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March 22, 2013

From Erin Green, Principal

Dear Covington Parents and Community Members:

Fashion’s Night Out – A Class Act!

On behalf of our staff, students and school, I would like to extend a HUGE thank you to Sangeeth Peruri, Jenny Bennett and the entire auction team, for a fabulous event last Saturday.  The venue was wonderful and the special touches were fantastic. Thank you also to our staff and parents who participated in our Fashion Show, courtesy of Fina.  Attendees appreciated all the time and effort that went into the evening. And thank you once again, to Suzanne Kasso for being such an outstanding MC.  Once again, our Covington Community has shown its unity and support for our students and programs. 

Science Fair

Congratulations to all our students who participated in our Science Fair this week.  Tuesday’s Science night was fantastic and all week long students were enthusiastic to share their innovative and creative projects.  Great job Covington Coyotes!  Special thanks to Ingrid Choong for her leadership and coordination of our Science Fair.

Tomorrow is Teacher/Principal for the Day

Tomorrow the Auction Winners for Teacher & Principal for the Day will be hard at “work” in their various assignments.  They will also share a special lunch with their teachers and the staff.  Congratulations to all the winners!

Film Festival on March 29th

Please be sure to attend the LASD Film Festival on Friday March 29th.  We have many Covington students and classes that have placed in the top 3 in their categories and are up for awards.  The Film Festival starts at 4pm and the awards ceremony will be at 5pm in the Covington Multi.


Erin S. Green



Upcoming Events –

Mar. 22 – 6th grade bake sale

Mar. 27, Mar. 28 – Egan Parent Tour, Blach Parent Tour

Mar. 29 – LASD Film Festival

April 2 – Music concert, grades K-3, 10:30am-11:30am

April 8-12 – Spring Break

April 26 – CSTEM Showcase @Almond School

April 27 – Jr. Olympics

May 21 – Music concert, grades 4-6, 1:00pm


School News

Sixth Grade Fundraiser

The Covington Class of '13 will be having its first Bake Sale after school this Friday, March 22nd from 2:20 to 3:00!  Sixth graders will be selling yummy baked goods outside the multi for $1 each.  All proceeds go towards purchasing the 6th grade gift so please stop by before heading home.  Thank you!

Lost & Found

Our Lost & Found is overflowing.  We will donate any unclaimed items during Spring Break. So please stop by and collect your students’ jackets & sweaters by Friday March 29th.  Thanks!

Junior Olympic News


April 27, 2013, 8:15am - 4pm, Mountain View High School

TRAINING -Training for Junior Olympics has begun!

• Every Tuesday and Thursday 4th, 5th & 6th graders will train for Junior Olympics during PE. Pleasehave your student dress in appropriate athletic attire on these days: best running shoes and non-restrictive clothing.

• If you can / would like to volunteer during these training sessions, your help would be appreciated! Please check our online sign ups:

INFORMATION ABOUT JUNIOR OLYMPICS.  General information about Junior Olympics can be found on the Covington Website: and the LASD website:

T-SHIRTS -All JO participants must have an orange, Covington Junior Olympics t-shirt to participate at Junior Olympics.

• Every 4th grader AND any new 5th and 6th grader will receive ONE complimentary t-shirt. The default size is Adult Small. If you require a different size, please visit this link  and fill in the appropriate information no later than MARCH 29.

• If your student has lost or outgrown their first JO shirt, please purchase a new JO shirt for $13.00. See T-SHIRT INFO on the JO page  Replacement t-shirt orders are also due MARCH 29.

Please send any questions to your JO Chairs: Kathleen Vitakis,

Julie Altinger, Laura Torres

PTA Update

The Pack News

The Pack picked up the pace last Friday. Cumulatively, The Pack ran a total of 155 miles. If we were running from Covington to Washington D.C. we'd be in Omaha, Nebraska! We've been running through Nebraska for a long time, but we're finally through. Hello Iowa! Congrats to The Pack for your awesome effort!   Parents, please join us at Friday Flag Salute as we hand out another wave of ribbons. Covington Coyote Pack Runners are awesome!

We hope you and your Pack Runner will sign up to run in the Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk &/or Run for Zimbabwe Orphans.  Please contact Jen if you need registration information for either event:

AUCTION UPDATE (You can still sign up for parties)

The auction went well this weekend.  For those of you that missed it, there are still some Kids and Adult parties with availability as well as a few unsold items.  To buy or sign up, do the following.  

1) REGISTER for an online bid number (SKIP this step if you went to the auction or if you already received a confirmation email with online bidding tickets)

- Click on the following link:

- Input First and Last Name and email address; ignore all other fields

- Click Continue a few times; Click Complete Ticket Order

- IMPORTANT - Make sure to Click Complete Ticket Order - you will get an email confirm if it went through

2) LOOKUP what is available online

3) SIGNUP online - 1st come 1st serve

4) PAYMENT - you will get bill emailed later; no need to pay now

5) CATALOG -  if you need it

- press download button


From Los Altos School District

The LASD Student Film Festival is back for its second year in a row!  We have had almost 100 films submitted to us. All of these films will be shown at the festival on March 29.  The festival is being held at Covington Elementary  from 4-6pm.  There will be a gallery walk from 4-5pm, where you can view all the videos. They will be shown in four different rooms. Then from 5-6pm, there will be an awards ceremony to announce and celebrate the winners.  Be sure to show up for lots of fun, food and great films! Remember to mark your calendars for March 29, 2013.  See you there!



For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.

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