For Covington: Pasta Market will donate a portion of their proceeds back to our school. Pasta Market is located at 4546 El Camino Real in Los Altos at the corner of El Camino and San Antonio. (650) 949-1235. No flyer needed, just mention Covington School. Field Day 2015 is quickly approaching. On Friday, June 5th from 10:00 - 12:00 all students will be participating in Field Day. If you haven't had much of a chance to volunteer this year, this is the event for you! Field Day is a fun filled two-hour event where the children participate in tons of games, face painting and a blow-up obstacle course. We need your help to make Field Day a success. Please sign up on the Google doc found here: We need at least two parents from each class to help!! Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you! Louanne Gonzalez ( Play Dodgeball with Mr. Heeb! Get ready for summer with a fun game of dodgeball with friends on Thursday, June 4. Game time is 2:25 PM – 3:25 PM for the lower grades (1-3). Upper classes (4-6) play from 2:45 – 3:45. Both games are on the green field, but are separated by age. Popsicles are served at the end. There are still a few spots remaining for this annual fundraiser game. Donation is $30/child. Please email if your child is interested in attending. Thanks a Billion: Target is donating $25 for each teacher "thanked" on Facebook (only one teacher per facebook account). Schools can earn up to $25,000. The promotion will end when Target has donated $5 million (promotion started on May 14th). So why not show thanks to all of our amazing Covington teachers!…/thanks-a-billion |
Lost & Found |
Lost & Found - Donation time!! We will be donating all lost & found items, next Friday, May 22nd. Please check the bin for your children's clothing, lunch boxes and water bottles by then. ' |
May 22: ALL books need to be returned by this date. May 28: Library Closed for class visits and during recess Books may be returned to book return carts in most classrooms, brought directly to the library, or dropped off in the book return box in the school office. Bill Notices: Books overdue after May 27 will be considered lost and a bill notice issued.. Please check your emails that are coming from - Mrs. Drobot, Thank you! |
News from Our Kinder Classes |
Pencils of Promise Fundraiser To help provide a quality education for children around the world, our kindergartners are selling pencils for $1 this week during recess and after school. With the help of our big buddies and 5th graders, we decorated over 250 pencils. All proceeds will be donated to Pencils of Promise, a non-profit organization that helps build schools in developing countries. Thank you for helping us reach our $250 goal! Questions? Please email Miss Gibo at |
From the LASD School Nurse |
Students currently in 6th grade must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin 7th grade in August of 2015. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your current school office as soon as possible. |
School & Community News |
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:®ion=54001 |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
May 12, 2015 |
Principal’s Message |
Dear Covington Families, This past Friday during morning assembly we highlighted students that have been recognized outside of LASD for following their passion. I would also like to share with you about those students this week. 3rd grader Sean Kwon and 6th grader Mihir Mirchandani recently won second place in the Calchess 40th Annual States Championship for students in grades K-8. They hope to inspire other Covington students to participate in future chess championships. Two 4th graders, Jackson O’Reilly and Susan Clay, were recognized for the essays they wrote for the Margaret Thompson Historical Essay Contest. You can read their amazing work here: Essays. 6th grader Laila Bahman was one of five finalists in a girls inventor contest and won a trip to a special conference in Milwaukee that recognized these girls’ business savvy. Laila created “Bad Dreams” spray, a set of aromatherapy sprays, that help eliminate bad dreams. Another student we will be recognizing this Friday, Richard Shi, entered a creative invention contest through Scholastic and Klutz books to address an everyday problem. Out of 30,000 applicants he was one of 10 chosen nationwide. His invention was a backpack with helium compartments kids could use to counteract the weight of all of the books and binders they carry. Here’s to Covington students following their passion! Enjoy the week! Raquel Matteroli, Interim Principal |
Important Dates |
May 14 - Last Homework Club May 15 - 6th Grade Girls Basketball Tournament 3pm May 16 - Pet Parade May 18 - Upper Grade Music Concert, 1pm May 19 - Dine Out for Covington @ Pasta Market May 22 - All Library Books due May 25 - Memorial Day, No School May 28 - LASD CSTEM showcase @ Almond School May 29 - Volunteer Tea May 29 - 6th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament 3pm June 2 - Primary Music Concert, 1pm June 5 - Field Day June 5 - Minimum Day for Students, Dismissal at 12:15pm June 10 - 6th Grade Promotion, 8:30am-10:00am June 10 - Last Day of School, Start time 8:15am, Dismissal at 11:15am. |
Pet Parade Information - This Weekend! |
Hi Covington School, This is the information about where to meet for the pet parade. Remember wear your blue and orange and lets show our Covington spirit! On behalf of the Los Altos Kiwanis Club, we look forward to having you participate in our 68th Annual Pet Parade this Saturday, May 16th, 2015. As downtown will be walled off by the Los Altos Police Department by 8am, please note the preferred parking areas for participants on the periphery of downtown on the attached map. Please also review the Guidelines and Rules with your group. As this event is a City sponsored Heritage event, we cannot stress the importance of no solicitation of any kind and the sale of goods or giveaways is not allowed. Please arrive to STAGING AREA B-4 starting at 9am. The parade will start promptly at 10am. We look forward to seeing you this Saturday. Will be lots of fun! Any questions email Trish Carballar |
LAEF: $90,548 and three weeks to go With just three weeks left of school, LAEF needs your support to help us fulfill our promise and grant to LASD for 2014-15. We have received quite a few donations and corporate matches in the past two weeks, but still are $90,548 short to fully fund your child's enrichment this year. Please donate today or request a match from your company to pay for the programs your child has enjoyed THIS current year, including STEM, PE, art, library, music and smaller class sizes in K-3. We strive for 100% participation from our families, and it’s not too late to give. Please donate at or drop a check in our school’s office this week. Thank you. |
