Content Row
From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,
Thanksgiving is next week! This holiday gives us the opportunity to take a break from all of our daily routines and spend time with family and friends. Regardless of our ethnic origin or religious affiliation, we can reflect upon all that for which we can be thankful.
Conferences are upon us! November 19 and 20 are designated conference days.
Like all good conversations, parent–teacher conferences are an opportunity for both people to talk and listen. The conference is a time for you to learn about your child’s progress and engagement in school. This should focus on the whole child including academic progress, and also how your child connects with his/her peers and participates in ourschool community. This is also a time for the teacher to learn about what your child is like at home. Be sure to bring a list of questions that you would like to ask the teacher. Follow up after the conference by writing down the things that you and the teacher will each do to support your child. We all look forward to seeing you during these two very important days.
Important Safety Reminders:
The safety of your children is a top priority. Please remember the following school policies:
- Drop children at the curb, not in the middle of the parking lot.
- Use the cross walks and please be courteous to our volunteer traffic duty parents.
- Do not leave your car when in the drop off lane, if you need to get out to walk your child; park in the lot.
- Pick children up promptly upon dismissal; there is no supervision for children after school.
Please join us for our November indoor assembly tomorrow morning after the flag salute. The Coyote Chorus will be singing and Santa Rita students are coming to share information with us about the upcoming annual LASD Film Festival. I wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
Nov. 16, November Indoor Assembly, 8:30am.
Nov. 16 – Pajama Day
Nov. 19-20 – Parent-Teacher Conferences, No School
Nov. 21-23 – Thanksgiving, No School
Dec. 6th – Kindergarten & New Family Information Night, 7pm
Dec 21-Jan. 4 – December Recess
Jan. 30, Jan 31 – Egan Parent Tour
Mar. 16 – Covington Auction “Fashion’s Night Out”
Mar. 27, Mar. 28 – Egan Parent Tour
School News
School Photo Questions/Issues
If you have any questions or issues regarding school photos/ordering, please call Shooting Stars at 800-311-7784 or 415-695-1013.
Lost & Found Is Overflowing
The Lost & Found is overflowing with sweaters and jackets. When you come for conferences next week, please check to see if any of these items belong to your child. Items that are not picked up by next Tuesday, November 20th will be donated to charity.
From the Student Council
Student Council News!
Tomorrow, Friday, November 16, will be Pajama Day! Students can just roll out of bed and come to school in their P.J.'s! Thank you, Coyotes!
From the PTA
We invite you to visit our Scholastic's All Star Book Fair and experience a celebration of reading! November 26 - 30, the Covington Multi will be transformed into an amazing bookstore filled with engaging, fun books. Come browse a large selection that includes teacher and librarian favorites, bestsellers, award-winning literature, exciting new titles,easy readers, fiction, non-fiction, historical novels, classics and much more!!
The Book Fair is one of the PTA’s primary fundraisers: 25% of all proceeds go directly to the PTA to fund technology, music/art, and PE to name but a few.
Hours: Monday, 26th - 12:00 to 3:30; Tuesday, 27th - Friday, 30th - 8:15 to3:30
Parents & Pastries: Tuesday, Nov 27th 8:30am – 10:00am
Family Night: Wednesday, Nov. 28th 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Our Book Fair needs volunteers as well as shoppers! Sign up with a friend, spend some time with our students and faculty, get to know other great Covington parents, and, of course, check out all the awesome books. No experience necessary!
Please sign up through SignUpGenius http://www.
AMAZON SHOPPERS – Make Your Holiday Shopping Count for Covington!
Earn referral fees for Covington on purchases of books, CDs, electronics, toys, and more.It’s EASY and DOESN’T COST YOU ANYTHING! Go to,
Girls On The Run (GOTR) Registration:
We are excited to offer this great program to the 3rd-5th grade girls at Covington this coming spring! GOTR will meet on Monday and Wednesday after school until 4PM, for 10 weeks beginning the week of March 4th. The girls will train for a 5k run/walk event to be held on Saturday, May 18th in Vasona Park, Los Gatos. Registration will be ONLINE ONLY and will open on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1st at 8:00am. Space is limited and girls will be registered on a first come/first serve basis. Check out for more information or contact Covington head coach, Suzy Allison (
Family Giving Tree
Covington has signed up with Family Giving Tree to fulfill Holiday Wishes in and around bay area for 2012! The wish cards are posted in all the classrooms and in front of the office and at the staff room. Feel free to pick a wish- card and drop off an unwrapped gift with the wish card securely attached, in the huge box up in front of the office. Also, this year we have a virtual giving tree set up for all those who would rather do it online. Here is a link to the virtual giving tree-
The 4th grade Junior Girl Scouts are participating in an Adopt-A-Family program this year. Please help us raise money to provide a nice dinner and presents for low income families this holiday season. Starting today, you can make donations in the office in the “Adopt-a-Family” box. The deadline is Friday Nov. 16th. Please help us support this cause by donating. Thank you Covington!
Coyote Pack News
Get ready to run with The Pack! Sunny days ahead means The Pack will run at lunch this Friday!
We've designed Coyote Pack Run Club t-shirts for all of our runners to wear to school and at local runningevents! We plan to distribute the t-shirts in time for the New Year's Day Fun Run 5k in downtown Los Altos. Imagine the sight...a hundred Covington runners sporting their run club t-shirts at this great community event! Theevent is free; no registration required...more info about the New Years Day 5k in The Howler in December. WE NEED YOUR HELP!! If your business would like corporate sponsorship (& add your company logo on our run club t-shirts!!) please contact Jen Roy McGuigan ( before November 30th.
From Los Altos School District
Follow this link for the School & Community News
For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.
From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,
Homework Center Open for Students!
Our Homework Center opened this week and will be operating each week on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. We have plenty of openings, so if you are interested, please email our school secretary, Susan Evard and she can help you register.
Students eat their snacks outside the libraryprior to entering the club. Homework Club will be open from 2:45-3:40. Our Homework Club teachers will be walking all students up to the 6th grade tables by 3:45 each day. Thank you ahead of time for picking up your students promptly!
Mondays Mrs. Portillo & Mrs. Sitler
Tuesdays Ms. Hedlund and TBD
Thursdays Mrs. Amsden and Mrs. Kingman
Sixth Graders at Walden West!
The Gardner Bullis principal and I were able to have lunch with and visit our 6th graders up at Walden West yesterday. Our 6th graders were being fantastic leaders and role models; it was great to see them so independent and connecting with students from other schools. We look forward to hearing about their adventures when they return!
PTA Meeting/ Principal Coffee--Friday, November 9th 8:40am-Tomorrow!
I hope to see many of you at our PTA Meeting/Principal Coffee this coming Friday, which will take place immediately after our flag salute in our staff rorom. Last month, our technology goals and programs were featured. This month, our LASD Innovative Strategies Coach, Kami Thodarson, will be here to share some of the wonderful things in which are staff is engaged and how technology is integrated into our culture of learning.
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
Nov. 12 – Veteran’s Day – No School
Nov. 15 – Picture Make Up Day, 8am-10am
Nov. 19-20 – Parent-Teacher Conferences, No School
Nov. 21-23 – Thanksgiving, No School
Dec. 6th – Kindergarten & New Family Information Night, 7pm
Dec 21-Jan. 4 – December Recess
Jan. 30, Jan 31 – Egan Parent Tour
Mar. 16 – Covington Auction “Fashion’s Night Out”
Mar. 27, Mar. 28 – Egan Parent Tour
School News
Important Picture Make-up Day Update
Make-up Day is scheduled for Thursday, November 15th. If you missed Picture Day or would like to retake your photo, sign up for Make-up Day now!
If you have any questions about your order or Make-up Day, please email our Customer Service at<ma
If you missed Picture Day or are dissatisfied with your photos for any reason, you must sign up to attend Make-up Day. To do so, click here<http://www.
If your student was photographed on Picture Day and is retaking his or her photo, all you have to do is register for Make-up Day! Your original order will be transferred to the new photo. If your student was absent on Picture Day, you still need to place your order. Don’t miss out on reduced Early Bird pricing and our new Photo Selection service. Order your photo package and choose your favorite image from your child’s gallery for production. The deadline to place your Early Bird order is Wednesday, November 14th at 9 p.m.
In order to qualify for our Photo Selection service, you must complete an online purchase (either place a photo order or register for the $7 sitting fee) before Make-up Day.
You have three easy options when ordering photos:
1. Early Bird Advantage(recommended option)
o Order online, choose your picture from a full gallery of photos and take advantage of Early Bird pricing:
Go to<htt
Select ORDER BEFOREPHOTO DAY<http://sspreview.
Enter your school’s Access Code: scsk1612
Login/Create Account
Follow prompts to order your photo package(s)
You will receive an email with a link to your gallery by Thursday, November 29th. View your gallery and select your photo!
Please note: If you haven’t received this email by Thursday, November 29th, please check your spam folder
2. Register for Photo Selection
Reserve the option to choose your picture from a full gallery of photos, but order your package later:
Go to<htt
Select ORDER BEFOREPHOTO DAY<http://sspreview.
