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Breaking News: Covington won the LASD social media contest:

Dear Covington Parents and Community,

School Site Council Needs you!

If you are interested in helping to set and plan for innovative school wide goals and initiatives, our School Site Council needs you!

We are looking for 3-4 parents to join our School Site Team.  We meet on the first Tuesday of the month from 3-4pm in our Staff Room.  (*We do not meet in December and June, so we have a grand total of 7 meetings.) This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know different staff members and parents. If you are interested and would like to join us, please email or contact Erin Green directly.

Covington Elementary School's Miss Sam Honored as
Hero in the Classroom’

Last Wednesday during a school staff meeting, Symetra, Wells Fargo and the San Francisco 49ers honored our school and teacher, Samantha Kephart as a “Symetra Hero in the Classroom.” Miss Kephart has been teaching a special day class at Covington for five years.

“Sam Kephart makes a big difference in the lives of her students every day. Each student in her classroom is unique, with moderate to severe disabilities, and can be very challenging to work with. Sam does an amazing job keeping her classroom positive, treating all students equally and encouraging them to believe that there is nothing they cannot do,” said Susie Werner, a parent of one of Miss Kephart’s students.

“Sam does an excellent job making parents feel we are part of team that is working together to help her students reach new heights and tackle challenges while having a great time,” adds Louanne Gonzalez. “Sam stands out for her warm heart, patience and supportive personality. The smiles on her students’ faces speak volumes about the impact she has on their lives.” Werner and Gonzalez nominated Sam Kephart for the Symetra Heroes in the Classroom® award.

Miss Kephart is one of 16 K-12 teachers in the San Francisco Bay Area who were honored for educational excellence in the Symetra Heroes in the Classroom program during the 2013 NFL season. Teachers are recognized in front of their students and peers at surprise in-school presentations, and they receive a donation for schoolbooks and supplies. In addition, they receive tickets to a 49ers home game and are acknowledged during an on-field presentation at Candlestick Park. Sam Kephart was recognized at the Sept. 8 game when the 49ers beat the Green Bay Packers.  Join us in celebrating Miss Samantha Kephart—we are so proud to have her on staff!

This Friday all be our 1st PTA Meeting and Parent Coffee. Mark your calendars now!  Our STEM teacher, Mrs. Katie Farley, will be presenting around STEM and student engagement.

Have a wonderful week!

Erin S. Green


Upcoming Events:

9/11 – Picture Day
9/13 – PTA Meeting/Parent Coffee
9/27 – Staff Development Day – No School
10/4 – Otter Pop Friday – Turn in Walkathon Sponsor Cards 2:20p-3:15pm.
10/17 – Picture Make Up Day


Tomorrow is Picture Day: On Picture Day all your child needs to bring is a smile! Shooting Stars will take multiple photos of every student, and all orders are placed after Picture Day.  No need to pre-order!

After Picture Day, you will be provided with a custom proof sheet for your student, as well as an access code to view the full selection of photos. Orders can be placed either online or by turning in your proof sheet to the school before the Photo Selection Deadline. Please note that proof sheet order forms will not be accepted after the Deadline has passed. Have any additional questions? Contact Shooting Stars directly at, or (800) 311-7784 x11.


Yard Supervisors Needed Monday-Friday 12:00-12:40pm every day:  If you are able to help one day a week or all five days each week, we need you!  We have openings for parents, grandparents, or college students.  If you are interested (this is a paid position) yourself or know of someone else who may be interested, please give me call the office at 650.947.1100.  This is a fun and great opportunity to get to know our awesome students and see some of the great things that go on at school during the year!


Author Bruce Hale to Visit Covington: The Author Visit Program kicks off on Sept. 17 introducing Bruce Hale at a morning assembly for kindergarten through third graders.  Bruce Hale, author and/or illustrator of over twenty-five books for young readers including the Chet Gecko Mysteries, will be promoting his new picture book “Clark the Shark”. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PARENTS!  For those who wish to purchase a copy of “Clark the Shark”, please return the order form and a check payable to Kepler’s Books to your child’s classroom or the Author Visit box in the office no later than this Friday, Sept. 13. -Lori Parsons, Author Visit Chair & Maureen Drobot, Librarian


LAEF: Welcome to the 2013-14 School Year!

For more than 30 years, LAEF has helped bring enrichment programs to LASD students.  Staff for Physical Education, Music, Art, and reduced student-to-teacher ratios are all supported by your donations.   In addition, this year's innovation grant includes funding for a new STEM lab and full-time teacher at every elementary school in the district.  Combined with PTA funding for the supplies and equipment that help deliver these programs and others, your contributions to both are critical.

Please click here to pledge and/or donate now.


PTA Meeting Agenda for this Friday’s meeting:
Treasurer report/approve expenses
Adopt the 2013/14 Budget
Auditor's report (Scott)
Walkathon Update (Sonia)
STEM Presentation (Katie Farley)


Sign up to be a Family Sponsor of the Walkathon. Put your family name on the Walkathon t-shirt!  Sign-up and pay online at the Covington website:

Walkathon sponsor cards going home this week.  Calling all students to come out and raise funds for Covington’s essential programs!  Check Thursday folders for the sponsor card and event brochure.  Encourage your student to help improve their school by participating. The beach-themed "Walking on Sunshine" Walkathon takes place on October 13 from 9:30 am – 3:00 pm. Have questions or want to help out? Contact Tracey Leong ( or Sonia Brunner (


VIP Parents: Calling all willing volunteers. Our VIP program is starting this Thursday Sept 12th.  Come and join other parents on Thursday mornings after drop-off at the workroom!  Help teachers with prep work and have time to meet other parents and socialize at the same time.  VIP parents will meet in the Covington Workroom every Thursday from 8:30am-10:00am.


Afterschool Programs: Some of our After School vendors still have space in their on-site classes.  For information about Chess, Tennis, Spanish etc, check on the Covington website and contact the providers regarding registration:


Give With Target: This year, Target will give money to schools all over the country for one simple act: a vote. Our school needs just 25 votes to earn a $25 donation from Target. But that's only the beginning. For each additional vote, our school will get $1 more. Go to to vote for Covington Elementary School once a week through September 21 or until Target has given away all $5 million. Vote and see rules at


Cub Scouts: Cub Scouts is for 1st - 5th grade boys.  Pack 76 serves the neighborhoods for the Covington school district, as well as a number of local private elementary schools. For more information please contact Chi-Ray Chien – Cubmaster –<>


District & Community News:


Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to  Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday.

Dear Covington Parents and Community,

On behalf of our entire school and staff, thank you for a fantastic first 10 days of school. Our students have done an amazing job upholding our Coyote expectations and they are engaged and excited about the learning in their classrooms. Thank you for attending Back-To-School Night last Tuesday. We were impressed with the family level of engagement as well, and know this is indicative of a terrific school year ahead for all of us.

Starting this fall, we have several programs your children will be participating in:

Music/ C-STEM/ P.E.
PE for all students started the first day of school. Our 1st-3rd grade classes are involved in PE one time each week, while 4th-6th grade classes participate in PE two times each week. Kindergartners at Covington exercise at break time each day and will participate in organized playground activities and fitness games with the staff from FIT at Rancho. This week instrumental music for upper grades begins. Our 4th and 5th grade students participate in vocal music, while our 5th and 6th graders participate in band, orchestra or choral. C-STEM begins tomorrow for our 6th grade students. Every 6th grader will participate in a C-STEM lab each week for 45 minutes. Thank you to you, for your contributions to LAEF to provide these programs for our students.

