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Google Maps205 Covington Road , Los Altos, CA 94024
Phone: 650-947-1100   Fax: 650-941-8175
March 14, 2013

Next Thursday 3/21 is a minimum day.  All kinders attend from 8:15am-11:35am. Grades 1-6 dismiss at 12:15PM.  No Homework Club.  Please pick your children up promptly.

From Erin Green, Principal

Dear Covington Parents and Community Members:

Coaches needed!  6th Grade Basketball Tournament Coming

Each May, our 6th graders participate in the annual LASD Basketball tournament.  The boys play on Friday, May 3rd and the girls compete on Friday May 17th.  The tournaments take place at Blach Junior High School from about 3:30pm to approximately 8 or 9 pm.  We are looking for parent coaches for both teams.  Coaching one of the teams would entail:

•Setting up a few practices at lunchtime or after school a few times before the tournament (2 weeks before is usually sufficient)

•Being present and acting as coach on the day of the actual tournament at Blach

Two coaches per team are ideal. Please call the office and let Susan Evard and/or Erin Green know you are interested in coaching.  Many thanks ahead of time!

Science Fair Next Week

Our Science Fair kicks off on Monday.  Our students have been hard at work conducting experiments and drawing conclusions to be shared at the Science Fair.  Projects should be brought on Monday, March 18, 8:00-8:30 am to the Multi, with the exception of 5th grade, who will take their projects directly to their classrooms.  You must pick up your projects and take them home at dismissal on Wed. March 20th.   Don’t forget that Family Night at the Science Fair is Tuesday March 19th from 6:30pm-8:00pm in the Multi and the 5th grade classrooms.  Everyone is invited!

Report Cards Monday, March 18th

Report cards will be sent home with students on Monday afternoon!  We do not normally conference at this time of year, but if you have questions or concerns, please contact your child's teacher and they would be happy to talk and/or meet with you.  Our students have grown so much; it is time to celebrate all of their accomplishments and look forward to the last trimester of the school year.

Fashion's Night Out This weekend!

I am looking forward to seeing everyone at our Covington School Auction Saturday evening!  Sangeeth Peruri has been working diligently for months to organize the entire auction; it will no doubt be a great night.  See you Saturday!


Erin S. Green



Upcoming Events –

Mar. 15 – PTA Meeting/Coffee after Flag Salute

Mar. 15 – Wear Green Today. 

Mar. 16 – Covington Auction “Fashion’s Night Out”

Mar. 18-20 – Science Fair

Mar. 19 – Science Fair Family Night

Mar. 21 – Minimum Day

Mar. 22 – 6th grade bake sale

Mar. 27, Mar. 28 – Egan Parent Tour, Blach Parent Tour

Mar. 29 – LASD Film Festival

April 2 – Music concert, grades K-3, 10:30am-11:30am

April 8-12 – Spring Break

April 26 – CSTEM Showcase @Almond School

April 27 – Jr. Olympics

May 21 – Music concert, grades 4-6, 1:00pm


School Nurse

Pertussis Booster for Students in grade 6

Students currently in grade 6 must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin seventh grade in August of 2013. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your school office by tomorrow, March 15, 2013.

Student Council

Student Council News!

Hello, Coyotes! We will behaving a Green Day Stay and Play tomorrow,  Friday, March 15 from 2:45 to 3:10. We will be selling green goodies for $1.00.  Remember you must have a parent with you to attend the Stay and Play. Also, please wear green tomorrow to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Thank you.

Junior Olympic News


April 27, 2013

8:15am - 4pm

Mountain View High School



Training for Junior Olympics has begun!

• Every Tuesday and Thursday 4th, 5th & 6th graders will train for Junior Olympics during PE. Please have your student dress in appropriate athletic attire on these days: best running shoes and non-restrictive clothing.

• If you can / would like to volunteer during these training sessions, your help would be appreciated! Please check our online sign ups:



General information about Junior Olympics can be found on the Covington Website:

AND the LASD website:



All JO participants must have an orange, Covington Junior Olympics t-shirt to participate at Junior Olympics.

• Every 4th grader AND any new 5th and 6th grader will receive ONE complimentary t-shirt. The default size is Adult Small. If you require a different size, please visit this link  and fill in the appropriate information no later than MARCH 29.

• If your student has lost or outgrown their first JO shirt, please purchase a new JO shirt for $13.00. See T-SHIRT INFO on the JO page  Replacement t-shirt orders are also due MARCH 29.


Please send any questions to your JO Chairs:

Kathleen Vitakis

Julie Altinger

Laura Torres


PTA Update

Covington Auction

If you can't attend the auction this year.  You can bid online at the following link

We want to give the parents a heads up about Athena camps, which is a girl’s only camp. It will be held 5 days after the auction date. We want to make sure that parents are informed about this well in advance so that you can mark their calendars for Athena minimum day camp at Covington on March 21,2013!

• Time: 12:30-2pm

• Location: Covington Black Top

• Price: $30

Athena Camps develop courage, wisdom, and confidence in girls by combining successful sports experiences, creative art projects and strong female role models. Small camp size and daily discussions encourage girls to develop lasting relationships with peers, new friends and coaches. At Athena Camps a powerful positive energy is created and magic happens. For more information go to

After School Soccer Program for Grades 4-6

Mondays, 3:00pm – 3:45pm starting March 25, join your friends and have fun representing your school and playing matches against teams from other LASD schools! Everyone Plays!! Supervision provided on the fieldfrom school dismissal. This fun eight-week program is $155.00, sibling discount is $135.00. For more info or to register, please go to or visit and click on after school programs.

San Jose Earthquakes and Covington PTA

Do you love Soccer?  Do you love Covington?  Have you been itching to go to an Earthquakes game and just needed a good excuse?  Well, we have one for you!  Come watch the San Jose Earthquakes play Seattle Sounders FC on March 23rd and 25% of your ticket price will go to the Covington PTA!  See details on how and when to purchase the tickets in your child's Thursday folder or email (  

Coyote Pack News

Friday weather looks nice, so The Pack will run at lunch.

Parents, join us tomorrow morning at flag salute, as many runners will be given their earned ribbons and we will announce The Pack's cumulative mileage to date! Los Altos businesses support The Pack and have, once again, donated generously. Runners, join us Fridays at lunch to see what great items Jamba Juice, Spot& Miyo have donated! We'd love parent volunteers (no running required),please email

From Los Altos School District

CSTEM Update

Here is a newsletter that shows all the exciting things our students are doing in CSTEM



For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.

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