School Toolbox: Parents: Please do not order from School Tool Box. Some of you may have received an email from School Tool Box today encouraging you to order supplies for next year. Covington is no longer working with School Tool Box, so please do not order from them. In an effort to save money and ensure all classroom get all the supplies they need, the PTA and the Covington Elementary School Office will be ordering all the supplies for all classrooms in K-6. Expect to receive ordering and donation instructions in the next week. Best, Jessica Speiser PTA President PTA Meeting News: At Covington PTA's last general meeting of the school year this past Friday, May 8th, the PTA voted to pass our 2015/2016 budget and approved the 2015/2016 Executive Board. The budget, while it approved $60,000 for a 5 foot white decomposed running track around Covington's field, it for the most part maintained the status quo. I (Jessica Speiser) will be working with district employees and Suzanne Kasso and Jen Springer to make sure the LASD Board approves the construction of this track this summer and hope that we will have a track to come back to in August! The Executive Board for 2015/2016 includes: President: Jessica Speiser, Executive VP: Suzanne Kasso, VP, Fundraising: Jennifer Bennett, VP, Non-Fundraising: Lara Sullivan, Financial Secretary: Trish Carballar, Treasurer: Ashish Patel (NEW!), Secretary: Ingrid Choong, Historian: Greer Olenick (NEW!) and Auditor: Stu Elefant. Field Day 2015 is quickly approaching. On Friday, June 5th from 10:00 - 12:00 all students will be participating in Field Day. If you haven't had much of a chance to volunteer this year, this is the event for you! Field Day is a fun filled two-hour event where the children participate in tons of games, face painting and a blow-up obstacle course. We need your help to make Field Day a success. Please sign up on the Google doc found here: We need at least two parents from each class to help!! Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you! Louanne Gonzalez ( Dine Out For Covington: Have you eaten at the restaurant providing our kids' school lunches? Come dine at Pasta Market on Tuesday, May 19th. Pasta Market will donate a portion of their proceeds back to our school. Pasta Market is located at 4546 El Camino Real in Los Altos at the corner of El Camino and San Antonio. (650) 949-1235. |
Lost & Found |
Lost & Found - Donation time!! We will be donating all lost & found items, next Friday, May 22nd. Please check the bin for your children's clothing, lunch boxes and water bottles by then. ' |
May 15: Last day to check out books May 22: ALL books need to be returned by this date. May 28: Library Closed for Summer Books may be returned to book return carts in most classrooms, brought directly to the library, or dropped off in the book return box in the school office. Lost Books: If you have lost your book, then we will request payment in order to purchase replacement copies. Please check your emails that are coming from - Mrs. Drobot, Thank you! |
Student Council News |
Hello, parents! As you probably already know, Nepal was recently hit with a devastating earthquake. The Covington School student council officers have chosen this as their final philanthropic venture for the school year. If you have any funds available to donate, please send them into your child’s classroom teacher. Here are the details: Funds will be raised from Monday, May 4 - Friday, May 22 You may donate either through the school, or through the Oxfam website Checks can be made out to “Covington School”. Cash is preferred over coins. Thank you in advance for your consideration! Sincerely, The Covington School Student Council |
Last Homework Club |
Notice to Parents of Homework Club Attendees: The last day of Homework Club is Thursday May 14th. Thank you to all of our homework club teachers for providing this great resource for students! |
From the LASD School Nurse |
Students currently in 6th grade must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin 7th grade in August of 2015. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your current school office as soon as possible. |
School & Community News |
CUB SCOUT PICNIC – Join Cub Scouts Meet Pack 76 Cub Scouts and their families to learn more about Cub Scouting at our annual Informational Picnic. When: Friday, May 15, 5-7pm Where: Shoup Park (400 University Ave, just south of Burke Rd), Los Altos What: Food, Beverages, and Fun provided. Who: Any boys in K-4th grade thinking of joining Cub Scouts + a parent For more information: Lauren Hasenhuttl, Pack 76 Committee Chair ( School & Community News now found via Peachjar:®ion=54001 |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
May 5, 2015 |
Principal’s Message |
Dear Covington Families, May has arrived! And this is often an incredibly busy time of year leading up to the close of school. Teachers are re-calibrating what their students have learned thus far and what they still need to know. SBAC testing is wrapping up for our 3-6th graders in what has been a fairly smooth process for students because of all of the adults that have worked as a team to support them. A huge thank you to all of the parent volunteers who pulled together to provide nutritious snacks during testing time. Our students appreciated the brain-food! I want to highlight our teachers this week because enough cannot be said about their dedication to the learners in their classroom, the thoughtful time they spend thinking about their learners (this often happens on the drive to and from work, in the shower, standing in the grocery line) and their commitment to staying current in education to provide the most relevant learning to students. Our teachers spend countless hours reading educational literature, whether that be in the form of books, blogs, tweets or journals, in search of a more effective way of reaching their learners. Staff collaborate weekly throughout the 10-month school year in many ways. Some of this collaboration includes participating in staff meeting discussions, planning with grade level teams, sharing best practices with other teachers across the district and reflecting on teaching with co-workers in the staff room. I’ve even heard of some teachers who spend one day a week collaborating with educators across the world via a facilitated Edchat on twitter. Covington teachers also gain insight and knowledge the old-fashioned way--through workshops and conferences held throughout the year. To give you an idea of the variety of professional development opportunities our adult life-long learners have pursued throughout this year, here is a short list: Design Thinking in the classroom, Mindfulness practices for students, Best practices in small group instruction, Sensory regulation in the classroom, The Good Teaching conference, Special Education Symposium, Asilomar Reading Conference and LASD’s EdSummit. Every child is unique and so are the ways in which they process information and learn. The more tools a teacher can learn and add to their toolbox of strategies to support the process of learning the more they can support students. The beauty and fun of teaching is in finding the spark that engages each learner. Enjoy the week! Raquel Matteroli, Interim Principal P.S. We are in desperate need of another Yard Duty adult during lunch time for the last 4 weeks of school. We need someone daily but if you can also cover 1-4 times a week, we would love to hear from you. Please call the Covington Office 650-947-1100. Thank you! |
Important Dates |
May 8 - Last PTA Meeting & Principal Coffee 8:30am May 8 - LASD Film Festival 3pm @ Covington May 14 - Last Homework Club May 15 - 6th Grade Girls Basketball Tournament 3pm May 16 - Pet Parade May 18 - Upper Grade Music Concert, 1pm May 19 - Dine Out for Covington @ Pasta Market May 22 - All Library Books due May 25 - Memorial Day, No School May 28 - LASD CSTEM showcase @ Almond School May 29 - Volunteer Tea May 29 - 6th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament 3pm June 2 - Primary Music Concert, 1pm June 5 - Field Day June 5 - Minimum Day for Students, Dismissal at 12:15pm June 10 - 6th Grade Promotion, 8:30am-10:00am June 10 - Last Day of School, Start time 8:15am, Dismissal at 11:15am. |
LAST PTA GENERAL MEETING OF THE YEAR THIS FRIDAY! (Staff Room, right after morning assembly) We will be approving the 15/16 Budget and voting in the Executive Board for next year. Look forward to seeing you all there! |
