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October 13, 2015
In This Issue:
Quick Dates for your Calendar:
Message from the Principals |
Dear Covington Families, Covington Walkathon: Thank you so much to David Trescot, our Walkathon Chair for orchestrating such a fantastic and fun event. Thanks also to his committee of dedicated volunteers: Colleen Farley, Jessica Speiser, Mary Field, Jeff Bernhardt, Mary Bernhardt, Richard Townhill, Jennifer Townhill, Laurie Kurgas, Dolly Eckinger, Katherine Lyon, Ingrid Choong, Diana Ekstrand, Sonia Brunner, JD Lyon, Mara Starkey, Mona Parekh, Sarah Anderson, Kirsten Burns, Jennifer Ebbit, and Kendra Muscarella. Our parent volunteers are an essential part of making Covington such a great school for all our students. Los Altos Educational Foundation Update: Save LAEF a call...donate by 10/15. LAEF’s goal this year is to raise $3.5M to fund enrichment programs and smaller class sizes for all nine schools, benefiting every child K-8. That’s why LAEF strives for every family to donate. Did you know the LAEF Board of parent volunteers is matching donations, up to a total of $100,000? If you are a new family or first-time donor, 100% of your gift will be matched. If you have donated in the past, any amount contributed over your last gift will be matched. Make your tax-deductible donation before October 15 at (or bring a check to the school office for the LAEF cubby) to double your donation and save LAEF a call during their Annual Phonathon next week. Google Expeditions Visited Covington. If you haven’t heard about the recent excitement at Covington , we wanted to share with you that Google Expeditions visited Covington last Tuesday. Students had the great fortune to interact with Google Cardboard, a type of virtual reality device. Students used these learning devices to explore amazing places such as the surface of the moon, the bottom of the sea and the Acropolis of Athens. Here are two links to information about Google Expeditions: schoolchildren-on-a-virtual-reality-field-trip-to-the-great-wall-of-china-
Here are some of our favorite quotes from our students about Google Expeditions: It felt like we were really there
We look forward to providing many more exciting learning adventures for our students. Have a great week! Erin S. Green and Kami Thordarson |
Combined Payment Forms Still Needed |
Back to School Combined Payment! We are halfway to our goal. Keep those donations coming to help pay for field trips, assemblies, school supplies, class parties etc. We depend on your generosity to make our school great. If we don’t meet our goal, some field trips and assemblies will need to be canceled. You can find the form online and pay by echeck: Paper forms are also available in the school office, in the Combined Payment cubby. Thank you from the Covington PTA. |
Vision Screening |
The LASD Nurses will be doing vision screening, at Covington School for all Kindergarten, 2nd and 5th grades on Thursday Nov. 5th. If your child has glasses or contacts, please make sure that they wear them to school on the day of the screening. The nurse will mail a referral form to the parents of students who do not pass the vision screening. |
WALKATHON NEWS: We Did It! Thank you to all the students, parents, teachers, staff, and volunteers who made this year’s Walkathon a success. The kids had a tremendous amount of fun, and the money raised will help improve our school and our children’s educations. Special thanks to the Walkathon Committee, which included: David Trescot, Colleen Farley, Jessica Speiser, Mary Field, Jeff Bernhardt, Mary Bernhardt, Richard Townhill, Jennifer Townhill, Laurie Kurgas, Dolly Eckinger, Katherine Lyon, Ingrid Choong, Diana Ekstrand, Sonia Brunner, JD Lyon, Mara Starkey, Mona Parekh, Sarah Anderson, Kirsten Burns, Jennifer Ebbit, and Kendra Muscarella Pledges. Walkathon sponsor cards are coming home in the Thursday folders this week. Please collect the pledges from sponsors over the next three weeks, and return all checks to the Walkathon box in the school office before Friday, November 6th. ------------------------------------------------------------------ We have some spots left! Please join us for: An Afternoon of Middle Eastern Food, Dance and Henna (Auction Party). Date: Saturday, 11/7/15, 3pm - Location: Dishdash Restaurant, Sunnyvale. Cost: $50 per person, please email to sign up and drop off a check in the office made out to "Covington PTA" Want to learn how to shake what your mama gave you AND get a henna tattoo? Take the opportunity to learn some sultry moves from a professional belly dancer, and get a temporary henna tattoo all while munching on authentically delicious Middle Eastern food from Dishdash Restaurant in Sunnyvale. For centuries, the art of henna painting on the body has been practiced in India, Africa and the Middle East. A paste made from the crushed leaves of the henna plant is applied to the skin in the form of distinctly unique designs, and when removed, leaves a temporary work of art that may last for up to 1 month. Join us for an afternoon of good food, unique dance moves, and henna art. |
Save Us A Call! LAEF’s Phonathon is next week. Have you made your annual donation to LAEF? We would love to take you off our call list, so please go online today and make your tax-deductible donation before October 15th. If you’re a first-time donor or if you choose to increase your gift to LAEF this year, it will be doubled by the LAEF Board, up to a total of $100,000! Are you an LAEF supporter? Join the fun and help us meet our $3.5M goal by signing up for our phonathon on Monday 10/19or Wednesday 10/21. It’s a wonderful opportunity to thank parents for all they do for our kids, to build community spirit and to educate our new families about the enrichment programs we fund. There are many ways to help, both on the phone and behind the scenes. Sign up at |
LASD & Community Announcements |
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:®ion=54001 District English Advisory Committee (DELAC) meeting: On October 19 from 8:15-9:30 am in the District Office Board Room, 201 Covington Road, Los Altos, there will be a district-wide meeting about the English Learner program in LASD. The following topics are on the agenda: Public Comment, Introduction to the EL Standards, Criteria for Reclassifying students, Election, and Meeting Dates. This is a public meeting and all who are interested are invited to attend. Please contact Ann Haigh at (650) 947-1180 if you have questions. |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
October 6, 2015
In This Issue:
Quick Dates for your Calendar:
Message from the Principals |
Dear Covington Families, Here at Covington we are gearing up for this Saturday’s Walkathon. Since we are also celebrating curiosity through the month of October, we wondered how and when walkathons started. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a walkathon is defined as, “A long-distance or protracted walk, esp. one undertaken competitively or (now frequently) in order to raise money for charity.” An article in the Wall St. Journal in 2011, reported that the first U.S. walkathon occurred in 1969 in Bismarck, N.D. to raise money for food programs. This inaugural Hunger Walk raised $25,000 but its greatest influence was the spread of the idea of walkathons. Since then, walkathons have become fundraisers for many different causes and participation has brought like-minded individuals together to share in a common experience as they work to achieve a common goal. It’s become as much about community as fundraising. Our ColorWalk on Saturday is an opportunity for students to share in that community spirit. It’s a wonderful way for our students to experience a fundraising event that matters to them. We appreciate the time and energy that our organizers have spent getting ready for Saturday and we look forward to walking with you as we work to improve and celebrate our community here at Covington. Let’s get our color on! Hope to see you Saturday, Erin S. Green Kami Thordarson Haiku: If you are having trouble using the Haiku Portal, here are two great resources that may help. |
Principal’s Message
Walk-A-Thon |
WALKATHON NEWS Friday is Crazy Color Day. It’s time for your child to dress in their wildest color combination! Mismatched and crazy is the look for the day.