Theater-Starting Arts
Kindergarten-third grade students start theater class this week. Instruction lasts for 6 weeks and then students move into a music rotation for 24 weeks. Thank you to you and our generous PTA! We appreciate your support of Starting Arts to inspire our students. We can't wait to show you what we are learning.

FIT at Lunchtime/ Intramurals with Mr. Heeb
Thanks also to our very generous PTA and you, we are able to have two FIT coaches from Rancho facilitate interactive games and sports with our students on Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Mr. Heeb provides intramural sports for students. Our students love the choice options available at lunchtime.

New Full-Time School Psychologist!
Erin Prothro is beyond excited to be Covington's new psychologist - every day of the week! Her goal is to help every child be a successful student and learn in a positive, supportive, and engaging school environment. She will be working with students, teachers, and families to help with individual student needs as well as larger–scale projects (such as Project Cornerstone) and groups aimed at supporting students' social, emotional, and academic success. For more about the role of a school psychologist, visit

Who is Erin? Erin just moved back to the bay area (her home) after eight years in southern and central California. Last year, she worked in the Ventura Unified School District at a preschool and elementary school while finishing up her Master's of Education program at UCSB. Before that, she was a behavior therapist and case manager for one year after graduating from UCLA. Erin thrives on the energy, excitement, and fun of the school setting and the relationships that form within it. If you haven't met her yet, look for her on campus or stop by her room in the main office and say hello!

I hope you all enjoyed your three-day weekend and you are looking forward to the many fun fall events.

Erin S. Green

Yard Supervisors Needed Monday-Friday 12:00-12:40pm every day: If you are able to help one day a week or all five days each week, we need you! We have openings for parents, grandparents, or college students. If you are interested (this is a paid position) yourself or know of someone else who may be interested, please give me a call at 650.947.1100. This is a fun and great opportunity to get to know our awesome students and see some of the great things that go on at school during the year!

Calling Wonderful Covington Parents! Please send in some S.T.U.F.F. (Scraps That are Used For Fun!) We will be designing and creating many new products this year in the STEM Lab and could use all of the recyclable materials we can get our hands on! If you have materials/scraps around your home that you'd like to get rid of, feel free to donate them any time throughout the school year. Some examples of materials that are wonderful are: paper towel tubes, tissue paper, buttons, wooden rods, blocks, small wheels, tops of water bottles, etc. Thank you in advance for your help in our new discoveries! -Mrs. Katie Farley

Walden West Open House: Sept 8th Walden West is hosting a BBQ Open House from 10am-3pm. See attached flyer for details.

LAEF: Welcome to the 2013-14 School Year!
For more than 30 years, LAEF has helped bring enrichment programs to LASD students. Staff for Physical Education, Music, Art, and reduced student-to-teacher ratios are all supported by your donations. In addition, this year's innovation grant includes funding for a new STEM lab and full-time teacher at every elementary school in the district. Combined with PTA funding for the supplies and equipment that help deliver these programs and others, your contributions to both are critical.

Please click here to pledge and/or donate now.

Upcoming Events:

9/11 – Picture Day
9/13 – PTA Meeting/Parent Coffee
9/27 – Staff Development Day – No School

PTA Update:

Give With Target: This year, Target will give money to schools all over the country for one simple act: a vote. Our school needs just 25 votes to earn a $25 donation from Target. But that's only the beginning. For each additional vote, our school will get $1 more. Go to to vote for Covington Elementary School once a week through September 21 or until Target has given away all $5 million. Vote and see rules at

Save the date for the Walkathon on Saturday, October 12! This year's beach-themed Walkathon takes place at Covington from 9:30 am – 3:00 pm. With about 90 percent of Covington students participating, this is the largest (and most fun!) community event for the school. Come out to the green field, walk laps with your children, and meet their classmates. You can picnic on the lawn with food from the booths, listen to music, and take part in fun and athletic entertainment. This event is also a fundraiser allowing students to directly improve their technology, music, art, and library programs. Each and every student at Covington benefits from this event. Details and student sponsor cards will be sent home Sept 12.

Become a family t-shirt sponsor. Put your family name on the Walkathon t-shirt! You can sign up online or by putting a form in the WAT box in the office. For detailed instructions, visit

Become a corporate sponsor. The logos of corporate sponsors are prominently featured on the back of the Walkathon t-shirt worn by every Covington student. If your company would like to sponsor the event, contact Sonia Brunner ( or Tracey Leong (

Covington Voices Facebook Group: Do you want to be a well-informed Covington community member? Do you have questions you think other well-informed community members may be able to answer? We have just the right online venue for Covington Parents to ask, answer and comment on all things Covington. It is called Covington Voices and it is a private group on Facebook for Covington Parents only. Gabriella Bradley ( and Jessica Speiser ( created this Facebook group so that Covington Parents could have an "open, honest, respectful and constructive dialog" about all things Covington and LASD. Topics discussed in the group range from LASD/BCS legal fight to inquiries about babysitters. To join, please click on the following URL: Act now, because after September 30th, you will have to contact Gabriella or Jessica personally to join.

Cub Scouts: Cub Scouts is for 1st - 5th grade boys. Pack 76 serves the neighborhoods for the Covington school district, as well as a number of local private elementary schools. For more information please contact Chi-Ray Chien – Cubmaster – 650-469-3880 –

District & Community News:

Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday.

Remember Back to School Night tonight is an Adult only event for parents.

Dear Covington Parents and Community,

We had an outstanding first four days of school.  It has been so wonderful to see your children exited about being a Covington Coyote; their enthusiasm and positive energy has been really inspiring to me and our entire staff!

Thank you to Caroline Small and her crew of 6th grade parents who helped organized our Ice Cream Social. It was a huge success and the 6th graders made $270 dollars toward their end-of-the-year gift to the school!

Tonight is Back to School Night! (For Parents Only)

5:30pm               Kindergarten Special Day Class (SDC- Schwartzman) & 1st-3rd SDC Class (Kephart)

6:00pm               Kinder, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Grade Classroom Presentations, Upper Grade SDC

6:50pm               All parents and all staff come to the Multi for Introductions and a PTA/LAEF Welcome

7:15pm               4th, 5th, 6th Grade Classroom Presentations

We look forward to seeing everyone this evening.

This Friday will be our first minimum day.  On this day, all kindergarten students come to school from 8:15am-11:35am.  1st-6th Grade students will come at the regular start time (8:30am) and be dismissed at 12:15pm.

Like LASD On Facebook & Follow LASD on Twitter-Tomorrow!

You may have heard from Superintendent Baier, that we are encouraging the use of social media for parents to be informed about district news and events. LASD is having a friendly school challenge.   We need your help on Wednesday of this week (tomorrow!).  Instructions will be sent out tomorrow morning at 8:30am!

Thank you for your ongoing support.


Erin S. Green


Yard Supervisors Needed Monday-Friday 12:00-12:40pm every day:  If you are able to help one day a week or all five days each week, we need you!  We have openings for parents, grandparents, or college students.  If you are interested (this is a paid position) yourself or know of someone else who may be interested, please give me a call at 650.947.1100.  This is a fun and great opportunity to get to know our awesome students and see some of the great things that go on at school during the year!