Junior Olympics: Dear 4,5,6 grade parents, Junior Olympics was a fantastic day! Over 1,600 students, their families and friends came out to enjoy some friendly competition at Mountain View High School! We look forward to our awards ceremony and slideshow on Friday, May 22 at 1:45 pm. Parents are welcome to join! Pictures Needed Please post pictures here so that we can have an awesome slideshow and if you are feeling particularly creative, we'd love someone to actually create the slide show :) Please let me know - e-mail Lost something at JO? Please send e-mail to Suggestions and feedback? We always appreciate hearing from you on ways to improve this event. Please send e-mail to a fun group of people to work with for a truly fun event. Members welcome! Thank you, thank you, thank you! So many people are needed every year the make this event happen: PE specialists, LASD personnel, MVLA personnel, parents, high school students, middle school students, as well as our very own 4-6 participants. We would like to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to the following people in our community who went over and above to make the 55th Junior Olympics a spectacular event! We could not do it without YOU!: Matt Abrahams, Suzy Allison, Timo Allison, Sue Boennighausen, Wendy Boufford, Kathleen Smiley, Steve Smiley, Suzanne Kasso, Kathryn Han, Jennifer Townhill, Rich Townhill, Stuart Sweet, Chester Te, Owen Brydon, Angie Kim Harrison, Marjorie Hondl, Chris Wilson, Fred Fry, Ed Gonzalez, Hiep Nguyen, Michelle Staufenbiel, James Murdock, Aaron Santillan, Valeria Carty, Marianne Mahoney, Kathleen Smiley, Suzette Anderson, Judith Kau, Kristi Snapp, Sheetal Bagai, Irina Bublik, Saori O'Reilly, Yasmin Braun, Kathi Donnelly, Kyle Harrison, Alison Sayar, Laura Kerestezachi, Gabriella Bradley, Georgia Markarian, Sandi Elefant, Sonia Brunner, Marlena Leong, Sri Dharmasanam, Jeff Bernhardt, Dan Nero, Kim Nero, Dan Fischer, Taslim Janmohamed, James Reilly, Tricia Clark, Guy Colpitts, Tim LeBaron, Shivani Gupta, Lauren Hasenhuttl, John Crawford, Nancy Morimoto, Christopher Drake, Amy Byrne, Zhuang Sun, Vanessa Werth, Crysta Krames, Jonathan Hale, Ken Leong, Ian Loughran, Charlie Tritschler, Tom Parsons, Tie Kim, Jim Cairns, Grace Kim, Chad Starkey, Shaun Donnelly, J.D. Lyon, Katherine Lyon, Susan Moran Arangio, Sangeeth Peruri, Fionnuala Loughran, Carolyn LeBaron, Sarah Anderson, Sara Colpitts, Suzette Anderson, Jessica McDowell, Deborah Tolomeo, Elaine Chen Nguyen, Katherine Han, Stella Kister, Megan Chang, Catherine Clark, May Cheung, Sharon Wei, Takako Yanase, Lee Lucca, Lori Parsons, Eda Cano, Lisa Aronovitz, Deborah Tolomeo, Kasey Saltzman, Lori Parsons, Christie Wilson, Cubby Ng, Davida Ewan, Ivette Loredo, Elizabeth Pande, Alistair McGrath, Olivia Cairns, Lisa Schuder, Cynthia Dinh, Sophie Wang, Olga Pichkova, Xin Wang, Arezou Bahman, Neal Maeyama And special thanks to Mr. Heeb our amazing PE teacher and to our 4-6th grade teachers and principal. Want to help plan the fun in 2016? Please send e-mail to and join the very fun crew - Louanne Gonzalez, Mara Starkey, Valerie Cairns and Jen Springer - and the other district members. This is truly Signing off for 2015! Your JO Covington Committee Laura Torres Mara Starkey Louanne Gonzalez Jen Springer Valerie Cairns |
LIBRARY END-OF-YEAR RAPIDLY APPROACHING : It’s been a wonderful year in the library, but all good things must come to an end. All books will be due when students visit the library for their last library class and no later than May 22, the Friday before the Memorial Day Weekend. Parents, please help your students keep track of their books and return them on time. Books may be returned to book return carts in most classrooms, brought directly to the library, or dropped off in the book return box in the school office.- Maureen Drobot, Thank you to all who contributed to the Birthday Book Club!: Donations to the Birthday Book Club make a significant contribution to our library pleasure reading collection. With the recognition of May birthdays and kindergarten summer birthdays, our library will soon have 339 new hardcover books added to our shelves for the enjoyment of all of our students. These books include picture books, easy readers, popular series for our emerging readers, chapter books for older readers, and high interest narrative nonfiction. Hats off to you and thank you! - Maureen Drobot, Covington Library |
Student Council News |
Hello, parents! As you probably already know, Nepal was recently hit with a devastating earthquake. The Covington School student council officers have chosen this as their final philanthropic venture for the school year. If you have any funds available to donate, please send them into your child’s classroom teacher. Here are the details: Funds will be raised from Monday, May 4 - Friday, May 22 You may donate either through the school, or through the Oxfam website Checks can be made out to “Covington School”. Cash is preferred over coins. Thank you in advance for your consideration! Sincerely, The Covington School Student Council |
Last Homework Club |
Notice to Parents of Homework Club Attendees: The last day of Homework Club is Thursday May 14th. Thank you to all of our homework club teachers for providing this great resource for students! |
Nurse Message |
Students currently in 6th grade must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin 7th grade in August of 2015. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your current school office as soon as possible. |
LAEF: We still need to raise $116,587 for 2014-15 LAEF presented a $2.855M check to LASD at Junior Olympics, but we are still $116,587 short to fully fund every K-8 student's enrichment this year.Please donate today or request a match from your company to pay for the programs your child has enjoyed THIS current year, including STEM, PE, art, library, music and smaller class sizes in K-3. We strive for 100% participation from our families, and it’s not too late to give. Please donate at or drop a check in our school’s office this week. |
School & Community News |
Please join us for LASD EdTalks: Haiku Learning Management System Friday, May 8, 9:00– 10:30am, iLearn Studio 201 Covington Road Los Altos RSVP through Eventbrite In the LASD we are on a path to revolutionize learning for all students. Building on our history of excellence, our goal is to inspire passion in students for their own learning. We now have a tool at our fingertips to coordinate this teamwork: a learning management system called Haiku. This tool will accelerate the achievement of our goals to provide regular, actionable feedback on student progress through a simple communication process. Within Haiku, we will strengthen our professional learning networks, as well as understand more about what our students know so that we can better meet their needs. Learn more here: CUB SCOUT PICNIC – Join Cub Scouts Meet Pack 76 Cub Scouts and their families to learn more about Cub Scouting at our annual Informational Picnic. When: Friday, May 15, 5-7pm Where: Shoup Park (400 University Ave, just south of Burke Rd), Los Altos What: Food, Beverages, and Fun provided. Who: Any boys in K-4th grade thinking of joining Cub Scouts + a parent For more information: Lauren Hasenhuttl, Pack 76 Committee Chair ( School & Community News now found via Peachjar:®ion=54001 |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
April 28, 2015 |
Principal’s Message |
