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October 25, 2016
Important Dates:
Nov 11 - Veteran’s Day: No School Nov. 15 - Parent Ed Talk Cyber Safety. Nov 21-22 - Parent-Teacher Conferences: No School for Students Nov 23-25 - Thanksgiving Holiday: No School Nov 28 - Dec 2 - Book Fair Dec 1 - Kindergarten and New Student Information Night. Dec 8 - Winter Concert 1pm, Grades 4-6 Dec 19 - Jan 2 December Recess Jan 3 - School Resumes |
Principal’s Message |
Dear Covington Community, The Coyote Way We are now over 11 weeks into the school year and I’ve been very impressed with the students' respectfulness and kindness. For the most part, they are supportive each other and work well collaboratively. They understand the value of hardwork and perseverance. Student success, both academically and socially, is closely linked to in creating a positive campus climate. Like all school programs, it’s good to take a look and see where we can improve in the area of campus climate. It’s actually been awhile since Covington has visited this important component to a successful school. This year various stakeholders, including staff, parents, and students, will assist us in creating an even more positive feel on our campus. Indeed, the work has already begun. We’ve named it, “The Coyote Way”. When successfully implemented and taught, the Coyote Way becomes our mantra- of how we treat each other and what we value at Covington. And, it adds to our sense of community and belonging. Your input is sought in helping to define The Coyote Way. On Friday, November 4th at 8:45am in our multi, I will be hosting a Coffee with the Principal. Our central question that morning will be, “what should we expect from our students when they hit the campus each morning?” We’ll break out in small groups to brainstorm the answer to that question. It will be a productive meeting! If you can’t make the Nov. 4th Coffee with the Principal, you can still give your input by emailing me your answers to the central question.
Clarification I received word that there was some confusion regarding my letter in last week’s Howler. In that letter, I explained Covington’s “hands to self” rule and asked for parents/caregivers to help honor it while they are supervising their children before or after school. My intent was to help everyone understand the rule. It was NOT my intent to imply that parents/caregivers need to leave at the 2:50 bell. As long as you are directly supervising your child(ren), you may stay on campus as long as you like. Students who are not being supervised need to leave campus at 2:50, as there is no supervision for them. I apologize for the confusion. As always, please let me know if you have any questions. Regards, Wade Spenader Principal |
Halloween Reminders |
Halloween Parade on Monday 10/31 at 1:45pm Friendly Reminder: Halloween is upon us and is being celebrated next Monday at Covington School! In order to make the celebration fun, safe and appropriate for all students, please remember that the following are prohibited: costumes with violent themes and weapons, and/or excessive blood and gore. Since the parties and Costume Parade all take place in the afternoon, we request that you send your child in grades K-6 to school with their costume in a bag. After lunch, everyone will change into his or her costumes. Your child's teacher will explain this procedure to students and if you have any questions related to costumes and changing, please contact the teacher or the office. |
Parent Ed Talk on Cyber Safety |
Cyber-safety: What Parents Need to Know. On November 15th, at 6:30pm in our multi, Los Altos Police and School Resource Officer, Ryan Langone will be presenting a parent talk about keeping kids safe in the cyber world. This is a great presentation to attend in order to catch up on the latest trends in social media as well. This presentation would also be an excellent follow-up to Oct. 25th’s showing of Screenagers (see below). |
From the School Nurse: When to Stay Home From School |
School is a place where colds and diseases can spread rapidly. Children who are ill should stay home from school, rest and recuperate. Sometimes it is difficult, especially early in the morning, to know whether or not to send your child to school. The following guidelines are indications that you should keep your child home:
It is required to keep your child home until he/she has been symptom free without medication for 24 hours. Also, NOTIFY THE OFFICE IMMEDIATELY if your child is exposed to or contracts chicken pox, mumps or measles. These conditions can be life threatening to students who are undergoing therapies that suppress their immune systems. Please click here for the LASD Health policies. Attendance
Absences and late arrivals are to be reported to the school by a parent or guardian by calling the Covington Attendance Line at (650) 947-1101 by 9:00am, or sending a electronic form via our website Children who arrive after the school day begins must sign in at the office to receive a late arrival (blue slip) pass. For an appointment during school hours, please go to the office to sign out your child. Your child will be sent to the office to meet you. |
Socktober |
Socktober Sock Drive
Inspired by Kid President's pep talk: |
PTA Spring Musical |
Registration for the Spring Musical, Peter Pan Jr. is coming soon. All 4th-6th graders can register! Rehearsals: Tuesdays and Fridays in the multi from 2:40-4:30 beginning |
October 11, 2016
Important Dates:
Nov 11 - Veteran’s Day: No School Nov 21-22 - Parent-Teacher Conferences: No School for Students Nov 23-25 - Thanksgiving Holiday: No School Nov 28 - Dec 2 - Book Fair Dec 8 - Winter Concert 1pm, Grades 4-6 Dec 19 - Jan 2 - December Recess Jan 3 - School Resumes |
Principal’s Message |
Dear Covington Community, Walk-a-thon Success! I thoroughly enjoyed my first Covington Walk-a-thon on Saturday. It certainly was a colorful event. The students had a lot of fun and walked many laps (a few of them looked pretty tired by the end of the day). We also lucked out with the weather as the rain stayed away until the evening. An event like the walk-a-thon, which is so vital to our fundraising efforts for PTA doesn’t happen without the dedication and efforts a many individuals. Thank you to all of our volunteers who made the day happen. And an especially huge thank you to David Trescott who organized this year’s Walk-a-thon. He and his committee did a fantastic job with this year’s event and I’m very grateful for their hard work. Thank you to all Covington families for your participation! It’s Cold and Flu Season It’s that time of the year- where colds and flus strike. It’s also the busy time of year where we run down our immune systems. Remember these helpful tips:
immune system strong. An important rule... We have been working very hard the last 10 weeks to establish a campus climate of safety. The work will continue and we are engaging in creating a positive campus climate for everyone that aligns with our Mission Statement. One of the most important rules we tell our students is the “keep your hands to yourself” policy. It means that we expect students to respect people’s personal space, to not hit or slap, and certainly not to roughhouse or wrestle. My current assessment is that students are understanding and complying with this rule at recess and lunch. However, after school I have witnessed wrestling or roughhousing while students are still on campus. This is unacceptable as the intent of the rule is about safety. If students are to remain on campus, all of the rules, based on safety, are still in effect. Your help is needed to make sure your children are complying with the rules- especially if you are supervising your children. Regards, Wade Spenader Principal |
Please remember the protocols for dismissal time: Do:
Thank you for helping us to keep all students safe! |
Screenagers : Don’t Miss It! |
The thought-provoking new documentary SCREENAGERSprobes into the vulnerable corners of family life, including the director's own, and depicts messy struggles over social media, video games, academics and internet addiction. Through surprising insights from authors and brain scientists solutions emerge on how we can empower kids to best navigate the digital world. Film is not suitable for young children. This free event is made possible by the PTA and co-hosted by the Loyola, Covington and Gardner Bullis Project Cornerstone Programs. Tuesday Oct. 25, 2016 7:00pm-8:30pm Loyola Elementary Multi
To Register to attend: |
From the School Nurse: When to Stay Home From School |
School is a place where colds and diseases can spread rapidly. Children who are ill should stay home from school, rest and recuperate. Sometimes it is difficult, especially early in the morning, to know whether or not to send your child to school. The following guidelines are indications that you should keep your child home:
It is required to keep your child home until he/she has been symptom free without medication for 24 hours. Also, NOTIFY THE OFFICE IMMEDIATELY if your child is exposed to or contracts chicken pox, mumps or measles. These conditions can be life threatening to students who are undergoing therapies that suppress their immune systems. Please clickhere for the LASD Health policies. Attendance
Absences and late arrivals are to be reported to the school by a parent or guardian by calling the Covington Attendance Line at (650) 947-1101 by 9:00am, or sending a electronic form via our website Children who arrive after the school day begins must sign in at the office to receive a late arrival (blue slip) pass. For an appointment during school hours, please go to the office to sign out your child. Your child will be sent to the office to meet you. |