Sponsor Cards Are Due. If you haven’t turned in a sponsor card, please drop it off at the school office in the Walkathon cubbie. If you have lost the card, there are extras at the office. Remember, every student needs a signed sponsor card in order to participate at the Walkathon. The Walkathon Is Saturday! The Walkathon is happening on Saturday, October 10. With so many students and families participating, we are sure to have a fun-filled, exciting day. Here are a few things to remember: - Registration opens at 9:30 AM. First lap is at 10 AM. Walking stops at 3 PM. - Bring a water bottle and wear comfortable shoes. - We are asking students to bring a gently used book to donate to the East Palo Alto Charter School - Bring cash and a checkbook for food, the Pocket Ladies, and the Priceless Parties. - Wear the Walkathon t-shirt. Shirts go home with the students on Thursday. Volunteer at the Walkathon! We still need more people to volunteer. Remember, we can’t do this without you! Please sign up at: |
Please join us for our next PTA General Meeting on October 9, 2015 at 8:30am in the Staff Room. Sponsor Cards Are Due. If you haven’t turned in a sponsor card, please drop it off at the school office in the Walkathon cubbie. If you have lost the card, there are extras at in the cubbie. Remember, every student needs a signed sponsor card in order to participate at the Walkathon. Back to School Combined Payment! Keep those donations coming to help pay for field trips, school supplies, class parties etc. We depend on your generosity to make our school great. You can find the form online and pay by echeck: Paper forms are also available in the school office, in the Combined Payment cubbie. |
1,000,000 in donations & counting Our board of 29 parent volunteers would like to thank the 767 families so far - who have already made their annual donation to LAEF. We just reached the $1M mark on our way to funding our 2015-16 grant, which benefits every child, in every grade, in every school in LASD. Please show your spirit by placing your LAEF Window Cling in your car today and inspire others to join you. If you haven’t had a chance to give, give today at and save us a call! Our annual phonathon is the week of October 19th and our parent volunteers will be calling families who have not yet given, to help us reach our goal of $3.5M. The best news is that all NEW gifts and any dollar you give OVER your contribution amount last year will be matched by LAEF’s Board of Directors, up to $100,000. Thank you! |
Calling Wonderful Covington Parents! We will be designing and creating many new products this year in the STEM Lab and could use all of the recyclable materials we can get our hands on! If you have materials/scraps around your home that you’d like to get rid of, feel free to donate them any time throughout the school year. Some examples of materials that are wonderful are: paper towel tubes, tissue paper, buttons, wooden rods, craft sticks, pipe cleaners, blocks, small wheels, tops of water bottles, etc.Please send in some S.T.U.F.F. (Scraps That are Used For Fun!) Thank you in advance for your help in our new discoveries! -Mrs. Katie Farley , STEM Teacher |
LASD & Community Announcements |
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:®ion=54001 |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
September 29, 2015
In This Issue:
Quick Dates for your Calendar:
Back to School Combined Payment Information |
This week in your student’s weekly folder, the PTA will be sending a paper version of the Back To School Combined Payment Form. This includes PTA membership, donations for field trips, assemblies, class party funds, and school supplies. While donations for these are a choice and are not required by law, if it is within your means to pay for them, the PTA asks that you do make the donation. At this point, the PTA has only received donations from about 30% of our school community. Covington's Back to School Purchase Forms are a big way the PTA raises money and directly helps Covington Elementary School be the California Distinguished School it is. Your donations for the school supplies (school toolbox) and the Birthday Book Club ensure your child has pencils, crayons, markers, binders and paper in their classroom to learn with and great books for them to read! Your donations for field trips ensure your children have wonderful field trips and enriching assemblies (that will have to be cancelled without enough donations).
You can turn in the paper form or pay online with echeck: The generous support of our PTA Community is much appreciated by students and parents.
Walk-A-Thon |
Sponsor Cards Due Friday: All sponsor cards are due back by this Friday, October 2nd. We will have a card drop-off station at the main entrance. Cards may also be handed in at the school office. All students who get their sponsor cards in by Friday will get an Otter Pop!
Last Chance To Order A T-Shirt: This week is the last chance to order a FREE t-shirt for your child. Every child gets a shirt even if they can’t join us on the day of the event. Please order your t-shirt at: https://covington.liveimpact. Volunteer at the Walkathon! We need your help to make the Walkathon a success. On the day of the event we need help with the set-up, registration, snacks, water, and more. Please sign up on the Google spreadsheet located here: |
Join the Geography Club! Calling all 4th-6th graders who can meet on Tuesdays from 2:45-3:30, October 6th-December 15th. We’ll have fun learning about Geography in Room 18. Email Mrs. Chan, Mrs. Scatena, or Mrs. Wyosnick for questions or sign up here: |
Homework Club |
Homework Club. Homework Club starts on October 5th, and meets Mon, Tues & Thur from 2:45p-3:40p in Room 27. Space is limited. To enroll pick up a form in the school office. Space will not be held by phone or email, you need to sign the permission slip to secure a spot for your child. Homework club is designed for students who need support after school to do their homework. No Homework Club on Minimum Days or the Open House day. |
Save LAEF a call and your donation could be matched up to $100,000! Save our friendly parent, community and LAEF staff volunteers a call by donating or pledging today at All NEW gifts and any dollar you give OVER your contribution amount last year will be matched by LAEF’s Board of Directors, up to $100,000. Thank you! It’s the LAEF Phonathon! Join the fun and help us meet our $3.5M goal. Our annual phonathon is coming up on Monday and Tuesday, October 19-20. The phonathon is a wonderful opportunity to thank parents for all they do for our kids, to build community spirit and to educate our new families about the enrichment programs we fund. Last year, our group of volunteers and LASD staff helped to raise $566,700 by personally calling 900 families. Sign up to help make calls at |
Calling Wonderful Covington Parents!
