Content Row
From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,
Jr. Olympics
The Junior Olympics was a fantastic success. Thank you so much to our wonderful parent coordinators who put in so many hours organizing our Covington team: Kathleen Vitakis, Julie Altinger and Laura Torres. Thank you also to the parents who volunteered to coach our relay teams, helping with training and volunteering in many other important jobs that keep the Junior Olympics running. We appreciate your support!
STAR Testing
We began start testing yesterday and will continue to test during the week. Thank you to all the parents for helping your children arrive on time, well-fed and well-rested. Thank you also to Alene Baronian for coordinating special recess snacks tokeep our students well nourished. And thank you to the team of parents coming every morning to hand out the treats to our students.
This is a friendly reminder to complete the 2013 Covington Parent Survey. This is your opportunity to share your thoughts on a variety of issues - communication, technology, workload,bullying and more!
The survey is available online at http://www.surveymonkey.
6th Grade Basketball-May 3rd & May 17th
This coming Friday, our 6thgrade girls, coached by Fred Fry, will be participating in the LASD Basketball Tournament. Come on down to Blach Junior High and support our 6th grade girls! Then mark your calendars for May 17th, when the 6th grade boys, coached by Dan Nero, will compete in their own tournament. Go Coyotes!
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
April 29 – May 3 – STAR Testing
May 3 – 6th grade Girls’ basketball tourney @ Blach
May 14 – Last day of Homework Club
May 16 – Open House
May 17 – Minimum Day
May 17 – 6th Grade Boys’ basketball tourney @ Blach
May 21 – Music concert, grades 4-6, 1:00pm
May 27 – Memorial Day Holiday
May 31 – Volunteer Breakfast
May 31 – 6th grade bake sale
June 7 – Field Day
June 7 – Minimum Day
June 12 – 6th grade promotion
June 12 - Last day of school, dismissal @ 11:15am.
School News
Student Council News!
This Friday, we will be having our final Stay and Play to raise money for Silver Bay School in New Jersey that was affected by Hurricane Sandy. It will be in honor of all the hard work our students did this week on their STAR testing. Remember, students must have a parent or adult to “stay and play”. Way to go, Coyotes!
Covington Student Art Show
LASD Art Docents are sponsoring a Covington Student Art Show in the Covington Multipurpose room. Open gallery on May 16th from 12:00pm-3:00pm. Art Show during Open House, May 16th from 6:00pm-8:00pm. Please stop by and see the wonderful art created by our own students.
From the Covington Community
Junior Girl Scout Troop 61100 would like to invite all Covington Coyotes and families to learn about the Red Sweater Project. Bring all your questions!! Come hear about the Red Sweater Project and how they are building schools and bringing education to girls in rural Tanzania. Meet RED SWEATER PROJECT Founder and Executive Director, Ashley Homer. She was a Girl Scout herself and has built her first school in Lashaine Village, which provides education to over 150 students each year who otherwise would not be in class. Ashley has been living in rural Tanzania for the past 8 years and speaks Swahili fluently. When, Friday, May 3 at 3:30 pm
Where: Covington School, 201 Covington Rd, Room 32 Contact & RSVP: Jane Lee Choe & Junior Bomi Choe, Covington School Troop 61100 (714) 267-0230
From Los Altos School District
Announcing Student Ed-Con 2013: Learning Rocked and Redesigned!
LASD is excited to announce that we are offering a new opportunity for current sixth, seventh, and eighth gradestudents to share their ideas for reimagining and redesigning their educational experience, using the design thinking model. We know students are full of ideas about how learning can be improved—and this is the time for us to learn from them with the introduction of our new program, the Student EducationalConference (SEC2013).
SEC2013 is an innovative program designed to teach children a range of important critical thinking skills. It promises to encourage them to express their creativity and learn important lessons regarding teamwork and collaboration, systems design, performance outcomes and influencing others. 70 students from across the Los Altos School District will get the unique chance to work with facilitators to create and prototype new ways of learning.
The conference will take place June 13 and 14 from 8:30-4:00 p.m., and conclude on Saturday, June 15, from 8:30-12:00 p.m. All conference activities will happen at the Covington campus. For more information, please visit our website: Student applications are available through the website and will be accepted through May 11th.
We are currently looking for sponsors and donations to help with this event. If you are interested, please fill out the sponsorship form and we will contact you with more information.
While the students participating in the conference will benefit from this unique learning experience, all parents and students in the district will know that we care deeply about students' feedback regarding what makes an ideal educational environment. We're counting on your support and participation!
For Howler submissions, please email by Friday for the next week’s Howler.
From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,
Covington Parent Survey
Starting today, parents areinvited to complete the 2013 Covington Parent Survey, available online by clicking the link below:
This is your opportunity toshare your thoughts on a wide range of issues. Our School Site Council, comprised of parent, teacher and staff representatives, put this survey together to help assess Covington's strengths and identify areas for improvement. Your feedback is valuable to our school and me; we hope to hear from each and every family at Covington. Thanks, in advance, for your time.
C-Stem Showcase This Friday
Please plan to attend the 1st CSTEM Showcase at Almond school from 4:00pm-5:30pm, this Friday April 26th. Play fun games created by 6th graders from all 7 schools and learn about computer programming, robotics and 3D design.
Junior Olympics This Saturday
This Saturday our 4th, 5th & 6th grade students will compete in our LASDJunior Olympics at Mountain View High School. Opening ceremonies begin promptly at 9am, but some events start at 8:15am. Be sure to check the schedule for your required arrival time: http://www.covingtonschool.
I am currently in the process of working through staffing for the 2013-14 school year. Each year the staff can experience some adjustments in teaching assignments due to postings within LASD, and other various reasons. I will share our staffing list with you as soon as I am able to do so.
At this time our students are beginning to wonder who their teacher will be the following year. When placing students we seek to develop the best possible dynamics in every classroom. It is important for families to understand we cannot grant individual requests for teachers. If you feel your child has specific needs that we may not be aware of, you may stop by the office and complete a parent input form. Please do not request specific teachers by name. I appreciate your support and look forward to sharing our staffing assignments for the next school year very soon.
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
April 23 – Dine Out for Covington @ Hobee’s
April 26 – CSTEM Showcase @Almond School
April 27 – Jr. Olympics
April 29 – May 3 – STAR Testing
May 3 – 6th grade Girls’ basketball tourney @ Blach
May 14 – Last day of Homework Club
May 16 – Open House
May 17 – Minimum Day
May 17 – 6th Grade Boys’ basketball tourney @ Blach
May 21 – Music concert, grades 4-6, 1:00pm
May 27 – Memorial Day Holiday
May 31 – Volunteer Breakfast
May 31 – 6th grade bake sale
June 7 – Field Day
June 7 – Minimum Day
June 12 – 6th grade promotion
June 12 - Last day of school, dismissal @ 11:15am.