Socktober |
Socktober Sock Drive
Inspired by Kid President's pep talk: |
Clothing Donations Need in the Covington Office |
Cleaning out your child’s closets? The Covington Office desperately needs donations of spare clothing in smaller sizes (Kinder-3rd graders). We need clean underwear, sweatpants, leggings, basketball shorts and socks. Also, if you student has borrowed any spare clothes in the last month or so, please remember to launder and return it to us for other students to use. Thank you!! |
Field Trip Donations Still Needed |
Back to School Combined Payment for Donations: Classroom field trips are funded by parent donations. PTA collects those donations online through the Back to School Purchases (except for 4th-Sacramento & 6th- Walden West); however, no child will be denied participation on field trips for failure to contribute. All donations will go to support the total costs of the field trip. If you cannot donate the requested amount, we would greatly appreciate any donation. Donations are necessary to make these trips possible. If sufficient funds are not donated, the field trips will be cancelled for all classes. We also appreciate if you are able to donate for a child unable to contribute. You can find the form online and pay by echeck: Paper forms are also available in the school office. Thank you from the Covington PTA. |
Walkathon |
Fantastic Walkathon! Saturday’s Walkathon was a wonderful time for our students and families. The kids did an amazing job and walked 14,582 laps (over 3,000 miles)! The Walkathon sponsor cards and donation envelopes will be sent home on Thursday. Please return the envelopes to the school office with your sponsor checks. Thank you for coming out and joining the Covington community as we raised funds for our school and our students. A special thanks to all those who volunteered before and during the event. These events only happen because of the time and effort put into them by our many family volunteers. |
PTA Sponsored Spring Musical |
Registration for the Spring Musical, Peter Pan Jr. is coming soon. All 4th-6th graders can register! Rehearsals: Tuesdays and Fridays in the multi from 2:40-4:30 beginning January 3rd (All are Mandatory) Cost: $250 (scholarships will be available, please contact No refunds after the first class. Tech Week Rehearsals: April 17th-21st 2:40-6:30 (All Tech Week Rehearsals are Mandatory) Performance Dates: Saturday April 22nd 7pm and Sunday April 23rd 3pm Questions: contact Arezou Bahman |
October 11, 2016
Important Dates:
Nov 11 - Veteran’s Day: No School Nov 21-22 - Parent-Teacher Conferences: No School for Students Nov 23-25 - Thanksgiving Holiday: No School Nov 28 - Dec 2 - Book Fair Dec 8 - Winter Concert 1pm, Grades 4-6 Dec 19 - Jan 2December Recess Jan 3 - School Resumes |
Principal’s Message |
Dear Covington Community, iReady testing This week teachers will be sending home the parent report for your child’s results on the iReady testing in both English/Language Arts and Math. The iReady test is taken online by each student and serves as a benchmark assessment. When viewing these reports, please keep in mind the following:
• Students were assessed on this year’s standards- many of those standards are yet to be taught. We expect these scores from September to be lower than the scores generated when students take the assessment again- both at mid-year and at the end of the year. The iReady scores serve as a benchmark so we that we can track progress throughout the year.
• These scores are used by teachers to guide their instruction. The data generated shows teachers areas where students already possess a keen grasp on a standard and where students need more practice. The iReady scores are not used in reporting progress in PowerTeacher.
• iReady serves as one assessment or measure of where a student is for each standard. It cannot replace the day-to-day observation and facilitation of learning that our teachers have with our students.
To learn more about the iReady assessments, and other assessments that we use in LASD, please refer to Superintendent Jeff Baier’s letter sent to parents a couple of weeks ago. If you have any questions about the iReady assessment for your child, please do not hesitate to contact me. Mission Statement: Staff and other stakeholders have been working on a Covington mission statement. Essentially, a mission statement answers the question: why do we exist? I”m sharing with you the latest version and would be interested in your feedback. Covington Elementary commits to a high level of learning for every student and adult. Together we foster a safe culture where we learn actively and collaboratively, think creatively and critically, develop perseverance, live respectfully and responsibly, and contribute positively to our diverse community and beyond. This mission statement will be our anchoring point as we continue to work to make Covington an even better school. Walk-a-thon The annual Covington Walk-a-thon is this Saturday. This event is one of those “must do’s” to really experience the great community feel it generates for our school. It’s one of the few times we can get together, parents, students, and staff, as a whole. I’m really looking forward to it and hope to see you there- rain or shine! Regards, Wade Spenader Principal |
Walkathon This Saturday |
Friday is Crazy Color Day. It’s time to dress up in your wildest color combination! Show us just how mismatched and bright you can make your outfit. Sponsor Cards Are Due. If you haven’t turned in a sponsor card, please drop it off at the school office. If you have lost the card, there are extras at the office. Remember, every child needs a signed sponsor card in order to participate at the Walkathon. WALKATHON ON SATURDAY! The Walkathon is happening on Saturday, October 15th. With so many students and families participating, we are sure to have a fun-filled, exciting day. Here are a few things to remember:
Volunteer at the Walkathon! We still need more people to volunteer. Remember, we can’t do this without you! Please sign up at: |
Screenagers : Don’t Miss It! |
The thought-provoking new documentary SCREENAGERSprobes into the vulnerable corners of family life, including the director's own, and depicts messy struggles over social media, video games, academics and internet addiction. Through surprising insights from authors and brain scientists solutions emerge on how we can empower kids to best navigate the digital world. Film is not suitable for young children. This free event is made possible by the PTA and co-hosted by the Loyola, Covington and Gardner Bullis Project Cornerstone Programs. Tuesday Oct. 25, 2016 7:00pm-8:30pm Loyola Elementary Multi
To Register to attend: |
Field Trip Donations Still Needed |
Back to School Combined Payment for Donations: Classroom field trips are funded by parent donations. PTA collects those donations online through the Back to School Purchases (except for 4th-Sacramento & 6th- Walden West); however, no child will be denied participation on field trips for failure to contribute. All donations will go to support the total costs of the field trip. If you cannot donate the requested amount, we would greatly appreciate any donation. Donations are necessary to make these trips possible. If sufficient funds are not donated, the field trips will be cancelled for all classes. We also appreciate if you are able to donate for a child unable to contribute. You can find the form online and pay by echeck: Paper forms are also available in the school office. Thank you from the Covington PTA. |
Vision Screening |
The District Nurses will be doing vision screening, both near and far, at Covington School for all Kindergarten, 2nd, 5th grades and all SDC classes on Wed. Oct. 12, 2016. If your child has glasses or contacts, please make sure they wear them to school on the day of the screening. The nurse will mail a referral form to the parents of students who do not pass the vision screening. |
$37,380 to go to meet LAEF’s $100,000 Challenge Match by 10/31 The time is counting down to get your donation matched by the LAEF Board of Directors and the Honor Roll of Realtors Leadership Circle, up to a total of $100,000! Special thanks to the 78 families who made their first donation OR increased their donation during our phonathon. It’s not too late to double your gift and help fund district-wide enrichment teachers and program staff in addition to smaller classes in K-3 and 7-8. To learn more, pledge or donate at Have you checked out the LAEF Annual Report 2015/16?
Learn more about the amazing difference our community of supporters made in the well-rounded education of our students’ last year. Check it out at Thank you! Annual Report 2015/16 Link: |
LASD & Community Announcements |
Los Altos High School STEM Week Keynote: High Tech Alternatives for Local Transportation Challenges. October 19th, 7PM LAHS Eagle Theater Speaker: Robert Baertsc Robert Baertsch, VP of Software Engineering at skyTran, is responsible for skyTran’s linear synchronous motor control. skyTran, a NASA Space Act company, headquartered at the NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, proposes a high-speed, low-cost, elevated Personal Rapid Transportation (PRT) system. The skyTran network of computer-controlled, 2-person “jet-like” vehicles employs Magnetic Levitation technology and moves passengers individually at-command and with low energy. A pilot program is currently under development in Tel Aviv.