Upcoming Events:

8/26 – Back To School Night

8/30 – Minimum Day!

9/2 – Labor Day Holiday – No School

9/11 – Picture Day

PTA Update:

Give With Target: This year, Target will give money to schools all over the country for one simple act: a vote. Our school needs just 25 votes to earn a $25 donation from Target. But that's only the beginning. For each additional vote, our school will get $1 more. Go to to vote for Covington Elementary School once a week through September 21 or until Target has given away all $5 million. Vote and see rules at

Celebrate your child's birthday by helping build the Covington School Library Collection! Included in the “Back to School” page on the Covington School website is an invitation to families to join the Birthday Book Club program with a $20 donation for each of your children. When entering the data, please remember to list each child’s name as used at school, enter his/her birthdate (mm/dd), and select the grade & teacher on the drop down menu.  Your donation is greatly appreciated.-Maureen Drobot, Covington Library

Volunteers Needed for Covington Library   At Back-to-School night, sign up as a Library helper for your child's classroom.  The library opens for classroom visits the week of September 9th. Training sessions will be held for volunteers.

Covington Ladies:  There are still spots open for the Wine & Cheese Party on September 6th at 7pm.  Please respond to the evite link found below to let us you are coming and place a $25 check in the PTA Box in office or bring it to the party.  It promises to be a great time!

Minimum Day Parties Are Back, Aug. 30: For the 8/30 minimum day, PTA is sponsoring the after school parties.   Sign up at the following link before space runs out.  1st comes 1st serve!  Open to all grades (K-6).  Please email with any questions.

Item Event Remaining Spots
311 Basketball Party with 1on1 Basketball ($30) 13
312 Soccer Party with Coach Ken ($30) 14
313 Cupcake Baking Party SOLD OUT


After School Programs: After school programs are being scheduled.  Most programs start in September.  Classes include: Science, Spanish, Art, Tennis, & Basketball with more programs to be added.  Please check the Covington Website for flyers and registration information

Register/Renew eScrip: eScrip is one of our most important shopping fundraisers, bringing in more than $5000 last year. Register all your existing grocery (esp. Safeway) cards, credit cards, and debit cards with eScrip:

If you have any questions, contact

Brownie Troop 61164 - School Supplies Drive: If you have some gently used supplies from last year that you do not need at home, or if you are purchasing supplies for this year, please consider purchasing some extra items and donating them to a school in a disadvantaged area.  There will be a bin will be outside the school office this week for donations.    Thank-you for your support.  Troop 61164

Parent Education: The MVLA Parent Ed Committee has three great parent ed events scheduled this fall.  See the attached flyer for information.

Living Classroom: Become a LIVING CLASSROOM docent.  Please click the following link to find out more about our upcoming informational meetings and docent trainings:

The Los Altos Art Docents need volunteers for the new school year!
Please join us Wednesday, August 28 for an informational coffee.  Los Altos School Board Room, 201 Covington Road, Los Altos

Please visit our website at or call 650.947.1195 for more information.

St. William Rummage Sale: Our neighbor St. William Church is having a Rummage Sale. Covington Parents are invited to a special shopping day on Thursday, Sept. 5th, ( 9am-3pm), along with St.Wm parishioners. The sale is open to the public on Sept 6th and 7th, and of course, you can shop on those days as well.    If you want to drop off items for donation, please contact Marie Phares, in the church office for drop off times, 650-968-2863.

Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to  Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday.

Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,


We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing and enthusiastic support and commitment to make Covington an inspiring place for students.  It was so wonderful to see so many of you last night at our Back to School event. Special thanks to Nir Wakrat, Suzanne Kasso, Jessica Speiser, Fionnuala Loughran, Carolyn LeBaron and Valerie Cairns for all their hard work in making the event a success.   We are excited to resume the 2013-2014 school year; we have a fantastic staff who have been hard at work over the last few weeks, getting ready to greet your children!


This year, Covington School has added a STEM teacher to our staff.  Thanks to LAEF, each elementary school will have a dedicated lab room and a full-time Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Teacher, who will collaborate with the classroom teachers to reinforce classroom-based science lessons with lab-based experiments.  Every student will participate in a variety of hands-on Science lessons in addition to the current FOSS-kit based science lessons.  Details of the program, including lesson plans are currently being developed.  I am pleased to announce, that Katie Farley will be the STEM teacher at Covington school. Mrs. Farley brings a wealth of experience, knowledge and passion around STEM and is excited to meet our school community in the coming days!


Thank you for all you do for our entire school community.  From your generous donations and hours of volunteer hours to your passion for bringing so many engaging activities to our children such as PE, Music, FIT at lunchtime, small group reading instruction support, STEM Lab, et.c, we appreciate you!  Your support of our school, our PTA and LAEF is invaluable!


We look forward to another wonderful year collaborating to make our school an even more amazing place for students!


Remember to complete the Back To School Checklist online and also stop by the morning coffee cart in front of the Multi tomorrow morning; enjoy a latte, courtesy of our fabulous PTA!  Also, mark your calendars for Friday morning's Classroom Volunteer Sign-up Coffee.  We can't wait to see you and your children tomorrow!


Sincerely and gratefully,

Erin S. Green, Principal

Matt Abrahams, LAEF Board

Suzanne Kasso, PTA President


Yard Supervisors Needed Monday-Friday 12:00-12:40pm every day:  If you are able to help one day a week or all five days each week, we need you!  We have openings for parents, grandparents, or college students.  If you are interested (this is a paid position) yourself or know of someone else who may be interested, please give me a call at 650.947.1100.  This is a fun and great opportunity to get to know our awesome students and see some of the great things that go on at school during the year!


PTA Update:

Give With Target: This year, Target will give money to schools all over the country for one simple act: a vote. Our school needs just 25 votes to earn a $25 donation from Target. But that's only the beginning. For each additional vote, our school will get $1 more. So please remember that, although the gesture is small, the rewards are potentially huge. Go to to vote for Covington Elementary School once a week through September 21 or until Target has given away all $5 million. And please forward this email to your friends. Vote and see rules at


Hot Lunch Volunteers Needed: Hot Lunch service starts on 8/21.  The hot lunch crew still has one hot lunch LEAD position available on every other Tuesday. A benefit of the lead position is the exclusive use of the hot lunch parking space reserved for the lead for the entire workday. Please consider signing up todayWe also need parents to sign up to be Hot Lunch Servers.  The shift runs from 11:40 am - 12:15 pm and includes 4 parent volunteers. You may sign up to work once a week or once every other week. Just add your name to the shared document and submit.


Minimum Day Parties Are Back; Aug. 30:Don't know what to do with your kids when school gets out early? We have your solution. For the 8/30 minimum day, PTA is sponsoring the after school parties.   Sign up at the following link before space runs out.  1st comes 1st serve!  Open to all grades (K-6).  Please email with any questions.


Item                  Event                                                            Remaining Spots

311                   Basketball Party with 1on1 Basketball ($30)    13

312                   Soccer Party with Coach Ken ($30)                14

313                   Cupcake Baking Party                                   SOLD OUT   


After School Programs: After school programs are being scheduled.  Most programs start in September.  Classes include: Science, Spanish, Art , Tennis, Chess & Basketball with more programs to be added.  Please check the Covington Website for flyers and registration information


Living Classroom: Become a LIVING CLASSROOM docent: share your love of nature with kids!  The Living Classroom inspires children to learn and value our natural world through docent led hands-on garden-based education.  Please see the attached flyer for Information Meeting dates and Training Sessions.