We will be designing and creating many new products this year in the STEM Lab and could use all of the recyclable materials we can get our hands on! If you have materials/scraps around your home that you’d like to get rid of, feel free to donate them any time throughout the school year. Some examples of materials that are wonderful are: paper towel tubes, tissue paper, buttons, wooden rods, craft sticks, pipe cleaners, blocks, small wheels, tops of water bottles, etc.Please send in some S.T.U.F.F. (Scraps That are Used For Fun!) Thank you in advance for your help in our new discoveries! Mrs. Katie Farley STEM Teacher |
Please join us for our next PTA General Meeting on October 9, 2015 at 8:30am in the Staff Room. Topics of discussion include: (1) normal business, (2) a Walkathon update, and (3) a discussion and vote on whether to make a fixed donation to EPACS (East Palo Alto Charter School, a charter school that educates K-8 children living in the Ravenswood School District located in East Palo Alto serving children from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, a stone's throw from where we live). You can see more about the school at this link: and we will of course present more about the school at the meeting. In the craziness of the first PTA meeting, I made a mistake in not bringing the possibility of this donation up earlier, of that, I am truly sorry. I look forward to seeing you at the PTA meeting October 9th at 8:30am and to listening to all your comments and concerns. Your PTA President, Jessica Speiser PTA Survey: In an effort to get more attendance at PTA meetings, we have constructed the following survey. While it it is not perfect, it is a way for us to determine the best ways to get more of our community interested in attending our meetings. Thanks for taking some time (2-3 minutes tops) to complete it!
Mabel’s Labels: Are you tired of losing your children's water bottles, coats, sweatshirts, etc. to the bottomless pit of lost and found because you don't have an easy way to label their stuff? You are? I was too, and I found Mabel's Labels to be the best solution. Not only is it a great solution, but if you buy through this link (and choose Covington PTA in the drop down) a portion of their proceeds goes to Covington! The labels go through the wash (laundry or dishwasher) without falling off. I highly recommend them. Please use the following link to purchase all types of labels: |
LASD & Community Announcements |
Los Altos School District is looking for volunteer interpreters to assist us during parent/teacher conferences, student meetings and district events. We are seeking assistance with all languages and it is very helpful if you are able to translate at a different school. Please contact Ann Haigh at 650-947-1180 or at ahaigh@lasdschools.orgor complete this form if you are interested.
School & Community News now found via Peachjar: |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
September 22, 2015
In This Issue:
Quick Dates for your Calendar: |
Message from the Principals |
Dear Covington Families, “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” -John F. Kennedy Here in the Los Altos School District, we are in the midst of change. As we move from our traditional grading model to a standards based grading model, we are faced with many challenges: new tools, new strategies, and a new language. Most of us are familiar with grades having gone through the educational system and experienced them for ourselves. We know how that system works, what’s expected, and how to communicate in that language. It’s comfortable. This new system that we’re striving for is uncomfortable and unfamiliar. We must all learn a new language to work within it. This will take some time and some hard work, however we are not alone. It’s great to learn from others who are making this change as well. Josh Work writes about making the change at his school in Three Peaks and Three Pits of Standards Based Grading. The three peaks that he shares, growth mindset, quality curriculum and assessments, and clear communication are all vitally important and support much of our own reasoning for making this change. The three pitfalls he mentions, teacher responsibility, time, and reinventing the wheel, are also three struggles that we face as we move forward. What we truly believe, is that this is good for students. John C. Maxwell says, “As we manage change, growth is optional.” As we progress, it is necessary for us to take the time to have those critical conversations to not always move us where we thought we were going, but forward. We can not remain in the past or present because that is what we know, but we must push forward into the future because that is what we need. More importantly, that is what our students need. Best Regards, Erin Green & Kami Thordarson Safety Reminders:
School Site Council It is that time of year again when our leadership team is looking for two to three interested parents for our School Site Council. We will begin meeting on Oct. 8th. There are 5-7 meetings throughout the year which usually occur on the first Thursday afternoon of each month from 3:00-4:00 pm. Dates scheduled for 2015-2016: Oct. 8, Nov. 5, Feb. 4, March 3, April 21, and May 5
If you are interested in joining our team, take a look at the document below. Covington School Site Council. To express interest in the Covington School Site Council, please email Covingtonprincipal@ |
Walk-A-Thon |
Order Your Child's Walkathon T-Shirt! Please make sure you order your child's Walkathon t-shirt this week. Every child at Covington will get a free Walkathon t-shirt, even if he or she can't attend the event. An email went out this week with a link to an on-line order form for the t-shirt. If you did not get this email, please contact David Trescot ( T-shirt orders need to be in this week! Thank You Family Sponsors! We have had 190 Covington families sponsor the t-shirt this year. That is fantastic participation and is greatly appreciated. The family sponsorship is what allows us to give our students a free shirt and adds to our overall fundraising goals. Sponsor Cards Due On October 2nd. Your child's Walkathon sponsor forms are due back on Friday, October 2nd. Please make sure you have signed the parental consent portion on the form. Children can only participate in the Walkathon with parental consent! If you lose a sponsor form, there are extras in the Walkathon box in the school office. We Need Volunteers. The success of the Walkathon depends upon over 100 volunteers helping out during the day of the event. Please consider donating two hours of your time during the day to assist us. Contact Dolly Eckinger ( to volunteer! |
Back-To-School Order Form |
NOTES FROM THE PTA PRESIDENT: Welcome back to school!!! I hope your children are settling in well in their new classrooms and have reconnected with old friends and made new ones. I know I am happy to have my children back in school and was ready to put them in the hands of the wonderful teaching staff!