School & Community News now found via Peachjar: |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
Oct. 4, 2016
Important Dates:
Nov 11 - Veteran’s Day: No School Nov 21-22 - Parent-Teacher Conferences: No School for Students Nov 23-25 - Thanksgiving Holiday: No School Nov 28 - Dec 2 - Book Fair Dec 8 - Winter Concert 1pm, Grades 4-6 Dec 19 - Jan 2 December Recess Jan 3 - School Resumes
Principal’s Message |
Dear Covington Community, Our Walkathon is coming up in a week and a half. For families new to Covington, the Walkathon is one of our school’s major fundraisers and has been an LASD tradition for many years. In addition to fundraising, the walkathon is a tremendous community building event. Students have fun walking laps on the track around the field. Some parents join in the walking and some cheer on from the sidelines. Most families make a day of it, bringing bringing blankets and lawn chairs to sit on the field and enjoy a relaxing day of socializing and fun. The PTA has food for sale and we always have a DJ playing great music. You also have an opportunity at the Walkathon to sign your child up for “priceless” parties, which are PTA fundraising events sponsored by the teachers in each grade level and are held later in the school year. Everyone working together makes a strong school. And participating in this event demonstrates to your children that you value education and your school community. The Walkathon is an engaging and fun day that encourages a positive school climate and creates lasting community bonds. The funds raised at the Walkathon are managed by the PTA to provide a valuable supplement to all the fantastic school wide projects that PTA supports. For more informaiton about the walkathon or to sign up to volunteer, visit our walkathon page on the Covington website: This year's Walkathon is scheduled on Saturday Oct. 15, 2016, 9:30am-3:00pm. Regards, Wade Spenader Principal |
Oct 10th is NOT a School Holiday |
We always get this question in October. To clarify any confusion, Columbus Day, Monday Oct 10th is NOT a school holiday. It is a regular school day, please plan to have your children attend school. |
Covington School Visitor/Volunteer Policy |
Visiting Policy at Covington School All visitors and volunteers to Covington during school hours must check in at the office, regardless of their purpose for being on campus. This is for the protection of our students and to avoid unnecessary classroom interruptions.
When you come on campus to visit or volunteer: 1. Sign your name in the sign-in book in the office. 2. Put on a visitor or volunteer sticker as a security measure. 3. Sign out when you depart. 4. To avoid disruption of instruction, do not make any deliveries directly to the classroom. Students may pick up their belongings in the office at recess or lunch. Lunches can be dropped at the designated table in the multi. |
PTA Meeting. Please join us for our next PTA General Meeting this Friday, October 7th, 2016 at 8:30am in the Staff Room. As well as regular PTA business we will have a Candidate Forum with presentations from the two candidates running for office in the LASD school board elections next month. Walk to School Day tomorrow. International Walk to School day is tomorrow, October 5th. We would like to encourage as many students as possible to either walk, bike or carpool to school. If you can't walk the whole way please consider joining our "walking bus" which will be leaving the Los Altos Lutheran Church (460 S El Monte) at 8.10 to walk to Covington. Small prizes will be given to all kids who walk, bike or car-pool to school tomorrow! Save the Date Oct 25th - Showing of the "Screenagers'" movie at Loyola school. There will be more detailed information next week. |
Field Trip Donations |
Back to School Combined Payment for Donations: Classroom field trips are funded by parent donations. PTA collects those donations online through the Back to School Purchases (except for 4th-Sacramento & 6th- Walden West); however, no child will be denied participation on field trips for failure to contribute. All donations will go to support the total costs of the field trip. If you cannot donate the requested amount, we would greatly appreciate any donation. Donations are necessary to make these trips possible. If sufficient funds are not donated, the field trips will be cancelled for all classes. We also appreciate if you are able to donate for a child unable to contribute. You can find the form online and pay by echeck: Paper forms are also available in the school office. Thank you from the Covington PTA. |
Walkathon is Coming to Covington! |
Walkathon Sponsor Cards Due Friday! This is the final week for fundraising! All sponsor forms need to be returned to the school office by this Friday, October 7th. Even if you are using the online donation website, the signed sponsor card is still required to be turned in. Online donations can be made at |
Vision Screening |
The District Nurses will be doing vision screening, both near and far, at Covington School for all Kindergarten, 2nd, 5th grades and all SDC classes on Wed. Oct. 12, 2016. If your child has glasses or contacts, please make sure they wear them to school on the day of the screening. The nurse will mail a referral form to the parents of students who do not pass the vision screening. |
It’s LAEF Phonathon Week! Our volunteers and LASD staff are busy making calls to help LAEF meet our $3.7M goal and to encourage 100% participation from every district family. We just hit the $1M mark, and it’s not too late to help LAEF pay for our amazing enrichment teachers and program staff for THIS school year. To learn more, pledge or donate at The LAEF Annual Report 2015/16 is Here. Our board of parent volunteers would like to recognize the amazing difference our community of supporters made in our classrooms last year. We are pleased to share our 2015-16 Annual Report. Check it out at, and you’ll learn more about which two newly-expanded programs received 42% of our grant, why 2,193 donors contributed, the Los Altos Art Docents’ big anniversary, and how 600 families doubled their donation. Thank you! |
LASD & Community Announcements |
Synopsys Silicon Valley Science & Technology Championship Sponsored by Synopsys, the Championship is a regional science and engineering fair competition for students in Santa Clara County held on March 23, 2017. LASD 6th, 7th and 8th graders are invited to enter!! Students and parents are invited to attend the Synopsys Championship Information Session to learn more about this opportunity and how to enter: Sunday, October 16,3:30 - 4:00 pm,Covington Elementary Multipurpose Room 201 Covington Road, Los Altos. For more information, see the 2017 Synopsys Championship website at Questions? Contact LASD STEM Coordinator Karen Wilson at Tech Challenge Come to the informational meeting for all LASD 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade students and their parents interested in participating in The Tech Challenge, hosted by the Tech Museum. Students and parents are invited to attend the Tech Challenge Information Session to learn more about this opportunity and how to enter: Sunday, October 16, 4:30 - 5:00 pm, Covington Elementary Multipurpose Room 201 Covington Road, Los Altos The event day will be April 29, 2016 for grades 4 to 6, and April 30 for grades 7 and 8. For more information on the Tech Challenge, visit the website at Questions? Contact LASD STEM Coordinator Karen Wilson at
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:®ion=54001 |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
Sept. 27, 2016
Important Dates:
Nov 11 - Veteran’s Day: No School Nov 21-22 - Parent-Teacher Conferences: No School for Students Nov 23-25 - Thanksgiving Holiday: No School Nov 28 - Dec 2 - Book Fair Dec 8 - Winter Concert 1pm, Grades 4-6 Dec 19 - Jan 2 December Recess Jan 3 - School Resumes |
Principal’s Message |
Dear Covington Community, You have chosen to live in this community because of the great education that Los Altos School District students receive. I would like to remind you that the Los Altos Educational Foundation (LAEF), along with PTA, is a critical partner in giving our students an exemplary education. LAEF’s impact on your child’s education cannot be understated. LAEF provides many of the components that make every student’s experience a well-rounded one. Without LAEF, our students would not have the opportunity to learn how to play a musical instrument, explore hands-on science in our STEM lab, or get the individual attention they need in a smaller class size. If LAEF didn’t exist, our children wouldn’t receive physical education instruction from a PE specialist or express their creativity in an art project through the Art Docent program. From cSTEM for 6th graders to a library for all students, LAEF is a vital organization that provides meaningful connections throughout our students’ education. What LAEF provides is only made possible because of the generous donations from parents and companies. If you have already donated to LAEF this year, I want to personally thank you! If you haven’t, please donate at by October 3rd to save your principal, our teachers and parent volunteers a call. LAEF’s Annual Phonathon is coming up October 4-5. And if you’re looking for a fun night out with our community, join us! Regards, Wade Spenader Principal |
Religious Holidays |
Observed religious holidays are considered excused absences as long as the absence has been requested in advance in writing by the parent or guardian and approved by the principal or designee (E.C. 48205, B.P. 5113). To advise the school office of absences in writing you can or fill out this form on the Covington website: |
School Picture Make Up Day |
School photo make up day is Oct. 3rd. If you need to schedule a make up photo for your child, do so here: Please also let your student’s teacher know, prior to Oct. 3rd. |
Project Cornerstone Parent Education |
Project Cornerstone- for parents and caregivers! We know that your strong family is the best predictor of your children's success. Parents and caregivers need fresh ideas that work to keep families close, as children grow. Come learn new tools for strengthening your relationships with children and youth in this 6-week workshop facilitated by Project Cornerstone. Each week we will share, discuss, and practice ways to show caring, give support, set boundaries, and build strong relationships that help youth succeed in school, friendships, and life! Learn tools you can use now- to strengthen your family connections and help young people thrive.