Enter your school’s Access Code: scsk1612
Follow prompts to place an order
Select the non-refundable $7 sitting fee from the order options menu
You will receive an email with a link to your gallery by Thursday, November 29th. View your gallery and select your photo!
Please note: If youhaven’t received this email by Thursday, November 29th, check your spam folder
Order your photo package(s); Early Bird pricing will still apply
3. Traditional Order Form
Order on paper and take advantage of Early Bird pricing without going online:
Enclose check or cash in order envelope; bring on Make-up Day
Tax must be included (please see tax table provided with your order form) and change is not available.
The option to choose your picture from a full gallery is not available with paper orders. One image will be selected for you.
If you have not placed an online order or registered for Photo Selection by the Wednesday, November 14th deadline, our editors will select their single favorite image for you and you will not have the option to view a gallery of multiple images. Also, re-order pricing andshipping costs will apply to all orders placed after Make-up Day. -Thank you for your patronage! Shooting Stars Productions
From the Student Council
Student Council News!
Thank you, Coyotes, for attending and supporting our Halloween Stay and Play! We raised $329.63! Our funds will be helping support a school that has been affected by the storm on the East Coast.
From the PTA
We invite you to visit our Scholastic's All Star Book Fair and experience a celebration of reading! November 26 - 30, the Covington Multi will be transformed into an amazing bookstore filled with engaging, fun books. Come browse a large selection that includes teacher and librarian favorites, bestsellers, award-winning literature, exciting new titles,easy readers, fiction, non-fiction, historical novels, classics and much more!! The Book Fair is one of the PTA’s primary fundraisers: 25% of all proceeds go directly to the PTA to fund technology, music/art, and PE to name but a few.
Hours: Monday, 26th - 12:00 to 3:30; Tuesday, 27th - Friday, 30th - 8:15 to 3:30
Parents & Pastries: Tuesday, Nov 27th 8:30am – 10:00am
Family Night:Wednesday, Nov. 28th 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Our Book Fair needs volunteers as well as shoppers! Sign up with a friend, spend some time with our students and faculty, get to know other great Covington parents, and, of course, check out all the awesome books. No experience necessary!
Please sign up through SignUpGenius HERE and enter password bookfair. Questions? Contact Sandy Furuichi (, Mara Starkey ( or Jessica Schantz-Taneja (
The Coyote Pack
The Pack continues to run strong and collecting colorful mileage ribbons is all the rage here at Covington! Another 170 miles were complete last Friday, bringing us to 788 miles, since Oct. 5th. If The Pack were running a relay-race from Los Altos to Washington DC, we'd be in Salt Lake City, Utah at this point! Tell your runner to stop by the displaycase (outside the office) to watch us track our mileage on a map of the USA. Coyote Pack runners choose to participate in run club at lunch each Friday...please congratulate your child for making such a healthy decision. Let your child show you their awesome efforts by running required. Sign up today! Coyote Pack Run Club Volunteers or Contact Jen Roy McGuigan (
Girls On The Run (GOTR) Registration:
We are excited to offer this great program to the 3rd-5th grade girls at Covington this coming spring! GOTR will meet on Monday and Wednesday after school until 4PM, for 10 weeks beginning the week of March 4th. The girls will train for a 5k run/walk event to be held on Saturday, May 18th in Vasona Park, Los Gatos. Registration will be ONLINE ONLY and will open on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1st at 8:00am. Space is limited and girls will be registered on a first come/first serve basis. Check out for more information or contact Covington head coach, Suzy Allison (
We are proud to announce that we have met our challenge grant of $175k! Thanks to all of you who donated by 11/1! Donations to date total $1.5 million. We have reached the half way mark but we still have a long way to go towards our $3 million dollar goal for this school year. If you made a pledge at the phonathon, please send in your donation.
Holiday Cards Fundraiser: We are happy to announce Tiny Prints and an anonymous donor have offered to donate 25% of total proceeds to LAEF for all holiday cards ordered through http://www.tinyprints.
School Community News
The 4th grade Girl Scout Juniors are participating in an Adopt-a-Family program this year. Please help us raise money to provide a nice dinner and presents for low-income families this holiday season. Starting today, you can make donations in the office in the "Adopt-a-Family" box. The deadline is Friday Nov 16th. Please help us support this cause by donating. Thank you Covington!
From Los Altos School District
Follow this link for the School & Community News
For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.
From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,
We had a wonderful Halloween celebration yesterday. Everyone seemed to enjoy our traditional parade and the variety of costumes was amazing. Today is November 1st and we have a great deal happening over the course of the next few weeks, including parent-teacher conferences and then the busy holiday season. Check out our “Super Heroes of Covington!” Even our fabulous volunteers got into the spirit while serving hot lunch yesterday!
Street Safety on Covington Road
You may have noticed that there is a lot of residential construction happening on Covington Road. Please remember to use caution when driving on Covington Road. Also please remind your children that when walking, biking, or on scooters to be careful of cars and trucks pulling in and out of driveways. We want all of our children safe each day!
Homework Club-Starts Monday!
We are starting our Homework Club next week forstudents who would like a little extra help. Students will bring their homework to the club and have a quiet place to work, as well as, have access to teacher assistance. Homework club will meet in the library on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45pm-3:45pm. Participation is by parent request or teacher recommendation; so if you think this is something your child would benefit from, please see our Front Office Staff or email
Students attending Homework Club will report to the Library promptly at 2:45 with homework (*snacks need to be consumed prior to entering the library). Teachers will be taking attendance and supervising / helping students from 2:45-3:40. Students will be escorted up to the 6th Grade Tables at 3:45 each day to be picked up promptly! Thank you ahead of time for your assistance with this!
Mondays 2:45-3:45 Mrs. Portillo & Mrs. Sitler
Tuesdays 2:45-3:45 Ms. Hedlund and TBD
Thursdays 2:45-3:45 Mrs. Amsden & Mrs. Kingman
Stay tuned for potential other dates and times!
PTA Meeting and Parent Coffee-Next Friday, November 9th!
Next Friday, our PTA will meet in our staff room after the assembly and our district Project Based Learning Coach will be visiting to share out around our iLearn offerings and future goals.
Parents, thank you for your ongoing support! From supervising the parking lot each day, to working in the LAIR, helping at lunchtime or in the Library, we appreciate all of your time and dedication to making Covington a great place for children!
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
Nov. 5-9 – 6th Graders at Walden West Science Camp
Nov. 12 – Veteran’s Day – No School
Nov. 15 – Picture Make Up Day, 8am-10am
Nov. 19-20 – Parent-Teacher Conferences, No School
Nov. 21-23 – Thanksgiving, No School
Dec 21-Jan. 4 – December Recess
Jan. 30, Jan 31 – Egan Parent Tour
Mar. 16 – Covington Auction “Fashion’s Night Out”
Mar. 27, Mar. 28 – Egan Parent Tour
School News
Important Picture Make-up Day Update
Make-up Day is scheduled for Thursday, November 15th. If you missed Picture Day or would like to retake your photo, sign up for Make-up Day now!
If you have any questions about your order or Make-up Day, please email our Customer Service at<ma
If you missed Picture Day or are dissatisfied with your photos for any reason, you must sign up to attend Make-up Day. To do so, click here<http://www.
If your student was photographed on Picture Day and is retaking his or her photo, all you have to do is register for Make-up Day! Your original order will be transferred to the new photo. If your student was absent on Picture Day, you still need to place your order. Don’t miss out on reduced Early Bird pricing and our new Photo Selection service. Order your photo package and choose your favorite image from your child’s gallery for production. The deadline to place your Early Bird order is Wednesday, November 14th at 9 p.m.
In order to qualify for our Photo Selection service, you must complete an online purchase (either place a photo order or register for the $7 sitting fee) before Make-up Day.
You have three easy options when ordering photos:
1. Early Bird Advantage(recommended option)
o Order online, choose your picture from a full gallery of photos and take advantage of Early Bird pricing:
Go to<htt
Select ORDER BEFORE PHOTO DAY<http://sspreview.
Enter your school’s Access Code: scsk1612
Login/Create Account
Follow prompts to order your photo package(s)
You will receive an email with a link to your gallery by Thursday, November 29th. View your gallery and select your photo!
Please note: If you haven’t received this email by Thursday, November 29th, please check your spam folder
2. Register for Photo Selection
Reserve the option to choose your picture from a full gallery of photos, but order your package later:
Go to<htt
Select ORDER BEFOREPHOTO DAY<http://sspreview.
Enter your school’s Access Code: scsk1612
Follow prompts to place an order
Select the non-refundable $7 sitting fee from the order options menu
You will receive an email with a link to your gallery by Thursday, November 29th. View your gallery and select your photo!
Please note: If you haven’t received this email by Thursday, November 29th, check your spam folder
Order your photo package(s); Early Bird pricing will still apply
3. Traditional Order Form
Order on paper and take advantage of Early Bird pricing without going online:
Enclose check or cash in order envelope; bring on Make-up Day
Tax must be included (please see tax table provided with your order form) and change is not available.