School News
Covington Student Art Show
LASD Art Docents are sponsoring a Covington Student Art Show in the Covington Multipurpose room. Open gallery on May 16th from 12:00pm-3:00pm. Art Show during Open House, May 16th from 6:00pm-8:00pm. Please stop by and see the wonderful art created by our own students.
From the PTA
Covington Yearbook
Believe it ornot, there are about 30 days left of school. Have you pre-ordered your yearbook yet? If not, make sure to reserveyour copy. You can purchase your yearbook here http://www.covingtonschool.
Company Matching
Some companies have been very generous in matching donations to Covington! Check and see if your company is willing to match your PTA donation. Any Questions? Contact Sangeeth
Volunteers Needed
Star Testing is a few weeks away and we need volunteers to help pass out snacks from 10:00-10:30am. Here is a link to sign up:
Dine Out for Covington
Hobee’s of Palo Alto will be donating 20pc of its sales to Covington School today, April 23rd from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Just mention Covington or find the flyer on the Covington Website
Junior Olympic News
URGENT: Please see volunteer sign ups for the day of Junior Olympics
COMING HOME: T-shirts (for all 4th graders, new 5th & 6th graders, and ordered replacements) / Event Confirmations / general event day info will be coming home this Thursday.
EVENT DATE & Info: JOis on Saturday, April 27th, 8 am - 4 pm.
For more information please see the Covington JO page http://www.
VOLUNTEERS: Many volunteers are needed to help the day of JO:
Please send any questions to your JO Chairs:
Kathleen Vitakis, Julie Altinger, Laura Torres
Covington Community News
CUB SCOUT PICNIC – Join Cub Scouts
Meet Pack 76 (Los Altos / Los Altos Hills) Cub Scouts and their families to learn more about Cub Scouting at our annual Picnic. When: Thursday, May 16, 5-7pm Where: Shoup Park (400 University Ave, just south of Burke Rd), Los Altos What: Food and Beverages provided For more information: Chi-Ray Chien, Cubmaster (<mailto:
From Los Altos School District
LASD Art Docents - Covington Student Art Show
LASD Art Docents are sponsoring aCovington Student Art Show in the Covington Multipurpose room. Open gallery on May 16th from 12:00pm-3:00pm. Art Show during Open House, May 16th from 6:00pm-8:00pm. Please stop by and see the wonderful art created by our own students.
Announcing Student Ed-Con 2013: Learning Rocked and Redesigned!
LASD is excited to announce that we are offering a new opportunity for current sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students to share their ideas for reimagining and redesigning their educational experience, using the design thinking model. We know students are full of ideas about how learning can be improved—and this is the time for us to learn from them with the introduction of our new program, the Student EducationalConference (SEC2013).
SEC2013 is an innovative program designed to teach children a range of important critical thinking skills. It promises to encourage them to express their creativity and learn important lessons regarding teamwork and collaboration, systems design, performance outcomes and influencing others. 70 students from across the Los Altos School District will get the unique chance to work with facilitators to create and prototype new ways of learning.
The conference will take place June 13 and 14 from 8:30-4:00 p.m., and conclude on Saturday, June 15, from 8:30-12:00 p.m. All conference activities will happen at the Covington campus. For more information, please visit our website: Student applications are available through the website and will be accepted through May 11th.
We are currently looking for sponsors and donations to help with this event. If you are interested, please fill out the sponsorship form and we will contact you with more information.
While the students participating in the conference will benefit from this unique learning experience, all parents and students in the district will know that we care deeply about students' feedback regarding what makes an ideal educational environment. We're counting on your support and participation!
For Howler submissions, please email by Friday for the next week’s Howler.
From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,
I hope you were able to enjoy a restful and relaxing or adventurous spring break, however you spent the last week. Our staff is looking forward to the end of the year excitement beginning with events this week! It is hard to believe we are just seven weeks away from summer vacation.
Homework Club-Last Day Tuesday, May 14th
We appreciate our homework club students and staff. We will be able to fund homework club until Tuesday, May 14th. So plan for it to be open on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays until then. There are a few things that would really ensure the last month of homework club is successful:
· In order to keep a quiet, optimum-learning environment in the homework club, students need to be engaged in something meaningful. Please send children with a book or something quiet to do. Some students complete their homework in a short time and others need quiet time and assistance to complete theirs.
· Student safety is a top priority here; please make sure students are picked up by 3:45 each day.
Junior Olympics are Coming
Our fourth, fifth and sixthgrade students are working hard to prepare for the Junior Olympics on Saturday, April 27th. Students will be able to participate in three events on the day, and everyone will march together at the Opening Ceremonies that morning. More details will be provided next week. Many thanks to all of the parents who are working with our children to get them ready!
STAR Testing Week of April 29-May 3rd
During the week of April 29-May 3rd, our students in grades two through six will be participating in the State of California's STAR testing. This battery of tests produces scores that the State uses to monitor the progress of its students. Covington consistently performs extremely well on these tests. While this is one very quantifiable measure of performance with regard to student success, I encourage you to look beyond the numbers. These tests will give you asnapshot of your child's performance at a singular point in time on a particular day. Keeping abreast of your child's daily, weekly and monthly progress is also an equally important indicator of success.
Please be sure your child is in school each and every day the week do testing. We ask that medical, dental and other appointments be scheduled outside of school during the week of testing or during another week. Be sure he/ she is well rested and well fed to ensure the best possible focus. I appreciate your staying involved inyour child's education—it is truly a critical factor that makes Covington School a very special place for children.
PTA Meeting/ Coffee-This Friday, April 19th
I hope you will join our PTA in staff room after our morning assembly this coming Friday. Have a wonderful week!
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
April 19 – School Spirit Day: Twin Day
April 19 – 6th grade bake sale
April 26 – CSTEM Showcase @Almond School
April 27 – Jr. Olympics
April 29 – May 3 – STAR Testing
May 3 – 6th grade boys’ basketball tourney @ Blach
May 16 – Open House
May 17 – Minimum Day
May 17 – 6th Grade girls’ basketball tourney @ Blach
May 21 – Music concert, grades 4-6, 1:00pm
May 27 – Memorial Day Holiday
May 31 – Volunteer Breakfast
May 31 – 6th grade bake sale
June 7 – Field Day
June 7 – Minimum Day
June 12 – 6th grade promotion
June 12 - Last day of school, dismissal @ 11:15am.
School News
Student Council News - Twin Day
Student Council will have aTwin Day this Friday, April 19. Please dress like a friend or several friends!
Sixth Grade Bake Sale!
The Covington Class of '13 will be having its second Bake Sale after school this Friday, April 19, from 2:20 to 3:00! Sixth graders will again be selling yummy baked goods outside the multi for $1 each. All proceeds go towards purchasing the 6th grade gift so please stop by before heading home. Thank you!