Class Title: Take It Personally Dates: 10/12, 10/19, 10/26, 11/2, 11/9, 11/16 Time: 6:30 to 8 pm Place/Host: : Blach Intermediate School’s Library (Parents/adults from all schools welcomed)
Sign Up today: Questions? Contact Mary Crum at |
Yard Duty Aides Needed |
Are you looking for a way to get involved on campus, interact with students in a fun way, and become part of a team? Have you considered becoming a yard duty aide? Covington has availability on our yard duty team. And, these are PAID positions. If you are available during the week, from noon to 12:40pm, and being a yard duty aide sounds like something you’d be interested in, please contact Principal Wade Spenader, |
Field Trip Donations |
Back to School Combined Payment for Donations: Classroom field trips are funded by parent donations. PTA collects those donations online through the Back to School Purchases (except for 4th-Sacramento & 6th- Walden West); however, no child will be denied participation on field trips for failure to contribute. All donations will go to support the total costs of the field trip. If you cannot donate the requested amount, we would greatly appreciate any donation. Donations are necessary to make these trips possible. If sufficient funds are not donated, the field trips will be cancelled for all classes. We also appreciate if you are able to donate for a child unable to contribute. You can find the form online and pay by echeck: Paper forms are also available in the school office. Thank you from the Covington PTA. |
BACK TO SCHOOL AMAZON SHOPPERS – Make Your Back to School Shopping Count for Covington! Earn referral fees for Covington on purchases of books, electronics, school supplies, and more. It’s EASY and DOESN’T COST YOU ANYTHING! Please use this link (bookmark it!) or go to, click the Amazon logo on the lower right side, then select and purchase your items as you normally would. Covington will automatically receive a referral fee from Amazon. No sign-up required. Questions? Contact Jennie Ebbitt at
PTA After School Play: This year's school play will be Peter Pan Jr.; rehearsals starting January 3rd. Registration will begin in November. Stay tuned for details. |
Walkathon is Coming to Covington! |
18 Days To The Walkathon! We are making good progress on donations, but we need your help! If you haven’t already done so, please consider sponsoring your child using the Walkathon pledge card or pledging online at Feel free to share your child’s fundraising link with distant family! Ms. Anderson’s class has taken the lead, so jump in and help your class catch up. If you are using online donations, please still sign and return the sponsor form so that your child has permission to do the Walkathon. Sponsor forms need to be returned to the office no later than Friday, October 7th. |
Vision Screening |
The District Nurses will be doing vision screening, both near and far, at Covington School for all Kindergarten, 2nd, 5th grades and all SDC classes on Wed. Oct. 12, 2016. If your child has glasses or contacts, please make sure they wear them to school on the day of the screening. The nurse will mail a referral form to the parents of students who do not pass the vision screening. |
Information Sessions Synopsys Silicon Valley Science & Technology Championship Sponsored by Synopsys, the Championship is a regional science and engineering fair competition for students in Santa Clara County held on March 23, 2017. LASD 6th, 7th and 8th graders are invited to enter!! Our students compete in the middle school (grades 6-8) division for awards and prizes in multiple areas of study. LASD students have won prizes in prior years, and gained valuable experience with science, engineering and project management. Winners of the Synopsys Championship compete in the California State Science Fair and may advance to the prestigious Intel International Science & Engineering Fair, which presents nearly $4 million in prizes and scholarships each year.
Students and parents are invited to attend the Synopsys Championship Information Session to learn more about this opportunity and how to enter:
Sunday, October 16 3:30 - 4:00 pm Covington Elementary Multipurpose Room 201 Covington Road, Los Altos
For more information, see the 2017 Synopsys Championship website at Questions? Contact LASD STEM Coordinator Karen Wilson at Tech Challenge Come to the informational meeting for all LASD 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade students and their parents interested in participating in The Tech Challenge, hosted by the Tech Museum. You'll form a team to compete to solve a real-world problem in this annual design challenge. This year's challenge is “Rock the Ravine:” Your team will design and build a device to help explorers cross an ice field with multiple ravines. Tech Challenge projects build skills in problem solving, time management, creativity, and teamwork, while working through the engineering design cycle as you build and test your design. Most importantly--it's great fun!!!
Students and parents are invited to attend the Tech Challenge Information Session to learn more about this opportunity and how to enter:
Sunday, October 16 4:30 - 5:00 pm Covington Elementary Multipurpose Room 201 Covington Road, Los Altos
The event day will be April 29, 2016 for grades 4 to 6, and April 30 for grades 7 and 8.
For more information on the Tech Challenge, visit the website at
Questions? Contact LASD STEM Coordinator Karen Wilson at |
Elementary and Junior High Save Us A Call! LAEF’s Phonathon is next week Have you made your annual contribution to LAEF? We would love to take you off our call list, so please go to today and make your tax-deductible donation or pledge by September 30th. If you’re a first-time donor or if you increase your gift to LAEF this year, it will be doubled by the LAEF’s Board of Directors and the Honor Roll of Realtors Leadership Circle, up to $100,000. Thank you! Are you already an LAEF supporter? We need you! Join the fun and help us meet our $3.7M goal by signing up for our phonathon on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 4th & 5th. You’ll enjoy a cheap (free!) date night with a gourmet spread, flowing wine and enjoyable banter with parents and teachers. There are many ways to help, both on the phone and behind the scenes. Sign up now at |
LASD & Community Announcements |
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:®ion=54001 |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
Sept. 20, 2016
Important Dates:
Nov 11 - Veteran’s Day: No School Nov 21-22 - Parent-Teacher Conferences: No School for Students Nov 23-25 - Thanksgiving Holiday: No School Nov 28 - Dec 2 - Book Fair Dec 8 - Winter Concert 1pm, Grades 4-6 Dec 19 - Jan 2 December Recess Jan 3 - School Resumes
Being Mindful A few weeks ago I wrote about the concept of gratitude as part of being happy. The idea of being truly appreciative of the positive things in life, be they small or large, is vital to our personal satisfaction and overall outlook on life. There is another concept that is getting much attention that also contributes to living a happy, healthy life. It’s often referred to as mindfulness. While definitions of being mindful can vary slightly, mindfulness is simply the act of being fully present in the moment. Essentially, a person is being mindful when they are fully alert to their surroundings and thoughts right where they are, and whom they are with. Have you ever had a conversation with someone and walked away not fully sure what was just talked about? You might not have been fully listening because you were still thinking about the car that cut you off in traffic. Or, perhaps you weren’t fully present for the conversation because you were dwelling on that upcoming important meeting and all you need to get done in ordered to be prepared for it. All of us have been there; we we’re focused on the past or worried about the future- hence we weren’t really fully aware of the present. Mindfulness is being in the moment, aware of your surroundings and the people around us. It’s the ability to push away all other cares that aren’t part of the moment and fully focus on what, or who, is currently in front of us. Being mindful isn’t easy but it can be improved on with awareness and practice. The benefits are enormous- especially for kids. Practicing mindfulness improves relationships and helps regulate intense emotions. Mindfulness is also an important component to a positive growth mindset. I’ve included a link that serves as a good introduction to this concept. Please feel free to have a conversation with me about mindfulness- it’s one of my favorite topics. Coffee with the Principal- A reminder that I will host my first Coffee with the Principal this Thursday at 8:45am in the multi. Hope you can attend. Regards, Wade Spenader Covington Principal |
All Visitors Must Sign In at the office |
We love our community! They help us out in so many ways. This is a reminder that if you are coming onto campus during the school day for whatever reason, your first stop must be to the office to sign-in and get a visitors pass. The reason for this is all about safety. We need to know who is on our campus at all times. Wearing the visitors pass alerts us that you have signed in at the office. Don’t be surprised if you’re asked to go back to the office to sign-in if you’re spotted without a visitors pass. A couple of other reminders:
Your adherence to these policies is greatly appreciated. |
School Picture Make Up Day |
School photo make up day is Oct. 3rd. If you need to schedule a make up photo for your child, do so here: Please also let your student’s teacher know, prior to Oct. 3rd. |
Donations Needed |