The option to choose your picture from a full gallery is not available with paper orders. One image will be selected for you.
If you have not placed an online order or registered for Photo Selection by the Wednesday, November 14th deadline, our editors will select their single favorite image for you and you will not have the option to view a gallery of multiple images. Also, re-order pricing andshipping costs will apply to all orders placed after Make-up Day. -Thank you for your patronage! Shooting Stars Productions
From the PTA
Save the Date
Annual Covington Auction “Fashion’s Night Out” - Saturday March 16, 2013 - Crowne Plaza Cabana Hotel
Please mark your calendars for our annual auction! For more information, please contact auction chair: SangeethPeruri
Walkathon pledges and sponsor cards due TOMORROW!
Please turn in your sponsor cards and all collected donations to the Walkathon box in the office by Friday, November 2 at 3 PM. Top individual and classroom earners will be honored at the awards assembly on November 15. Only donations turned in by November 2nd will be used determine the award recipients. Any money turned in late cannot be counted towards recognition. Get your pledges in by Friday!
Boys’ Night Out – Saturday, November 3 @5:30 – 7:30pm (check-in 5 pm) at the Homestead Lanes in Cupertino.
Night of fun, bowling, pizza dinner and lots of laughs! All levels of bowlers are welcome – K to 6! An adult must accompany students. View the Boys' Night Out website under "Events and Traditions". Online sign-up deadline is Thursday November 1st. Walk-ups welcome at the event. Please email
AMAZON REBATE PROGRAM – Make Your Shopping Count for Covington!
Earn referral fees for Covington on purchases of books, CDs, electronics, toys, and more. It’s EASY and DOESN’T COST YOU ANYTHING! Go to,
After School Red Star Soccer!
Does you son or daughter want to learn soccer? Does your son or daughter want to enhance the soccer skills they already have? Red Star is offering after school soccer starting November 15ththrough December 20th (no class on Thanksgiving). Cost is $75 for five weeks of instruction and a portion of the proceeds go to Covington's PTA! To register, email and ask for a registration form and bring the completed registration form to the designated box in the office.
Parent donations + Innovative Teachers = World Class LASD Education
Have you made an investment in your children’s education yet?
LAEF is investing $3 million dollars in small class sizes, art, music, PE and library for our children. In addition this year, LAEF is funding STEM, Tech and Library coaches for the whole district.. Go online today at
Click here to see if your company matches. http://laefonline.
Community News
Registration for the Spring 2013 season of MVLA Girls Softball opens November 1. Sign up by November 8th and save! Established in 1972, MVLA Girls Softball(MVLAGS) is an ASA-sanctioned recreational league committed to giving girlsages 5 to 14 the opportunity to explore and enjoy the game of softball. Learn more about us at:<http://www.
From Los Altos School District
NURSE NEEDED: The Los Altos School District needs a Registered Nurse at lunchtime to supervise tube feeding, blood sugar level and insulin administration. One hour per day, Monday-Friday, $50 per hour. To apply, call Marlene Revelo 650-947-1153.
Follow this link for the School & Community News
For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.
From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,
Homework Club
We are starting our Homework Club in November for students who would like a little extra help. Students will bring their homework to the club and have a quiet place to work, as well as, have access to teacher assistance. Participation is by parent request or teacher recommendation; so if you think this is something your child would benefit from, please see our Front Office Staff or email
Halloween Parade Next Wednesday 10/31 at 2pm
Halloween is upon us and is being celebrated next Wednesday at Covington School! In order to make the celebration fun, safe and appropriate for all students, please remember that the following are prohibited: costumes with violent themes and weapons, excessive blood and gore, and rubber masks that cover the entire head and/ or face. Since the parties and Costume Parade all take place in theafternoon, we request that you send your child to school with their costume in a bag. After lunch, everyone will change into his or her costumes. Your child's teacher will explain this procedure to students and if you have any questions related tocostumes and changing, please contact the teacher or the office.
Kindergarten students wear costumes all day
12:50 pm 1st-6th Grade students dress in their costumes
1:00-1:50pm Classroom Parties
2:00-2:30pm Halloween Parade on blacktop
Since the parade will end at 2:30, please make sure upper grade (4th-6th) students are checked out with their child's teacher before leaving campus. 1st-3rd Grade students will also be excused after the parade at 2:30. Kindergarten hours will be at the regular times.
Indoor Assembly
Please join us tomorrow for our October indoor assembly after flag salute. Have a great weekend.
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
Oct. 26 - Stay and Play 2:40pm-3:15pm, students who attend must bring a parent
Oct. 26 – Spirit Day Wear Black and/or Orange
Oct. 30 – Picture Make Up Day
Nov. 5-9 – 6th Graders at Walden West Science Camp
Nov. 12 – Veteran’s Day – No School
Nov. 19-20 – Parent-Teacher Conferences, No School
Nov. 21-23 – Thanksgiving, No School
School News
Picture Make Up Day Rescheduled to November 15
Shooting Stars will be at Covington from 8:00am-10:00am for picture make up. Parents will have received photos by then. If you want your child to retake their pictures, please let their teacher know. We will also be doing the big group 6th grade photo on that day. Stay tuned for more details.
Go Team Covington!!
Did you know that some of our staff at Covington has a Making Strides Team? Last year we raised over $2400 and walked a 5K in downtown San Jose to support the fight against cancer. Here is the link to learn more about the event and our team.
From the Student Council
Student Council News
This Friday, October 26 is Black and Orange day to celebrate Halloween and the Giants in the World Series! Also on Friday, October 26 we will be having our first Stay and Play and will be selling Halloween goodies for $1.00. All students need a parent present at the Stay and Play. Thank you!
From the PTA
Walkathon revenue results.
Covington community, you made the Walkathon avery successful fundraiser! Here are some of the financial revenue results:
• $43,000 was promised in Pledges
• $6,000 was raised on Priceless Parties
• $5,000 was contributed by Family Sponsors
• $8,650 was donated by Corporate Sponsors
The following people worked especially hard to make the event a success. A BIG thank you to the 2012 Walkathon Committee.
Gabriella Bradley, Kristy Yang, Jessica Clarke, Catherine Clark, Ingrid Choong, Kathleen Vitakis, Wendy Angus, Alene Baronian, Valeria Carty, Marianne Mahoney, Laurie Kurgas, Dolly Eckinger, Jennifer Townhill, Miriam Weber, Suzy Allison, Julie Maeyama, Anjana Nagarajan, John Hamblin, Diana Ekstrand, Raj Vaswani, Ken Leong, Cate Mills, Allison Taylor, Yumie Britt, Jessica Speiser, and Suzanne Kasso
Collect pledges. Now is the time to collect the $$ promised on the pledge cards! Please return all checks to the Walkathon box in the office by Friday, November 2nd.
Covington Directory
2012-2013 Covington Directories are almost here! Please stop by the office (by Oct 26) to check the directory draft to make sure there are no errors in your family's entry. Pleasemake necessary corrections. Also we are still collecting art for the cover until Friday 10/26. Student’s can drop off their artwork in the Directory box in the Covington office.
Become a VIP parent!
Come and join other parents on Thursday mornings after drop-off at the workroom! Help teachers with preparing class materials to give them more time for class instructions. Just 30 minutes of your time once a week can make a difference. Can't make that time? No problem, come at any convenient time to the workroom and see what teachers have requested!
Boys’ Night Out – Saturday, November 3 @5:30 – 7:30pm (check-in 5 pm) at the Homestead Lanes in Cupertino.
Meet other Covington families for fun, bowling, pizza dinner and lots of laughs! All levels of bowlers are welcome – K to 6! Students must be accompanied by an adult. View the Boys' Night Out website on the Covington homepage under "Events and Traditions". Online sign-ups extended to Thursday November 1st. Questions: email
The Pack News
Cumulatively, The Pack has run 389 miles. Our goal is to run the distance from Covington to Washington DC. The Pack's mileage has us halfway to Salt LakeCity, Utah. Way to run Cotoyes! The Pack's first 5-mile ribbon earner is Henry Speiser. Congrats to Henry! Your5-mile ribbon will be presented at Friday Flag Salute. This Friday, sixth grade volunteers will join parent volunteers to continue to make Run Club a success. Thank you everyone for your help!
Santa Rita's 52nd Annual Witches Delight Carnival
Will be held on October 26th, from 3-8 pm at Santa Rita Elementary School, 700 Los Altos Ave, Los Altos. It is bigger and better than ever! Please come and help celebrate with all of us and enjoy an evening to remember! Join us for super fun carnivalrides, games, a cakewalk, a cookie decorating booth, a costumer contest, a new online auction, and even a fabulous BBQ! Stay until dusk and ride the ridesuntil dark!
AMAZON REBATE PROGRAM – Make Your Shopping Count for Covington!
