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May 14, 2013

From Erin Green, Principal

Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,

Open House & Art Show May 16th

This Thursday night is our Annual Open House.  This year we are so excited to have the Covington Art Show happening concurrently in the multi. The Art show is open for browsing from 6:00pm-8:00pm.  Classrooms will be open from 6:30pm-7:30pm.  Our staff and students are looking forward to sharing with you all the wonderful things they have been learning throughout the year. 

Parent Input Forms

Just a friendly reminder that Parent Input Forms are due 5/22/13.  When placing students we seek to develop the best possible dynamics in every classroom.  It is important for families to understand we cannot grant individual requests for teachers.  If you feel your child has specific needs that we may not be aware of, you may stop by the office and complete a parent input form.  Please do not request specific teachers by name.  I appreciate your support and look forward to sharing our staffing assignments for the next school year very soon.

I look forward to seeing all of you this coming Thursday evening!


Erin S. Green



Upcoming Events –

May 16 – Open House

May 17 – Minimum Day

May 17 – 6th Grade Boys’ basketball tourney @ Blach

May 18 – Los Altos Pet Parade

May 21 – Music concert, grades 4-6, 1:00pm

May 27 – Memorial Day Holiday

May 31 – Volunteer Breakfast

May 31 – 6th grade bake sale

June 7 – Field Day

June 7 – Minimum Day

June 12 – 6th grade promotion

June 12 - Last day of school, dismissal @ 11:15am.


From the School Librarian

Visit the Library During Open House

I invite you to include the library among your many places to visit this Thursday evening during Open House.  All students have attended library classes throughout the year and I am certain they will prove to be the best of tour guides. I look forward to seeing you then!

 - Maureen Drobot

Library Books due May 24th

It’s been a wonderful year in the library, but all good things must come to an end. 

All books must be returned to classrooms, the library, or the book return box in the office by Friday, May 24th.

Bill Notices will be issued beginning Thursday, May 30th. Parents, please help your students locate their books and return them on time.  If you have problems locating a book, please contact me. -Maureen Drobot

From the Student Council

Student Council News

Student Council would like to thank all of our Covington families who helped support us this year! We have reached our goal of $1,200 and will be able to help several families at Silver Bay Elementary in New Jersey, who were affected by Hurricane Sandy earlier this year. We would also like to thank Girl Scout troop 61100 for donating $100 to our cause and for helping us reach our goal!

We will have Country Western Day on Friday, May 24. Wear your boots, jeans, cowboy hats and bandanas andjoin in the fun! Yee-Haw!

From the Covington PTA

Coyote Pack Run Club:

The Pack will run on Thursday (instead of Friday) this week. We have just 460 miles to go to reach Washington DC. Please encourage your runner to join us Thursday to help us reach our goal! Parent volunteers needed!

Pet Parade - 5/18

Come one, come all to the Kiwanis Club Pet Parade on Saturday, May 18th.  We will meet inassembly area J4, which is the area between 2nd and 3rd street and between State and Main. We will start walking promptly at 10:00am.  Look for the Covington banner and the blue and orange balloons!  Bring your furry, or not-so furry critters, and don’t forget your favorite stuffed animals because they are welcome too!  Wear your Covington-wear or blue and orange to show your school spirit!

Classroom Supply Donation - School Tool Box

To enhance the educational experience of all of our students, we are requesting sufficient donations of supplies and materials to provide for each child at Covington.  We do this through your online orders to School Toolbox.  Our online School Tool Box store is now open for the 2013-2014 school year! Thestore will remain open until June 1, 2013. Orders are online only. School toolboxes are $70 this year and include all the supplies your teachers haverequested.   Toolboxes are offered as a convenience to families wishing to donate school supplies to their child's classroom and supplies are purchased in bulk, which saves costs.   So please go online to and order today!!  Just register at the website and follow the easy instructions.  Thank you from Covington PTA.


It is that time of year again where we nominate and award our hardworking Covington volunteers for their exceptional service to the Covington community (school, classrooms, PTA). We need your suggestions for nominations; recipients will be announced at the Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast on May 31st. Here iswhere you can make those nominations!   Questions?  Contact Jessica

Field Day!

Field Day 2013 is fast approaching. On June 7th from 10:00 - 12:00 the children will be participating in Field Day. If you haven't had much of a chance to volunteer this year, this is the event for you! Field Day is a fun filled two-hour event where the children participate in games, face painting and a blow-up obstacle course. We need your help to supervise the games, face paint, hand out treats, etc. to make Field Day a success. Please RSVP to Louanne Gonzalez ( if you have time to spare.  Thank you!

Minimum Day Activities

Register for 5/17/13 Min Day Parties before they are SOLD OUT! 1st Come 1st Serve

Sign up soon before they sell out!

If you would like to attend, please email

Item:    Name:                                      Price:                                       Remaining:

301      Sports Camp                           $30                                          15

302      Music Camp                            $30                                          24

303      Drawing Class                         $30                                          9

304      Cooking Class                         $35                                          sold out

305      Game Truck                            $35                                          3

Disco Bingo Party

Item #260 Disco Bingo & Dinner Party for the Whole Family

Date: Saturday, June 8th 5-8 pm; 

Location: Los Altos Youth Center (LAYC)

Price: $60 per family

The grooves are back with this smash hit party! Dress up in your shiniest disco outfits and bring the whole family out to dance, dine, play bingo and win prizes. Kids LOVE this party! You will enjoy an Italian dinner, wine, dessert and the company of other fabulous Covington families.  "Kindly RSVP to Dolly Eckinger by June . You can pay at the door. "Thank you!!

From the Covington Community

Daybreakers Concert

Friday, May 17, 7:00 PM, you are cordially invited to the Daybreakers and Coyote Chorus concert in the Covington Multi.  Come to hear a 50-minute program of songs by Edvard Grieg, traditional familiar tunes, and new choral compositions, plus a medley of music from The Wizard of Oz.  The concert is open to the public, no admission charge.

Cub Scouting Information Day

Come join the fun of Cub Scouting at our Spring Informational Picnic   (We'll provide the food and drink!)

When:  Thursday May 16  @ 5:00pm,Where:  Shoup Park (400 University Ave, Los Altos)

Questions:  Please contact  Chi-Ray Chien  (<>)

From Los Altos School District



For Howler submissions, please email by Friday for the next week’s Howler.

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