Content Row
April 18, 2017
Covington Elementary commits to a high level of learning for every student and adult. Together we foster a safe culture, where we learn actively and collaboratively, think creatively and critically, develop perseverance, live respectfully and responsibly, and contribute positively to our diverse community and beyond. |
Message from the Principal |
Dear Covington Community,
Celebrate our strengths, our diversity! One of the things that makes me most proud about Covington is our diversity. I love seeing the children playing together, both different age groups and different ethnicities. We are truly blessed to have such a diverse community. It is one of our many strengths as a school community. All of us have a golden opportunity to celebrate our diversity by attending Covington’s Multicultural Fair on Friday, May 5th. This event, which will include performances and booths from our many cultures, will run from 4pm to 6pm. If you would like to share your culture, or just help out, there is an informational meeting on Wednesday, April 19th (tomorrow) at 8:45am. Please note the last day to sign up to: Run a country booth - Thursday 20th April Perform at the Fair - Monday 24th April If you have any questions, please contact Catherine Long @ and/or Tammi Palfreyman @
I look forward to seeing you at this important event! Regards, Wade Spenader- Principal
Message from the PTA |
PTA Meeting this Friday, April 21st at 8.45 am. Agenda includes:
LAEF’s in the final S-T-R-E-T-C-H As we gear up to celebrate 50+ years of physical education and community spirit with Junior Olympics on April 29th, LAEF is also in the final stretch to meet our $3.7M fundraising goal. Therefore, we are requesting your partnership by making a donation or requesting a corporate match before Friday, the 28th to help us cross the finish line. Please give online today at or bring a check to the school office this week. An Exciting LASD STEM Update Launched four years ago with seed funding from LAEF, the STEM program is now recognized nationally for its well-integrated student-centered projects. New in 2016-17, LASD expanded the elementary robotics program to now include 2nd-5th graders. Some of the robots students are creating include a Bristlebot using a small motor, a Jitterbug run by solar energy, an Innovativebot and an Ambot with four motors and a breadboard. Exciting! Your donations to LAEF fund our outstanding team of STEM teachers and district STEM Coordinator this school year.
PTA School Play |
Peter Pan Jr. is this weekend! Do you have your tickets yet??
Doors open 1/2 hour before each show. Be sure to bring your tickets for admission.
Last call for tickets!! Ticket Sales M/W/F this week before and after school by the multi. Tickets will be sold at the door if any left. Tickets are $10 each for general admission.
Be sure to come see your friends in both casts!
London Cast: Sat April 22 3pm , Sun April 23 6pm Neverland Cast: Saturday April 22 6pm, Sunday April 23 3pm |
Multicultural Fair |
Covington is very excited to announce that after an absence of a few years the Multicultural Fair will be happening on Friday May 5th 2017 from 4-6pm.
You will go on a whirlwind tour of the world in only 2 hours without leaving the Covington blacktop. We have 40+ families signed up who are keen to share their culture, food and traditions. There will be performances from Filipino dancers, the Covington Choir and other Covington students as well as sports demos and a K-pop flash mob!
Regions of the World to be represented so far: Burma, Canada, Colombia, England, South Korea, India, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Moldova, Romania, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, Turkey.
Please join us for this fun family afternoon.
Do you have a talented Covington student who like to showcase your culture? Would you like to represent the geographic region of your heritage and share your traditions with the school?
If so we are still looking for help running country booths and looking for performers. The deadline for signups is 20th April for countries and 24th April for performers.
Interested parents are invited to a meeting on Wednesday 19th April at 8.45am in the staff room - please RSVP to Catherine ( or Tammi (
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
April 4, 2017 Covington Elementary commits to a high level of learning for every student and adult. Together we foster a safe culture, where we learn actively and collaboratively, think creatively and critically, develop perseverance, live respectfully and responsibly, and contribute positively to our diverse community and beyond. |
Messages from the PTA |
Auction Thanks again to everyone who attended the auction or supported it in any way. We are very pleased with how it went and will give report on the financial impact at the next PTA General Meeting on 4/21. Limited spots are still available at some of the kids and adult parties, so if you haven't had a chance to book your places yet, you can do so by clicking this link: auction parties
The blow horn of the 2017 Seas the Day Auction may have sounded but you can relive the memories of Covington's biggest evening of the year by going Didn't get a chance to attend? These photos say it all! It's a great way to meet new people and have fun with friends while raising important funding for the school. Please consider joining us next year. Bon Voyage until next year from your co-Captains, Shauna & Fionnuala