St. William Rummage Sale: Our neighbor St. William Church is having a Rummage Sale. Covington Parents are invited to a special shopping day on Thursday, Sept. 5th, ( 9am-3pm), along with St.Wm parishioners. The sale is open to the public on Sept 6th and 7th, and of course, you can shop on those days as well.    If you want to drop off items for donation, please contact Marie Phares, in the church office for drop off times, 650-968-2863.



Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to  Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the followingTuesday.

Dear Parents and Community Members:

First of all, thank you, for another wonderful year here at Covington!  Looking back on this year, we have accomplished a great deal together for our students, and we could not have done it without each of you.  Your time and support is incredible.  From your 20,000 plus volunteer hours to your donations, organization and leadership at all school events; we appreciate each and every one of you more than you will ever know. On behalf of our students and entire staff, THANK YOU!

Farewell to our 6th Graders

Each year our departing 6th grade class gives a gift to our school community.  This year our students have chosen to give Covington a new California Flag and replace the sporting equipment in our student Ball Room.  Our incoming 6th graders will enjoy raising the new flag each day, as well as, checking out new sporting equipment to our student body.  Thank you, 6th graders, for thoughtful gifts all of our students will be able to use and enjoy!

Schedule for the Last Day of School-Flag Assembly 8:15 am!

Tomorrow is our last day of school.  Please remember that tomorrow, the last day; school starts at 8:15am for everyone! Immediately after the 8:15 flag assembly, our 6th graders will have their promotion ceremony in the Multi purpose room.  Dismissal for K-5 is at 11:15.

Back to School Social-Save the Date Monday, August 19th 5pm.

In the interest of going green, we will be sending a welcome back email and post our class lists live on Monday, August 19th. Our PTA will be continuing the tradition started this year, with a fun evening to kick-off the 2013-2014 school year.  Please join our PTA and families from 5:00-7:00pm on Monday, August 19th for a Back to School Family Social.  More details will be emailed to you in early August.

Wishing you all a wonderful last two days of school.  Happy Summer!


Erin S. Green


Upcoming Events –

June 12 – 6th grade promotion

June 12 - Last day of school, start @8:15am, dismissal @ 11:15am.

August 19th – 5pm-7pm:  Covington Family Social & Posting of Class Lists

August 21 – First Day of School!


School News and Information

Let the Summer Reading Begin!

What better place to keep readers reading than at your public library?  Kids, teens, and adults may sign up for Summer Reading Programs online or in person.  Be sure to visit your public library often to keep books within easy reach all summer long.

For Los Altos:

For Mountain View:

I look forward to seeing all of Covington students back in the library when library classes resume for the 2013-14 school year. Information about E-Books Summer Reading

-Maureen Drobot Covington Library

Lost & Found

Please claim abandoned clothing and other items.  Anything left here after tomorrow will be donated to charity.


Pick up your child’s medications from the health office on the last day of school!

Medications cannot be stored over the summer. If your child is attending summer school, please pick up their medications and paperwork and take them to summer school on the first day. Thank you!

Donations Requested

Brownie Troop 61164 - School Supplies Drive

We are so fortunate to have well supplied classrooms here at Covington.  Unfortunately, not every school is this lucky - there are many schools within a 20 mile radius of here, as well as in developing countries that are getting by with much less than we are.   As you know, at the end of each school year, some classrooms send excess supplies back home with your children.  If you feel you could do without these at home, and would like to donate them to a school in a disadvantaged area, please place these supplies into the bin outside the school office.  The bin will be outside the office until tomorrow.  New supplies, or other very gently used supplies from home are welcome too.  We will also be collecting supplies the first week of the new school year, so if you are stocking up for 2013/14, why not buy an extra set and donate those too.

Thank-you for your support.  Troop 61164

From the Covington PTA


If you weren't able to buy a yearbook and would still like one, you can buy one on-line at, passcode: 1013595707721745

It will ask you to create an account for you and your child. Follow the steps and it will lead you to the final page to purchase a yearbook. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Christine Wedner,

Open PTA Positions:

We need YOUR help next year! Open PTA positions include:

*  Afterschool Enrichment Chair- work with outside vendors to schedule afterschool programs.

*  Staff Appreciation Parent- help coordinate potluck lunches for our teachers!

*  Multi-cultural Fair Chair- plan and run Covington's Multi-Cultural Fair

*  Emergency Prep- coordinate safety procedures with classroom emergency parents

Questions?  Contact Mara Starkey at

The Coyote Pack News:

Don't let summer vacation slow you down! On Your Mark, in downtown Los Altos, is hosting "Christmas in July", a charity 5k fun run, on July 14th.  The course is a scenic and easy. Shirt with registration. Bring an unopened toy/game to donate. All donations will go to Hope's Corner in Mountain View.  Yummy coffee cake and drinks at OYM after the run.  Register at

From Los Altos School District



For Howler submissions, please email by Friday for the next week’s Howler.

Dear Parents and Community Members:

Staffing for 2013-14

I am very excited to share our 2013-2014 Staffing plans for next year.  Teachers are already working, collaborating and making plans to greet next year’s students, just two and a half months away!  

Kindergarten -     

Danielle Garcia-new to Covington

Michelle Gibo

Christy McCracken

Angela Ping

1st -                   

Melissa Chan

Kimberly Nero

Megan Scatena


Eileen Cuzzi

Genie Sitler

Michele Kibble

Cortney Mase

3rd -                   

Katie Campodonico

Dorothy Cowell

Terry Pomposo

4th -                    

Kate Goines-new to Covington

Linda Figone

Amy Wyosnick

5th -                   

Jill Croft

Jenny Portillo

Jolene Welch

6th -                   

Doug Core-new to Covington

Kate Kingman

Special Education 

Kinder SDC -       Debbie Schwartzman-new to Covington

Primary SDC -     Sam Kephart

Upper SDC -       TBD

RSP-                  Shannon Vassar


New Faces at Covington:

Doug Core-6th Grade:  We are pleased to announce Doug Core, a high-quality, experienced LASD teacher, will be joining our 6th grade team next year. The addition of Mr. Core to our 6th grade team will provide leadership, stability, and innovation to our upper grade team.  He and Ms. Kingman have already begun planning for a fantastic 2013-14 year.

Danielle Garcia-Kindergarten:  Danielle Garcia is joining our kindergarten team after completing a first grade long-term teaching assignment in the Las Lomitas School District.  She is excited to work with our innovative LASD staff, eager students and wonderfully supportive parent community.  Danielle has already met with our kindergarten team and is looking forward to meeting her new students in August.

Debbie Schwartzman-Kindergarten SDC: Debbie Schwartzman will rejoin our staff to lead our Kindergarten SDC. Most recently she has been at Springer where she has done a fantastic job in their Primary SDC and has taken great pride in assimilating her class and her students into the Springer community. We look forward to having her rejoin our staff.

Kate Goines-4th: Kate comes to Covington from Gardner Bullis with a wealth of experience.  She has both led the full-day kindergarten for many years, and she has served as Gardner Bullis' interim principal this spring. She is excited to join our school community because she has heard great things about Covington.  Ms. Goines spent Monday morning meeting with our current fourth grade team.  She looks forward to meeting all of our awesome students in August.

