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March 28, 2013

From Erin Green, Principal

Dear Covington Parents and Community Members:

Auction Generosity

I just wanted to thank you one more time for your incredible contributions at our school auction twoweeks ago.  The latest events:  Teacher of the Day, Principal of the Day and Librarian of the Day were incredible experiences for all of our staff and our "student staff".  Personally, having Declan and Kiki Stanton as co-principals was one of the best days I have had this year. I know our teaching staff appreciated their student "teachers" as well!  Thank you for your support on this piece.

Librarian for the Day

Today I had the pleasure of visiting the library and found Anisha Menath checking out books to students!  

Mrs. Drobot shared with methat Anisha was a wonderful librarian.  She stated that, "On top of all the other tasks she did in the library throughout the day, Anisha and I read together "My Name is Not Isabella" to the second graders this afternoon.  It fits perfectly into the second grade curriculum at this time of year and one I've always loved reading.  I hasten to add it was even better reading it with Anisha.  She was great!"

6th Grade Poetry Café

Yesterday I was honored to visit our 6th grades during their Poetry Café.  It was such a pleasure to observe the students sharing their original work.  It was evident how proud the students were of their work and how much they enjoyed participating in the Poetry Café.

Film Festival tomorrow

Tomorrow afternoon the LASDFilm Festival is taking place at Covington.  Many of our students and classes created films that will be featured. Stop by at 4pm to view the films and the awards portion of the event will begin at 5pm in our Multi Purpose Room.  

Primary Concert Tuesday April 2nd, at 10:30am

Our K-3 Music Program culminates next Tuesday with a special concert for parents beginning at 10:30.  If you are using an ipad to film the performance, please be sure not to block the view of other parents.   I look forward to seeing you soon!


Erin S. Green



Upcoming Events –

Mar. 29 – LASD Film Festival

April 2 – Music concert, grades K-3, 10:30am-11:30am

April 8-12 – Spring Break

April 26 – CSTEM Showcase @Almond School

April 27 – Jr. Olympics

May 21 – Music concert, grades 4-6, 1:00pm


School News

Lost & Found

Our Lost & Found is overflowing.  We will donate any unclaimed items during Spring Break. So please stop by and collect your students’ jackets & sweaters by Wed. April 3rd.  Thanks!


Junior Olympic News



3.29 - deadline for t-shirtsize changes and replacement orders - see T-Shirts below

4.5   - Permission slips were sent home this week Due ASAP - no later than April 5. - EVERYONE MUST RETURN even if not participating.


JO is on Saturday, April 27th, 8 am - 4 pm.

Students may participate in 3 events + relay.

The JO committee will begin to ask students their desired events starting next week.

For more information please see the Covington JO page OR the district JO Page:


All teams will be posted in the office window after school tomorrow, March 29

Coaches are needed for eachteam.  There will be a coaching clinic on April 3rd, 6:30 PM, Mountain View High School.  Teams may begin practicing March 30. No one is required to practice over Spring Break.


**all alternate size requests for first timers & replacement orders are due tomorrow, Mar. 29**

First timers will receive an ADULT SMALL t-shirt - to request a different size click here:

If your student has outgrown or lost their JO shirt, please order your replacement shirt here:


Many volunteers are needed to help the day of JO:

•    count basketball free-throws, 

•    help out in the computer room, 

•    bring baked goods, 

•    help sell food, 

•    take photos!

We need more help during PE!!!!

Please help us during the PE Training sessions - we need adults to help time, start, and assist the kidsduring PE training throughout the next month. Please consider coming out for an hour of fresh air and fun with the students:

THANKS.  Please send any questions to your JO Chairs:  Kathleen Vitakis, Julie Altinger, Laura Torres


PTA Update

Coyote Pack News

The Pack had a great run on Friday. Please join us at Friday Flag Salute as we hand out another wave of award ribbons and announce our total mileage to date. We hope you and your Pack Runner sign up to run in the Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk, Saturday, May 11, 9am (5k&10k); 10:30am (1mile). Info at: Register on-line website:  ON-LINE DISCOUNT CODE for Covington Group Registration: Use the Discount Code of "owlhouse".  (The discount is on the 5K and 10K run/walk).  Please contact Jen or Jen if you need more information: or


From Los Altos School District

NEW LASD EDtalk:  Extreme by Design April 13, 2013, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, Location: iLearn StudioInterested in learning more about Design Thinking and the implications for education? Come watch Extreme by Design, an hour long documentary film that highlights the design thinking experience for students at Stanford in a course called Entrepreneurial Design for Extreme Affordability. This event will beinteractive and co-facilitated with staff from Stanford's d. School. Extreme by Design will air nationally on PBS in Fall 2013.  Your Event URL:




For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.

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