From the PTA
Volunteers Needed
Star Testing is a few weeks away and we need volunteers to help pass out snacks from 10:00-10:30am. Here is a link to sign up:
Dine Out for Covington
Hobee’s of Palo Alto will be donating 20pc of its sales to Covington School on April 23rd from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Just mention Covington or present the attached flyer. Plus, students wearing their Covington school colors or Covington shirt will receive a special prize.
Junior Olympic News
URGENT: need parent who can help run the JO computer room during Junior Olympics. Anyone who is comfortable withcode is welcome. Doesn't have to be 4, 5 or 6 grade parent. Contact Kathleen Vitakisvitakis@pacbell.netif interested. Saturday, April 27th, 7:30am - 1pm
JO is on Saturday, April 27th, 8 am - 4 pm.
Students may participate in 3 events + relay.
For more information please see the Covington JO page http://www.
OR the district JO Page:
EVENT SELECTIONS now through April 19.
During PE over the next week, the JO chairs will be asking your student which three events that they would like to participate in. Now is a good time to check out the events and discuss with your child.
Urgent need for parent who can help run the JO computer room during Junior Olympics (April 27, 7:30am-1pm). Anyone who is comfortable with code is welcome. Doesn't have to be 4, 5 or 6 grade parent.
Please contact Kathleen Vitakis vitakis@pacbell.netif interested.
Many volunteers are needed to help the day of JO:
take photos!
We need more help during PE!!!!
Please help us during the PE Training sessions - we need adults to help time, start, and assist the kidsduring PE training throughout the next month. Please consider coming out for an hour of fresh air and fun with the students:
Please send any questions to your JO Chairs: Kathleen Vitakis, Julie Altinger, Laura Torres
From Los Altos School District
CSTEM showcase and competition for all sixth graders on Friday, April 26th.
All sixth graders are encouraged to enter an individual and/or team entry to the competition. They can enter a class project or something that they have worked on at home. All students who enter the competition will get participation certificates and awards, as well as a chance to win some fun prizes. Details on the contest are at
Announcing Student Ed-Con 2013: Learning Rocked and Redesigned!
LASD is excited to announce that we are offering a new opportunity for current sixth, seventh, and eighth gradestudents to share their ideas for reimagining and redesigning their educational experience, using the design thinking model. We know students are full of ideas about how learning can be improved—and this is the time for us to learn from them with the introduction of our new program, the Student EducationalConference (SEC2013).
SEC2013 is an innovative program designed to teach children a range of important critical thinking skills. It promises to encourage them to express their creativity and learn important lessons regarding teamwork and collaboration, systems design, performance outcomes and influencing others. 70 students from across the Los Altos School District will get the unique chance to work with facilitators to create and prototype new ways of learning.
The conference will take place June 13 and 14 from 8:30-4:00 p.m., and conclude on Saturday, June 15, from 8:30-12:00 p.m. All conference activities will happen at the Covington campus. For more information, please visit our website: Student applications are available through the website and will be accepted through May 11th.
We are currently looking for sponsors and donations to help with this event. If you are interested, please fill out the sponsorship form and we will contact you with more information.
While the students participating in the conference will benefit from this unique learning experience, all parents and students in the district will know that we care deeply about students' feedback regarding what makes an ideal educational environment. We're counting on your support and participation!
CUB SCOUT PICNIC – Join Cub Scouts
Meet Pack 76 (Los Altos / Los Altos Hills) Cub Scouts and their families to learn more about Cub Scouting at our annual Picnic. When: Thursday, May 16, 5-7pm Where: Shoup Park (400 University Ave, just south of Burke Rd), Los Altos What: Food and Beverages provided For more information: Chi-Ray Chien, Cubmaster (<mailto:
For Howler submissions, please email by Friday for the next week’s Howler.
Good afternoon,
Please accept our apologies for inadvertently leaving some names off the list of Film Festival Winners! The corrected list is found below:
Thank you,
Susan Evard
Covington Secretary
Film Festival Celebrations!
It was so wonderful to see so many students, parents and staff attending our LASD Film Festival last Friday. Covington had an outstanding presence with many of our students and classes being recognized at the event!
Congratulations to the following students and classes:
Music Video Category
1st place 3rd-5th Graders: Brook Allison & Kate McGuigan
1st place 6th-8th Graders: Kyle Marino & Ishaan Parmar
Educational Category
1st place K-2nd Graders: Taylor Ewan
2nd place 3rd-5th Graders: Lara Babu, Katherine Chui, Olivia Gonzales & Divya Jakatdar
3rd place 3rd-5th Graders: Parisa Homayoun & Parisa Larson
2nd place 6th-8th Graders: Angie Wang & Emma Kwan
3rd place 6th-8th Graders: Jamsheed Mistri
Story Category
2nd place 3rd-5th Graders: Lillian Angus & Anisha Menath
1st place 6th-8th Graders: Jamsheed Mistri
Comedy Category
2nd place 3rd-5th Graders: Allie Murdock, Bomi Choe & Shayla Gossain
1st place 6th-8th Graders: Dom Tolomeo
2nd place 6th-8th Graders: Jamsheed Mistri
Class Collaboration Category
1st place K-2nd Graders: Ms. Mase's 2nd Grade Class
3rd place K-2nd Graders: Mrs. Scatena's 1st Grade Class
1st place 3rd-5th Graders: Mrs. Portillo’s and Mrs. Sitler's Classes
2nd place 3rd-5th Graders: Mrs. Croft's 4th Grade Class
1st place 6th-8th Graders: Ms. Ping's and Mrs. Saddler's Class
Congratulations to all of the award winners and to all students who submitted a film!
From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members:
Film Festival Celebrations!
It was so wonderful to see so many students, parents and staff attending our LASD Film Festival last Friday. Covington had an outstanding presence with many of our students and classesbeing recognized at the event!
Congratulations to the following students and classes:
Music Video Category
1st place 3rd-5th Graders: Brook Allison & Kate McGuigan
1st place 6th-8th Graders: Kyle Marino & Ishaan Parmar
Educational Category
1st place K-2nd Graders: Taylor Ewan
2nd place 3rd-5th Graders: Lara Babu, Katherine Chui, Olivia Gonzales & Divya Jakatdar
3rd place 3rd-5th Graders: Parisa Homayoun & Parisa Larson
2nd place 6th-8th Graders: Angie Wang & Emma Kwan
3rd place 6th-8th Graders: Jamsheed Mistri
Story Category
2nd place 3rd-5th Graders: Lillian Angus & Anisha Menath
1st place 6th-8th Graders: Jamsheed Mistri
Comedy Category
2nd place 3rd-5th Graders: Allie Murdock
1st place 6th-8th Graders: Dom Tolomeo
2nd place 6th-8th Graders: Jamsheed Mistri
Class Collaboration Category
1st place K-2nd Graders: Ms. Mase's 2nd Grade Class
3rd place K-2nd Graders: Mrs. Scatena's 1st Grade Class
1st place 3rd-5th Graders: Mrs. Portillo’s and Mrs. Sitler's Classes
2nd place 3rd-5th Graders: Mrs. Croft's 4th Grade Class
1st place 6th-8th Graders: Ms. Ping's and Mrs. Saddler's Class
Congratulations to all of the award winners and to all students who submitted a film!