As we welcome new staff, we would like to wish good luck to:

Ami Lutz, is moving to Loyola to teach in the Primary SDC position.  

Justine Hedlund, will be leaving our district for an opportunity up the Peninsula.

Natalie Pontino, will be going to a East Bay school district, closer to her home.

Tara Harte, after 40 years of teaching will culminate her career next Wednesday and embark on a new adventure into retirement. 

We wish our friends the best of luck and much happiness in the future.

Finally, in honor or Tara Harte, our staff and students have decided to create an award to celebrate her contributions. Look forward to next week at promotion, where one of our 6th grade students will be awarded the 1st Annual Tara Harte Inspirational Award. (see the description below)                                                                                

2012-20 Tara Harte Inspirational Award

This year, Covington will be awarding our First Annual “Tara Harte Inspirational Award” to a member of this year’s 6th grade class.  Our Covington school and staff sponsor this award. This award was created to celebrate the contributions of retiring teacher, Tara Harte.

Tara Harte is an educator and a friend ofchildren. Serving our Los Altos children and families for 40 years, she has inspired all who know her. Tara Harte has a unique understanding of children and bestows a touch of grace upon each child with whom she comes in contact.  She has made a significant and sometimes pivotal contribution to the lives of many of our Covington students.  This award will celebrate her legacy of inspiration by recognizing children who are inspiring to others.

The award is presented to the Covington student

•    Who graces life with action, inspiration and spirit

•    Who accomplishes much by positive and creative deeds

•    Who moves us and inspires us

•    Who infuses life and work with fun and

•    Who makes our hearts dance

Each member of this sixth grade class submitted a nomination essay about the classmate who, for them, best represents the qualities celebrated by this award.

One student will be honored at the 6th grade promotion and will receive the First Annual Tara Harte Inspirational Award.  

We wish all of our Coyote students, staffmembers and parents a wonderful last week of school!  I hope to see everyone at Field Day this Friday.


Erin S. Green


Upcoming Events –

June 7 – Field Day

June 7 – Minimum Day, kinders attend 8:15am-11:35am, 1st-6th grade dismissal 12:15pm.

June 12 – 6th grade promotion

June 12 - Last day of school, dismissal @ 11:15am.


School News and Information

LASD eBook Library

Even though Covington Library is closed for the school year, the Los Altos School District’s eBook Library is always open 24-hours a day, 365 days a year.  If your student has access to an eReader device and has yet to take advantage of this easy and free access to eBooks, go to and follow the prompts.  All students have received from their classroom teacher or will soon receive in their Thursday envelope, an information card with a label containing their library card number &pin/password for access to the district’s eBook collection.   The eBook collection has recently been expanded thanks to LAEF to encourage reading over the summer. -Happy Reading! Mrs. Drobot

Lost & Found

We are approaching the end of the year.  Please claim abandoned clothing and other items.  Anything left here after June 12th will be donated to charity.


Pick up your child’s medications from the health office on the last day of school!

Medications cannot be stored over the summer. If your child is attending summer school, please pick up their medications and paperwork and take them to summer school on the first day. Thank you!

Donations Requested

Brownie Troop 61164 - School Supplies Drive

We are so fortunate to have well supplied classrooms here at Covington.  Unfortunately, not every school is this lucky - there are many schools within a 20 mile radius of here, as well as in developing countries that are getting by with much less than we are.   As you know, at the end of each school year, some classrooms send excess supplies back home with your children.  If you feel you could do without these at home, and would like to donate them to a school in a disadvantaged area, please place these supplies into the bin outside the school office.  The bin will be outside the office between Monday and Wednesday next week.  New supplies, or other very gently used supplies from home are welcome too.  We will also be collecting supplies the first week of the new school year, so if you are stocking up for 2013/14, why not buy an extra set and donate those too.

Thank-you for your support.  Troop 61164

Kick-Off for LASD Instrument Drive

Music enriches lives, and LASD is dedicated to offering instrumental music to every 5th-8th grade student who wants to participate. In order to give all students access to quality instruments, LASD will be conducting an instrument drive May 30-June 30. Donating your working used instrument will ensure that all students, regardless of need, will be able to learn about music and be part of a weekly or daily music program at our elementary and junior high schools. Now is the time to clean out those closets, talk to relatives, neighbors, and friends, and putthose instruments that are gathering dust into the hands of students eager to learn and be part of a musical group.

*   When: May 30-June 30

*   Where: Drop off at the Los Altos School District Office, 201 Covington Road, Los Altos, between the hours of 8:00 am -12:00 pm and 1:00 pm -4:00 pm. Donation receipts will be provided.

*   What: Working band and orchestra instruments: trumpets, trombones, flutes, clarinets, violins, violas, cellos.

Please refer any questions to Raquel Matteroli, Coordinator of Categorical Programs at<>.

From the Covington PTA

Dine out for Covington at Amici’s, tonight, June 4th.

Enjoy Amici’s menu of gourmet pizzas, pastas and salads all while supporting Covington Elementary School. Present the attached flyer to your server when you order and Amici’s will donate 25% to Covington Elementary School. Tuesday, June 4, 2013 790 Castro Street (near El Camino). Mountain View CA 650-961-6666 11am-10pm Dine In or Carry Out Only (No Delivery). No Reservations Will Be Taken, Amici’s cannot promise to seat groups together

Living Classroom Fundraiser AT Whole Foods

We are fortunate to have the Whole Foods Market in Los Altos (on El Camino) to offer a special benefit day for the Living Classroom Programs at LASD and MVWSD! 5pc of sales benefites the L Please spread the word to your friends and forward this email.  Even if you don't regularly shop at Whole Foods, mark June 5th as the day to stock up on items you may not find at other stores.  Thank you!    -- The Living Classroom Staff

Open PTA Positions:

We need YOUR help next year! Open PTA positions include:

*  Afterschool Enrichment Chair- work with outside vendors to schedule afterschool programs.

*  Staff Appreciation Parent- help coordinate potluck lunches for our teachers!

*  Multi-cultural Fair Chair- plan and run Covington's Multi-Cultural Fair

*  Emergency Prep- coordinate safety procedures with classroom emergency parents

Questions?  Contact Mara Starkey at

The Coyote Pack News:

The Coyote Pack did it! On Friday, The Coyote Pack completed their final twentymiles to meet their goal. Since beginning the journey in October, The Coyote Pack has run a cumulative distance equivalent to running across the United States, from Covington Elementary to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Yes, that's 2,855 miles on foot!! High-five your runner for their awesome efforts participating in a fun and successful year at run club!  Couldn't do this without our volunteers! On Friday, Elina Bortok, Elena Volkova, Maria Dadoyan, Steve Smiley and Suzanne Kasso (& two Jens!) were there to help make these cool memories happen for our students.

Until next year... Jen Roy McGuigan and Jen Springer

AMAZON SHOPPERS – Make Your Shopping Count for Covington!