Dear Covington Families, Junior Olympics Saturday, April 25th from 8:00am-4:00pm This annual, fun-filled, all inclusive, inter-school track meet celebrates over 50 years of physical education in Los Altos School District. Fourth, fifth, and sixth graders from all seven district elementary schools compete in both traditional and nontraditional track and field events. I love the Junior Olympics. It gives our students a chance to experience team spirit and camaraderie together while participating in athletic events. I am looking forward to cheering on our Covington students this Saturday. See you all in ORANGE this Saturday at Mountain View High. At the Junior Olympics, LAEF will make its grant to LASD to fund this year’s STEM, PE, Art, Library and Music programs, in addition to smaller class sizes in K-3. LAEF serves every one of our students and that is why giving to LAEF is all about participation. To reach its $3.3M goal, LAEF needs 30 more families from our school to donate by April 24th. Please give today at
Important Dates |
April 25 - LASD Jr. Olympics May 8 - LASD Film Festival May 15th - 6th Grade Girls Basketball Tournament May 18 - Dine Out for Covington @ Pasta Market May 29th - 6th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament |
PTA News |
IMPORTANT YEARBOOK INFORMATION ● If you would like to receive a yearbook, please have your order in by FRIDAY, APRIL 24TH to TreeRing. Here is the link and other information you need to submit your order: PASSCODE: 1013595707721745 ● Parent Editors are needed for the following teachers: Foster, Nero, Cashen, Scatena, Santos, Kibble, Mase, Croft, Radford, Kingman, Schwartzman, Kephart and Green. If I do not have a volunteer for the class then they will NOT have a collage page and will have just the class photo page. ● If you are interested in putting together a one page photo collage, please sign up on the attached Google Doc ● 3. PICTURES! Please upload any photos that you have taken throughout the school year that showcase Covington Spirit. I need as many pictures as possible to use for the front and back covers and filler pages in the yearbook. ● Here is the Google Drive to upload them to: Have any questions, please feel free to contact Christine Thank You! SIP N SWAP: We have a few spots left for the Sip 'n Swap: an evening of fun and fashion! Date/Time: 5/7/2015 Time: 6:00pm Location: University Club of Palo Alto Price: $40 per person. Looking for some fine new fashion items and a chance to clean out your closet? Join us for a ladies only get together to sip on wine and swap your new or pre-loved clothes, shoes, handbags, jewelry and accessories that you no longer need (but are in good condition) and swap them for other great items. Bring your fashionable items to swap and leave your inhibitions behind! We’ll supply appetizers, a changing area, and wine to sip! Please email Lara Sullivan at if you would like to attend. 2nd Annual Covington Ninja Warrior Tournament. May 3 at 4PM at Peruri Household. Last year we had 30 adults, 30 kids and 30 obstacles. Event is almost sold out. Email to sign up. |
Dear 4th, 5th and 6th grade parents:
Junior Olympics is here!! This Saturday 8-4pm We hope you are as excited as us! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! I realize we ask so much of you and it's the end of the year so you are tired of hearing the call for volunteers, but we need your help. I've been volunteering for this event for several years and this is the lowest volunteer participation we've had. Please do your best to help. REMINDERS T-Shirts: Wear JO t-shirts on Friday for the Pep Rally and again on Saturday at the Jr. Olympics. 1320 Participants: Arrive between 7:30am and 7:45am. Please see map map to find starting line and to understand the course. 6th Grade Band: Arrive with instruments to band staging area near track entrance by 8:30am. Plan a place to drop your instrument with your parent after opening ceremonies are over. Opening Ceremonies: Arrive between 8:30am and 8:45am to walk with Covington in the opening ceremonies. Gather on grass near track entrance. All 4,5,6 grade students and teachers are welcome! Schedule: See schedule here: NOTE: 5th grade boys will have a very quick turnaround between the dash prelims and the dash finals. Results: Results will post online at and on the fence ASAP after events are finished. MORE DETAILS: For additional details see this packet or check out Go Coyotes! Laura, Mara, Louanne, Valerie, Jen |
Every dollar donated to LAEF by 4.24.15 will be matched! LAEF will be making our 2014-15 grant to LASD at Junior Olympics this Saturday, April 25th to honor our commitment to fund STEM, PE, art, library, music and smaller class sizes in K-3, benefitting every elementary student this year. We strive for 100% participation from our families and that’s why we are pleased to announce that every dollar you give between now and April 24th will be matched up to $10,000 by four families who are encouraging every LASD family to contribute this year. Please join Kathy Chi & Felix Lin, Becky & Mark Fuchs, Raashina Humayun & Vishal Gauri and Nicole Von Kaenel & Baris Cetinok by donating online to LAEF at or by dropping a check in our school’s office this week. You will help to ensure LAEF can fully fund your child’s educational enrichment this year. Thank you! The Great Grizzly Run was Fun! A special thank you to the Gardner Bullis PTA and so many LASD families for coming out to “run from the bear” to support LAEF. We had beautiful weather to accompany a wonderful community spirit of philanthropy. |
School & Community News |
CUB SCOUT PICNIC – Join Cub Scouts Meet Pack 76 Cub Scouts and their families to learn more about Cub Scouting at our annual Informational Picnic. When: Friday, May 15, 5-7pm Where: Shoup Park (400 University Ave, just south of Burke Rd), Los Altos What: Food, Beverages, and Fun provided. Who: Any boys in K-4th grade thinking of joining Cub Scouts + a parent For more information: Lauren Hasenhuttl, Pack 76 Committee Chair ( School & Community News now found via Peachjar:®ion=54001 |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
April 21, 2015 |
Principal’s Message |
Dear Covington Families, Junior Olympics Saturday, April 25th from 8:00am-4:00pm This annual, fun-filled, all inclusive, inter-school track meet celebrates over 50 years of physical education in Los Altos School District. Fourth, fifth, and sixth graders from all seven district elementary schools compete in both traditional and nontraditional track and field events. I love the Junior Olympics. It gives our students a chance to experience team spirit and camaraderie together while participating in athletic events. I am looking forward to cheering on our Covington students this Saturday. See you all in ORANGE this Saturday at Mountain View High. At the Junior Olympics, LAEF will make its grant to LASD to fund this year’s STEM, PE, Art, Library and Music programs, in addition to smaller class sizes in K-3. LAEF serves every one of our students and that is why giving to LAEF is all about participation. To reach its $3.3M goal, LAEF needs 30 more families from our school to donate by April 24th. Please give today at Enjoy the week! Raquel Matteroli, Interim Principal |
Important Dates |
April 25 - LASD Jr. Olympics May 8 - LASD Film Festival May 15th - 6th Grade Girls Basketball Tournament May 18 - Dine Out for Covington @ Pasta Market May 29th - 6th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament |
PTA News |