Code Red Safety Practice
Yesterday our staff practiced a school-wide lock-down drill. The School Resource Officer, along with three other officers from the Los Altos Police Department, helped us to carry out and evaluate the drill. After the drill, which lasted roughly 15 minutes, we were able to debrief and talk about next steps in our emergency planning.
I am happy to report that our students and staff performed the drill very efficiently, safely and professionally. I was proud of everyone participating. All rooms were secured with barricades and students were very quiet. Our Covington Coyotes rise to any and every challenge!
Music Concerts
We had a fantastic primary music concert this week featuring our students from kindergarten to 3rd grade. Thank you PTA for providing the opportunity for our students to work with Starting Arts. We look forward to more vocal music next year. Our next musical event is the upper grade concert on May 21st, which will highlight our 4-6th grade students. For those of you who have been at Covington for many years, both of these concerts replace our former tradition of the spring sing.
I wish all of you a wonderful and relaxing spring break and look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday, April 15th.
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
April 8-12 – Spring Break
April 19 – School Spirit Day: Twin Day
April 19 – 6th grade bake sale
April 26 – CSTEM Showcase @Almond School
April 27 – Jr. Olympics
April 29 – May 3 – STAR Testing
May 3 – 6th grade boys’ basketball tourney @ Blach
May 16 – Open House
May 17 – Minimum Day
May 17 – 6th Grade girls’ basketball tourney @ Blach
May 21 – Music concert, grades 4-6, 1:00pm
May 27 – Memorial Day Holiday
May 31 – Volunteer Breakfast
May 31 – 6th grade bake sale
June 7 – Field Day
June 7 – Minimum Day
June 12 – 6th grade promotion
June 12 - Last day of school, dismissal @ 11:15am.
School News
New Howler Publication Date
Please note, for your reading pleasure, after Spring Break, the Howler will be sent out on Tuesday mornings to inform you of all the upcoming news and events of the week.
Lost & Found
Our Lost & Found is overflowing. We will donate any unclaimed items during Spring Break. So please stop by and collect your students’ jackets & sweaters before you leave on Friday.
After-school Programs
Spring Sessions are starting for some of our After School programs. You can check the Covington Website for more information http://www.covingtonschool.
School Council News
Almost to our goal!
We are very excited because we are more than 3/4 of the way to our Student Council goal of raising $1,200 for families at Silver Bay Elementary School, who were affected by Hurricane Sandy. Thank you to all of our Student Council Officers and Representatives who have helped raise money for this special cause!
On Friday, April 19, we will have Twin Day! Dress up like a buddy, or several buddies. It is not limited to only two people! Get a group together and dress alike! Thanks, Coyotes!
From the PTA
Coyote Pack News
Run with The Pack on Friday at lunch!
Cumulatively, The Pack has run a total of 1917 miles. That's the distance from Covington to the middle of Iowa. Amazing! Only 934 miles to Washington DC.
Reminder: Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk, Sat, May 11. Info at:
Junior Olympic News
Permission slips are due back tomorrow April 5. EVERYONE MUST RETURN even if not participating.
Here is the slip if you cannot locate yours:
JO is on Saturday, April 27th, 8 am - 4 pm. Students may participate in 3 events + relay.
The JO committee will begin to ask students their desired events starting next week.
For more information please see the Covington JO page http://www.
Congratulations to the students participating on a relay team. Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to coach. This is a great experience for both students AND coaches! No one is required to practice over Spring Break.
EVENT SELECTIONS now through April 19.
During PE over the next several weeks, the JO chairs will be asking your student which three events that they would like to participate in. Now is a good time to check out the events and discuss with your child.
Many volunteers are needed to help the day of JO:
We need more help during PE!!!!
Please help us during the PE Training sessions - we need adults to help time, start, and assist the kidsduring PE training throughout the next month. Please consider coming out for an hour of fresh air and fun with the students:
Please send any questions to your JO Chairs: Kathleen Vitakis,
From Los Altos School District
CSTEM showcase and competition for all sixth graders on Friday, April 26th.
All sixth graders are encouraged to enter an individual and/or team entry to the competition. They can enter a class project or something that they have worked on at home. All students who enter the competition will get participation certificates and awards, as well as a chance to win some fun prizes. Details on the contest are at
Announcing Student Ed-Con 2013: Learning Rocked and Redesigned!
LASD is excited to announce that we are offering a new opportunity for current sixth, seventh, and eighth gradestudents to share their ideas for reimagining and redesigning their educational experience, using the design thinking model. We know students are full of ideas about how learning can be improved—and this is the time for us to learn from them with the introduction of our new program, the Student EducationalConference (SEC2013).
SEC2013 is an innovative program designed to teach children a range of important critical thinking skills. It promises to encourage them to express their creativity and learn important lessons regarding teamwork and collaboration, systems design, performance outcomes and influencing others. 70 students from across the Los Altos School District will get the unique chance to work with facilitators to create and prototype new ways of learning.
The conference will take place June 13 and 14 from 8:30-4:00 p.m., and conclude on Saturday, June 15, from 8:30-12:00 p.m. All conference activities will happen at the Covington campus. For more information, please visit our website: Student applications are available through the website and will be accepted through May 11th.
We are currently looking for sponsors and donations to help with this event. If you are interested, please fill out the sponsorship form and we will contact you with more information.
While the students participating in the conference will benefit from this unique learning experience, all parents and students in the district will know that we care deeply about students' feedback regarding what makes an ideal educational environment. We're counting on your support and participation!
For Howler submissions, please email by Friday for the next week’s Howler.
From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members:
Auction Generosity
I just wanted to thank you one more time for your incredible contributions at our school auction twoweeks ago. The latest events: Teacher of the Day, Principal of the Day and Librarian of the Day were incredible experiences for all of our staff and our "student staff". Personally, having Declan and Kiki Stanton as co-principals was one of the best days I have had this year. I know our teaching staff appreciated their student "teachers" as well! Thank you for your support on this piece.
Librarian for the Day
Today I had the pleasure of visiting the library and found Anisha Menath checking out books to students!
Mrs. Drobot shared with methat Anisha was a wonderful librarian. She stated that, "On top of all the other tasks she did in the library throughout the day, Anisha and I read together "My Name is Not Isabella" to the second graders this afternoon. It fits perfectly into the second grade curriculum at this time of year and one I've always loved reading. I hasten to add it was even better reading it with Anisha. She was great!"