Earn referral fees for Covington on purchases of books, CDs, electronics, toys, and more. It’s EASY and DOESN’T COST YOU ANYTHING! Go to www.covingtonschool.orgclick the Amazon logo to go to the Amazon website, then select and purchase your items as you normally would. Covington will automatically receive a referral fee of at least 6.5%!  No sign-up required. Questions? Contact Dale Tritschler at

Classroom Supply Donation - School Tool Box

To enhance the educational experience of all of our students, we are requesting sufficient donations of supplies and materials to provide for each child at Covington.  We do this through your online orders to School Toolbox.  Our online School Tool Box store is now open for the 2013-2014 school year! Thestore will remain open until June 1, 2013. Orders are online only. School toolboxes are $70 this year and include all the supplies your teachers haverequested.   Toolboxes are offered as a convenience to families wishing to donate school supplies to their child's classroom and supplies are purchased in bulk, which saves costs.   So please go online to and order today!!  Just register at the website and follow the easy instructions.  Thank you from Covington PTA.

From Los Altos School District



For Howler submissions, please email by Friday for the next week’s Howler.

Short Week – Short Howler…..

Upcoming Events –

May 27 – Memorial Day Holiday

May 31 – Volunteer Breakfast

May 31 – 6th grade Popsicle sale

June 7 – Field Day

June 7 – Minimum Day, kinders attend 8:15am-11:35am, 1st-6th grade dismissal 12:15pm.

June 12 – 6th grade promotion

June 12 - Last day of school, dismissal @ 11:15am.


School News and Information

6th Grade Popsicle Fundraiser

The Covington Class of '13 will be having its final fundraiser after school this Friday, May 31, from 2:20 to 3:00!  Sixth graders will be selling cool, refreshing Otter Pops outside the multi for $1 each.  All proceeds go towards purchasing the 6th grade gift so please stop by to grab one--or more!--before heading home.  Thank you!

Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast

Covington Teachers and Staff and would like to thank YOU for helping to make our school a fabulous place to learn and work.  When: Friday, May 31st, 8:00-9:00 AM. Where: Covington Multipurpose Room. What: A tasty breakfast.  SEE YOU THERE!!

LASD eBook Library

Even though Covington Library is closed for the school year, the Los Altos School District’s eBook Library is always open 24-hours a day, 365 days a year.  If your student has access to an eReader device and has yet to take advantage of this easy and free access to eBooks, go to and follow the prompts.  All students have received from their classroom teacher or will soon receive in their Thursday envelope, an information card with a label containing their library card number &pin/password for access to the district’s eBook collection.   The eBook collection has recently been expanded thanks to LAEF to encourage reading over the summer. -Happy Reading! Mrs. Drobot

Lost & Found

We are approaching the end of the year.  Please claim abandoned clothing and other items.  Anything left here after June 12th will be donated to charity.


Pick up your child’s medications from the health office on the last day of school!

Medications cannot be stored over the summer. If your child is attending summer school, please pick up their medications and paperwork and take them to summer school on the first day. Thank you!

From the Covington PTA

Volunteer Green Thumb Needed

If you like gardening, Covington needs a volunteer to maintain the potted plants in front of the school.  The job requires minimum plant knowledge and only about 10 minutes of your time twice each week to water.  If you'd like to help spruce up the front of our school, please contact Suzanne Kasso  

Field Day 2013 is fast approaching. On June 7th from 10:00 - 12:00 the children will be participating in Field Day. If you haven't had much of a chance to volunteer this year, this is the event for you! Field Day is a fun filled two-hour event where the children participate in games, face painting and a blow-up obstacle course. We need your help to supervise the games, face paint, hand out treats, etc. to make Field Day a success. Please RSVP to Louanne Gonzalez ( if you have time to spare.  Thank you!

Auction Parties

Dodge Ball for Grades 1 - 3

There are 10 spots left for the Dodge Ball Derby with Mr. Heeb.  The event is for students in grades 1 - 3 and is being held on Tuesday, June 4 from 2:20 - 3:20 PM on the green field.  This is a fundraiser and the price is $20 per child.  If you are interested, please email

Item #260 Disco Bingo & Dinner Party for the Whole Family

Date: Saturday, June 8th 5-8 pm; 

Location: Los Altos Youth Center (LAYC)

Price: $60 per family

The grooves are back with this smash hit party! Dress up in your shiniest discooutfits and bring the whole family out to dance, dine, play bingo and win prizes. Kids LOVE this party! You will enjoy an Italian dinner, wine, dessert and the company of other fabulous Covington families.

Classroom Supply Donation - School Tool Box

To enhance the educational experience of all of our students, we are requesting sufficient donations of supplies and materials to provide for each child at Covington.  We do this through your online orders to School Toolbox.  Our online School Tool Box store is now open for the 2013-2014 school year! Thestore will remain open until June 1, 2013. Orders are online only. School toolboxes are $70 this year and include all the supplies your teachers haverequested.   Toolboxes are offered as a convenience to families wishing to donate school supplies to their child's classroom and supplies are purchased in bulk, which saves costs.   So please go online to and order today!!  Just register at the website and follow the easy instructions.  Thank you from Covington PTA.

Coyote Pack News

The Pack ran a total of 148 miles on Friday, arriving in Rockville, Maryland...only 20 miles away from our goal, The White House!!  Friday, May 31st will be our final run club of the year. We will run exactly 80 laps on Friday to reach our goal.  Photos were taken during run club and will appear in the next edition of The Los Altos Town Crier along with an article about our amazing runners!  We love our parent volunteers, who really give this program its legs. Ba dum bump. Come on out and watch our runners!! (

From Los Altos School District



For Howler submissions, please email by Friday for the next week’s Howler.

From Erin Green, Principal

Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,

Thank you Mrs. Grayson-Welcome Back Mrs. Mase!

Our Covington Community would like to thank Mrs. Becky Grayson for her work with Mrs. Cortney Mase's class during her maternity leave this spring.  Mrs. Grayson went above and beyond to provide both continuity and engaging instruction for our 2nd grade students.  She embraced our students and parents.  Students have shared with me they "love Mrs. Grayson and are going to miss her so much!"

We are delighted to welcome back Mrs. Mase after the birth of her son in March.  Mrs. Mase is so thrilled to be back with her students and she looks forward to a great end of the year.


Each spring brings staffing news and changes, and it is bittersweet that I share with you a letter from Miss Harte:

Dear Covington Families,         

I am feeling very sentimental as I’m writing this message to you…however, after teaching 40 years in the Los Altos School District I’ve decided to retire at the end of this school year.  I have loved teaching kindergarten and have so many wonderful memories of all my students and their parents.  It was such a joy and so much fun to watch the children discover new things, make new friends, and gain confidence in their abilities. 

Also, I want to sincerely thank all the children and parents for their tremendous support and help in the classroom and for the many kindnesses that they have shown to me throughout the years. I will always cherish being a part of your child’s life and for having the opportunity of being their first teacher. I had the privilege of working with an outstanding staff and making friendships that will last a lifetime.  I will miss all of you.

Love,  Tara Harte

Miss Harte has been an illustrious member of the LASD staff for almost 40 years.  She has even taught many of our students’ parents!  We will miss her dearly but we wish her well in her next phase of life.

Lastly, congratulations to our Covington 6th grade boys basketball team, coached by Dan Nero.   They played with great effort last Friday and earned a 3rd place finish.  Go Coyotes!


Erin S. Green


Upcoming Events –

May 27 – Memorial Day Holiday

May 31 – Volunteer Breakfast

May 31 – 6th grade bake sale

June 7 – Field Day

June 7 – Minimum Day

June 12 – 6th grade promotion

June 12 - Last day of school, dismissal @ 11:15am.