Earn referral fees for Covington on purchases of books, CDs, electronics, toys, and more. It’s EASY and DOESN’T COST YOU ANYTHING! Go to,
Save the Date
Annual Covington Auction - Saturday March 16, 2013 - Crowne Plaza Cabana Hotel
Please mark your calendars for our annual auction! The theme this year is Fashion's Night Out.
Deadline for LAEF Challenge Grant - November 1! LAEF is fortunate every year to have a group ofanonymous donors who set up matching funds for increases in donations. Here's how it works:
- If you are new to LASD and didn't give to LAEF last year, 100% of your donation will be matched but you must donate before 11/1!
- If you made a donation to LAEF last year and you can give a little more, that extra donation will be matched $1 for $1 if you give before 11/1!
Also, please remember to apply for a company match, if available. Click here to see if your company matches. http://laefonline.
Show us that you are IN! Go online today at
Community News
Registration for the Spring 2013 season of MVLA Girls Softball opens November 1. Sign up by November 8th and save! Established in 1972, MVLA Girls Softball(MVLAGS) is an ASA-sanctioned recreational league committed to giving girlsages 5 to 14 the opportunity to explore and enjoy the game of softball. Learn more about us at:<http://www.
From Los Altos School District
NURSE NEEDED: The Los Altos School District needs a Registered Nurse at lunchtime to supervise tube feeding, blood sugar level and insulin administration. One hour per day, Monday-Friday, $50 per hour. To apply, call Marlene Revelo 650-947-1153.
Follow this link for the School & Community News
For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.
From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,
Thank you to our PTA and Walkathon team for afabulous community event! On behalf of our staff, students, and school; thank you for your support and help in putting on such a fantastic walkathon. All had a wonderful time and appreciated all the special touches our PTA committee added, especially the Moon Balls! Special thanks to Sonia Brunner and Tracey Leong our Walkathon chairs, as well as, the many volunteers who helped them, for their dedication and countless hours of hard work to make the event a success.
Geo Bee Club Starts
We are beginning to prepare for the Geo Bee. Thanks to Mrs. Croft and Mrs. Cuzzi for leading this program once again. See their message below for information about signing your child up to participate.
Safety Reminder
The safety of your children is a top priority. Please remember at pick up and drop off time, not to stop in the middle of the parking lot. Use the designated drop off lane or park your car and walk over to meet your children. We want children to cross the parking lot safely in the crosswalks and not have to dodge cars that are coming in and out of the parking spaces. Thank you!
Parent/Principal Coffee Tomorrow in the StaffRoom!
Don’t miss our PTA Meeting/Parent Coffee in the Staff Room after the flag salute. We will be discussing technology.
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
Oct. 23 – Minimum Day - All Kinders attend 8:15am-11:35am, 1-6th dismissal at 12:15pm
Oct. 26 - Stay and Play 2:40p-3:15p, students who attend must bring a parent
Oct. 26 – Spirit Day Wear Black and/or Orange
Oct. 30 – Picture Make Up Day
Nov. 5-9 – 6th Graders at Walden West Science Camp
Nov. 12 – Veteran’s Day – No School
Nov. 19-20 – Parent-Teacher Conferences, No School
Nov. 21-23 – Thanksgiving, No School
School News
Geography Club
If your child is interested in geography and would like to spend some extra time with peers to prepare for this year’s Geography Bee (January 2013), then the Geography Club is for them! We will meet every Monday, on 10/22, 10/29, 11/5, 11/12, 12/3, 12/10, and 1/7 in room 21from 2:45pm-3:45pm. During our meetings, we will study world geography and review Geography Bee practice questions. A sign-up sheet is hung up in Room 21 on the bulletin board right inside the door. Students may come during recess to sign up. Please sign up by 10/19. Once sign ups are complete, we will email you more information!
Thank you! -from Mrs. Croft and Mrs. Cuzzi
From the Student Council
Student Council News!
Next Friday, October 26 will be our Orange and Black Spirit Day! Wear orange or black to school!
Also on Friday, October 26 will be our first Halloween Stay and Play from 2:40-3:15. We will be selling spooky treats for only $1.00! The playground and playground equipment will also be available. Please make sure each student has an adult with him or her. Thank you and hope to see you there!
From the PTA
Covington Directory
The Covington 2012-2013 Directory will be coming out in early November! The directory is included in every PTA membership, typically distributed to over 250 Covington families. This year, we are doing something different, and opening the directory to advertisements (corporate sponsorships) and "Thank You Teacher/Staff" pages (similar to what we do for the Auction catalog).
For Sponsorships/Dedication pages:
Full Page Back Cover (8.5" x 5.5") - $500 - taken
Full Page Back Inside Cover (8.5" x 5.5") - $300
Full Regular Page(8.5" x 5.5") - $200
Half Regular Page (4.25" x 5.5") - $100
If interested in submitting a corporate sponsorship or a dedication page for the directory, please contact Ingrid Choong ( Sponsorships due Oct 22.
As usual, we are also looking for student artwork for the front cover of the directory. Theme is "Zoom to the Moon". Please make sure all drawings are in black and white, on white paper, using dark pen. Submissions due Oct 22. Please email jpg files to or dropthem off in Main Office. Thank you!
Also, Please stop by the office (by Oct 26) to check the directory draft to make sure there are no errors in your family's entry. Please make necessary corrections.
Walkathon, A BIG Success! Thank you, Covington families, for participating in this year’s Walkathon! Here are some numbers that show what a great community event it turned out to be.
· 90 percent of Covington families participated in the Walkathon
· 448 sponsor cards were turned in
· 13,500 laps were walked
· 500 moon ball rides were taken
Plus it was FUN! Thanks to the whole school for making it a big success.
Sponsor cards. Walkathon sponsor cards are coming home in the Thursday folders. Please collect the pledges from your sponsors over the next two weeks. The Walkathon Wrap-Up document stapled to your pledge card has detailed instructions on how to turn in the money you collect. Please return all money to the Walkathon box in the office by Friday, November 2nd.
Dine Out for Covington- Wed. October 24th
Join the fiesta at Estrellita’s on October 24th and 20% of sales will be donated to our school!! Call to make reservations (650) 948-9865. Don’t forget to tell your waiter that you are with Covington School! Estrellita’s 971 N. San Antonio Rd., Los Altos
5:00 to 9:00 p.m. Questions? Email or mailto:virginieblinforget@
Boys’ Night Out – Saturday, November 3 @5:30 – 7:30pm (check-in 5 pm) at the Homestead Lanes in Cupertino. Attention Covington Boys! Meet other Covington families for fun, bowling, pizza dinner and lots of laughs! All levels of bowlers are welcome – K to 6! Students must be accompanied by an adult. View the Boys' Night Out website on the Covington homepage under "Events and Traditions". Pay online or download the order form to pay by check. Please sign up by Tuesday, October 23rd. Questions: email
Looking to get more involved at Covington? The PTA has an exciting position available!
After School Program Coordinator- Responsibilities include (1) working with our current outside vendors to schedule programs, and (2) assessing what additional after school/enrichment programs parents and students would like to see at Covington, and then working with outside vendors to secure such programs.
Questions? Contact Mara Starkey at
The Coyote Pack, Covington Run Club.
Wear your running shoes on Friday. We're going to have some fun running at lunch!
AMAZON REBATE PROGRAM – Make Your Shopping Count for Covington!
Earn referral fees for Covington on purchases of books, CDs, electronics, toys, and more. It’s EASY and DOESN’T COST YOU ANYTHING! Go to,
LAEF: Two reasons to donate today!
#1: Save our dedicated parent volunteers a call during our annual phonathon and make your tax-deductible donation now.
#2: Donations from new LASD families and increases in donations from last year's donors are matched $1 for $1 ifreceived before November 1. So please donate today!
We promised to raise a total of $3 million this year to pay for our great teachers and staff. Your donation pays for this year's programs for every child K-8! Our suggested donation is $1000 but please give generously at a level that is comfortable for your family. Also, please remember to apply for a company match, if available. Click here to see if your company matches:
Show us that you are IN! Go online today at
Community Events
Santa Rita's 52nd Annual Witches Delight Carnival will be held on October 26th, from 3-8 pm at Santa Rita Elementary School, 700 Los Altos Ave, Los Altos. It is bigger and better than ever! Please come and help celebrate with all of us and enjoy anevening to remember! Join us for super fun carnival rides, games, a cake walk, a cookie decorating booth, a costumer contest, a new online auction, and even a fabulous BBQ! Stay until dusk and ride the rides until dark!
From Los Altos School District
Follow this link for the School & Community News
For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.
From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,
The Coyote Pack, Covington Run Club
Last Friday at lunchtime, The Coyote Pack, Covington's new run club, kicked things off with over 200 participating runners. An overwhelming success! Our runners all had smiles on their faces while working toward the goal of their first 5-mile ribbon award. Big kudos to Mrs. Pomposo for joining The Pack, we look forward to seeing you and a lot of other teachers out there this week!