Now that you are settled in, please don't forget about your Back to School Purchases. Go to our Covington Website for instructions: http://www.covingtonschool. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me. Jessica Speiser |
Visiting Author Program |
Covington's Visiting Author Program Presents Ian Lender - September 30. On 9/30, our 2nd through 5th graders will meet Ian Lender! Mr. Lender has just released his second book in his series of graphic novel interpretations of Shakespeare called "The Stratford Zoo Midnight Review Presents Romeo and Juliet". Mr. Lender's first book in the series adapted Macbeth. Both of these charming books do a wonderful job of staying true to the original story but adapting them in a way that teaches great lessons to it's young readers. Here's the blurb for his new book: The Stratford Zoo looks like a normal zoo . . . until the gates shut at night. That's when the animals come out of their cages to stage elaborate performances of Shakespeare's greatest works. They might not be the most accomplished thespians, but they've got what counts: heart. Also fangs, feathers, scales, and tails. If you're interested in purchasing a signed copy of either or both books for your child, please complete the form sent home in your child's Thu or Fri folder (or pick up a new form in the office in the cubby labeled author visit) and return the form and your check made out to Kepler's Books, to the office by Monday, September 23. Questions? Contact Lara Sullivan at |
LASD STEM Teacher is KBAY’s Teacher of the Month Congratulations to Grace Choi, Loyola’s STEM teacher, who was named KBAY teacher of the month. She received a Wells Fargo Teacher Innovation Classroom Grant from the Silicon Valley Education Foundation (SVEF) to purchase LEGO Simple Machine kits for her elementary students. Your LAEF donation helps fund LASD’s STEM Coach and our STEM teachers across the district, who bring invaluable science, technology, engineering and math education to our schools. Did you miss our LAEF FOCUS at Back to School? The LAEF FOCUS brochure gives you an overview of the LAEF-funded staff and programs your child benefits from in their classroom. If you missed grabbing a copy during back to school, please click here or go to to check it out. And special thanks to Prodigy Press for helping to underwrite our marketing materials this year! Learn More about LAEF & Make Your Tax-Deductible Donation Today at
Elementary LAEF Focus Link (embedded above): |
Dine out for Covington tonight!: Y'all ready for our first dinner fundraiser of the school year? Come join other Covington families for dinner or get take out at Armadillo Willy's on Tuesday, September 22 from 5-9 PM. Find the flyer here: Up to 20% of all proceeds will be donated to our school. Armadillo Willy's is located at 1031 N. San Antonio Road, Los Altos. (650) 941-2922. Please contact with questions. Family Movie Night: Don't forget, Covington Family Movie Night is THIS Thursday, September 24th at 6:30pm. Join your fellow Coyotes for pizza, popcorn and the animated hit, Home. If you'd still like to go but have not paid, please email by Tuesday night with the number of family members attending. Checks will be collected the night of the movie. Don't miss the great family event! |
We are pleased to be opening Homework Club on October 5th of this year! Homework Club is designed for students who need support after school to do their homework. If your student does not have enough work to fill an hour each day, it may not be the appropriate setting. Homework Club is held every Monday, Tuesday & Thursday (except minimum days).
You must have a signed permission slip to begin attending Homework Club. One permission slip will allow your child to enter the sessions all year long. Please stop by the Covington Office for a permission slip. Space is limited.
Please be aware of the following student expectations while attending Covington School Homework Club.
LASD & Community Announcements |
Los Altos School District is looking for volunteer interpreters to assist us during parent/teacher conferences, student meetings and district events. We are seeking assistance with all languages and it is very helpful if you are able to translate at a different school. Please contact Ann Haigh at 650-947-1180 or at or complete this form if you are interested.
School & Community News now found via Peachjar: |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
Covington Howler September 15, 2015
In This Issue:
Quick Dates for your Calendar:
Principal’s Message
Principal’s Message |
State Test Results. Last week the state testing results were released to the public. The results are from the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) testing that all 3rd through 6th graders took last Spring. Students took online assessments in the subject areas of math and English/Language Arts that were aligned to the new Common Core Standards. The District results indicate that our students did well; LASD is one of the top scoring districts in Santa Clara County. We are pleased with Covington’s results also and are proud of the work of our staff and students.
This is the first year of results from this new statewide assessment, which help establish a district and school baseline. The previous assessment, STAR, had different measures and can not be compared to this new data. As a staff, we will use this information to help identify what our students know and are able to do. The Smarter Balance is just one point of data that we will review and use to gauge where our students need to go as we work to personalize learning. The state will be mailing Individual student assessment information later this month. Best Regards, Erin Green & Kami Thordarson |
Walk-A-Thon |
Save the date for the Walkathon on Saturday, October 10! This year’s Walkathon takes place at Covington from 9:30 am – 3:00 pm. With 90 percent of Covington students participating, this is the largest (and most fun!) community event for the school. Come out to the green field, walk laps with your children, and meet their classmates. You can picnic on the lawn (there will be food trucks!), listen to music, and take part in fun entertainment. This event is a fundraiser allowing students to directly improve their technology, music, art, and library programs. Each and every student at Covington benefits from this event. Details and student sponsor cards will be sent home this week in the Thursday Folders. Become a family t-shirt sponsor. Put your family name on the Walkathon t-shirt. Just email Ingrid Choong ( with your family name as you would like it to appear on the t-shirt and put a check for $35 in the Walkathon cubby in the office.
Become a corporate sponsor. The logos of corporate sponsors are prominently featured on the back of the Walkathon t-shirt worn by every Covington student. If your company would like to sponsor the event, please contact Jessica Speiser ( ASAP. |
Back-To-School Order Form |
NOTES FROM THE PTA PRESIDENT: Welcome back to school!!! I hope your children are settling in well in their new classrooms and have reconnected with old friends and made new ones. I know I am happy to have my children back in school and was ready to put them in the hands of the wonderful teaching staff! Now that you are settled in, please don't forget about your Back to School Purchases. Go to our Covington Website for instructions: If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me. Jessica Speiser |
Visiting Author Program |
Covington's Visiting Author Program Presents Ian Lender - September 30. On 9/30, our 2nd through 5th graders will meet Ian Lender! Mr. Lender has just released his second book in his series of graphic novel interpretations of Shakespeare called "The Stratford Zoo Midnight Review Presents Romeo and Juliet". Mr. Lender's first book in the series adapted Macbeth. Both of these charming books do a wonderful job of staying true to the original story but adapting them in a way that teaches great lessons to it's young readers. Here's the blurb for his new book: The Stratford Zoo looks like a normal zoo . . . until the gates shut at night. That's when the animals come out of their cages to stage elaborate performances of Shakespeare's greatest works. They might not be the most accomplished thespians, but they've got what counts: heart. Also fangs, feathers, scales, and tails. If you're interested in purchasing a signed copy of either or both books for your child, please complete the form sent home in your child's Thu or Fri folder (or pick up a new form in the office in the cubby labeled author visit) and return the form and your check made out to Kepler's Books, to the office by Monday, September 23. Questions? Contact Lara Sullivan at |
LAEF: For EVERY child in EVERY grade in ALL LASD Schools! |
LAEF Donations are for THIS YEAR!