From the School Librarian


Students are requested to return all of their library books during their library classes this week.  Those who have overdue books need to return them to the library by this Friday, May 24th.

Bill Notices will be sent beginning Thursday, May 30.

Maureen Drobot,

From the Student Council

Student Council News

We will have Country Western Day this Friday, May 24. Wear your boots, jeans, cowboy hats and bandanas and join in the fun! Yee-Haw!

From the Covington PTA

PTA SERVICE AWARDS: It is that time of year again where we nominate and award our hardworking Covington volunteers for their exceptional service to the Covington community (school, classrooms, PTA). We need your suggestions for nominations; recipients will be announced at the Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast on May 31st. Here is where you can make those nominations!

Volunteer Green Thumb Needed

If you like gardening, Covington needs a volunteer to maintain the potted plants in front of the school.  The job requires minimum plant knowledge and only about 10 minutes of your time twice each week to water.  If you'd like to help spruce up the front of our school, please contact Suzanne Kasso  

Field Day 2013 is fast approaching. On June 7th from 10:00 - 12:00 the children will be participating in Field Day. If you haven't had much of a chance to volunteer this year, this is the event for you! Field Day is a fun filled two-hour event where the children participate in games, face painting and a blow-up obstacle course. We need your help to supervise the games, face paint, hand out treats, etc. to make Field Day a success. Please RSVP to Louanne Gonzalez ( if you have time to spare.  Thank you!

Auction Parties

Dodge Ball for Grades 1 - 3

There are 10 spots left for the Dodge Ball Derby with Mr. Heeb.  The event is for students in grades 1 - 3 and is being held on Tuesday, June 4 from 2:20 - 3:20 PM on the green field.  This is a fundraiser and the price is $20 per child.  If you are interested, please email

Item #260 Disco Bingo & Dinner Party for the Whole Family

Date: Saturday, June 8th 5-8 pm; 

Location: Los Altos Youth Center (LAYC)

Price: $60 per family

The grooves are back with this smash hit party! Dress up in your shiniest disco outfits and bring the whole family out to dance, dine, play bingo and win prizes. Kids LOVE this party! You will enjoy an Italian dinner, wine, dessert and the company of other fabulous Covington families.

If you missed out on Friday, there are MIN DAY PARTIES coming up on 6/7; Sign up before they are SOLD OUT.  The 5/17 Min Day parties went really well.  We had about 120 kids in 5 parties and raised close to $4K for Covington!  If you missed out, we have parties coming up on 6/7 as well.  But there are only 3 parties this time.  Cooking is already Sold Out.  Game Truck and Sports Camp will likely sell out quickly as well.  If you want to sign up, please go to the following link ASAP!!!


Item #




Sports Camp with Red Star Soccer - 6/7/13 $30 12 spots left



Game Truck Party - 6/7/13 $35.00 11 spots left



Classroom Supply Donation - School Tool Box

To enhance the educational experience of all of our students, we are requesting sufficient donations of supplies and materials to provide for each child at Covington.  We do this through your online orders to School Toolbox.  Our online School Tool Box store is now open for the 2013-2014 school year! The store will remain open until June 1, 2013. Orders are online only. School toolboxes are $70 this year and include all the supplies your teachers have requested.   Toolboxes are offered as a convenience to families wishing to donate school supplies to their child's classroom and supplies are purchased in bulk, which saves costs.   So please go online to and order today!!  Just register at the website and follow the easy instructions.  Thank you from Covington PTA.

From the Covington Community

Lost & Found

We are approaching the end of the year.  Please claim by abandoned clothing and other items.  Anything left here after June 12th will be donated to charity.

From Los Altos School District



For Howler submissions, please email by Friday for the next week’s Howler.

From Erin Green, Principal

Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,

Open House & Art Show May 16th

This Thursday night is our Annual Open House.  This year we are so excited to have the Covington Art Show happening concurrently in the multi. The Art show is open for browsing from 6:00pm-8:00pm.  Classrooms will be open from 6:30pm-7:30pm.  Our staff and students are looking forward to sharing with you all the wonderful things they have been learning throughout the year. 

Parent Input Forms

Just a friendly reminder that Parent Input Forms are due 5/22/13.  When placing students we seek to develop the best possible dynamics in every classroom.  It is important for families to understand we cannot grant individual requests for teachers.  If you feel your child has specific needs that we may not be aware of, you may stop by the office and complete a parent input form.  Please do not request specific teachers by name.  I appreciate your support and look forward to sharing our staffing assignments for the next school year very soon.

I look forward to seeing all of you this coming Thursday evening!


Erin S. Green



Upcoming Events –

May 16 – Open House

May 17 – Minimum Day

May 17 – 6th Grade Boys’ basketball tourney @ Blach

May 18 – Los Altos Pet Parade

May 21 – Music concert, grades 4-6, 1:00pm

May 27 – Memorial Day Holiday

May 31 – Volunteer Breakfast

May 31 – 6th grade bake sale

June 7 – Field Day

June 7 – Minimum Day

June 12 – 6th grade promotion

June 12 - Last day of school, dismissal @ 11:15am.


From the School Librarian

Visit the Library During Open House

I invite you to include the library among your many places to visit this Thursday evening during Open House.  All students have attended library classes throughout the year and I am certain they will prove to be the best of tour guides. I look forward to seeing you then!

 - Maureen Drobot

Library Books due May 24th

It’s been a wonderful year in the library, but all good things must come to an end. 

All books must be returned to classrooms, the library, or the book return box in the office by Friday, May 24th.

Bill Notices will be issued beginning Thursday, May 30th. Parents, please help your students locate their books and return them on time.  If you have problems locating a book, please contact me. -Maureen Drobot

From the Student Council

Student Council News

Student Council would like to thank all of our Covington families who helped support us this year! We have reached our goal of $1,200 and will be able to help several families at Silver Bay Elementary in New Jersey, who were affected by Hurricane Sandy earlier this year. We would also like to thank Girl Scout troop 61100 for donating $100 to our cause and for helping us reach our goal!

We will have Country Western Day on Friday, May 24. Wear your boots, jeans, cowboy hats and bandanas andjoin in the fun! Yee-Haw!

From the Covington PTA

Coyote Pack Run Club:

The Pack will run on Thursday (instead of Friday) this week. We have just 460 miles to go to reach Washington DC. Please encourage your runner to join us Thursday to help us reach our goal! Parent volunteers needed!

Pet Parade - 5/18

Come one, come all to the Kiwanis Club Pet Parade on Saturday, May 18th.  We will meet inassembly area J4, which is the area between 2nd and 3rd street and between State and Main. We will start walking promptly at 10:00am.  Look for the Covington banner and the blue and orange balloons!  Bring your furry, or not-so furry critters, and don’t forget your favorite stuffed animals because they are welcome too!  Wear your Covington-wear or blue and orange to show your school spirit!

Classroom Supply Donation - School Tool Box

To enhance the educational experience of all of our students, we are requesting sufficient donations of supplies and materials to provide for each child at Covington.  We do this through your online orders to School Toolbox.  Our online School Tool Box store is now open for the 2013-2014 school year! Thestore will remain open until June 1, 2013. Orders are online only. School toolboxes are $70 this year and include all the supplies your teachers haverequested.   Toolboxes are offered as a convenience to families wishing to donate school supplies to their child's classroom and supplies are purchased in bulk, which saves costs.   So please go online to and order today!!  Just register at the website and follow the easy instructions.  Thank you from Covington PTA.