PTA Budget We would love to have your input into our 2017-18 budget setting, so will be discussing our draft budget at the same PTA meeting on 4/21. The PTA Executive Board will be meeting this week to work on a draft budget and I will send it to you in advance of the PTA General Meeting, so you can think about it and let us know of any queries. If you have any thoughts or comments in the meantime, please feel free to send them to me: Donation / Time Matching You may already know that many local companies offer 100% matching for donations to charitable causes (usually up to a certain limit). This means that if you donated $50 or $500 at the auction, or at any time during the year to PTA or LAEF, your company may match that and give the same amount to us. We could raise tens of thousands of extra dollars for our school if we all claimed these match funds, so I would encourage you to explore this option at your place of work. In addition to matching funds, many companies offer reimbursement for hours spent volunteering. So if you pop out of work to volunteer for an hour every week in your child's classroom, your work may pay $10 or $20 per hour back to school. This could also be applied to volunteering at the auction or any other school event. Again, this could be a worthwhile income stream for us, so please check it out. Thanks for all you do for our school. Fionnuala Loughran Covington PTA |
Student Council/School Spirit Day |
Friday April 7th - Team Jersey Day. Wear a shirt or jersey of your favorite team. |
We need 30 more families to donate in April We are a month way from Junior Olympics where LAEF will make its 2016-17 annual grant to LASD. With $257,180 to raise between now and then, every dollar you donate will help. Did you know that if 30 more families gave at each school, we would reach our goal? Your donation to LAEF directly benefits your child’s education THIS school year. Please give online at or bring a check to the school office before Spring Break. Junior High STEM Career Day Makes the News
LAEF would like to congratulate the LASD STEM Team on its first-ever STEM Career Day at Blach and Egan. Our 7th & 8th graders had the opportunity to learn about the different professions within the field from NASA scientists, architects, software engineers, physicians, chemists, tech entrepreneurs, neuropsychologists and many others. An Egan student shared, “I had no idea that so many different STEM fields were required to build surgical robots”. Learn more at LAEFonline.orgor go to: https://www.losaltosonline. |
Lost & Found |
LOST & FOUND There are over 50 items of clothing currently in the bin. All lost & found items will be donated during Spring Break. Your last day to collect missing items is this Friday April 7th. |
PTA School Play |
Peter Pan Jr. Tickets are now on sale! It is sure to be a spectacular show with 2 casts and 4 Performances. Be sure to come see your friends at both casts! T/W/Th before and after school by the multi all this week. Tickets are $10 each for general admission. It is sure to be a spectacular show with 2 casts and 4 Performances. Be sure to come see your friends at both casts! London Cast: Sat April 22 3pm, Sun April 23 6pm Neverland Cast: Saturday April 22 6pm, Sunday April 23 3pm |
Multicultural Fair |
The ever popular and exciting Multicultural Fair is coming up on May 5th 4-6pm. Would you like to celebrate Covington's diversity and share your culture with the school community? The fair includes:
We need creative hands and minds to help celebrate our rich culture and diversity, so please let us know if you are interested in hosting a booth, providing some multi-cultural entertainment or taking part in a multicultural fashion parade. Groups of families are welcome to join together to provide a taste of their culture, please sign up here. Any questions or suggestions please contact Catherine ( or Tammi ( |
MVLA Speaker Series: Peggy Orenstein. Girls & Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape DATE: Thursday, April 27, 2017
LOCATION: Los Altos High School Eagle Theater. Reservations: Due to the generosity of our sponsors, admission is free to MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series
School & Community News now found via Peachjar: |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
March 29, 2017 Covington Elementary commits to a high level of learning for every student and adult. Together we foster a safe culture, where we learn actively and collaboratively, think creatively and critically, develop perseverance, live respectfully and responsibly, and contribute positively to our diverse community and beyond. |
Principal's Message |
Dear Covington Community, Auction Success! I’m still amazed and impressed at the success and great time we had at Saturday’s auction. The turn-out was tremendous, the vibe was electric, and the generosity of our community was astounding. The choreographed moves of some of our dad’s was certainly a... highlight. Thank you! I want to publicly acknowledge Fionnula Loughran and Shauna McIntyre who chaired the auction. Both of them, with the assistance of their awesome team, produced one of the best auctions I’ve ever attended. The entire school recognized their efforts and accomplishments this morning at our flag assembly. Mindful Parenting Parent Education Night Please join us in our multi on Tuesday, April 4th at 6:30pm for Roni Habib’s presentation on Mindful Parenting. This program includes learning techniques for getting ourselves, as caretakers, in a mindful state. There will also be discussion on how we can employ mindful techniques when working with our children. I encourage all parents to attend this fantastic presentation. Open House is next week Thursday, April 6th is Covington’s Open House. This is an opportunity for you to visit your child’s classroom and let them share with you all of the amazing learning that is happening each day. Open House provides an opportunity for students and parents to reflect and discuss what is happening in the classroom. Enjoy the conversation with your child and see school through their eyes. In addition, this year the Art Docent show is in the multi, it opens at 5:30pm and closes at 7:30pm Classrooms are open from 6:00pm-7:00pm. I’m looking forward to seeing you there. Regards, Wade Spenader- Principal |
Auction Information |