Did you know that your tax-deductible donation helps LAEF pay for the enrichment programs and teachers ALREADY in your child’s classroom? LAEF’s $3.5M goal was committed last Spring so the district could hire teachers for THIS school year. LASD now has a certified PE teacher at each elementary school while also maintaining student-to-teacher ratios in K-3rd grades; music instructors in grades 4-6th; resourceful librarians; innovative STEM teachers; trained art docents; and others. 100% of our students benefit from LAEF-funded staff, so we encourage participation from every family. Learn More & Make Your Tax-Deductible Donation Today at |
Dine out for Covington: Y'all ready for our first dinner fundraiser of the school year? Come join other Covington families for dinner or get take out at Armadillo Willy's on Tuesday, September 22 from 5-9 PM. Please bring the flyer or mention Covington during your purchase. Up to 20% of all proceeds will be donated to our school. Armadillo Willy's is located at 1031 N. San Antonio Road, Los Altos. (650) 941-2922. Please contact with questions. LOST & FOUND. Lost & found items will be stored in a bin, outside the Multi. Please check regularly for missing clothing, water bottles and lunch boxes. Have your children get in the habit of checking the bin, too! NOTE: Items are donated at every school holiday closing. Ordering for Hot Lunch at Covington: Click here for information and instructions on ordering Pasta Market Hot Lunch for your student: AMAZON SHOPPERS – Make Your Back-to-School Shopping Count for Covington! Earn referral fees for Covington on purchases of books, electronics, toys, and more. It’s EASY and DOESN’T COST YOU ANYTHING! Go to, click the Amazon logo on the lower right side to go to the Amazon website, then select and purchase your items as you normally would. Covington will automatically receive a referral fee of at least 6.5%! No sign-up required. Questions? Contact Jennie Ebbitt at |
LASD Ed Talk |
Haiku Learning and Standards Based Grading Join us to hear from Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, Sandra McGonagle as she highlights LASD’s new Learning Management System, Haiku Learning. In addition to the features of Haiku, Sandra will discuss the district shift to standards-based grading and reporting. Two dates are available: Thursday, September 17th 4-5:30pm Covington School Multi To RSVP click here |
LASD & Community Announcements |
Los Altos School District is looking for volunteer interpreters to assist us during parent/teacher conferences, student meetings and district events. We are seeking assistance with all languages and it is very helpful if you are able to translate at a different school. Please contact Ann Haigh at 650-947-1180 or at or complete this form if you are interested. School & Community News now found via Peachjar:®ion=54001 |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
September 8th, 2015 |
It was so wonderful to see so many of you at Back-to-School Night. On behalf of our staff, we would like to thank PTA for an amazing dinner that evening and for all of the support you provide to our school, staff and students. We appreciate you! LAEF: For EVERY child in EVERY grade in ALL LASD Schools! Did you know that your donation to LAEF supports enrichment program staff and smaller class sizes NOW through June 2016? Here’s what your elementary kids will get THIS school year thanks to LAEF: - Smaller class sizes in K-3 - Literacy Aides in 1st and 2nd grade - Our STEM teacher and librarians - Plus music, PE and art! Every K-8 student benefits from LAEF's grant, and that’s why our goal is 100% parent participation. The suggested donation per student is $1,000 (or $100 per month for 10 months). Every gift in any amount is appreciated. Learn More & Make Your Tax-Deductible Donation Today! School Site Council It is that time of year again when our leadership team is looking for a few interested parents (two-three additional parents). School Site Council will commence in the beginning of October. We meet 5-7 times per year on the first Thursday afternoon of each month from 3-4pm.
2015-2016 Dates:
If you are interested in joining our team, take a look at the document below. to express interest in the Covington School Site Council, please email Covingtonprincipal@
Finally, Ms. Green will be out for the next two weeks attending to a minor medical issue (hand/ wrist surgery). During that time, please direct all communication to Covingtonprincipal@ 1st PTA Meeting/ Principal Coffee this THURSDAY (Date change!) Our first PTA meeting is scheduled for this coming, Thursday, at 8:30am in our staff room! We hope to see you there! Kind Regards, Erin S. Green and Kami Thordarson |
Important Dates |
Sept. 10 - PTA Meeting/Principal Coffee Sept. 11 - ED Talk in Covington Multi with Assistant Superintendent of Instruction Sept. 25 - Staff Development Day: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS |
PTA News |
NOTES FROM THE PTA PRESIDENT: Welcome back to school!!! I hope your children are settling in well in their new classrooms and have reconnected with old friends and made new ones. I know I am happy to have my children back in school and was ready to put them in the hands of the wonderful teaching staff! Now that you are settled in, please don't forget about your Back to School Purchases. You can complete your back to school purchases in two ways:
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me.
Ordering for Hot Lunch at Covington is Now Open! Click here for information and instructions on ordering Pasta Market Hot Lunch for your student: http://www.covingtonschool. AMAZON SHOPPERS – Make Your Back-to-School Shopping Count for Covington! Earn referral fees for Covington on purchases of books, electronics, toys, and more. It’s EASY and DOESN’T COST YOU ANYTHING! Go to, click the Amazon logo on the lower right side to go to the Amazon website, then select and purchase your items as you normally would. Covington will automatically receive a referral fee of at least 6.5%! No sign-up required. Questions? Contact Jennie Ebbitt at Few spots left for Covington's first prom, come and enjoy party! Email to be added to the Evite and you can pay at the door! Throw Back to the 80's Prom Party. Garden House - Shoup Park Saturday, September 12th. 7:30-midnight $75pp. If you've ever had a perm, acne or worn ruffles, then this party that will bring closure to your night terrors! If you didn't go to Prom, then you must attend so that you can say you've participated in an American High School tradition...
PTA After School Enrichment Programs |
After-school programs/classes start in August and September. Class schedule:
Mon: Soccer (K-4), Drawing (1-6), Mathletes-in-Training/ Tues: Chess (1-6), Mad Science (K-2), Bald Eagle Go Games (3-6) Wed: Lego Engineering (K-2), CSMA Art (K-3) Thurs: Run for Fun (1-6), Public Speaking/Debate (3-6), Technology/Programming (2-6) Fri: Basketball (K-6), Spanish (K-6), Flag Football (4-6)
Register early to ensure you get a spot. More details and registration (not all classes listed yet): |
LAEF welcomes you to the 2015-16 School Year! LAEF is a non-profit organization led by parent volunteers that raises funds to provide enrichment programs and smaller class sizes for LASD students. This year's staff for STEM; PE; libraries; art; music; computer science; Junior High electives and smaller class sizes in grades K-3 and 7-8 are all supported by your tax-deductible LAEF donation. LAEF strives for 100% participation and every gift in any amount is appreciated. Learn More & Make Your Tax-Deductible Donation Today at |
School & Community News |
School & Community News now found via Peachjar: |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
Important Reminder |
This Friday, Sept. 4th is a Minimum Day. All Students Dismissed at 12:15pm. Grab and go lunches only if pre-ordered. No after school enrichment activities and no supervision provided (except for PTA minimum day activities, see below for sign up.* ) Thank you for picking up your children promptly and have a great 3-day weekend. Also, Friday Sept. 4th is the St. William Rummage Sale. Thank you for NOT parking in their lot on Friday. |
Sept. 1, 2015 |
Dear Covington Families, Recently you have received messages from LASD regarding Haiku (our new Learning Management System) and Standards -Based grading and reporting. The roadmap includes a progressive shift to standards- based grading over the course of this year with full implementation in 2016-17. Using Haiku, this approach will help us enhance communication with students and parents about student learning. Standards-Based Grading refers to a system of reporting student progress on a set of clearly defined learning outcomes or standards (grade level content/anchor standards). In contrast to students receiving one grade per course (typically averaged over the whole course duration) in the traditional grading system, standards based grading provides a more granular picture of student academic growth based on the most recent performance on the specific standards. Feedback, thus provided within standards based grading is personalized, authentic, actionable and specific. Learning tasks within this system contribute to mastery of standards and therefore are relevant and meaningful to student learning of standards. For students, this approach to grading supports the understanding of specific concepts they need to practice for mastery and thus promotes the motivation to learn. Teachers are then able to adjust instruction to meet individual student learning needs (design to the edges) through additional learning experiences and tasks. This dynamic learner centered approach to providing feedback shifts the focus from fixed mindset to growth mindset (‘Mindset’ by Carol Dweck, 2006). Research on student learning unequivocally supports that quality standards based feedback has the most positive impact on student learning (Lamarino, 2014; Marzano, 2010; Reeves, 2011) At Covington, we are committed to a culture of continuous growth and improvement. To this end, teachers will be continuing their collaboration and professional learning to develop a robust standards based assessment system that is focused on personalized student learning and refine instruction that is aligned with standards. Through this process, student feedback will be invited to help inform our work. As a parent, you can continue to expect to see consistent communication regarding your child’s academic progress through the course of this year. We are excited to be moving in a direction that is progressive, research based and in the best interest of our students. As your partners in your child’s education, we will also update you on the ongoing work in this direction through messages and information sessions. We are grateful for your support. Back to School Night Schedule: Thursday, September 3rd
We are looking forward to seeing you this week and on Thursday evening.