6th Grade Poetry Café
Yesterday I was honored to visit our 6th grades during their Poetry Café. It was such a pleasure to observe the students sharing their original work. It was evident how proud the students were of their work and how much they enjoyed participating in the Poetry Café.
Film Festival tomorrow
Tomorrow afternoon the LASDFilm Festival is taking place at Covington. Many of our students and classes created films that will be featured. Stop by at 4pm to view the films and the awards portion of the event will begin at 5pm in our Multi Purpose Room.
Primary Concert Tuesday April 2nd, at 10:30am
Our K-3 Music Program culminates next Tuesday with a special concert for parents beginning at 10:30. If you are using an ipad to film the performance, please be sure not to block the view of other parents. I look forward to seeing you soon!
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
Mar. 29 – LASD Film Festival
April 2 – Music concert, grades K-3, 10:30am-11:30am
April 8-12 – Spring Break
April 26 – CSTEM Showcase @Almond School
April 27 – Jr. Olympics
May 21 – Music concert, grades 4-6, 1:00pm
School News
Lost & Found
Our Lost & Found is overflowing. We will donate any unclaimed items during Spring Break. So please stop by and collect your students’ jackets & sweaters by Wed. April 3rd. Thanks!
Junior Olympic News
3.29 - deadline for t-shirtsize changes and replacement orders - see T-Shirts below
4.5 - Permission slips were sent home this week
JO is on Saturday, April 27th, 8 am - 4 pm.
Students may participate in 3 events + relay.
The JO committee will begin to ask students their desired events starting next week.
For more information please see the Covington JO page http://www.
All teams will be posted in the office window after school tomorrow, March 29
Coaches are needed for eachteam. There will be a coaching clinic on April 3rd, 6:30 PM, Mountain View High School. Teams may begin practicing March 30. No one is required to practice over Spring Break.
**all alternate size requests for first timers & replacement orders are due tomorrow, Mar. 29**
First timers will receive an ADULT SMALL t-shirt - to request a different size click here:
If your student has outgrown or lost their JO shirt, please order your replacement shirt here:
Many volunteers are needed to help the day of JO:
• count basketball free-throws,
• help out in the computer room,
• bring baked goods,
• help sell food,
• take photos!
We need more help during PE!!!!
Please help us during the PE Training sessions - we need adults to help time, start, and assist the kidsduring PE training throughout the next month. Please consider coming out for an hour of fresh air and fun with the students:
THANKS. Please send any questions to your JO Chairs: Kathleen Vitakis, Julie Altinger, Laura Torres
PTA Update
Coyote Pack News
The Pack had a great run on Friday. Please join us at Friday Flag Salute as we hand out another wave of award ribbons and announce our total mileage to date. We hope you and your Pack Runner sign up to run in the Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk, Saturday, May 11, 9am (5k&10k); 10:30am (1mile). Info at:
From Los Altos School District
NEW LASD EDtalk: Extreme by Design April 13, 2013, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, Location: iLearn StudioInterested in learning more about Design Thinking and the implications for education? Come watch Extreme by Design, an hour long documentary film that highlights the design thinking experience for students at Stanford in a course called Entrepreneurial Design for Extreme Affordability. This event will beinteractive and co-facilitated with staff from Stanford's d. School. Extreme by Design will air nationally on PBS in Fall 2013. Your Event URL:
For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.
From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members:
Fashion’s Night Out – A Class Act!
On behalf of our staff, students and school, I would like to extend a HUGE thank you to Sangeeth Peruri, Jenny Bennett and the entire auction team, for a fabulous event last Saturday. The venue was wonderful and the special touches were fantastic. Thank you also to our staff and parents who participated in our Fashion Show, courtesy of Fina. Attendees appreciated all the time and effort that went into the evening. And thank you once again, to Suzanne Kasso for being such an outstanding MC. Once again, our Covington Community has shown its unity and support for our students and programs.
Science Fair
Congratulations to all our students who participated in our Science Fair this week. Tuesday’s Science night was fantastic and all week long students were enthusiastic to share their innovative and creative projects. Great job Covington Coyotes! Special thanks to Ingrid Choong for her leadership and coordination of our Science Fair.
Tomorrow is Teacher/Principal for the Day
Tomorrow the Auction Winners for Teacher & Principal for the Day will be hard at “work” in their various assignments. They will also share a special lunch with their teachers and the staff. Congratulations to all the winners!
Film Festival on March 29th
Please be sure to attend the LASD Film Festival on Friday March 29th. We have many Covington students and classes that have placed in the top 3 in their categories and are up for awards. The Film Festival starts at 4pm and the awards ceremony will be at 5pm in the Covington Multi.
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
Mar. 22 – 6th grade bake sale
Mar. 27, Mar. 28 – Egan Parent Tour, Blach Parent Tour
Mar. 29 – LASD Film Festival
April 2 – Music concert, grades K-3, 10:30am-11:30am
April 8-12 – Spring Break
April 26 – CSTEM Showcase @Almond School
April 27 – Jr. Olympics
May 21 – Music concert, grades 4-6, 1:00pm
School News
Sixth Grade Fundraiser
The Covington Class of '13 will be having its first Bake Sale after school this Friday, March 22nd from 2:20 to 3:00! Sixth graders will be selling yummy baked goods outside the multi for $1 each. All proceeds go towards purchasing the 6th grade gift so please stop by before heading home. Thank you!
Lost & Found
Our Lost & Found is overflowing. We will donate any unclaimed items during Spring Break. So please stop by and collect your students’ jackets & sweaters by Friday March 29th. Thanks!
Junior Olympic News
April 27, 2013, 8:15am - 4pm, Mountain View High School
TRAINING -Training for Junior Olympics has begun!
• Every Tuesday and Thursday 4th, 5th & 6th graders will train for Junior Olympics during PE. Pleasehave your student dress in appropriate athletic attire on these days: best running shoes and non-restrictive clothing.
• If you can / would like to volunteer during these training sessions, your help would be appreciated! Please check our online sign ups:
INFORMATION ABOUT JUNIOR OLYMPICS. General information about Junior Olympics can be found on the Covington Website: http://www.
T-SHIRTS -All JO participants must have an orange, Covington Junior Olympics t-shirt to participate at Junior Olympics.
• Every 4th grader AND any new 5th and 6th grader will receive ONE complimentary t-shirt. The default size is Adult Small. If you require a different size, please visit this link
• If your student has lost or outgrown their first JO shirt, please purchase a new JO shirt for $13.00. See T-SHIRT INFO on the JO page http://www.
Please send any questions to your JO Chairs: Kathleen Vitakis,
Julie Altinger, Laura Torres
PTA Update
The Pack News
The Pack picked up the pace last Friday. Cumulatively, The Pack ran a total of 155 miles. If we were running from Covington to Washington D.C. we'd be in Omaha, Nebraska! We've been running through Nebraska for a long time, but we're finally through. Hello Iowa! Congrats to The Pack for your awesome effort! Parents, please join us at Friday Flag Salute as we hand out another wave of ribbons. Covington Coyote Pack Runners are awesome!