In total, our runners completed 221 miles. That's the equivalent of running from Los Altos to Truckee (near Lake Tahoe, CA)! As a run club we are going to shoot for a goal of running the distance between Covington and Washington DC during the school year. Let's see us make it! Our local downtown businesses are also proud of our Coyote Runners and have offered prize incentives to be raffled off at Friday Flag Salutes in the coming weeks. This Friday, we will choose a random runner's name to win a raffle prize.
Join The Pack, this Friday at lunch. If you're interested in volunteering, please go to this link to sign up
Coyote Pack Run Club Volunteers. Many thanks to Jen McGuigan and JenSpringer for spearheading this club! Thank you also to the many other parent volunteers who helped make this a success! Our students can look forward to fun with the Coyote Pack each Friday this year!
Be Safe! Biking Reminder
Just a friendly reminder, please talk with your children about bicycle safety and following the rules of the road to and from school. We have had several reports lately of neighbors concerned for our students in regards to riding on the wrong side of the street on the way to school. I will remind students at our next assembly, but in the meantime, your assistance is greatly appreciated! We want our students to be safe and responsible!
PTA Meeting/ Principal Coffee –Next Friday, October 19th
Our October PTA Meeting and Coffee will be held one week from tomorrow! Please join us in our staff room after the flag assembly on the blacktop. The topics of discussion at the coffee will be technology and its relevant instructional practices.
Have a wonderful rest of the week and get ready for our community Walk-A-Thon this Saturday! It will be a great time for all!
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
Oct. 12 – Crazy Feet Day
Oct. 13 – Covington Walkathon!
Oct. 23 – Minimum Day - All Kinders attend 8:15am-11:35am, 1-6th dismissal at 12:15pm
Oct. 26 - Stay and Play, students who attend must bring a parent
Oct. 26 – Spirit Day Wear Black and/or Orange
Oct. 30 – Picture Make Up Day
From the PTA
Friday is Crazy Feet Day. Get into the Walkathon spirit and decorate your kids’ shoes with a space theme. Aliens, planets, stars, glitter. . . make those feet go crazy!
WALKATHON ON SATURDAY! The Walkathon is happening on Saturday, October 13. With so many students and families participating, we are sure to have a fun-filled, exciting day. If you haven’t turned in a sponsor card, don’t worry! You can still participate. Just bring your card to registration on Saturday or fill out one there. We will have extras, and you can participate even if you didn’t get any sponsors.
Here are a few things to remember:
· Registration opens at 9:30 AM. First lap is at 10 AM. Walking stops at 3 PM.
· Bring a water bottle and wear comfortable shoes.
· Bring cash and a checkbook for food booth, moon balls, the Pocket Ladies, and Priceless Parties.
· Sign up for Covington Priceless Parties at the Walkathon. The table of parties is below. Sign-ups start at 10 AM and will close when all parties are full.
· Wear the Walkathon t-shirt. Every student gets one!
Volunteer at the Walkathon! Be part of the year’s biggest community-building event. New slots have been added for a few FUN jobs like moon balls and lap punching. One hour shifts are available. Please sign up on the Google spreadsheet located at
Sign up for Covington Priceless Parties at the Walkathon. Each year, our wonderful Covington teachers hold parties for students in each grade level. These parties are both fundraisers AND community-building events. Each grade level willhave one or two events, but space is limited! Sign-ups open at 10 AM and will close when each party is full. Plan to arrive early with your checkbook/cash to take advantage of these fun events.
Grade |
Event |
Date |
Time |
# spots |
Price per child |
Kinder |
Movie Night (w/pizza) |
Friday, Feb 8, 2013 |
5:00-7:15 pm |
No limit |
$25 |
1st |
Movie and Playground Fun (includes snack) |
Friday, March 29, 2013 |
2:30 – 4:15 pm |
25 (50, if interest) |
$25 |
2nd |
Hot Fudge Sundae Party |
Friday, Jan 25, 2013 |
2:45-3:45pm |
20 |
$30 |
3rd |
Laser Tag at LaserQuest |
Friday, Jan 25, 2013 |
3:30 – 5:00 pm |
20 |
$40 |
3rd |
Dessert for Breakfast |
Friday, Nov 16, 2012 |
7:45 – 8:25 am |
25 |
$30 |
4th |
Amazing Race |
Wed, March 13, 2013 |
3-4:30 pm |
36 (12/ class) |
$40 |
5th |
Sky High Outing and Pizza |
Friday, Nov 2, 2012 |
4 – 6 pm |
30 (15/class) |
$40 |
6th |
Parent/Child Hike and Yoga at Rancho San Antonio |
a Friday in May 2013 (date TBD) |
4 – 6 pm |
15 couples |
$50 |
6th |
Spot Pizza and Baskin Robbins Ice Cream in Downtown |
a Friday in April or May 2013 (date TBD) |
5:30 – 7 pm |
15 |
$40 |
1st-3rd |
Dodge Ball Derby w/ Mr. Heeb |
Tuesday, June 4, 2013 |
2:30 – 3:30 pm |
20 |
$30 |
4th-6th |
Dodge Ball Derby w/ Mr. Heeb |
Thursday, June 6, 2013 |
2:45 – 3:45 pm |
20 |
$30 |
Looking to get more involved at Covington? The PTA has a couple of exciting positions available!
After School Program Coordinator- Responsibilities include (1) working with our current outside vendors to schedule programs, and (2) assessing what additional after school/enrichment programs parents and students would like to see at Covington, and then working with outside vendors to secure such programs.
Kiln Operator- Did you know Covington has a kiln? We're looking forsome volunteers to operate the kiln for our students' clay projects.
Technology Committee- This committee supports the implementation and use of computer-related technology as a teaching tool at Covington. We're looking for individuals to assess our school's technology needs and then work with the PTA and other parent volunteers to meet those needs.
Questions? Contact Mara Starkey at
Boys’ Night Out – Saturday, November 3 @5:30 – 7:30pm (check-in 5 pm) at the Homestead Lanes in Cupertino.
Attention Covington Boys! Meet other Covington families for fun, bowling, pizza dinner and lots of laughs! All levels of bowlers are welcome – K to 6! An adult must accompany students. View the Boys' Night Out website on the Covingtonwebsite under "Events and Traditions". Pay online or download the order form to pay by check. Please sign up by Tuesday, October 23rd. Questions: email
After School Activities
Daisy Girl Scouts
New Girl Scout Daisy Troops forming at Covington! K and 1st grade Daisy troops, with meetings on the 4th Tuesday of every month (1st grade @ 2:30, K @ 3:30pm). Interestedgirls and their parents are invited to attend an informational meeting on Oct. 16 @ 3:15pm in Room 32. To attend, RSVP to Nicole Chappell:, include child's name and grade level. We are looking forward to a funyear with the girls!
Los Altos Educational Foundation: Are you IN?
On our quest to raise $3M for our schools this year, we recently hit the $500,000 mark, but we have a long way to go!
Our Challenge Grant is back! Did you know that any increase in your donation over last year or any donations from new families will be matched $1-for-$1 by a group of anonymous donors? The opportunity to take advantage of these generous matching funds expires November 1st. Time is running out, so don’t delay. Also, please remember to apply for a company match, if available. Click here to see if your company matches.
Our children are already enjoying the benefits of the LAEF funded programs today. Our suggested donation is $1,000/child but please give generously at a level comfortable to your family. Go online today at
From Los Altos School District
District Library Newsletter
See the attachment to this newsletter for exciting news about our district library programs.
Follow this link for the School & Community News
For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.
From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,
What a great LAEF Community celebration Covington hosted last weekend; it was wonderful to see so many of you at the event. A special thanks goes to Davida Ewan for helping to supervise the high school students directing parking that evening. We appreciate her!
Covington Culture of Learning-LASD ILEARN
On Tuesday afternoon, we had our first SchoolSite Council Meeting. Thank you to our new members: Valeria Carty, Liza Coe, Davida Ewan, Michelle Gibo, Kate Kingman, Kim Nero and Dale Tritscher. We revisited our three goals from last spring around technology integration and had an invigorating conversation around some of the exciting things going on in our classrooms such as the use of EdModo with students, Design Thinking, and project based learning.
Many of us become teachers because we love tolearn ourselves. That is one of the reasons I went into education after college. One of the most inspiring things for me this year has been watching and listening to our staff who are actively seeking out their own professional development through our LASD ILEARN Classes. This school year, our very generous LAEF has funded innovative and instructional coaches who are offering classes on a regular basis afterschool for our staff. These classes cover many topics including Design Thinking, Google Tools, Project Based Learning, Digital Storytelling, Visual Thinking and Creating Innovators. I have had the privilege of working with and observing our staff share with each other and take on new challenges with enthusiasm and creativity. I am so proud of the work our staff is doing by learning new practices and implementing these with our students; learning from our bright and talented staff will no doubt inspire our children.
PTA Meeting Change: See you on October 19th at 8:30am
Our PTA meeting will take place in two weeks. Mark your calendar. The discussion topic will be technology, specifically how the PTA has contributed to our classrooms and school and how we are engaging your children in the classrooms.
I hope to see you at our Outdoor Flag Assembly tomorrow.