Warmly, |
Important Dates |
Sept. 3 - Back to School Night (see schedule above) Sept. 4 - Minimum Day: PICK UP AT 12:15PM ALL STUDENTS Sept. 7 - Labor Day Holiday, No School Sept. 11 - PTA Meeting/Principal Coffee Sept. 25 - Staff Development Day:NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS |
LAEF funds more PE & Computer Science in 2015-16 In our recent survey, parents shared they want to maintain LAEF-funded enrichment programs and smaller class sizes in K-3 and 7-8, but want more PE and computer science. That’s why LAEF has pledged to fund two additional teachers this year: a certified PE teacher and a teacher to extend computer science into Junior High.
The suggested annual donation is $1,000 per student. 100% participation is our goal and every gift in any amount is appreciated. Learn More & Make Your Tax-Deductible Donation Today at
Whole Foods donates $7,049 to LAEF! Thank you to our LAEF shoppers who popped by Whole Foods or ordered groceries online on Wednesday, August 26. We are pleased to share with you that LAEF will receive more than $7,000 or 5% of the daily sales from Whole Foods Los Altos! |
*PTA Minimum Day Options |
Dear Parents, This Friday, September 4, is a Minimum Day! Classes get out at 12:15pm. We have 3 Minimum Day Parties available to those who would like to have additional activities for their kids: 1. Game Truck - 12:45-2:15p (blacktop) $40 2. Basketball On - 12:30-2:30p (blacktop) $30 3. Tennis with David Poncini - 12:30-1:50p (Rosita) - no rackets needed! $30 Please sign-up for this Friday’s Minimum Day parties at the link below: What to do on Friday:
Please let me know if you have any questions. Ingrid |
PTA News |
Back to School Purchases. You can complete your back to school purchases in two ways: (1) You can fill out the Combined Payment Form attached to this Howler and attach a check for the grand total or (2) online here (please follow the directions closely). If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact PTA President, Jessica Speiser eScrip is one of our most important shopping fundraisers. Register your credit cards and shop through the eScrip link shopping link to earn extra money for Covington (at no extra cost!): Existing users: Login and update your credit card numbers. Safeway is no longer participating in the eScrip program. Contact with any questions. AMAZON SHOPPERS – Make Your Back-to-School Shopping Count for Covington! Earn referral fees for Covington on purchases of books, electronics, toys, and more. It’s EASY and DOESN’T COST YOU ANYTHING! Go to, click the Amazon logo on the lower right side to go to the Amazon website, then select and purchase your items as you normally would. Covington will automatically receive a referral fee of at least 6.5%! No sign-up required. Questions? Contact Jennie Ebbitt at Ordering for Hot Lunch at Covington is Now Open! Click here for information and instructions on ordering Pasta Market Hot Lunch for your student: AUCTION PARTIES - STILL A FEW SPOTS LEFT FOR SEPTEMBER PARTIES
We've got some great auction parties happening in September! Come join us! Send an email to Christine Sellers at if you'd like to attend either of these and drop off a check in the school office made out to "Covington PTA".
THROW BACK TO THE 80s PROM Date/Time: Saturday, 9/12/15 7:30pm-12am Location: Garden House - Shoup Park Price: $75 per person Featuring DJ Mix Master, Cuba Libre signature cocktails, Bud Light, great snacks and the worst hair anyone's seen in decades! If you've ever had a perm, acne or worn ruffles, then this party will bring closure to your night terrors! If you didn't go to Prom, this is your chance to participate in an American High School tradition. Hosts: The Krames-Peters, Sayer, Taylor-Cohen, Boufford, Bennett, Braun and Murdock Families
OKTOBERFEST IN SEPTEMBER Date/Time: Saturday, 9/26/15, Biergarten opens at 6pm sharp! Location: The Speiser Biergarten Price: $50 per person Willkommen to Oktoberfest, the "wurst" party ever! Break out your lederhosen, practice your yodeling and head to our haus for good food, good beer and amusement! Hosts: The Speiser, Andersen, Cairns, Townhill, and Colpitts Families
PTA After School Enrichment Programs |
Chorus is returning to Covington! Starting Arts will be leading chorus before school on Wednesdays (gr. 1-2) and Fridays (gr. 3-6) starting next month. Space is limited so register early. After-school programs: Classes start in August and September. Class schedule: Mon: Soccer (K-4), Drawing (1-6), Mathletes-in-Training/Mathletes (3-6), Flag Football (4-6) Tues: Chess (1-6), Mad Science (K-2), Bald Eagle Go Games (3-6) Wed: Lego Engineering (K-2), CSMA Art (K-3) Thurs: Run for Fun (1-6), Public Speaking/Debate (3-6), Technology/Programming (2-6) Fri: Basketball (K-6), Spanish (K-6), Flag Football (4-6) Register early to ensure you get a spot. More details and registration: |
St William Rummage Sale |
Our neighbor, St. William Church, is having their annual rummage sale Sept 3-5th. Sept 3rd is a private sale day, open only to their own members and Covington School. You are welcome to stop by after drop off on 9/3 starting at 9am and shop. |
Haiku Learning and Standards Based Grading. Dates: Friday,September 11th 9-10:30am RSVP at this link: Thursday, September 17th 4-5:30pm RSVP at this link: Covington Multipurpose Room. For More Information please download FLYER attached to this howler. |
Covington School Howler August 25, 2015 |
Dear Covington Families & Community Members,
Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year! It has been so wonderful to both connect and reconnect with you and your children over the last week! From talking with your children, it is evident they have had busy summers and are excited to be back at school. During our classroom observations over the last week, we have seen students engaged, challenged and inspired. Learning looks incredibly different from what it did only 5 years ago! Revolutionizing learning is evident across the Covington campus.