The office needs donations of spare clothing for those children who need a change of clothes during the day. Gently used leggings, sweatpants, basketball shorts and t-shirts are great. Undies too! We need all sizes. Also, if your child goes home with some loaner clothes, please wash and return to the office. Thank you so much! |
Yard Duty Aides Needed |
Are you looking for a way to get involved on campus, interact with students in a fun way, and become part of a team? Have you considered becoming a yard duty aide? Covington has availability on our yard duty team. And, these are PAID positions. If you are available during the week, from noon to 12:40pm, and being a yard duty aide sounds like something you’d be interested in, please contact Principal Wade Spenader, |
Field Trip Donations |
Back to School Combined Payment for Donations: Classroom field trips are funded by parent donations. PTA collects those donations online through the Back to School Purchases (except for 4th-Sacramento & 6th- Walden West); however, no child will be denied participation on field trips for failure to contribute. All donations will go to support the total costs of the field trip. If you cannot donate the requested amount, we would greatly appreciate any donation. Donations are necessary to make these trips possible. If sufficient funds are not donated, the field trips will be cancelled for all classes. We also appreciate if you are able to donate for a child unable to contribute. You can find the form online and pay by echeck: Paper forms are also available in the school office. Thank you from the Covington PTA. |
OUTDOOR FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT - There are still spaces available for this family fun party on the evening of Thurs 9/22. There is no school the next day so come out and enjoy a movie night with your family and friends! We will meet on the Covington Lawn for a private viewing of the movie "Angry Birds" on a giant 16 foot movie screen. Pizza, popcorn and refreshments will be provided. If you would like to attend please click on the link below to purchase this great PTA fundraiser event! **Deadline for ticket purchase is SEPT 20th (We will not be selling tickets day of event due to pre-order of food)
PTA After School Play: This year's school play will be Peter Pan Jr.; rehearsals starting January 3rd. Registration will begin in November. Stay tuned for details. AMAZON SHOPPERS – Make Shopping Count for Covington! Earn referral fees for Covington on purchases of books, electronics, school supplies, and more. It’s EASY and DOESN’T COST YOU ANYTHING! Please use this link (bookmark it!) or go to, click the Amazon logo on the lower right side, then select and purchase your items as you normally would. Covington will automatically receive a referral fee from Amazon. No sign-up required. Questions? Contact Jennie Ebbitt at |
Walkathon News! |
Walkathon Fundraising! We are less than 30 days from the Walkathon! Remember that you can now sponsor online at This is an easy way to include family and friends in our fundraising. Ms. Pomposa’s class in in the lead, but Ms. Anderson’s class is catching up! If you are using online donations, please still sign and return the sponsor form so that your child has permission to do the Walkathon. Sponsor forms need to be returned to the office no later than Friday, October 7th. Great Sponsorships! We have had over 190 families sign up to sponsor the t-shirts! We have also had some wonderful local businesses step in to help sponsor the Walkathon, including: Hiep Nguyen @ Intero Real Estate, Los Altos Orthodontics, Terri Couture @ Coldwell Banker, California, Lemon Lawyer, Peninsula Center of Cosmetic Dentistry, Redwood Produce, Beth Tomkins @ Sereno Real Estate, Lee & Woo Orthodontics, and David Troyer @ Intero Real Estate. We are grateful for the wonderful support we have received from our community! |
Elementary and Junior High: Looking for a cheap date night? Join us on October 4-5. It’s free! Join us for the Annual LAEF Phonathon on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 4-5 and we’ll treat you to a delicious spread, flowing wine and enjoyable banter with parents and teachers from your school and across LASD. It’s all complimentary, AND we’ll thank parents, build community spirit and educate families about the essential enrichment programs LAEF funds. Sign up today at If you haven’t had a chance to give, donate or pledge today at and save us a call. Volunteers will be calling families who have not yet given to help us reach our goal of $3.7M. The best news is that all NEW gifts and any dollar you give OVER your contribution amount last year will be matched by LAEF’s Board of Directors and the Honor Roll of Realtors Leadership Circle, up to $100,000. Thank you! |
LASD & Community Announcements |
Synopsys Silicon Valley Science & Technology Championship Sponsored by Synopsys, the Championship is a regional science and engineering fair competition for students in Santa Clara County held on March 23, 2017. LASD 6th, 7th and 8th graders are invited to enter!! Our students compete in the middle school (grades 6-8) division for awards and prizes in multiple areas of study. LASD students have won prizes in prior years, and gained valuable experience with science, engineering and project management. Winners of the Synopsys Championship compete in the California State Science Fair and may advance to the prestigious Intel International Science & Engineering Fair, which presents nearly $4 million in prizes and scholarships each year. Students and parents are invited to attend the Synopsys Championship Information Session to learn more about this opportunity and how to enter: Sunday, October 16,3:30 - 4:00 pm,Covington Elementary Multipurpose Room 201 Covington Road, Los Altos. For more information, see the 2017 Synopsys Championship website at Questions? Contact LASD STEM Coordinator Karen Wilson at Tech Challenge Come to the informational meeting for all LASD 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade students and their parents interested in participating in The Tech Challenge, hosted by the Tech Museum. You'll form a team to compete to solve a real-world problem in this annual design challenge. This year's challenge is “Rock the Ravine:” Your team will design and build a device to help explorers cross an ice field with multiple ravines. Tech Challenge projects build skills in problem solving, time management, creativity, and teamwork, while working through the engineering design cycle as you build and test your design. Most importantly--it's great fun!!! Students and parents are invited to attend the Tech Challenge Information Session to learn more about this opportunity and how to enter: Sunday, October 16, 4:30 - 5:00 pm, Covington Elementary Multipurpose Room 201 Covington Road, Los Altos The event day will be April 29, 2016 for grades 4 to 6, and April 30 for grades 7 and 8. For more information on the Tech Challenge, visit the website at Questions? Contact LASD STEM Coordinator Karen Wilson at School & Community News now found via Peachjar:®ion=54001 |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
Sept. 13, 2016
Important Dates:
Dear Covington Families & Community Members, Are we getting enough sleep? Yesterday was the start of the extended day program for our kindergartners. The previous weeks have had our little ones on a minimum day schedule to build their stamina and work them up to their extended day. I’m sure we had some tired kinders by the end of the day. Getting them to bed on time is crucial in their success for the next day. But that isn’t just true for kindergartners. The research is very clear that getting enough quality sleep is important for all children (as well as adults). The National Sleep Foundation has some information regarding the need for sleep for children, broken down by age group. “Children aged six to 13 need 9-11 hours of sleep. At the same time, there is an increasing demand on their time from school (e.g., homework), sports and other extracurricular and social activities. In addition, school-aged children become more interested in TV, computers, the media and Internet as well as caffeine products – all of which can lead to difficulty falling asleep, nightmares and disruptions to their sleep. In particular, watching TV close to bedtime has been associated with bedtime resistance, difficulty falling asleep, anxiety around sleep and sleeping fewer hours.” Now that we are into our routines at school, it is important to set routines at home that support that your child is getting enough sleep. With a good night sleep, students come to school better equipped to take on the demands of the day. Students who come to school tired have difficulty sustaining attention and regulating their emotions. Of course, all of the benefits of sleep are true for adults as well. Regards, Wade Spenader Covington Principal |
Have You Heard the New Bell at 2:50pm? |
We have added a 2:50pm bell to alert everyone when it’s time to leave campus. If a parent or caregiver is here supervising a student prior to that bell, they must be directly and actively supervising. Direct and active supervision is defined as Parents/Caregivers being close enough to watch and listen to their children at all times. Students biking or walking home independently must proceed directly home, they are not to stay after school and play unsupervised. Please also remember that students are supposed to be picked up promptly AT dismissal time and should not be left alone to wait after school. That means that the parent/guardian should arrive at least a few minutes prior to dismissal. |
Yard Duty Aides Needed |
Are you looking for a way to get involved on campus, interact with students in a fun way, and become part of a team? Have you considered becoming a yard duty aide? Covington has availability on our yard duty team. And, these are PAID positions. If you are available during the week, from noon to 12:40pm, and being a yard duty aide sounds like something you’d be interested in, please contact Principal Wade Spenader, |