IMPORTANT YEARBOOK INFORMATION ● If you would like to receive a yearbook, please have your order in by FRIDAY, APRIL 24TH to TreeRing. Here is the link and other information you need to submit your order: PASSCODE: 1013595707721745 ● Parent Editors are needed for the following teachers: Foster, Nero, Cashen, Scatena, Santos, Kibble, Mase, Croft, Radford, Kingman, Schwartzman, Kephart and Green. If I do not have a volunteer for the class then they will NOT have a collage page and will have just the class photo page. ● If you are interested in putting together a one page photo collage, please sign up on the attached Google Doc ● 3. PICTURES! Please upload any photos that you have taken throughout the school year that showcase Covington Spirit. I need as many pictures as possible to use for the front and back covers and filler pages in the yearbook. ● Here is the Google Drive to upload them to: Have any questions, please feel free to contact Christine Wedner Thank You! SIP N SWAP: We have a few spots left for the Sip 'n Swap: an evening of fun and fashion! Date/Time: 5/7/2015 Time: 6:00pm Location: University Club of Palo Alto Price: $40 per person. Looking for some fine new fashion items and a chance to clean out your closet? Join us for a ladies only get together to sip on wine and swap your new or pre-loved clothes, shoes, handbags, jewelry and accessories that you no longer need (but are in good condition) and swap them for other great items. Bring your fashionable items to swap and leave your inhibitions behind! We’ll supply appetizers, a changing area, and wine to sip! Please email Lara Sullivan at if you would like to attend. 2nd Annual Covington Ninja Warrior Tournament. May 3 at 4PM at Peruri Household. Last year we had 30 adults, 30 kids and 30 obstacles. Event is almost sold out. Email to sign up. |
Dear 4th, 5th and 6th grade parents: Junior Olympics is here!! This Saturday 8-4pm We hope you are as excited as us! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! I realize we ask so much of you and it's the end of the year so you are tired of hearing the call for volunteers, but we need your help. I've been volunteering for this event for several years and this is the lowest volunteer participation we've had. Please do your best to help. REMINDERS T-Shirts: Wear JO t-shirts on Friday for the Pep Rally and again on Saturday at the Jr. Olympics. 1320 Participants: Arrive between 7:30am and 7:45am. Please see map map to find starting line and to understand the course. 6th Grade Band: Arrive with instruments to band staging area near track entrance by 8:30am. Plan a place to drop your instrument with your parent after opening ceremonies are over. Opening Ceremonies: Arrive between 8:30am and 8:45am to walk with Covington in the opening ceremonies. Gather on grass near track entrance. All 4,5,6 grade students and teachers are welcome! Schedule: See schedule here: NOTE: 5th grade boys will have a very quick turnaround between the dash prelims and the dash finals. Results: Results will post online at and on the fence ASAP after events are finished. MORE DETAILS: For additional details see this packet or check out Go Coyotes! Laura, Mara, Louanne, Valerie, Jen |
Every dollar donated to LAEF by 4.24.15 will be matched! LAEF will be making our 2014-15 grant to LASD at Junior Olympics this Saturday, April 25th to honor our commitment to fund STEM, PE, art, library, music and smaller class sizes in K-3, benefitting every elementary student this year. We strive for 100% participation from our families and that’s why we are pleased to announce that every dollar you give between now and April 24th will be matched up to $10,000 by four families who are encouraging every LASD family to contribute this year. Please join Kathy Chi & Felix Lin, Becky & Mark Fuchs, Raashina Humayun & Vishal Gauri and Nicole Von Kaenel & Baris Cetinok by donating online to LAEF at or by dropping a check in our school’s office this week. You will help to ensure LAEF can fully fund your child’s educational enrichment this year. Thank you! The Great Grizzly Run was Fun! A special thank you to the Gardner Bullis PTA and so many LASD families for coming out to “run from the bear” to support LAEF. We had beautiful weather to accompany a wonderful community spirit of philanthropy. |
School & Community News |
CUB SCOUT PICNIC – Join Cub Scouts Meet Pack 76 Cub Scouts and their families to learn more about Cub Scouting at our annual Informational Picnic. When: Friday, May 15, 5-7pm Where: Shoup Park (400 University Ave, just south of Burke Rd), Los Altos What: Food, Beverages, and Fun provided. Who: Any boys in K-4th grade thinking of joining Cub Scouts + a parent For more information: Lauren Hasenhuttl, Pack 76 Committee Chair ( School & Community News now found via Peachjar:®ion=54001 |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
April 14, 2015 |
Principal's Message |
Dear Covington Families,
2015-2016 Staffing plans... Staffing plans are currently being made for the 2015-2016 school year. Each year there are a few staff adjustments in teaching assignments due to postings within LASD, and other various reasons. As soon as plans are finalized, I will share our 2015-2016 staffing list with you. As we look forward to next year, our staff will continue our commitment to building balanced classes. Research indicates that achievement is higher in classrooms that have healthy dynamics. We seek to develop the best possible dynamics in EVERY classroom. This includes balancing classes by gender, personality types, social needs, cognitive skills, and English language needs so that all students have an equal opportunity to learn, be challenged and develop into their full potential. Teachers, administrators and specialists follow a systematic process to ensure each child is placed in the best possible learning environment for his/ her success. If you feel your child has specific needs that we may not be aware of, please stop by the office and complete a parent input form. Forms are available in the office from May 5th-May 20th. Thank you ahead of time for not requesting a specific teacher by name. I appreciate your support and look forward to sharing our staffing assignments with you in the near future SBAC testing... This spring our students in grades 3-6 will participate in the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium California state testing (SBAC). The SBAC replaces the STAR test many of you may remember from past years. The test is completely online for English-Language Arts and Math, while the California Standards Test (CST) in Science will still be administered in paper/pencil format to 5th and 8th graders across the state, including here in LASD. Our students in grades 3-6 last year took the pilot version of this test. We did not receive any results from that test; rather, it was to help us understand how the online test environment would function and what infrastructure we would need to support online testing. This year both parents and the school/ district will receive test results. Since the testing format is very different from the previous STAR test, it will take time to analyze and understand the information we receive. For example, the STAR was all multiple choice. The new SBAC testing has extensive open response questions, writing, math problem-solving (not choosing answers from a list), and performance tasks that build off a classroom activity prior to the test. In short, it is a much better test — though not perfect by any means. Teachers have begun providing practice for students in how to access the test online and operate within the online testing environment. However, our job as educators (and yours as parents) is NOT to prep students for this test. Our job is to provide practice within the testing environment, while also delivering 180 days of quality, robust instruction that will allow our students to demonstrate their knowledge, competence and passion in a variety of ways — including this assessment tool. The SBAC testing window opens for us beginning on April 20th and ends on May 8th. Testing dates vary according to grade level. Teachers will be sharing their testing dates with families for each class.