It is that time of year again where we nominate and award our hardworking Covington volunteers for their exceptional service to the Covington community (school, classrooms, PTA). We need your suggestions for nominations; recipients will be announced at the Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast on May 31st. Here iswhere you can make those nominations!   Questions?  Contact Jessica

Field Day!

Field Day 2013 is fast approaching. On June 7th from 10:00 - 12:00 the children will be participating in Field Day. If you haven't had much of a chance to volunteer this year, this is the event for you! Field Day is a fun filled two-hour event where the children participate in games, face painting and a blow-up obstacle course. We need your help to supervise the games, face paint, hand out treats, etc. to make Field Day a success. Please RSVP to Louanne Gonzalez ( if you have time to spare.  Thank you!

Minimum Day Activities

Register for 5/17/13 Min Day Parties before they are SOLD OUT! 1st Come 1st Serve

Sign up soon before they sell out!

If you would like to attend, please email

Item:    Name:                                      Price:                                       Remaining:

301      Sports Camp                           $30                                          15

302      Music Camp                            $30                                          24

303      Drawing Class                         $30                                          9

304      Cooking Class                         $35                                          sold out

305      Game Truck                            $35                                          3

Disco Bingo Party

Item #260 Disco Bingo & Dinner Party for the Whole Family

Date: Saturday, June 8th 5-8 pm; 

Location: Los Altos Youth Center (LAYC)

Price: $60 per family

The grooves are back with this smash hit party! Dress up in your shiniest disco outfits and bring the whole family out to dance, dine, play bingo and win prizes. Kids LOVE this party! You will enjoy an Italian dinner, wine, dessert and the company of other fabulous Covington families.  "Kindly RSVP to Dolly Eckinger by June . You can pay at the door. "Thank you!!

From the Covington Community

Daybreakers Concert

Friday, May 17, 7:00 PM, you are cordially invited to the Daybreakers and Coyote Chorus concert in the Covington Multi.  Come to hear a 50-minute program of songs by Edvard Grieg, traditional familiar tunes, and new choral compositions, plus a medley of music from The Wizard of Oz.  The concert is open to the public, no admission charge.

Cub Scouting Information Day

Come join the fun of Cub Scouting at our Spring Informational Picnic   (We'll provide the food and drink!)

When:  Thursday May 16  @ 5:00pm,Where:  Shoup Park (400 University Ave, Los Altos)

Questions:  Please contact  Chi-Ray Chien  (<>)

From Los Altos School District



For Howler submissions, please email by Friday for the next week’s Howler.

From Erin Green, Principal

Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,

Homework Club

Just a reminder that the last day for Homework club is next Tuesday May 14th

Open House & Art Show May 16th

Next Thursday night is our Annual Open House.  And this year we will also have the Covington Art Show happening concurrently in the multi. The Art show is open for browsing from 12:00pm-3:00pm and 6:00pm-8:00pm.  Classrooms will be open from 6:30pm-7:30pm.  Your children are looking forward to sharing with you all the wonderful things they have been learning throughout the year. 

Basketball Tournament

Kudos to our 6thgrade girls who played in the District 6th grade basketball tournament last Friday.  The 6th grade boys will take their turn and play on Friday May 17th at Blach school.

Please check our Upcoming Event calendar for all the events you will want to be aware of over the next few weeks.  It’s a busy time of year!

Erin S. Green



Upcoming Events –

May 14 – Last day of Homework Club

May 16 – Open House

May 17 – Minimum Day

May 17 – 6th Grade Boys’ basketball tourney @ Blach

May 21 – Music concert, grades 4-6, 1:00pm

May 27 – Memorial Day Holiday

May 31 – Volunteer Breakfast

May 31 – 6th grade bake sale

June 7 – Field Day

June 7 – Minimum Day

June 12 – 6th grade promotion

June 12 - Last day of school, dismissal @ 11:15am.


School News

Dropping off Lunches

If you need to drop off your child’s lunch after school has started, please leave it on the counter inside the multi.  Your child will pick up their lunch at lunch recess.  Thank you.

From the Covington PTA

School Tool Box

Our online School Tool Box store is now open for the 2013-2014 school year! The store will remain open until June 1, 2013. Orders are online only. School toolboxes are $70 this year and include all the supplies your teachers have requested. Buying through School Tool Box saves you a lot of time since you don't have to hunt down all the items on the list. And since supplies are bought in bulk, school toolbox is actually very affordable compared to going out and buying all the supplies on your own! Toolboxes are offered as a convenience to families wishing to donate school supplies to their child's classroom. So please go online to and order yours today!!  Just register at the website and follow the easy instructions.  Thank you from Covington PTA.

Field Day!

Field Day 2013 is fast approaching. On June 7th from 10:00 - 12:00 the children will be participating in Field Day. If you haven't had much of a chance to volunteer this year, this is the event for you! Field Day is a fun filled two-hour event where the children participate in games, face painting and a blow-up obstacle course. We need your help to supervise the games, face paint, hand out treats, etc. tomake Field Day a success. Please RSVP to Louanne Gonzalez ( if you have time to spare.  Thank you!

Minimum Day Activities

Register for 5/17/13 Min Day Parties before they are SOLD OUT! 1st Come 1st Serve

The next minimum day is coming up soon.  If you don't want to pick up your kids early, let them learn something fun while they spend time with friends.  Sign up soon before they sell out!

If you would like to attend, please go to the following link ASAP.  1st Come 1st Serve.

Item:    Name:                                      Price:                                       Remaining:

301      Sports Camp                           $30                                          17

302      Music Camp                            $30                                          24

303      Drawing Class                         $30                                          12

304      Cooking Class                         $35                                          1

305      Game Truck                            $35                                          sold out

Attention Covington Run Club:

Los Altos Hill Pathways Run/Walk, Saturday, May 11, 9am (5k&10k); 10:30am (1mile)

Info at: <

Register on-line using the** <>**website:**


ON-LINE DISCOUNT CODE for Covington Group Registration:

There is a special group on-line discount code for _$10 off_ the 5K and 10K registrations costs of $30. **

Use the _Discount Code_ of "owlhouse".  (The discount is on the 5K and 10K run/walk).

This discount option appears near the end of the registration process.

 From the Covington Community

Cub Scouting Information Day

Come join the fun of Cub Scouting at our Spring Informational Picnic   (We'll provide the food and drink!)

When:  Thursday May 16  @ 5:00pm,Where:  Shoup Park (400 University Ave, Los Altos)

Questions:  Please contact  Chi-Ray Chien  (<>)

From Los Altos School District

Jr. High Spanish Textbook Adoption, Parent Preview

We are in the process of reviewing instructional materials for all Junior High Spanish Classes.  In order to align with Mountain View Los Altos High School District we are investigating the Vista Higher Learning, Descubre textbooks.  The District Curriculum Council will be reviewing materials during their May 6 meeting and a recommendation will be made to the Board of Trustees at the May 13 LASD Board Meeting.  The materials are available for parent preview at the District Office from May 1 – May 13, during the hours of 9:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm and 4:00pm.



For Howler submissions, please email by Friday for the next week’s Howler.

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