There are many changes happening in education that are important for shifting some long held practices and mindsets. Educational practices, in general, have remained the same for hundreds of years. While there’s valid reasons for some to have remained in practice, the current abundance of information and the impact technology has had on our lives is requiring us to rethink and reframe many of the needs of today’s learners. Here in LASD, you are already seeing references to “LASD 3.0” and our desire to further personalize learning and “design to the edges.” This takes courage.
“If we are ever going to move past our current circumstances, to that special place we dream about, that we consider, but have determined not to share, to keep hidden and below the surface…to do that thing we really want to do, but scares us the most…will require an internal shift…from fear, judgment, condemnation, criticism...and the 100 and 1 other reasons that are holding us back.” -The Internal Shift: The Difficult Side of Creativity and Innovation by DCulberhouse This year, both in LASD and here at Covington, we are going to embrace creativity and innovation by trying some new things. Our staff is embracing design thinking and looking to create new and better strategies for engaging our learners. As we prototype and test our ideas, we appreciate your feedback and we ask you to partner with us as we challenge and ask thoughtful questions around some long held practices, such as homework, grades, and report cards. “Our future prosperity depends on the quality of our collective imaginations.” -Eric Ries, The Lean Startup We intend to “give it a whirl with purpose and direction” and create a better learning experience for our students. We embrace the challenge, knowing that we need that internal shift and courage, “the gritty kind,” to get it done. Looking forward to a fantastic new school year! Best Regards, Erin S. Green and Kami Thordarson
Important Dates |
Sept. 3 - Back to School Night Sept. 4 - Minimum Day: PICK UP AT 12:15PM ALL STUDENTS Sept. 7 - Labor Day Holiday, No School Sept. 11 - PTA Meeting/Principal Coffee Sept. 25 - Staff Development Day:NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS |
Yard Duty Supervisors Needed |
Yard Supervisors Needed Monday-Friday 12:00-12:40pm every day: If you are able to help one day a week or all five days each week, we need you! We have openings for parents, grandparents, or college students. If you are interested (this is a paid position) yourself or know of someone else who may be interested, please give the office a call at 650.947.1100. This is a fun and great opportunity to get to know our awesome students and see some of the great things that go on at school during the year! |
PTA News |
NOTES FROM THE PTA PRESIDENT: Welcome back to school!!! I hope your children are settling in well in their new classrooms and have reconnected with old friends and made new ones. I know I am happy to have my children back in school and was ready to put them in the hands of the wonderful teaching staff!
Now that you are settled in, please don't forget about your Back to School Purchases. You can complete your back to school purchases in two ways: (1) You can fill out the Combined Payment Form attached to this Howler and attach a check for the grand total or (2) online here (please follow the directions closely). If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me. Jessica Speiser
Ordering for Hot Lunch at Covington is Now Open! Click here for information and instructions on ordering Pasta Market Hot Lunch for your student:
AMAZON SHOPPERS – Make Your Back-to-School Shopping Count for Covington! Earn referral fees for Covington on purchases of books, electronics, toys, and more. It’s EASY and DOESN’T COST YOU ANYTHING! Go to, click the Amazon logo on the lower right side to go to the Amazon website, then select and purchase your items as you normally would. Covington will automatically receive a referral fee of at least 6.5%! No sign-up required. Questions? Contact Jennie Ebbitt at
Few spots left for Covington's first prom,come and enjoy party! Email to be added to the Evite and you can pay at the door! Throw Back to the 80's Prom Party. Garden House - Shoup Park Saturday, September 12th. 7:30-midnight $75pp. If you've ever had a perm, acne or worn ruffles, then this party that will bring closure to your night terrors! If you didn't go to Prom, then you must attend so that you can say you've participated in an American High School tradition...
PTA After School Enrichment Programs |
After-school programs/classes start in August and September. Class schedule: Mon: Soccer (K-4), Drawing (1-6), Mathletes-in-Training/Mathletes (3-6), Flag Football (4-6) Tues: Chess (1-6), Mad Science (K-2), Bald Eagle Go Games (3-6) Wed: Lego Engineering (K-2), CSMA Art (K-3) Thurs: Run for Fun (1-6), Public Speaking/Debate (3-6), Technology/Programming (2-6) Fri: Basketball (K-6), Spanish (K-6), Flag Football (4-6)
Register early to ensure you get a spot. More details and registration (not all classes listed yet): |
St William Rummage Sale |
Our neighbor, St. William Church, is having their annual rummage sale Sept 3-5th. Sept 3rd is a private sale day, open only to their own members and Covington School. You are welcome to stop by after drop off on 9/3 starting at 9am and shop.
LAEF welcomes you to the 2015-16 School Year! LAEF is a non-profit organization led by parent volunteers that raises funds to provide enrichment programs and smaller class sizes for LASD students. This year's staff for STEM; PE; libraries; art; music; computer science; Junior High electives and smaller class sizes in grades K-3 and 7-8 are all supported by your tax-deductible LAEF donation.
LAEF strives for 100% participation and every gift in any amount is appreciated. Learn More & Make Your Tax-Deductible Donation Today at
Shop at Whole Foods Los Altos on 8/26 = LAEF gets 5%! LAEF is proud to have been chosen by Whole Foods in Los Altos to receive 5% of its sales on Wednesday, August 26th. Get ready to shop and spread the word today!
School & Community News |
Pack 76 Cub Scout Round Up Thinking about joining the Cub Scouts? Then come to Pack 76’s August Round Up. What: Cub Scout August Round Up When: Thursday, Aug 27, 2015 from 7-8pm Where: Covington School, Multi Purpose Room, Los Altos What to Expect: Overview presentation, Q/A for new parents Who Should Attend: Boys in K-5th grade interested in Cub Scouts + a parent Questions: Contact Lauren Hasenhuttl, Pack 76 Committee Chair
Become a LIVING CLASSROOM docent... share your love of nature with kids! No experience necessary as we provide all the training needed! Altos. Please click HERE to view our Fall training flyer.