Have a wonderful week!
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
Oct. 5 – Vision Screening, Grades K, 3, 6, SDC
Oct 13 – Covington Walkathon!
Oct. 23 – Minimum Day - All Kinders attend 8:15am-11:35am, 1-6th dismissal at 12:15pm
Oct. 26 – Stay and Play, all students who attend must bring a parent
Oct 26 – Spirit Day, Wear Black and/or Orange
Oct 30 – Picture Make Up Day
School News
Calling all Coyote Runners!
This Friday at lunch is Covington's very first Run Club. The Coyote Pack will meet out on the field, near the two trees, next to CCLC. The Coyote Pack is a self-paced, "run for fun" activity, open to every level of runner. Coyote Pack Runners will be provided mileage cards that will be hole-punched for each lap completed to track distance and earn ribbons for graduated milestones accomplished. There is no need to sign up ahead of time, just be sure to remind your runner to wear tennis shoes, bring a water bottle, come have fun and join "the pack" this Friday! For more information and to volunteer (no running required!) please contact Jen Roy McGuigan at
Student Council News!
Students running for Student Council Officers did a wonderful job last week on their posters and speeches!
Congratulations to our new student council officers:
President- Jamsheed Mistri
Vice President- Jackson Barada
Treasurer- Grant Dincel
Secretary- Olivia Gonzales
Coyote Coordinator- Kiki Stanton
We will have our first student council meeting next Tuesday, Oct. 9th in Room 24 with officers and class representatives. Our first Halloween Stay and Play Bake Sale will be on October 26 from 2:40-3:15 pm. Please make sure all students have a parent at the Stay and Play. We will also be celebrating Halloween by wearing Orange and/or Black on Friday, October 26. Thank you!
From the PTA
Next PTA Meeting is October 19th, 8:30am
Please join us in the staff room right after flag salute for our PTA meeting and parent coffee. The topic for discussion will be technology.
Looking to get more involved at Covington? The PTA has a couple of exciting positions available!
After School Program Coordinator- Responsibilities include (1) working with our current outside vendors to schedule programs, and (2) assessing what additional after school/enrichment programs parents and students would like to see at Covington, and then working with outside vendors to secure such programs.
Kiln Operator- Did you know Covington has a kiln? We're looking for some volunteers to operate the kiln for our students' clay projects.
Technology Committee- This committee supports the implementation and use of computer-related technology as a teaching tool at Covington. We're looking for individuals to assess our school's technology needs and then work with the PTA and other parent volunteers to meet those needs.
Questions? Contact Mara Starkey at
Sponsor cards due TOMORROW! Bring in your Walkathon sponsor cards on Friday, October 5th. Volunteers will be collecting cards and giving out Coyote tattoos at the school entrances before the bell rings. If you forget your card on Friday, pleaseplace it in the Walkathon box in the office as soon as possible.
Volunteer at the Walkathon! You can be part of the year’s biggest community-building event. We need adult volunteers for the following jobs and stations: field set-up, clean up, registration/check-in, incentives tables, Rocket Stop Café, water and firstaid, field monitors, and moon balls. One hour shifts are available. Please sign up on the Google spreadsheet located at
Sign up for Covington Priceless Parties at the Walkathon. Each year, our wonderful Covington teachers hold parties for students in each grade level. These parties are both fundraisers AND community-building events. Kids get a chance to spend time with their teachers in a social setting, and the PTA benefits from your donations. Each grade level will have one or two events, but space is limited! Sign-ups open at 10 AM and will close when each party is full. But plan to arrive early with your checkbook/cash if you want to take advantage of these fun events.
Grade |
Event |
Date |
Time |
# spots |
Price per child |
Kinder |
Movie Night (w/pizza) |
Friday, Feb 8, 2013 |
5:00-7:15 pm |
No limit |
$25 |
1st |
Movie and Playground Fun (includes snack) |
Friday, March 29, 2013 |
2:30 – 4:15 pm |
25 (50, if interest) |
$25 |
2nd |
Hot Fudge Sundae Party |
Friday, Jan 25, 2013 |
2:45-3:45pm |
20 |
$30 |
3rd |
Laser Tag at LaserQuest |
Friday, Jan 25, 2013 |
3:30 – 5:00 pm |
20 |
$40 |
3rd |
Dessert for Breakfast |
Friday, Nov 16, 2012 |
7:45 – 8:25 am |
25 |
$30 |
4th |
Amazing Race |
Wed, March 13, 2013 |
3-4:30 pm |
36 (12/ class) |
$40 |
5th |
Sky High Outing and Pizza |
Friday, Nov 2, 2012 |
4 – 6 pm |
30 (15/class) |
$40 |
6th |
Parent/Child Hike and Yoga at Rancho San Antonio |
a Friday in May 2013 (date TBD) |
From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,
LAEF Celebration Tomorrow!
Tomorrow our campus will host our entire school district and community as we celebrate 30 years of the Los Altos Educational Foundation. I look forward to seeing many Covington families, as well as, neighbors and community members. Please join us at starting at 4pm!
Student Council Elections
All this week, many of our upper grade students have been busy campaigning for student council offices. Today we heard fantastic speeches from all the candidates. I am so proud of how enthusiastic our upper grade students are about participating in our school community. We have so many students willing to step up and take leadership positions. This is also a great opportunity for our students to learnabout the election process, very timely this year in particular. Congratulations are due to all the participants regardless of the outcome of the election! We look forward to the leadership of our new studentcouncil members, which will be announced at the Friday morning assembly. Thank you to Cortney Mase and Jenny Portillo, our fantastic Student Council Advisors and leaders!
End of Month Indoor Assembly
Please feel free to join us in the multi on Friday morning for our first indoor flag salute and assembly. For those of you new to 1st grade and/or Covington, the last Friday of each month we gather in our Multi for a community assembly. I hope to see you tomorrow!
Covington is on Twitter
For school updates and exciting news, follow us on Twitter. You can find us @CovingtonCoyote!
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
Sept. 27 – Minimum Day - All Kinders attend 8:15am-11:35am, 1-6th dismissal at 12:15pm
Sept. 28 – LAEF Anniversary Event, 4pm.
Oct. 5 – Vision Screening, Grades K, 3, 6, SDC
Oct 13 – Covington Walkathon!
Oct. 23 – Minimum Day - All Kinders attend 8:15am-11:35am, 1-6th dismissal at 12:15pm
Oct 30 – Picture Make Up Day
LAEF Anniversary Celebration this Friday, September 28, 4-8 pm.
Bring the whole family to Covington School to spend the first Friday of autumn celebrating with the rest of theLASD community. Get your picture taken with a Los Altos Fire Engine and a Los Altos Police Cruiser. Food is available for purchase from local food truck providers. Play some carnival games. Make an art project with CSMA or the Art Docents. From Lego Robotics to Chess to Yoga - many of our enrichment providers will be there to entertain, engage, and educate everyone from students to parents. Come join us at Covington this Friday - September 28th from 4-8 pm. Admission is Free.
From the PTA
Walkathon T-Shirt Size Change deadline Thurs 9/27!
If you would like to change the size of your child's t-shirt please visit this link:
Sponsor cards due on Friday, October 5!
There is only one more week to get sponsors. Encourage students to ask family and neighbors for pledges. The top earning individuals and classrooms will honored at the school-wide assembly and win a prize. This is the chance for students to directly improve theirschool. Cards will be collected at Tattoo Friday on October 5.
Volunteer at the Walkathon!
You can be part of the year’s biggest community-building event. We need adult volunteers for the following jobs and stations: field set-up, clean up, registration/check-in, incentives tables, Rocket Stop Café, water and first aid, field monitors, and moon balls. One hour shifts are available. Please sign up on the Google spreadsheet located at
Sign up for Covington Priceless Parties at the Walkathon.
Each year, our wonderful Covington teachers hold parties for students in each grade level. These parties are bothfundraisers AND community-building events. Kids get a chance to spend time with their teachers in a social setting, and the PTA benefits from your donations. Traditionally, these parties (known as CovingtonPriceless) have been offered at the spring auction. This year, sign-ups will be at the Walkathon. Each grade level will have one or two events, but space is limited! Most parties will only have enough slots for 20-30 kids at each grade level. Sign-ups open at 10 AM and will close when each party is full. A complete list of the parties being offered (as well as the price per student and the number of available slots) will be published in early October. But plan to arrive early with your checkbook/cash if you want to take advantage of these fun events.