We hope you and your Pack Runner will sign up to run in the Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk &/or Run for Zimbabwe Orphans. Please contact Jen if you need registration information for either event:
AUCTION UPDATE (You can still sign up for parties)
The auction went well this weekend. For those of you that missed it, there are still some Kids and Adult parties with availability as well as a few unsold items. To buy or sign up, do the following.
1) REGISTER for an online bid number (SKIP this step if you went to the auction or if you already received a confirmation email with online bidding tickets)
- Click on the following link: https://covington.
- Input First and Last Name and email address; ignore all other fields
- Click Continue a few times; Click Complete Ticket Order
- IMPORTANT - Make sure to Click Complete Ticket Order - you will get an email confirm if it went through
2) LOOKUP what is available online
3) SIGNUP online - 1st come 1st serve
4) PAYMENT - you will get bill emailed later; no need to pay now
5) CATALOG - if you need it
- press download button
From Los Altos School District
The LASD Student Film Festival is back for its second year in a row! We have had almost 100 films submitted to us. All of these films will be shown at the festival on March 29. The festival is being held at Covington Elementary from 4-6pm. There will be a gallery walk from 4-5pm, where you can view all the videos. They will be shown in four different rooms. Then from 5-6pm, there will be an awards ceremony to announce and celebrate the winners. Be sure to show up for lots of fun, food and great films! Remember to mark your calendars for March 29, 2013. See you there!
For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.
Next Thursday 3/21 is a minimum day. All kinders attend from 8:15am-11:35am. Grades 1-6 dismiss at 12:15PM. No Homework Club. Please pick your children up promptly.
From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members:
Coaches needed! 6th Grade Basketball Tournament Coming
Each May, our 6th graders participate in the annual LASD Basketball tournament. The boys play on Friday, May 3rd and the girls compete on Friday May 17th. The tournaments take place at Blach Junior High School from about 3:30pm to approximately 8 or 9 pm. We are looking for parent coaches for both teams. Coaching one of the teams would entail:
•Setting up a few practices at lunchtime or after school a few times before the tournament (2 weeks before is usually sufficient)
•Being present and acting as coach on the day of the actual tournament at Blach
Two coaches per team are ideal. Please call the office and let Susan Evard and/or Erin Green know you are interested in coaching. Many thanks ahead of time!
Science Fair Next Week
Our Science Fair kicks off on Monday. Our students have been hard at work conducting experiments and drawing conclusions to be shared at the Science Fair. Projects should be brought on Monday, March 18, 8:00-8:30 am to the Multi, with the exception of 5th grade, who will take their projects directly to their classrooms. You must pick up your projects and take them home at dismissal on Wed. March 20th. Don’t forget that Family Night at the Science Fair is Tuesday March 19th from 6:30pm-8:00pm in the Multi and the 5th grade classrooms. Everyone is invited!
Report Cards Monday, March 18th
Report cards will be sent home with students on Monday afternoon! We do not normally conference at this time of year, but if you have questions or concerns, please contact your child's teacher and they would be happy to talk and/or meet with you. Our students have grown so much; it is time to celebrate all of their accomplishments and look forward to the last trimester of the school year.
Fashion's Night Out This weekend!
I am looking forward to seeing everyone at our Covington School Auction Saturday evening! Sangeeth Peruri has been working diligently for months to organize the entire auction; it will no doubt be a great night. See you Saturday!
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
Mar. 15 – PTA Meeting/Coffee after Flag Salute
Mar. 15 – Wear Green Today.
Mar. 16 – Covington Auction “Fashion’s Night Out”
Mar. 18-20 – Science Fair
Mar. 19 – Science Fair Family Night
Mar. 21 – Minimum Day
Mar. 22 – 6th grade bake sale
Mar. 27, Mar. 28 – Egan Parent Tour, Blach Parent Tour
Mar. 29 – LASD Film Festival
April 2 – Music concert, grades K-3, 10:30am-11:30am
April 8-12 – Spring Break
April 26 – CSTEM Showcase @Almond School
April 27 – Jr. Olympics
May 21 – Music concert, grades 4-6, 1:00pm
School Nurse
Pertussis Booster for Students in grade 6
Students currently in grade 6 must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin seventh grade in August of 2013. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your school office by tomorrow, March 15, 2013.
Student Council
Student Council News!
Hello, Coyotes! We will behaving a Green Day Stay and Play tomorrow, Friday, March 15 from 2:45 to 3:10. We will be selling green goodies for $1.00. Remember you must have a parent with you to attend the Stay and Play. Also, please wear green tomorrow to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Thank you.
Junior Olympic News
April 27, 2013
8:15am - 4pm
Mountain View High School
Training for Junior Olympics has begun!
• Every Tuesday and Thursday 4th, 5th & 6th graders will train for Junior Olympics during PE. Please have your student dress in appropriate athletic attire on these days: best running shoes and non-restrictive clothing.
• If you can / would like to volunteer during these training sessions, your help would be appreciated! Please check our online sign ups:
General information about Junior Olympics can be found on the Covington Website: http://www.
AND the LASD website: http://lasdschools.
All JO participants must have an orange, Covington Junior Olympics t-shirt to participate at Junior Olympics.
• Every 4th grader AND any new 5th and 6th grader will receive ONE complimentary t-shirt. The default size is Adult Small. If you require a different size, please visit this link
• If your student has lost or outgrown their first JO shirt, please purchase a new JO shirt for $13.00. See T-SHIRT INFO on the JO page http://www.
Please send any questions to your JO Chairs:
Kathleen Vitakis
Julie Altinger
Laura Torres
PTA Update
Covington Auction
If you can't attend the auction this year. You can bid online at the following link
We want to give the parents a heads up about Athena camps, which is a girl’s only camp. It will be held 5 days after the auction date. We want to make sure that parents are informed about this well in advance so that you can mark their calendars for Athena minimum day camp at Covington on March 21,2013!
• Time: 12:30-2pm
• Location: Covington Black Top
• Price: $30
Athena Camps develop courage, wisdom, and confidence in girls by combining successful sports experiences, creative art projects and strong female role models. Small camp size and daily discussions encourage girls to develop lasting relationships with peers, new friends and coaches. At Athena Camps a powerful positive energy is created and magic happens. For more information go to
After School Soccer Program for Grades 4-6
Mondays, 3:00pm – 3:45pm starting March 25, join your friends and have fun representing your school and playing matches against teams from other LASD schools! Everyone Plays!! Supervision provided on the fieldfrom school dismissal. This fun eight-week program is $155.00, sibling discount is $135.00. For more info or to register, please go to
San Jose Earthquakes and Covington PTA
Do you love Soccer? Do you love Covington? Have you been itching to go to an Earthquakes game and just needed a good excuse? Well, we have one for you! Come watch the San Jose Earthquakes play Seattle Sounders FC on March 23rd and 25% of your ticket price will go to the Covington PTA! See details on how and when to purchase the tickets in your child's Thursday folder or email (
Coyote Pack News
Friday weather looks nice, so The Pack will run at lunch.