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:®ion=54001 |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
August 11, 2015 |
Important Dates |
Aug. 17 - PTA Welcome Back Picnic 5pm Aug. 17 - Class Assignments Posted 5pm Aug. 19 - First Day of School Aug. 21 - Parent Coffee & Volunteer Sign Ups Sept. 3 - Back to School Night Sept. 4 - Minimum Day Sept. 7 - Labor Day Holiday, No School |
Back to School Checklist |
Back to School Covington Checklist! For a bunch of useful information to get you and your Coyotes on the right foot this 2015/16 school year, be sure to download the Back to School Checklist! |
Ordering for Hot Lunch at Covington is Now Open! Click here for information and instructions on ordering Pasta Market Hot Lunch for your student: |
School Toolbox |
Covington School Toolbox Donation: In an effort to save money and ensure all classrooms get the supplies they need, the Covington PTA has purchased a school toolbox for every student. We are requesting your support in contributing $65 per student to reimburse the PTA for your child(ren)’s toolbox. The donation form is available here. If you prefer to order online and pay by echeck, view instructions here. Please do not order directly online from School Toolbox, even if you received an email from the company. |
PTA After School Enrichment Programs |
After-school programs: Classes start in August and September. Stop by and visit with our after-school enrichment providers to learn more about their offerings at Monday's Back-to-School picnic. Tentative class schedule: Mon: Soccer (K-4), Drawing (1-6), Mathletes-in-Training/Mathletes (3-6) Tues: Chess (1-6), Mad Science (K-2), Bald Eagle Go Games (3-6) Wed: Lego Engineering (K-2), CSMA Art (K-3), Skyhawks (K-2) Thurs: Run for Fun (1-6), Public Speaking/Debate (3-6), Technology/Programming (2-6) Fri: Basketball (K-6), Spanish (K-6) Register early to ensure you get a spot. More details and registration (not all classes listed yet): |
School & Community News |
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:®ion=54001 |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
Covington School Howler June 2, 2015 |
Principal’s Message |
Dear Covington Families, I don’t know if you have had time to stroll down to the library lately but if and when you do, take some time to enjoy Covington’s latest mural. Our outgoing 6th grade class has donated a gorgeous piece of art painted by muralist and Los Altan, Morgan Bricca. A HUGE thank you to her for bringing even more beauty to the grounds here at school. And a resounding THANK YOU to the 6th grade class for their gift.
(p.s. How many hidden coyotes can you spot?) Yesterday during the Covington primary music concert, our Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders performed the songs they have been working on over the past months under the direction of Diana Koss from Starting Arts. The students were engaging, enthusiastic and clearly enjoyed sharing their musical pieces. Thank you to the PTA for supporting the starting arts program! Congratulations to our 6th grade boys who placed in the top third in the basketball tournament last week! Great job Covington coyotes and thank you to Mr. Heeb who always does an amazing job of coordinating and running the 6th grade basketball tournaments. Enjoy the week! Raquel Matteroli, Interim Principal |
Important Dates |
Important Upcoming Events: June 4 - Music Teacher Roadshow for 4th Grade June 5 - Field Day, Minimum Day for Students, Dismissal at 12:15pm June 8 - 1st Grade Patriotic Performance 9:00am June 9 - 6th Grade Picnic at Saratoga Springs June 9 - Kindergarten Performance 9:00am June 10 - 6th Grade Promotion, 8:30am-10:00am June 10 - Last Day of School, Start time 8:15am, Dismissal at 11:15am. |
Final Week: With just a week left of school, we are happy to share that LAEF is very close to meeting our $3.3M goal! With $12,239 still needed to reach our goal, every donation counts! We would then be able to celebrate with you and this amazing community of dedicated parents and outstanding educators before school’s out. Please donate at or drop a check in our school’s office this week. Thank you. |
Yearbooks! |
PURCHASE A YEARBOOK: Yearbooks are being sent home in this week’s homework folders. If you didn’t get a chance to purchase a yearbook online we will be selling a limited quantity on Thursday, June 4th. The purchase is $20 per yearbook. We will be selling them after school by the 6th grade tables near the multi purpose room. Should you have any questions, please contact, Christine Wedner, |
School Toolbox |
Covington School Toolbox Donation:In an effort to save money and ensure all classrooms get the supplies they need, the Covington PTA has purchased a school toolbox for every student. We are requesting your support in contributing $65 per student to reimburse the PTA for your child(ren)’s toolbox. The donation form is available here. If you prefer to order online and pay by echeck. Please do not order directly online from School Toolbox, even if you received an email from the company. |
Student Council Thanks You |
Nepal Earthquake Fundraiser: Thank you so much for your generous donations. Covington School raised $973 for Nepal Earthquake Relief efforts. If you still want to donate you can do it directly: Thank you! |
Field Day 2015 is quickly approaching. On Friday, June 5th from 10:00 - 12:00 all students will be participating in Field Day. If you haven't had much of a chance to volunteer this year, this is the event for you! Field Day is a fun filled two-hour event where the children participate in tons of games, face painting and a blow-up obstacle course. We need your help to make Field Day a success. Please sign up on the Google doc found here. We need at least two parents from each class to help!! Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you! Louanne Gonzalez ( Field Day Food: Food Allergy Information - We have tried to be mindful of food allergies for this year’s Field Day. The food served will be Original Skinny Pop Popcorn and OtterPops. The drinks will be Water and Country Time Lemonade - there is an allergen in the lemonade: Soy. We will have a sign at the food table letting the kids know about the allergen along with ingredient labels in case anyone wants to check them. The popcorn and otter pops are Major Food Allergen free. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Georgia Markarian, . Play Dodgeball with Mr. Heeb! Get ready for summer with a fun game of dodgeball with friends on Thursday, June 4. Game time is 2:25 PM – 3:25 PM for the lower grades (1-3). Upper classes (4-6) play from 2:45 – 3:45. Both games are on the green field, but are separated by age. Popsicles are served at the end. There are still a few spots remaining for this annual fundraiser game. Donation is $30/child. Please email if your child is interested in attending. |
Bill Notices: All unreturned library books are now overdue, assumed to be lost and a bill notice will be issued. Please check your emails that are coming from - Mrs. Drobot, Thank you! |
Art Docent Thank You |
The Los Altos Art Docents are 80 dedicated volunteers who have taught more than 840 art lessons to the elementary school children in the Los Altos School District. This year at Covington, the docents taught 132 art lessons.
Thank you to Covington parents Sunayna Almal, Yasmin Braun, Cynthia Lee, and Sowmya Thvar who contributed to the success of our program this year. Congratulations to our newest docents, Sharon Au and Patrina Lee for completing our training, look for them in the class next year!
New docents are taught the LAAD lessons by experienced docents on Wednesday mornings from September through March. The Los Altos Art Docents welcome new members to join the next docent-in-training class in September. To learn more, you are welcome to come to our informational coffee on August 26th at 10:00 in the board room of the district office.
For more information, check us out at! |
From the LASD School Nurse |
Students currently in 6th grade must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin 7th grade in August of 2015. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your current school office as soon as possible. |
School & Community News |
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:®ion=54001 |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
3/15/25 4:31 AM