San Jose Earthquakes and Covington PTA
Do you love Soccer? Do you love Covington? Have you been itching to go to an Earthquakes game and just needed a good excuse? Well, I have one for you! Come watch the San Jose Earthquakes play F.C. Dallas on September 29th and 33% of your ticket price will go to the Covington PTA! See details on how and when to purchase the tickets in your child's Thursday folder or email me (
Tickets Still Available for SYD FASHION SHOW
From the classroom to the runway,Covington teachers have class and style! Enjoy wine and hors d'oeuvres while you view the latest fall fashions modeled by our very own fabulous teachers and principal at Syd Boutique in the Rancho Shopping Center. We will also raffle off Bliss Beauty Center gift certificates for deluxe manis and pedis, facials, and one-hour massages. As a VIP guest, you will have the exclusive opportunity to shop at Syd Boutique, known for their everyday chic basics, effortless evening and graceful resort collections, shoes, belts, bags and jewelry. Twenty percent of your purchases will be donated to Covington. Date: October 7th, 3-5pm. Tickets are $50 per person (adults only please). Purchase thru the Covington Website by clicking on Events and Traditions, Auction Post Sales or by check made out to Covington PTA. Thank you for your support!
The auction event Witches Night Out still has space available!
Come as your favorite witch for aHalloween themed Ladies Night Out with other Covington Moms. We will serve dinner, creative drinks and good fun! There will be a costume contest! Your co-hosts are Christine Wedner, Saori O'Reilly and Sandi Elefant
Oct 20th from 6pm to 9pm $50.00 at Sandi's house -169 Giffin Rd, Los Altos Sign up online at our Covington school website or email
Boys’ Night Out – Saturday, November 3 @5:30 – 7:30pm (check-in 5 pm) at the Homestead Lanes in Cupertino.
Attention Covington Boys! Meet other Covington families for fun, bowling, pizza dinner and lots of laughs! All levels of bowlers are welcome – K to 6! An adult must accompanystudents. View the Boys' Night Out website on the Covington website under "Events and Traditions". Pay online or download the order form to pay by check. Please sign up by Tuesday, October 23rd. Questions: email
Now that the school year has settled in we wanted to remind you about our yummy hot lunch program provided by Kid Chow and share some highlights with you! New lunch items - Chef Jen has been tinkering in Kid Chow’s kitchen all summer long and has whipped up some kid “faves”-- Pizza pockets, Corndogs, California Rolls, Buffalo wings (and Hamburgers every day!). Larger Entrée Portions & Double Entrée Portions (these are especially popular with 5th/6th graders). New Late Ordering Option - 1 day in advance from a more limited menu (hot dogs, chix tenders, pasta). Be sure to let your child and child’s teacher know if you order late! Pizza Fridays from Spot- A-Pizza (served with fruit and milk or chocolate milk). Customized Homespun Lunches -Kid Chow knows kids enjoy food more when it’s prepared exactly the way they like it. You can select the bean, tortilla, bread, sauce, condiments and sides your child likes. Food Photos -Next month Kid Chow’s website will be launching pictures of their food so you and your child can view their choices online when ordering. Later Cancel Deadline -To accommodate your busy schedules Kid Chow now allows cancellations for full credit, by Friday the week prior to the lunch week and 50% credit, 9 a.m. the day before any lunch date. Let Kid Chow and the hot lunch team take school lunch prep off your plate.
School News
PYT After School Program still has space available:
Peninsula Youth Theatre (Grades 4-6) Thursdays 2:50 – 4:20pm, 9/20 - 12/6 with no rehearsal on 9/27 or 11/22. Covington Elementary School isteaming up with Peninsula Youth Theatre to offer after-school drama this fall! Students will learn the basics of acting, character development, storytelling and theater terminology while having fun and rehearsing a show. More information about this and other after school programs on the Covington website: http://www.covingtonschool.
Lost & Found is Overflowing!
We have over 40 sweaters, jackets & sweatshirts in the Lost & Found. Please stop by the rack outside the multi and claim your missing clothing!
From Los Altos School District
Follow this link for the School & Community News
For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.
From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community:
Thank you, parents and families!
Thank you to so many of you who have helped to make our first month of school a wonderful experience for all. I know we say it often, but we truly mean it: we could not do it without our wonderful parent volunteers! From organizing our back to school picnic, running and serving our hot lunch program every day, recruiting volunteers for traffic duty and playground supervision, our volunteers are appreciated! We look forward to the LAEF celebration next Friday and to our community Walk-A-Thon on October 13th.
Next Thursday Minimum Day-Common Core Standards Professional Development (9/27)
Do you ever wonder what our staff is doing onminimum days? On minimum days, our teachers are involved in collaboration, training and development around our district vision and blueprint goals. This coming Thursday, teachers will be participating in a training at Almond School focused on the Common Core Standards.
New Faces Around Campus
Thanks to LAEF, we now have Literacy Aides helping in all 1st and 2nd grade classrooms for 45 minutes Monday-Thursday. We welcome to our Covington community and staff, Janet Milbank and Meri-Beth Bird!
Construction Between Bike Racks
Yesterday construction work began at the District Office. In the area between the Covington bike rack and the District Office buildings. Construction fencing went up today and will remain up for the duration of the project, which should be approximately 2 weeks. A portable office building is being installed.
Please try to avoid the construction area and use caution at all times. Access to/from the Rosita side of Covington will not be affected, but thank you ahead of time for keeping our children and families safe.
Thank you for your support and have a great weekend!
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
Sept. 27 – Minimum Day - All kinders attend 8:15am-11:35am, 1-6th dismissal at 12:15pm
Sept. 28 – LAEF Anniversary Event, 4pm.
Oct. 5 – Vision Screening, Grades K, 3, 6, SDC
Oct 13 – Covington Walkathon!
Oct 30 – Picture Make Up Day
School News
Student Council News!
Hey Coyotes! Campaign Week starts next week! Look for campaign posters all around campus. On Thursday, September 27th students running for student council officers will be giving speeches in the Multi at 10:30. See you there!
LAEF 30 Year Celebration Reminder
Friday, September 28th 4-8 pm, Covington Campus.
Parents, take a few minutes during the festival to educate yourselves about this fall's very important LASD Board of Trustees election. Two LASD Board of Trustee seats are up for election this fall and all four candidates will be there to answer your questions about their interests and objectives for the public school system in Los Altos. This is NOT a debate or a scripted discussion. Find out what they think about the growth plans over the coming years...or what to do about the relationship with Bullis Charter. This is the ONLY time you'll have an opportunity to talk to them about what matters to YOU! City officialsfrom Los Altos and Los Altos Hills as well as current LASD Board of Trustees members will be also be in attendance, so take this unique opportunity to find out how our elected officials are working together to make a difference for our kids.
From the PTA
Family Dinner Out –Wed. Sept. 26th 5pm-9pm, Maltby’s Restaurant.
Take a night off from cooking and dine out atMaltby’s in downtown Los Altos. Print out the flyer on the Covington Website 20% of the receipts will be donated to Covington School. For directions and menu go to
Volunteer at the Walkathon! You can be part of the year’s biggest community-building event. We need adult volunteers for the following jobs and stations: Field set-up, clean up, registration/check-in, incentives tables, Rocket Stop Café, water and firstaid, field monitors, and moon balls. One hour shifts are available. Please sign up on the Google spreadsheet located at
Fill up your sponsor cards! Students took home their sponsor cards last Thursday. Encourage them to ask family and neighbors for pledges. The top earners and walkers ineach grade level will be honored at the school-wide assembly and win a prize. Also, the top-earning classroom at each grade level will earn an ice cream snack at recess. This is an excellent opportunity for students to directly improve their school.
Covington Wear
The Covington Wear Pre-orders are in! Look out for t-shirts and sweatshirts coming home with your child on Friday. If you forgot to pre-order, you can buy at the Walkathon or on the Covington Website.
Looking for an opportunity to get involved? The Covington PTA needs you!
Emergency Preparedness Chair: This chair is responsible for maintaining emergency shed supplies, assisting during emergency drills, and overseeing the classroom emergency prep volunteers. The chair is also responsible for preparing class emergency badges used on fieldtrips and in the event of emergencies. Questions? Contact Mara Starkey at
Technology Committee Chair: The Technology Committee supports the implementation and use of computer-related technology as a core teaching tool at Covington. The committee draws on thetalents of our technology-savvy parents to augment the work of the computer lab aides who support teacher technology needs. They welcome volunteers who help with the planning and implementation of technology projects throughout the year. We’re looking for a chair who will assess our students technological needs, and then work with the PTA and other parent volunteers to meet these needs. Questions? Contact Mara Starkey at
Auction Co-Chair: Are you outgoing and want to help run the most lucrative fundraiser Covington has each year? We have one person and we need one other to help manage the tons of volunteers already committed to make this fundraiser a success. Interested? Contact Jessica Speiser at
Witches Night Out Event Still has Space
Come as your favorite witch for a Halloween themed Ladies Night Out with other Covington Moms. We will serve dinner, creative drinks and good fun! There will be a costume contest! Your co-hosts are Christine Wedner, Saori O'Reilly and Sandi Elefant
Oct 20th from 6pm to 9pm $50.00 at Sandi's house -169 Giffin Rd, Los Altos
Sign up online at our Covington school website or email
Are you up for a salivary sensation in an unforgettable setting? Start your evening with gourmet hors d'oeuvres, catered by Sunnyvale’s famed Dishdash restaurant, and fine wines, and then delve into the wonderful world of chocolate with Covington mom and chocolatier Suzanne Kasso as your guide! This unforgettable event will be hosted in Stonebrook Court Manor - an historic English Tutor mansion in Los Altos Hills. Rev up your taste buds! This is a chocoholics dream in an amazing venue! Tickets are $100 per person. Proceeds benefit the Covington PTA. Please make your check payable to Covington PTA, or "click here" to purchase your tickets online.