Enjoy the week! |
Important Dates |
April 17 - PTA Meeting 8:30am April 18 & 19 - PTA After-School Play - The Wiz April 20 - Dine Out for Covington @ Chef Chus April 25 - LASD Jr. Olympics May 8 - LASD Film Festival May 15th - 6th Grade Girls Basketball Tournament May 18 - Dine Out for Covington @ Pasta Market May 29th - 6th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament |
PTA News |
PTA MEETING: There is PTA Meeting this Friday morning after morning assembly in the Staff Room. This week we will be discussing and voting on amending this year's budget to pay for pseudo-capital improvements to the school grounds this summer in addition to normal PTA business.
TRAFFIC SAFETY: Below is a graphic showing the drop off and pick up rules at Covington. Please review it to refresh your recollection and keep our children safe!
SIP N SWAP: We have a few spots left for the Sip 'n Swap: an evening of fun and fashion! Date/Time: 5/7/2015 Time: 6:00pm Location: University Club of Palo Alto Price: $40 per person. Looking for some fine new fashion items and a chance to clean out your closet? Join us for a ladies only get together to sip on wine and swap your new or pre-loved clothes, shoes, handbags, jewelry and accessories that you no longer need (but are in good condition) and swap them for other great items. Bring your fashionable items to swap and leave your inhibitions behind! We'll supply appetizers, a changing area, and wine to sip! Please email Lara Sullivan at if you would like to attend.
2nd Annual Covington Ninja Warrior Tournament. May 3 at 4PM at Peruri Household. Last year we had 30 adults, 30 kids and 30 obstacles. Event is almost sold out. Email to sign up.
The WIZ this weekend. Saturday April 18th at 7 pm and Sunday April 19th at 3 pm. Congratulations to all the performers and best wishes for two successful shows! Dine out For Covington: Get your chopsticks ready! On Monday, April 20th Chef Chu's will donate 15% of all proceeds from Covington supporters to our PTA. Dine in or order take out. Flyers are required (attached). Chef Chu's is located at the corner of El Camino Real and San Antonio at 1067 N. San Antonio Road. (650) 948-2696. |
Dear 4/5/6 grade parents, JO is getting close- less than 2 weeks away. Saturday April 25, 8am - 4pm Please read the following information... PERMISSION SLIPS/EVENT ATTENDANCE: Every 4, 5, 6 grade parent is asked to confirm their student's attendance or absence. We are still missing many permission slips. We can not allow a child to participate without a signed permission slip! Download, print, sign and return this form and drop it off in the JO box in the office or have your child give it to their teacher: En Espanol:
EVENT SELECTIONS: Students are finalizing their event selections in PE. Parents will receive a print out with their children's events next week as well as other important details about Junior Olympics.
T-SHIRTS: Shirts will arrive to classrooms next week. Students should wear them on April 24th to Covington's Morning assembly pep rally as well as to Junior Olympics (a shirt is required to participate)
VOLUNTEERS - WE NEED YOUR HELP! Many volunteers are needed for Junior Olympics day: Baked goods, food sales, set up, clean up, basketball counting, hospitality booth, and Covington booth. Please sign up for a shift here:
EVENT DAY MAP AND SCHEDULE: The JO Schedule and Map are online at 1320 begins at 8am participants should arrive no later than 7:45am Opening Ceremonies are at 9am.
RELAYS: Coaches please remember to observe the practice guidelines - more details can be found at
NOT TOO LATE: 20% off running shoes at On Your Mark on Main Street in Los Altos through April 25th. Let them know you are a JO participant!