Field Trip Donations |
Back to School Combined Payment for Donations: Classroom field trips are funded by parent donations. PTA collects those donations online through the Back to School Purchases (except for 4th-Sacramento & 6th- Walden West); however, no child will be denied participation on field trips for failure to contribute. All donations will go to support the total costs of the field trip. If you cannot donate the requested amount, we would greatly appreciate any donation. Donations are necessary to make these trips possible. If sufficient funds are not donated, the field trips will be cancelled for all classes. We also appreciate if you are able to donate for a child unable to contribute. You can find the form online and pay by echeck: Paper forms are also available in the school office. Thank you from the Covington PTA. |
BACK TO SCHOOL AMAZON SHOPPERS – Make Your Back to School Shopping Count for Covington! Earn referral fees for Covington on purchases of books, electronics, school supplies, and more. It’s EASY and DOESN’T COST YOU ANYTHING! Please use this link (bookmark it!) or go, click the Amazon logo on the lower right side, then select and purchase your items as you normally would. Covington will automatically receive a referral fee from Amazon. No sign-up required. Questions? Contact Jennie Ebbitt at Reminder: Chorus will be offered before school. Grade 1-2: Wed AM Grades 3-6: Fri AM
Register here: PTA After School Play: This year's school play production will be Peter Pan Jr. All 4th-6th graders can register. Registration will begin in November. Rehearsals begin January 3rd on Tuesdays and Fridays from 2:40-4:30 in the multi. More details to come in the coming weeks. Stay tuned.... Contact Arezou with any questions
Walkathon is Coming to Covington! |
Walkathon Fundraising! You should have received your child’s Walkathon Packet last week. If you didn’t get one, there are extras in the Walkathon Box in the school office. Sponsor sheets are due on Friday, October 7th, and the Walkathon is on Saturday, October 15th. We will see you there! Last chance to be a t-shirt sponsor! These family sponsorships are just $35, and help cover the cost of the t-shirts for all students and teachers. If you would like to be a part of this, please email Ingrid Choong ( |
It’s the LAEF Phonathon! Join the fun and help LAEF raise $500,000 Our annual phonathon is coming up on Tuesday-Wednesday, October 4-5. It’s a fantastic opportunity to thank parents for all they do for our kids, to build community spirit and to educate our new families about the enrichment programs we fund. Last year, our group of volunteers and LASD staff helped to raise $478,850 by personally calling 700 families. Sign up today at Did you miss our LAEF FOCUS at Back to School? The LAEF FOCUS brochure gives you an overview of the LAEF-funded enrichment programs your child benefits from in their classroom. If you missed grabbing a copy during back to school, please go to “What’s New” on our homepage at to check it out. Our 2016/17 goal is $3.7M & 100% participation from all LASD Families. Make your tax-deductible donation or pledge today at |
LASD & Community Announcements |
School & Community News now found via Peachjar: |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
September 6, 2016
Important Dates:
Dear Covington Families & Community Members, On a recent plane flight I was lucky enough to have a window seat. I love to look at the window at 36,000 feet and view the land from so high up. The topography takes on a whole different perspective. Not long into the flight I found myself thinking about skydiving. Let me just tell you, I have NO desire to skydive (although I have certainly heard my friends’ tales of the activity and it sounds thrilling- I just don’t like jumping out of perfectly good airplanes). I started thinking about the very first person to skydive. Who was that brave soul? It dawned on me the first human to jump out of airplane probably did so after measuring all the factors of success. He, no doubt, studied the equipment, tested it thoroughly, and simulated practice sessions the best way he could. And while I’m sure he had butterflies in his stomach when he made that first jump, he also did so with a fairly high certainty that the first jump would end successfully. While the stakes aren’t nearly as high, in many ways learning is like the first time you jump out of plane. You can have all the “equipment”, practice intensely, build in for as much success and have the confidence that you can do. But, at some point, you have to “step out of the plane”- because learning involves some level of risk. The great thing is that learning is always on-going and you can “jump” multiple times. This is as equally true for adults as it is for children. Coffee with the Principal I want to invite you to my first Coffee with the Principal since my arrival at Covington. Please mark your calendars for Thursday, Sept. 22nd at 8:45am. We will meet in the multi. Coffees with the Principal are informal chats, often with me just holding a question and answer session. Occasionally, we will have set topics. For the 22nd I will be talking about standards based reporting and our new reporting tool, PowerTeacher Pro. I also will be sharing out the important work we are doing this year around professional learning communities in order ensure high levels of learning for ALL students. I hope to see you at this upcoming Coffee with the Principal. Regards, Wade Spenader Covington Principal |
Parking Lot Reminders: Safety First! |
Drop off and Pick up can be a stressful time for parents as they try to get to work on time and/or ensure students arrive on time to school. The drop off and pick up is guided by our wonderful parent volunteers. Just a few friendly reminders for Parking Lot Protocol:
Yard Duty Aides Needed |
Are you looking for a way to get involved on campus, interact with students in a fun way, and become part of a team? Have you considered becoming a yard duty aide? Covington has availability on our yard duty team. And, these are PAID positions. If you are available during the week, from noon to 12:40pm, and being a yard duty aide sounds like something you’d be interested in, please contact Principal Wade Spenader, |
PTA Meeting Thursday, September 8th 8:45am Don’t miss our first PTA meeting of the year. This Thursday we will meet in our staff room immediately following our flag assembly. For new parents, PTA Meetings are a a great place to connect with other parents, hear what is happening in our school community, and participate in discussions and decisions. This month, among other things, we will be hearing an update on the Walkathon; discussing the endorsement of Measure GG (the parcel tax) and reviewing our financial position. Hope you can join us! BACK TO SCHOOL AMAZON SHOPPERS – Make Your Back to School Shopping Count for Covington! Earn referral fees for Covington on purchases of books, electronics, school supplies, and more. It’s EASY and DOESN’T COST YOU ANYTHING! Please use this link (bookmark it!) or go to, click the Amazon logo on the lower right side, then select and purchase your items as you normally would. Covington will automatically receive a referral fee from Amazon. No sign-up required. Questions? Contact Jennie Ebbitt at OUTDOOR FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT - Thursday Sept 22 (next day is a school holiday) 6 - 9 pm. There are still spaces available for this family fun party on the evening of Thurs 9/22. There is no school the next day so come out and enjoy a movie night with your family and friends! We will meet on the Covington Lawn for a private viewing of the movie "Angry Birds" on a giant 16 foot movie screen. Pizza, popcorn and refreshments will be provided. If you would like to attend please click on the link below to purchase this great PTA fundraiser event! |
Walkathon is Coming to Covington! |
Walkathon Packets out this week! It’s time to gear up for the Walkathon. The Walkathon is on Saturday, October 15th, and we need you there. The Color Walk is a great experience for the whole family, and a major part of our annual fundraising for Covington. Over 90% of our families participate, and we need you there for it to be a success. The Walkathon Information Sheet and Sponsor Form will be in this week’s student packets. The Sponsor Forms are due back in a few weeks, so please start rounding up sponsors! There’s still time to be a family t-shirt sponsor! There is still time to get your family name on the back of the Walkathon t-shirt! These family sponsorships are just $35, and help cover the cost of the t-shirts for all students and teachers. If you would like to be a part of this, please email Ingrid Choong |
Back to School Purchases & Donations |
Back to School Purchases & Donations: The BTS Order Form is a quick, easy, online tool that allows you to make donations, sign up for PTA memberships, join the Birthday Book club and other important back to school business. This is a convenient way to make a single payment for your donations and orders! For this school year, the Covington PTA has again purchased a complete set of school supplies for every student in every classroom. PTA is providing this service as a time (and money) saver for parents and to ensure that all our students have all the necessary supplies right from the beginning of the school year. PTA will only be able to continue this program in the future if we receive sufficient reimbursement for our expenses (over $30,000 in total). We are asking each family to please donate $65 per student to reimburse the PTA for your child’s/children's school supplies. |
LAEF: For EVERY child in EVERY grade in ALL LASD Schools!