School News
Student Council News!
Hey Coyotes! Campaign Week starts next week! Look for campaign posters all around campus. On Thursday, September 27th students running for student council officers will be giving speeches in the Multi at 10:30. See you there!
From Los Altos School District
Curriculum Council
The Los Altos School District is looking for members to serve on the 2012-13 Curriculum Council. The District Curriculum Council is a standing advisory committee to the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction that has as its primary goal the ongoing improvement of the district’s educational program. Through its review of proposed program changes and proposed committee charges, the Council seeks to: provide students with rigorous educational programs that reflect the district's mission, goals and priorities, and meet and exceed California state standards. The District Curriculum Council meets quarterly. If you are interested in joining this council, please email agallagher@lasdschools.
IEPTA Meeting
Please join us for our first meeting of the school year. We'll discuss what's happening in LASD Special Education this year and we'll have plenty of time for informal discussion as well. This is a great opportunity to connect with other parents, share what's working for your child this year, as well as what you feel could be improved. We are looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new members! Please visit our website for more information on IEPTA (LASD Special Education PTA)
When: Thursday, September 27, 7-8:30pm. Where: Covington School Multipurpose Room
Follow this link for the School & Community News
For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.
From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community:
It was great to see you all at Back to School Night! It is hard to believe we are already finishing our third week of school. I wanted to share some of our student engagement opportunities you generously provide to our school and our students via both PTA and LAEF.
Lunchtime Opportunities for Children
Did you know that during the week Covington has a great deal opportunities for students to make connections with caringadults and engage in organized activities as well as playground games?
Thanks to our generous PTA, we have several lunchtime activities going on to support our students
Coyote Lair
Room 32 is open each day at lunchtime for students to drop in to participate in one of the following activities:
Mondays Doodle Day with Suzy Allison
Tuesdays Bingo with Walter Chapman
Wednesdays Origami with Takaka Yanase
Thursdays Build it and Board Games with Judith Girardi
If you are looking for a great way to connect with our students and get to know more of our Covington Community, we have opportunities for you to volunteer on one of these days. Contact Suzy Allison if you are interested suzykallison@yahoo.
Many thanks for our wonderful parent volunteers for providing this opportunity for our students!
FIT/ IntraMurals
PTA also funds structured activities on the playground every day.
Mr. Heeb, our P.E. Teacher runs intramurals and organized games for all students on Tuesday's and Thursdays, while FIT runs organized, interactive sporting activities on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Coming soon is our Friday running club!
Let’s Recognize and Celebrate LAEF and our Community
Educating children involves the efforts of an entire community. Our community in Los Altos is made up of parents, teachers, homeowners, business owners, concerned citizens, and our own children. One important and valued facet of our community is the Los Altos Educational Foundation. LAEF has stepped in for 30 years to bridge the gaps in our funding and provide programs for our students. Some of the programs sponsored by LAEF over the years include: School Library Hours, Art Docents, STEM for 6th graders, Reading Literacy Aides for primary grades, and PE/Music Education. This is part of what makes Los Altos such a wonderful community in which to live; the involvement of so many members of the larger community banding together to support children. The Los Altos Educational Foundation will celebrate its 30th Anniversary with a grand family party on Sept 28 from 4 to 8 PM at the Covington Black Top. Please plan to attend and celebrate the achievements of our community in supporting our children’s education.
PTA Meeting/Coffee
I hope to see you all at our first official PTA Meeting and coffee tomorrow morning at 8:30am in our Staff Room!
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
Sept. 14- PTA Meeting/Parent Coffee
Sept. 19 – Picture Day
Sept. 27 – Minimum Day - All kinders attend 8:15am-11:35am, 1-6th dismissal at 12:15pm
Sept. 28 – LAEF Anniversary Event, 4pm.
Oct. 5 – Vision Screening, Grades K, 3, 6, SDC
LAEF 30th Anniversary Community Festival
Have dinner with us! Join the Los Altos community to celebrate 30 years of supporting our great LASD schools. Mogo Korean BBQ, The Grilled Cheese Bandit, Armadillo Willy’s, Louisiana Territory and more will be offering dinner for purchase during LAEF's 30th Anniversary Celebration on the Covington School Campus on Friday, September 28 from 4 - 8 pm. Look for posters in downtown Los Altos stores supporting our schools and join us on September 28th.
From the PTA
Walkathon Update
Walkathon sponsor cards going home today. Calling all students to come out and raise funds for Covington’s essential programs! Check Thursday folders for the sponsor card and event brochure. Encourage your student to help improve their school by participating. The Walkathon takes place on October 13 from 9:30 am – 3:00 pm.
Sign up to be a Family Sponsor of the Walkathon. Put your family name on the Walkathon t-shirt! Complete the sponsor form on the Website (
Earthquakes Soccer
Do you love Soccer? Do you love Covington? Have you been itching to go to an Earthquakes game and just needed a good excuse? Well, I have one for you! Come watch the San Jose Earthquakes play F.C. Dallas on September 29th and 33% of your ticket price will go to the Covington PTA! See details on how and when to purchase the tickets in your child's Thursday folder or email me (
Are you up for a salivary sensation in an unforgettable setting? Start your evening with gourmet horsd'oeuvres, catered by Sunnyvale’s famed Dishdash restaurant, and fine wines, and then delve into the wonderful world of chocolate with Covington mom and chocolatier Suzanne Kasso as your guide! This unforgettable eventwill be hosted in Stonebrook Court Manor - an historic English Tutor mansion in Los Altos Hills. Rev up your taste buds! This is a chocoholics dream in an amazing venue! Tickets are $100 per person. Proceeds benefit the Covington PTA. Please make your check payable to Covington PTA, or "click here" to purchase your tickets online. Thanks!
Covington's Run Club: The Coyote Pack
Join The Pack! Starting October 5th, every Friday at lunch Covington's Run Club, "The Coyote Pack", will meet out on the field. The Coyote Pack is a self-paced, “run for fun” activity, open to every level of runner. Coyote Pack Runners will be provided mileage cards to track their distance to earn ribbons for graduated milestones completed. Ribbons earned will be presented at Friday Flag Salute.
From October through December, Coyote Pack Runners will be encouraged to work toward the goal of participation in the Los Altos New Year’s Day Fun Run. Between January and May, Coyote Pack Runners will be encouraged to run with a goal in mind to participate in the Run for Zimbabwe & Los Altos Hill Pathways Run. Participation in these events is optional, with more information to follow. Coyote Pack Runners will be able to purchase a "Pack T-shirt" to proudly wear to school and these local running events.
There is no need to sign up ahead of time, just be sure to remind your interested runner to wear tennis shoes, bring a water bottle, come have fun and join The Pack on Friday, October 5th! For more information and to volunteer (volunteers do not need to run!!) to help make Covington's Run Club a success, please contact Jen Roy McGuigan ( or 650.248.9532.
PTA Meeting 9/14/12 – Agenda
Old Business
- Minutes from May General Meeting
- Treasure’s Reports
- Check Approvals
New Business
- Discussion and Approval of 2012-2013 Budget
- Discussion and Approval of PTA Goals for 2012-2013
School News
Student Council News
Welcome to a new school year, Coyotes! Students who are running for Student Council officer positions will be meeting on Tuesday, September 18th in Mrs. Portillo's room at lunch to discuss campaign rules. We will have elections on Thursday, September 27 following student speeches. Looking forward to another great year!
If your child is absent, please call the Attendance phone to let us know, 650-947-1101. Also, remember if your child will be absent due to a religious holiday, you must let us know in writing in advance. An email or note to the office is fine.
After School Pick Up Policy
Just a friendly reminder that children must be picked up promptly at dismissal time; 2:20pm for 1st-3rd grade, 2:40pm for 4th-6th grade. Your child’s safety is our primary concern.
After School Art
After School Art Clubs still have space available. It is not too late to sign up to “Learn from the Masters.” Students will paint, draw and sculpt their way through art history as they explore the work and lives of well-known artists. Different artists are studied each session! Click here for more information:http://www.covingtonschool.
From Los Altos School District
LASD Launches a New Parent Education Series
We are excited to share information on current district wide learning initiatives that will help us revolutionize learning for all students with the LASD parent community. Once a month, district staff will host an “iLearn Parent Education” event. All parents and community members are welcome. Our first event will focus on Gifted Education and the difference between gifted and high achieving students. This event will be on Friday, September 28, 9:00 am at Oak Elementary in the Multi. Parents will learn more about how LASD is meeting the needs of their children and walk away with strategies and resources that are beneficial to parents of both high-achieivng and gifted students. Presentation content will be available on the districtwebsite following each presentation. Information on all parent education events can be found at
Follow this link for the School & Community News
For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.
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