QUESTIONS: Info is available at<>
Contact Covington JO Chairs at
Thanks, Laura, Mara, Louanne, Jen, Valerie |
LAEF's in the final stretch – every dollar counts! There are just two weeks until LAEF makes its 2014-15 grant to LASD at Junior Olympics on April 25. With $206,504 to raise between now and then, every dollar you give will help! Did you know that if 30 more families gave at each school we would reach our goal? Your gift to LAEF directly benefits your child this current school year by funding STEM, PE, art, library, music and smaller class sizes for grades K through 6. Give online today at or bring a check to the school office this week. Great Grizzly Run is this Saturday, April 18th We're looking forward to seeing all LASD families at Gardner Bullis for their annual 5K benefitting LAEF. It's easy to register on Registration will also be available the morning of the run starting at 8 AM. The run begins promptly at 9 AM at the front of the school. The fire department will be there to greet everyone too. All welcome, including siblings older and younger, strollers, grandparents and pets and more! |
School & Community News |
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:®ion=54001 |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
THIS FRIDAY 4/3 is a Minimum Day. All STUDENTS attend from 8:30am-12:15PM. No Regular Afterschool Programs. LUNCH IS TO GO -- Please pick your children up promptly. And remember, next week is Spring Break, no school from April 6-10th. SPECIAL GUEST! We will be holding a special outside assembly this Friday beginning at 12:00pm. Guest presenter Senator Jerry Hill will be congratulating the Covington student body and staff on being chosen as a California Distinguished School. Parents are welcome to join us for this special event! |
Covington School Howler March 31, 2015 |
Principal’s Message |
Dear Covington Families,
Spring has sprung! With the transition to Spring happening all around us (everything is in bloom!) there is much to celebrate. Last Saturday was the Covington auction, “Bombay Dreams” which was a magical night. There were many parents and teachers in attendance to support Covington students and the programs that we could not realize without the help of our special community. Thank you to all who volunteered their time and effort to create such a wonderful evening! Last week was also the Covington STEM Expo. We had many individuals, teams of students and classrooms submit projects for display in the multi. The projects truly were a manifestation of students’ creativity, passion, hard work and perseverance. A huge thank you to our STEM teacher, Katie Farley, for all of the hours of coordination, attention and care she put in to make the STEM Expo a success for students! Looking to this week we have two important events to highlight. This Thursday is Covington’s Open House or “Celebration of Learning” where students will have the opportunity to share some of the amazing learning occurring in the classroom. Please join us in your child’s classroom from 6-7pm. The Student Art Show, sponsored by the Los Altos Art Docents, will also be taking place in the Covington multi that night, beginning at 6:00pm. I’ve seen a preview of some of the art pieces and they are breathtaking. Don’t forget to stop by the multi that night! A big thank you to LAEF! And I would like to share that this week is staff appreciation week. We have amazing educators at Covington in many different roles, wearing many different hats. We appreciate all they do every day for our students! Thank you! Enjoy the week! Raquel Matteroli, Interim Principal |
Important Dates |
April 2 - Open House & Art Show April 3 - Minimum Day, pick up students at 12:15pm April 6-10 - Spring Break April 18 & 19 - PTA After-school Play - The Wiz April 20 - Dine Out for Covington @ Chef Chus April 25 - LASD Jr. Olympics May 8 - LASD Film Festival May 18 - Dine Out for Covington @ Pasta Market |
Lost & Found |
Hurry and pick up your items left behind. Anything left on the Lost & Found rack during Spring Break will be donated to Charity. |
Junior Olympic Update - Important Information Dear 4,5,6 parents, Junior Olympics is getting closer — Sat. April 25! Permission Slip/Attendance Confirmation Every 4, 5, 6 grade parent is asked to confirm their student's attendance or absence. We must have this information with signed permission slips by Friday, April 3, 2015 - before you leave for Spring break! Download, print, sign and return this form:
En Espanol:
Event Selection Students are selecting their three Junior Olympic events this week. They will be asked during PE by our parent volunteers. Students will be sent home with a print out confirming these events the week prior to Junior Olympics.
Training Update Mr. Heeb could use some help out there!! Sign up here: Volunteers needed on day of JO Pulling off a successful JO event requires active participation and volunteering by parents. Please do what you can to help out. Sign up sheet is now posted. Sign up early to get the spot that works best for you. We can't do this without your help. More Details Many more details about Junior Olympics day will be communicated in the coming weeks in an information packet. 6th grade band students are invited to play in Opening Ceremonies. T-shirts will also be sent the week prior to Junior Olympics For further information check or contact the JO chairs,
Please also remember to remind your child to come dressed appropriately for PE so they can train. Need new shoes for training? On Your Mark is offering a 20% discount for JO. Please support our local sponsors!
Go Coyotes!
Covington JO Committee Laura Torres Mara Starkey Louanne Gonzalez Valerie Cairns Jen Springer |
Library News |
Friday, April 3, is the deadline to place orders for signed copies of books by visiting author Andy Griffiths
Lower elementary students will be attending an assembly after Spring Break featuring Australian children’s author Andy Griffiths who will be promoting the latest book in his Treehouse series. A highlight for many students after an author assembly is the chance to personally meet the author as their pre-ordered books are being signed.
To take advantage of this opportunity, pre-order forms to purchase any of the three books in this new series need to be returned by Friday, April 3. If you missed seeing the form sent home by your child’s classroom teacher, additional copies are available here:
Maureen Drobot, Covington Library Lori Parsons, PTA Author Visit Chair |
PTA News |
AUCTION ITEMS STILL AVAILABLE: For those who were not able to attend the auction or those who missed their chance to bid on silent items - there are still some items left! If you would like to bid, please notate in the Bid Amount the MOST you want to pay for the item and the auction committee will notate that on the bid sheet. Available Items: Bidding Document: MATH CIRCLE: Bullis Charter School and Covington Elementary School will be jointly hosting a Math Circle, April 17, from 6 to 8 pm on the Bullis Charter School campus on 102 W. Portola Avenue. If you want a joyful, inspiring, and intriguing math experience for your child, please join us for our fun Math Circle evening. If you would like to attend, please rsvp via EventBrite. Seating is limited. If you can help volunteer during the evening, please sign up here: The WIZ "paperless" Tickets. The Wiz performances: Saturday April 18th at 7 pm and Sunday April 19th at 3 pm. Tickets are paperless and are $10 each for general admission (first come first serve seating). There will be a list of names at the door for entry. Tickets are available for purchase by filling out the Ticket Order Form in the WIZ box in the office. Please include payment (cash or check made payable to Covington PTA).Please contact Arezou with any questions. |
6th grade Basketball - Save the Date |
Bob Celeste "Everyone Plays" 6th Grade Basketball Tournament May 15th Girls Tournament May 29th Boys Tournament Location: Egan Time: 3:30p-8:30p More Information to Follow Soon. |
Did you Know?...LAEF funds Physical Education Specialists for Kindergarten - 6th graders Your LAEF contributions fund PE for all Kindergarten through 6th grade students. PE specialists teach one lesson a week to Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd graders, and two lessons a week to 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th graders. The PE program provides age appropriate gross motor skills, encourages teamwork and healthy living, and inspires a life-long love for physical activities. Your LAEF contributions also make possible the very special tradition of Junior Olympics. Make plans to cheer on our upper grade student athletes on Saturday, April 25 at Mountain View High School, and please continue to support PE with your donations to LAEF! If you have already donated to LAEF, we appreciate your support. If you have not, please donate before April 24th to assure that our PE is fully funded for this school year. LAEF strives for 100% participation from our LASD families. |
School & Community News |
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:®ion=54001 |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
THIS THURSDAY 3/19 is a Minimum Day. All STUDENTS attend from 8:30am-12:15PM. No Homework Club. LUNCH IS TO GO -- Please pick your children up promptly. |
Covington School Howler March 17, 2015 |
Principal’s Message |
Dear Covington Families,
Learning Management Systems Allow Powerful Training Programs to be delivered on the Go Nearly a billion-dollar industry, LMS products and software allows organizations to develop intelligent electronic coursework; and deliver it with unmatched reach and flexibility. It provides the users the ability to manage its continued use over time. An LMS offers an incredible balance between functionality and ease-of-use. It provides an easy, simple yet modern user interface. The LMS has become a powerful tool for consulting companies that specialize in staffing and training, extension schools, and any organization looking to obtain a better grasp on the continuing education of its workforce. Its impact has been felt mostly outside traditional education institutions, though the same technological and market forces are dramatically changing today's classroom as well. Below is a quick evaluation of some of the common aspects of the LMS industry, a few of its strengths and limitations, and a peek at what the future holds. Components of an LMS There is no standard industry definition or published standard defining the components of an LMS, but several features are common:
Enjoy the week!