Did you know that your donation to LAEF supports enrichment program staff and smaller class sizes NOW through June 2017? Here’s how elementary kids benefit from LAEF this school year:
Every TK-8th grade student’s education will be enriched by LAEF-funded programs, and that’s why our goal is 100% parent participation. The suggested donation per student is $1,200 (or $120 per month for 10 months). Every gift in any amount is appreciated. Learn More & Make Your Tax-Deductible Donation Today at |
LASD & Community Announcements |
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:®ion=54001 |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
August 30, 2016
Important Dates:
Dear Covington Families & Community Members, Back-to-School Night is Thursday (see schedule below). This evening event is a tremendous opportunity to begin the partnership between parents and their child’s teacher- which is so vital to your child’s educational experience. Simply by attending BTSN, you are sending a message to your child that you view their education as something with real value. Teachers will go over their protocols and procedures, policies and curriculum- and all that is important. What I think is most important (and I’ve expressed this to our teachers) is the opportunity to get to know the teachers as people. Education is a shared experience and we look forward to our partnership with you to ensure a successful school year for all of our students. Please remember that the next day, Friday September 2nd is a Minimum Day with a 12:15pm dismissal for all 1st-6th graders (dismissal for kinders is 12:00 noon, as usual). Reminder: Unless a student is participating in an after-school enrichment program or working with a teacher, all students need to leave campus by 2:50pm each day. We have added a 2:50pm bell to alert everyone when it’s time to leave campus. If a parent or caregiver is here supervising a student, they must be directly supervising. I define direct supervision as the caregiver having direct vision and proximity to the student. Your help with this is greatly appreciated. Regards, Wade Spenader Covington Principal |
Back to School Night Schedule |
Back to School Night at Covington is Thursday Sept. 1st. Schedule:
6:00pm-6:45pm Gr. 4-6 Presentations, 6:50pm: All School in Multi 7:15pm-8:00pm: Gr K-3 Presentations, Upper SDC Class (4-6) Classroom presentations last appx. 30 minutes. Teachers review curriculum and classroom protocols. There is not time to discuss individual students. Back to School Night is for Parents/Guardians only. Students do not attend and should not be playing out on the playground without supervision. Parking can be a challenge at Back to School night. If possible, it's a great time to walk, bike or carpool to Covington. Overflow parking in the back only of St. William’s church or the public lot by Rosita park. Please kindly do not park in the front parking lot at St. William’s Church. |
Yard Duty Aides Needed |
Are you looking for a way to get involved on campus, interact with students in a fun way, and become part of a team? Have you considered becoming a yard duty aide? Covington has availability on our yard duty team. And, these are PAID positions. If you are available during the week, from noon to 12:40pm, and being a yard duty aide sounds like something you’d be interested in, please contact Principal Wade Spenader, |
Parking Lot Safety: Drive Like Your Kids Go to School Here, Because They Do |
Last week a driver was observed speeding down Covington Road and then careening around the corner into the Covington parking lot. A Covington parent and their child were in the crosswalk, but thankfully, had not yet reached the other side of the street or they would have been struck. We would like to use this opportunity to kindly remind our Covington community to be more conscientious of safe and proper driving etiquette when approaching the school and in our parking lot. We do not want to have a tragedy strike in order to remind everyone that safety of the children is paramount. Reminder: the speed limit around Covington School is 15 MPH. With so many vehicles coming through each day, especially during pick-ups and drop-offs, it's imperative for all drivers to be safe and courteous behind the wheel. This is crucial for the safety of all drivers, children and pedestrian walkers. Please be mindful to drive at slower speed, be cordial, and not park outside of your allocated parking slot. AS A REFRESHER the Covington Rules Traffic document is here. Let's keep our community safe and traffic moving. |
Walkathon is Coming to Covington! |
Save The Date! The Covington Walkathon is on Saturday, October 15th! This year’s Walkathon takes place at Covington from 9:30am – 3:00pm. This is the largest (and most fun!) community event for the school -- over 90% of our students participate. Come out to the green field and support your child and your school. You can picnic on the lawn (there will be food trucks!), listen to music, and take part in fun entertainment. This event is a fundraiser allowing students to directly improve their technology, music, art, and library programs. Each and every student at Covington benefits from this event. Become a t-shirt sponsor. Put your family name on the Walkathon t-shirt! Just email Ingrid Choong ( with your family name as you would like it to appear on the t-shirt and put a check for $35 in the Walkathon cubby in the office. Become a corporate sponsor. The logos of corporate sponsors are prominently featured on the back of the Walkathon t-shirt worn by every Covington student. If your company would like to sponsor the event, please contact Jessica Speiser ( ASAP. |
Back to School Purchases & Donations |
Back to School Purchases & Donations: The BTS Order Form is a quick, easy, online tool that allows you to make donations, sign up for PTA memberships, join the Birthday Book club and other important back to school business. This is a convenient way to make a single payment for your donations and orders! For this school year, the Covington PTA has again purchased a complete set of school supplies for every student in every classroom. PTA is providing this service as a time (and money) saver for parents and to ensure that all our students have all the necessary supplies right from the beginning of the school year. PTA will only be able to continue this program in the future if we receive sufficient reimbursement for our expenses (over $30,000 in total). We are asking each family to please donate $65 per student to reimburse the PTA for your child’s/children's school supplies. |
Want to keep abreast of what is going on at Covington and the greater LASD community? Want to join a venue that allows you to ask other Covington parents for recommendations from everything from babysitters and tutors to electricians and vacation spots? Please ask to join the Covington Voices Facebook group here: BACK TO SCHOOL AMAZON SHOPPERS – Make Your Back to School Shopping Count for Covington! Earn referral fees for Covington on purchases of books, electronics, school supplies, and more. It’s EASY and DOESN’T COST YOU ANYTHING! Please use this link (bookmark it!) or go to, click the Amazon logo on the lower right side, then select and purchase your items as you normally would. Covington will automatically receive a referral fee from Amazon. No sign-up required. Questions? Contact Jennie Ebbitt at SEPTEMBER 2 MINIMUM DAY PARTIES Don’t miss the fun! There are still spots left for the PTA sponsored minimum day parties on September 2nd. Please sign-up using the links below. Game Truck, Grades 3-6, Blacktop, 12:30-2:15pm - The Games 2 U game truck party provides kids with a chance to experience a state of the art mobile game theater. Kids play the latest video games on screens inside and outside the mobile truck. Envision surround sound, laser lights and a fog machine and you'll realize this is an experience your kids will never forget! Booger Wars, Grades 2-6, Field, 12:30-2:15pm - Booger Wars is an exciting (and completely clean) game where players compete with bean bags thrown from giant noses to get each other out. Imagine dodgeball meets capture the flag but with giant noses instead of balls and flags. This is serious fun - don't miss it! Coach Ken Soccer, Grades K-3, Field, 12:30-2:00pm - Stay after the minimum day dismissal and play soccer with Coach Ken Mburu. Coach Ken brings his endearing personality and experience as a father and professional player in his native Kenya to help kids develop soccer skills in a fun and practical way. Bring your lunch, water, shin guards, and a ball. Students will meet at the 2nd grade lunch tables after school, at 12:15pm. They will eat their lunch, be checked in for their event and then escorted to the event location at 12:30. Questions? Please contact Kristi Snapp, OUTDOOR FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT - Thursday Sept 22 (next day is a school holiday) 6 - 9 pm. There are still spaces available for this family fun party on the evening of Thurs 9/22. There is no school the next day so come out and enjoy a movie night with your family and friends! We will meet on the Covington Lawn for a private viewing of the movie "Angry Birds" on a giant 16 foot movie screen. Pizza, popcorn and refreshments will be provided. If you would like to attend please click on the link below to purchase this great PTA fundraiser event! |
After-school programs start after Labor Day. Search for after--school programs here: Register soon before classes fill up! Contact if any questions. |
What’s new with LAEF this year? Check out Eric’s Video! Check out this new student-created video "LAEF 2016-17: Are You IN?" to learn what’s new at LAEF this year and how the programs we fund enrich every school day for your child. Donate now to help LAEF pay for teachers and program staff for STEM, PE, libraries, art, music, and computer science, in addition to smaller class sizes in grades K-3 and 7-8, more junior high electives and a new Instructional Support Teacher (IST) focusing on 6th-8th grade math. Our goal is $3.7 million and 100% participation from all of our LASD families. The suggested annual donation is $1,200 per student or $120/student per month. Every gift in any amount is appreciated. To donate now, make your pledge or to learn more, please go to Thank you! Follow #laefonline on Facebook and Twitter |
LASD & Community Announcements |
Become a LIVING CLASSROOM docent... share your love of nature with kids! LIving Classroom is looking for docents to help deliver hands-on garden-based lessons to the students of the Los Altos School District. No experience necessary as we provide all the training needed! Our Fall Docent Training will take place Monday mornings from 9 - Noon from Sept. 12th – Oct. 17th. Want to learn more about our program? Please consider attending one of our upcoming Informational Meetings from 10-11am on Monday 8/22 or Monday 8/29 at the LASD iLearn Studio located at 201 Covington Road, Los Altos. Please click HERE to view our Fall training flyer. Questions? Email us at or call (650) 947-1103. For more information about Living Classroom, please visit our website at
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:®ion=54001 |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
August 23, 2016
Important Dates:
Dear Covington Families & Community Members, Having grown up in this area (Mountain View), I’ve watched many changes over time. The physical changes have been astounding- I don’t even recognize El Camino Real any more! I’ve also noticed a change in the pace of life and the intensity of work; this I think is caused by multiple factors and is amplified in Silicon Valley. I have a deep interest in striking a healthy work/life balance. I preach it to our teachers who work so incredibly hard. I emphasize this balance with our students and families. Don’t be surprised to read more from me about how to live a life that has that healthy blend of both work and personal life as the year goes on. In my lifelong learning about creating that delicate balance, I came across an article about happiness. A recent study conducted on personal happiness found that a common trait for those who described themselves as happy was gratitude. Taking the time, often, to reflect on those things that we are truly grateful for aids in our personal satisfaction in our lives. I encourage you, as a family, to do the same. Maybe at the dinner table, take some time to have each member share something for which they are thankful So, in the theme of “walking the walk”, here’s what I’m grateful for: I’m grateful for being at a school that values community involvement. I’m thankful for our supportive PTA and our amazing Los Altos Educational Foundation that provide so much for our students. I’m thankful for the chance to work with such a talented staff. The teachers at Covington aren’t just hard working; they are intelligent, reflective, innovative, and want the best for their students. I’m grateful for all of our parent volunteers, who give so much of their time to keep the Covington ship sailing! Lastly, I’m so thankful to be working with the Covington students. It’s only been a week and yet they have been so welcoming, fun, and joyous. If I haven’t had a chance to meet you yet, please don’t hesitate to introduce yourself. Back-to-School night on Sept. 1st will be a good chance to do that. Wade Spenader Covington Principal |
Yard Duty Aides Needed |
Are you looking for a way to get involved on campus, interact with students in a fun way, and become part of a team? Have you considered becoming a yard duty aide? Covington has availability on our yard duty team. And, these are PAID positions. If you are available during the week, from noon to 12:40pm, and being a yard duty aide sounds like something you’d be interested in, please contact Principal Wade Spenader. |
Dismissal Time Reminders |
Just a friendly reminder about dismissal times and pick up protocols. We have three dismissal times at Covington to maximize instructional minutes for our students.