Parents, join us tomorrow morning at flag salute, as many runners will be given their earned ribbons and we will announce The Pack's cumulative mileage to date! Los Altos businesses support The Pack and have, once again, donated generously. Runners, join us Fridays at lunch to see what great items Jamba Juice, Spot& Miyo have donated! We'd love parent volunteers (no running required),please email
From Los Altos School District
CSTEM Update
Here is a newsletter that shows all the exciting things our students are doing in CSTEM
For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.
From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members:
Stanford Basketball Star, Gabriel Harris Visits our 1st Graders
This school year, our four first grade classes participated in the Stanford University Basketball Reading Program. Since our students were so motivated, and collectively read over 1,000 books in a two-week period, we were the recipients of a Stanford BasketballPlayer Read-Aloud and Q & A last Friday. Gabriel Harris, one of Stanford's starting guards, shared two fabulous books with our students. Our students loved talking with him and hearing about the hard work and perseverance required to be a student athlete at Stanford. To follow up the visit, we had many of our students and families attend Stanford's last home basketball game at Maples Pavilion last Sunday! Our Covington students provided a personal cheering section for #23, Gabriel Harris! Way to go, first graders!
Auction-one week away!
Thank you for all you have donated and helped to organize for next weekend's auction, Fashion's Night Out! Our staff is very excited to attend and appreciates the support our generous PTA provides.
Mrs. Mase on Family Leave.
We want to wish Mrs. Mase all the best as she takes a leave to have a baby. We will keep you all postedwhen her new family member makes its arrival. We are so lucky to haveMrs. Grayson to teach Mrs. Mase’s class until she rejoins us in June. Mrs. Grayson is a retired Covington teacher and a regular substitute on our campus. All the best to Mrs. Mase, and welcome to Mrs. Grayson!
A few other things you can look forward to:
March 15th 8:30am, PTA Meeting/ Coffee
March 18th Report Cards Sent home & Science Fair Begins
March 19th Science Fair Family Night
March 21st Minimum Day
Have a wonderful weekend!
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
Mar. 13 – Hearing Screening
Mar. 15 – PTA Meeting/Coffee
Mar. 15 – Wear Green Today.
Mar. 16 – Covington Auction “Fashion’s Night Out”
Mar. 18-20 – Science Fair
Mar. 19 – Science Fair Family Night
Mar. 21 – Minimum Day
Mar. 22 – 6th grade bake sale after school.
Mar. 27, Mar. 28 – Egan Parent Tour, Blach Parent Tour
Mar. 29 – LASD Film Festival
April 2 – Music concert, grades K-3, 10:30am-11:30am
April 8-12 – Spring Break
April 26 – CSTEM Showcase @Almond School
April 27 – Jr. Olympics
May 21 – Music concert, grades 4-6, 1:00pm
School Nurse
Hearing Screening
The District Nurses will be doing Hearing screening at Covington School for allKindergarten, 2nd, & 5th graders on March 13, 2013. If your child has a known hearing loss, please notify the Health Services Staff before the day of the screening. The nurse will mail a referral form and call the parents of students who do not pass the Hearing screening.
Pertussis Booster for Students in grade 6
Students currently in grade 6 must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin seventh grade in August of 2013. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your school office by March 15, 2013.
Student Council
Student Council News!
Hello, Coyotes! We will behaving a Green Day Stay and Play on Friday, March 15 from 2:45 to 3:10. We will be selling green goodies for $1.00. Remember you must have a parent with you to attend the Stay and Play. Also, please wear green on March 15 to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Thank you.
PTA Update
Science Fair. The Covington 9th Annual Science Fair is March 18-20! Participation in theScience Fair is required for 5th and 6th graders, but ALL grades are encouraged to participate. We get a good representation from all grades each year. Your science project will be on display in the Multi from March18-20 where the whole school can see your creativity. On March 19 (Multi, 6:30-8 pm), families are invited to walk through and enjoy the science projects as well. Anyone can participate in the Science Fair! Group science projects welcome! Tri-fold display boards can be purchased at office supply stores. No need to pre-register, just show-up on Mon, March 18, to set-up in Multi.
Set up: Monday, March 18, 8:00-8:30 am in the Multi
Exhibit: March 18-20 in the Multi
Family Open House: March 19, 6:30-8:00 pm in the Multi
Parent Volunteers Needed. Sign up here!
The link to the Science Fair Packet...http://
Athena Camp: Date: 3/21/2013
• Time: 12:30-2pm
• Location: Covington Black Top
• Price: $30
Athena Camps develop courage, wisdom, and confidence in girls by combining successful sports experiences, creative art projects andstrong female role models. Small camp size and daily discussions encourage girls to develop lasting relationships with peers, new friends and coaches. At Athena Camps a powerful positive energy is created and magic happens. For more information go to
Auction Related Promotion by Apricot Lane - During March 20% of your purchases will bedonated to Covington! Shop at Apricot Lane Boutique in downtown Los Altos during the month of March and have 20% of your purchase (including sale items) go to back to Covington. Apricot Lane specializes in contemporary women's clothing, accessories and jewelry with brands such as Siwy Denim, Kensie, Veronica M, Bella Dahl and so many more! Make sure to mention you are part of Covington. Also email me at if you buy anything and I can keep track of it as well.
From Los Altos School District
For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.
From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,
What a great return back toschool after our February break. Our kids have had a fantastic week, especially due to our outstanding weather. Tomorrow is Read Across America Day and the Cat in the Hat will be visiting our 1st graders! Our 4th, 5th and 6th graders are excited to kick off the Junior Olympics tomorrow at the afternoon assembly!
Covington Students Making a Difference: 1st Grader named Honorary Board Member.
Covington student Zach Brunner was featured in our Town Crier this week for his fundraising efforts on behalf of Lassen Volcanic National Park. We applaud and celebrate one of our own students taking the initiative to make a difference. Read more about Zach in the Town Crier:
Safety Planning at Covington
The past few weeks, we have worked closely with the Los Altos and Mountain View Police Departments to evaluate and revise our safety guidelines and procedures. To ensure alignment with State and District safety guidelines, our staff at Covington has updated our Safety Plan to include specific procedures for fire, earthquake and Code Red drills. We regularly practice fire and earthquake drills, and will now add Code Red drills to our yearly schedule.