Raquel Matteroli |
Important Dates |
Mar. 18 & 20 - New Parent Tours @ Egan |
Covington PTA Auction |
Help raise money for Covington while enjoying our community's biggest party of the year. Come dine, drink and dance with us! For Covington School Bombay Dreams Night Fundraiser, we invite all party goers to visit Maitri's sustainable, high-end boutique in Sunnyvale featuring new & gently used South Asian party wear and accessories for women, men, and children for sale at very competitive prices. All net proceeds fund the economic empowerment at Maitri. Support us to empower the survivors of abuse. The store is located at 1214 Apollo Way, Suite 401, Sunnyvale, CA 94085 & its hours are Wed – Sat: 11 am to 7 PM; Sun: 12 PM to 6 PM, & Mon and Tue closed. Our phone number at the boutique is (408) 400-7400. |
Important dates: |
Visiting Author in April |
PTA News |
PTA Minimum Day Activities: There is a minimum day on March 19th and we have a few parties lined up for after-school dismissal. If you are interested in signing your child up, send an email to Here is the link to the parties available and their timings:
Make checks payable to Covington PTA dropped off at school office in the PTA Box. Kids going to minimum day parties typically bring lunch from home on the day of the party, eat their lunch immediately after school dismissal at the 2nd grade table area, and then they are walked over to their respective parties after checking them in. PTA parent volunteers provide supervision at lunch. Contact for more questions. Thanks! |
After School Enrichment and Summer Camp Information |
New sessions of after-school enrichment classes are now available for registration: |
Did you Know?...LAEF funds STEM for K-6th graders This year, the LAEF Innovation Grant includes funding for a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) lab and a dedicated teacher at each elementary school. STEM teachers offer opportunities for special class projects, provide grade level support, and hold very popular lunch club activities for students. LASD parent input and financial support have made this exciting program possible. This month, all LASD elementary schools will be hosting LAEF sponsored STEM Expos. Students in Kindergarten through sixth grade will participate and showcase their work; designing hands-on STEM projects and exploring just how fun STEM can be! Thank you for supporting the STEM program with your LAEF donations. LAEF will be making it's Grant to LASD at Junior Olympics on April 25th. Please give now to make sure your child's enrichment programs are fully funded. |
School & Community News |
LASD EdTalks Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
Covington School Howler March 10, 2015 |
Principal’s Message |
Dear Covington Families, Electronic Report cards go out this week! The 2nd Trimester has come to a close and report cards will be delivered this Friday, March 13th in a new way. Instead of your child bringing home a paper report card, you will receive an email with the report card attached as a PDF. Blach Junior High has sent their report cards out as an email for the last year, so we are now extending this process to the elementary schools. The advantages to parents receiving the report card via email are many; from saving paper and copying costs to parents being able to store their child's reports electronically. If you wish to also have a paper copy, please contact the office and we will be happy to provide one. At the end of the school year, we will include a paper copy of the report card in each student's cumulative file- as we always have done. Since this is a new process, I ask for your patience (and feedback!) if there are any glitches. Thank you! Open House: Celebration of Learning- SAVE THE DATE! This year we will be opening our doors to students and parents earlier in the year for Open House, newly coined as a "Celebration of Learning." In the past, this event has taken place in May but this year please join us in celebrating the accomplishments of your child on April 2nd. The Covington teachers are still working on this new format for Open House so times are still to be determined. Watch out in the weeks to come for more details.
Raquel Matteroli |
Important Dates |
Mar. 13 - School Spirit Day: Wear Green |
Covington PTA Auction |
Help raise money for Covington while enjoying our community's biggest party of the year. Come dine, drink and dance with us! |
Important dates:
April 25th - LASD Junior Olympics! |
Hearing Screening |
The District Nurses & Health Assistants will be doing Hearing Screening at Covington School for all Kindergarten, 2nd, 5th, and Special Day Classes on Friday March 13, 2015. If your child has a known hearing loss, please notify Health Services Staff the day before the screening: The nurse will mail a referral form and call the parents of students who do not pass the Hearing Screening. |
Employment Opportunity |
NURSE NEEDED: The Los Altos School District needs Registered Nurse substitute(s). Must be available on short notice. Approximate times needed are minimum of three hours, 9:30am-12:30pm. Job will entail covering snack & lunch time to supervise students with type 1 diabetes blood sugar levels and insulin administration; both injection and insulin pump. Monday-Friday. To apply, call Marlene Revelo 650-947-1153. |
Sixth Grade Immunization Requirement |
Pertussis Booster for Students in grade 6
PTA News |
PTA Meeting this Friday: Join us at 8:30am in the Staff Room after the Flag Assembly for our monthly PTA meeting/principal coffee.
Make checks payable to Covington PTA dropped off at school office in the PTA Box.
Kids going to minimum day parties typically bring lunch from home on the day of the party, eat their lunch immediately after school dismissal and then they are walked over to their respective parties after checking them in. Contact for more questions. Thanks!
After School Enrichment and Summer Camp Information |
New sessions of after-school enrichment classes are now available for registration: |
LAEF's 2014-15 Survey now complete. |
School & Community News |
District English Advisory Committee (DELAC) meeting: On March 12th from 5:00-6:00pm in the District Office iLearn Studio, there will be a district-wide meeting about the English Learner program in LASD. On the agenda are the following topics: Information about and Goals of the DELAC, election of officers and input into the District Local Control Accountability Plan process. This is a public meeting and all who are interested are invited to attend. Please contact Raquel Matteroli, Interim Principal at Covington School, at, if you have questions. |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
3/15/25 5:01 AM