Back to School Night Information |
Back to School Night at Covington is Thursday Sept. 1st. Schedule: 6:00pm-6:45pm Gr. 4-6 Presentations, TK/K SDC Class, Primary SDC Class (K-3) 6:50pm: All School in Multi 7:15pm-8:00pm: Gr K-3 Presentations, Upper SDC Class (4-6) |
Photo Day Information & Yearbook |
Covington Photo Days Are Tuesday 8/30 & Wednesday 8/31 8/30 - Picture Day for K-3 including Primary Special Day Classes 8/31 - Picture Day for 4-6 including Upper Grade SDC Class
There are NO forms to fill out ahead of time. You will receive a login sheet and email 7-10 days after pictures with your login information to view and order your photos online. Yearbook Needs Your Photos: we would love to collect as many photos as possible of your "First Day of School" pictures to be featured in the yearbook. Please forward them to: Thank you! |
Attendance Information: What to do if your child is absent or late |
Attendance Absences and late arrivals are to be reported to the school by a parent or guardian by calling the Covington Attendance Line at (650) 947-1101 by 9:00am, or sending a electronic form via our website Children who arrive after the school day begins must sign in at the office to receive a late arrival (blue slip) pass. For an appointment during school hours, please go to the office to sign out your child. Your child will be sent to the office to meet you. Observed religious holidays are considered excused absences as long as the absence has been requested in advance in writing by the parent or guardian and approved by the principal or designee (E.C. 48205, B.P. 5113). |
Back to School Purchases & Donations: BACK TO SCHOOL AMAZON SHOPPERS – Make Your Back to School Shopping Count for Covington! Earn referral fees for Covington on purchases of books, electronics, school supplies, and more. It’s EASY and DOESN’T COST YOU ANYTHING! Please use this link (bookmark it!) or go to, click the Amazon logo on the lower right side, then select and purchase your items as you normally would. Covington will automatically receive a referral fee from Amazon. No sign-up required. Questions? Contact Jennie Ebbitt at SEPTEMBER 2 MINIMUM DAY PARTIES Don’t miss the fun! There are still spots left for the PTA sponsored minimum day parties on September 2nd. Please sign-up using the links below. Game Truck, Grades 3-6, Blacktop, 12:30-2:15pm - The Games 2 U game truck party provides kids with a chance to experience a state of the art mobile game theater. Kids play the latest video games on screens inside and outside the mobile truck. Envision surround sound, laser lights and a fog machine and you'll realize this is an experience your kids will never forget! Booger Wars, Grades 2-6, Field, 12:30-2:15pm - Booger Wars is an exciting (and completely clean) game where players compete with bean bags thrown from giant noses to get each other out. Imagine dodgeball meets capture the flag but with giant noses instead of balls and flags. This is serious fun - don't miss it! Coach Ken Soccer, Grades K-3, Field, 12:30-2:00pm - Stay after the minimum day dismissal and play soccer with Coach Ken Mburu. Coach Ken brings his endearing personality and experience as a father and professional player in his native Kenya to help kids develop soccer skills in a fun and practical way. Bring your lunch, water, shin guards, and a ball. Students will meet at the 2nd grade lunch tables after school, at 12:15pm. They will eat their lunch, be checked in for their event and then escorted to the event location at 12:30. Questions? Please contact Kristi Snapp, OUTDOOR FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT - Thursday Sept 22 (next day is a school holiday) 6 - 9 pm. There are still spaces available for this family fun party on the evening of Thurs 9/22. There is no school the next day so come out and enjoy a movie night with your family and friends! We will meet on the Covington Lawn for a private viewing of the movie "Angry Birds" on a giant 16 foot movie screen. Pizza, popcorn and refreshments will be provided. If you would like to attend please click on the link below to purchase this great PTA fundraiser event! |
After-school programs start after Labor Day. Search for after--school programs here: Register soon before classes fill up! Contact if any questions. |
NURSE NEEDED: The Los Altos School District needs Registered Nurse (RN) or Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) substitute(s). Must be available on short notice. Approximate times needed are minimum of three hours, 9:30am-12:30pm. Job will entail covering snack & lunch time to supervise students with type 1 diabetic's blood sugar levels and insulin administration; both injection and insulin pump. Monday-Friday. To apply, call Marlene Revelo 650-947-1153. |
LAEF welcomes you to the 2016-17 School Year! The Los Altos Educational Foundation (LAEF) is a non-profit organization led by parent volunteers that raise funds to provide enrichment programs and smaller class sizes for LASD students. This year's teachers and staff for STEM, PE, libraries, art, music, computer science, and smaller class sizes in grades K-3, are all supported by your 2016-17 tax-deductible LAEF donation. New this year, LAEF is also funding an Instructional Support Teacher (IST), who is dedicated to supporting our amazing teachers by improving instruction, collaboration, and learning across disciplines, with an initial focus on 6th-8th grade math. The suggested annual donation is $1,200 per student. Our goal is $3.7 million and 100% participation from all of our LASD families, so every gift in any amount is appreciated. Learn More & Make Your Tax-Deductible Donation Today at |
LASD & Community Announcements |
Become a LIVING CLASSROOM docent... share your love of nature with kids! LIving Classroom is looking for docents to help deliver hands-on garden-based lessons to the students of the Los Altos School District. No experience necessary as we provide all the training needed! Our Fall Docent Training will take place Monday mornings from 9 - Noon from Sept. 12th – Oct. 17th. Want to learn more about our program? Please consider attending one of our upcoming Informational Meetings from 10-11am on Monday 8/22 or Monday 8/29 at the LASD iLearn Studio located at 201 Covington Road, Los Altos. Please click HERE to view our Fall training flyer. Questions? Email us at or call (650) 947-1103. For more information about Living Classroom, please visit our website at Cub Scout Pack 76 - Round Up Meeting
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:®ion=54001 |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
3/15/25 3:32 AM