Yesterday, Officer Krauss from the Los Altos Police Department visited at our staff meeting. We had a veryproductive meeting talking through emergency lock-down procedures and we put together plans to conduct a Code Red practice drill (lockdown) in April. Our teachers will be working with their classes in the next few weeks practicing safety procedures, if there were ever a dangerous situation on campus (CodeRed). As stated in previous newsletters, we will not be talkingabout the Sandy Hook events in Connecticut, but we will teach kids that in the event of an immediate danger on campus (i.e.: dangerous dog on campus, reckless vehicle or stranger with a weapon—weapon being anything such as a stick, hammer, etc.) that we will need to lock down.
Your children may begin telling you that their teachers are teaching them some important techniques to be used during a Code Red drill, such as barricading the classroom door and turning out the lights. The purpose of practicing is to lower the anxiety during the actual drill and to ensure that staff and students know what to do in case of a real event. I encourage you to discuss the importance of all emergency procedures with your children.
Through out the process of practicing for our Code Red drill, we will reassure all students of their safety at Covington School. A copy of our School Safety Plan is available for viewing in the school office. If you have any questions regarding the upcoming drill, or our safety procedures, feel free to contact me.
What can parents do to support our safety practices?
· Stop by the office when entering the school to sign in and receive a visitor sticker/badge. Even if you plan on only staying for a short time, or are a familiar face to all, you need to sign in at the front office.
· If you are bringing your child’s lunch to school, do not take it to their classroom or put it in their backpack. Leave it on the clearly marked table outside the multi. We will make sure your child picks up their lunch.
· Make sure your emergency information is up to date!
· Pick up your children immediately after school, unless they attend an after school program. There is nosupervision on the school grounds after school.
Thanks for your understanding and for supporting our safety procedures.
Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for your ongoing support!
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
Mar. 1 – Jr. Olympic Kick Off Assembly, Grades 4-6
Mar. 6 – Author Visit for grades 3-6
Mar. 13 – Hearing Screening
Mar. 16 – Covington Auction “Fashion’s Night Out”
Mar. 18-20 – Science Fair
Mar. 19 – Science Fair Family Night
Mar. 21 – Minimum Day
Mar. 27, Mar. 28 – Egan Parent Tour, Blach Parent Tour
Mar. 29 – LASD Film Festival
April. 2 – Music concert, grades K-3
April 8-12 – Spring Break
April 27 – Jr. Olympics
May 21 – Music concert, grades 4-6
Each year, the parent volunteers on the Los Altos Educational Foundation (LAEF) Board partner with the Los Altos School District (LASD) administration to budget forenrichment programs for the coming school year. The annual LAEF survey is your way to provide input as we enter into the 2013-14 budgeting cycle.
Your feedback is critical and will be used to make funding decisions for programs at your child’s school like Art, Music, Library, PE, Junior High Electives and Class Size Reduction. Please provide your opinion about LAEF funded programs so that we candecide how best to invest our funds to improve the education of our children.
Please contact if you have not received an email with a link to our annual survey. Thank you for your participation!
School Nurse
Hearing Screening
The District Nurses will be doing Hearing screening at Covington School for allKindergarten, 2nd, & 5th graders on March 13, 2013. If your child has a known hearing loss, please notify the Health Services Staff before the day of the screening. The nurse will mail a referral form and call the parents of students who do not pass the Hearing screening.
Pertussis Booster for Students in grade 6
Students currently in grade 6 must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin seventh grade in August of 2013. Please provide a copy ofyour child’s immunization record to your school office by March 15, 2013.
Student Council
Student Council News!
Hello, Coyotes! We will behaving a Green Day Stay and Play on Friday, March 15 from 2:45 to 3:10. We will be selling green goodies for $1.00. Also, please wear green on March 15 to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Thank you.
Junior Olympics
The 2013 LASD Junior Olympics is coming!!
Saturday, April 27th
8:15am to 4:00pm
Mountain View High School
Get ready for the kick-off tomorrow (FRIDAY MARCH 1st) afternoon in the multi. 5th and 6th graders,wear your orange JO t-shirts!
Training for Junior Olympics begins on Tuesday, March 12, in PE periods.
**Students need to wear appropriate clothing and shoes for running**
Not wearing appropriate attire will greatly impact a student's enjoyment of Junior Olympic training. It isvery hard to run your fastest in sandles, boots and/or skinny jeans:)
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for training! Please visit the sign ups online
Junior Olympic T-SHIRTS
All 4th grade students and new 5th and 6th grade students will receive a complimentary Junior Olympics t-shirt. The default size is ADULT SMALL. If you would like an alternate size, please fill in and submit the following online form:
Covington Junior Olympics Committee
Julie Altinger –
Laura Torres -
Kathleen Vitakis –
PTA Update
Author Visits Return to Covington on March 6th
An assembly for all 3rd through 6th grade students on March 6th will feature Peter Lerangis promoting “The Colossus Rises”, the first book in his new adventure series Seven Wonders. Author of 160 books including several in the 39 Clues series, Mr. Lerangis is the ideal author to kick-off this year’s Author Visit Program in cooperation with Kepler’s Books. Order forms to purchase hardcover copies of “The Colossus Rises” personalized and signed by the author are available from the Covington website http://www.covingtonschool.
Auction Related Promotion by Apricot Lane
During March 20% of your purchases will be donated to Covington! Shop at Apricot Lane Boutique in downtown Los Altos during the month of March and have 20% of your purchase (including sale items) go to back to Covington. Apricot Lane specializes in contemporary women's clothing, accessories and jewelry with brands such as Siwy Denim, Kensie, Veronica M, Bella Dahl and so many more! Make sure to mention you are part of Covington. Also email Sangeeth Peruri at if you buy anything and he can keep track of it as well.
Fourth Grade Junior Scouts Food Drive
Today is the last day of the Food Drive. So far we have received hundreds of donations! We will announce the winning classroom at tomorrow's morning assembly. The Fourth Grade Junior Scouts Troop will deliver your donations to the Food Closet tomorrow. Thank you Covington for your generous donations!
San Jose Earthquakes and Covington PTA
Do you love Soccer? Do you love Covington? Have you been itching to go to an Earthquakes game and just needed a good excuse? Well, I have one for you! Come watch the San Jose Earthquakes play Seattle Sounders FC on March 23rd and 25% of your ticket price will go to the Covington PTA! See details on how and when to purchase the tickets in your child's Thursday folder or email Jessica Speiser (
Athena Camp Minimum Day Event
Date: 3/21/2013, Time: 12:30-2pm, Location: Covington Black Top, Price: $30
Athena Camps develop courage, wisdom, and confidence in girls by combining successful sports experiences, creative art projects andstrong female role models. Small camp size and daily discussions encourage girls to develop lasting relationships with peers, new friends and coaches. At Athena Camps a powerful positive energy is created and magic happens. For more information go to
From Los Altos School District
For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.
3/15/25 6:48 AM