Ahoy there, Covington Community! The Seas the Day Yacht may have set sail but Auction Season is still at Full Mast! If you didn't attend the auction or didn't get a chance to sign up for great events, such as Adult Parties, Minimum Day Parties or Kids/Family Parties, there's still time! Just click here! Think of that: you can have fun with other great parents while supporting the school - brilliant! If you missed out or are inclined to give more, please support this year's Fund-a-Need for a Leveled Reading library! For more on Leveled Reading, this video captures it all. Our teachers felt so strongly about this year's Fund-a-Need that they were active donors during the auction - a meaningful moment for all of us. Please make your donation here. Thank you for another fabulous Covington Auction! Fionnuala Loughran & Shauna McIntyre Auction Co-Chairs |
LAEF’s LEADERSHIP CIRCLE & APRIL 7TH A special thank you to the Covington families who contributed $5,000 or more this school year to provide the cornerstone of LAEF’s grant. We’ll be recognizing all of our Leadership Circle donors in Junior Olympics program. It’s not too late to join them by donating before Friday, April 7th at or contacting the LAEF Office at 650.559.0445 or Anonymous * May Xu & Lee Bai * Sonia & David Brunner * Sharon & Reed Clay * Pooneet & Aditi Goel * Angie & Kyle Harrison * Suzanne & Richard Jensen * Fionnuala & Ian Loughran * Marsida Saraci & Juan Luis Alonso Mate * Sindhu & Sangeeth Peruri * Kristi & Lawrence Snapp * Jessica & Leonard Speiser * Cynthia Dinh & Chester Te * Ellen Lee & Edward Yim |
Lost & Found |
LOST & FOUND There are over 50 items of clothing currently in the bin. All lost & found items will be donated during Spring Break. Your last day to collect missing items is April 7th. |
PTA School Play |
Peter Pan Jr. Tickets are now on sale! T/W/Th before and after school by the multi. For the next two weeks. Tickets are $10 each for general admission. It is sure to be a spectacular show with 2 casts and 4 Performances. Be sure to come see your friends at both casts! London Cast: Sat April 22 3pm, Sun April 23 6pm Neverland Cast: Saturday April 22 6pm, Sunday April 23 3pm |
LASD Choral Showcase |
LASD Choral Showcase at Egan Junior High School Wednesday, March 29. Concert at 6:30 pm Choruses from Springer, Oak, Covington, Blach, Egan and BCS Choirs. Join us to share the accomplishments of all the choral groups in the district, to highlight for the younger students opportunities to sing in junior high, and to have fun singing together! |
School & Community News now found via Peachjar: |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
March 21, 2017 Covington Elementary commits to a high level of learning for every student and adult. Together we foster a safe culture, where we learn actively and collaboratively, think creatively and critically, develop perseverance, live respectfully and responsibly, and contribute positively to our diverse community and beyond. |
Principal's Message- Some Great Things Coming Up! |
Dear Covington Community, I wanted to call your attention to some great things just on the horizon. I hope you can make one or more of these special events! Starting Arts Vocal Music Concert(K-3rd) This Friday in our multi! - Come see the culminating work of our students as they perform their vocal music concert on Friday. The students are eager to show off what they have learned from our fabulous Starting Arts teacher, Diana Torres Koss! The Kinder/1st grade concert begins at 9am followed by our 2nd and 3rd graders at 10:30am. A huge thank you to Covington’s PTA who funds this important program for our students! Covington Seas the Day Auction, Saturday, March 25th at the Elks Lodge in Palo Alto. Doors open at 5:30pm and the fun begins. Come out and socialize, bid on great items, and help build a stronger Coyote community. I’m really looking forward to this fun night. Tremendous thanks to the PTA Auction committee for putting this event on! Parent Ed Night- Mindful Parenting with Roni Habib- Tuesday, April 4th at 6:30pm in the multi. Roni Habib, founder of EQ Schools will present ways in which parents can work on their own mindfulness as well as techniques for working with your children at home. Roni is a dynamic speaker and this presentation promises to be impactful. Thank you to Covington PTA for sponsoring this event.
Open House- Thursday, April 6th! The Art Docent show in the multi opens at 5:30pm and ends at 7:30pm. All classrooms open to the public from 6pm to 7pm. This wonderful event allows all of our students to show off their work. Minimum Day- Friday, April 7th! A 12:15pm dismissal takes everyone out to Spring Break! Regards, Wade Spenader- Principal |
Auction Information |
Dear parents, We are on the final countdown to our 'Seas the Day' auction 2017. On Saturdayevening, the doors to the Elks will open at 5.30pm and, during the cocktail reception you will have the opportunity to sign up for an vast array of silent auction items. If you are not able to come to the auction, you will still be able to bid on some of our items through the proxy bidding web-site which will be shared with you later this week. The live auction will take place after dinner, which includes such items as: Warriors Tickets; a Fishing Trip with Mr Spenader; Principal for a Day; Vacations to Mexico, Tahoe and Ireland; plus some fabulous culinary prizes. We do hope you have enjoyed perusing the catalog and are looking forward to a great night at the Elks this weekend. If you would prefer to view the catalog on-line, please use the following link: Online Catalog Please note, you may still buy Teacher For a Day Tickets here: TFAD The auction Need to Know Document with some frequently asked questions about the evening is here: Need to Know We look forward to seeing you on the night! Best Wishes The Covington 2017 Auction Committee |
Primary Music Concert |
Just a friendly reminder that our primary music concert is this Friday March 24th. Parents are invited as our Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders will be performing the songs they have been working on over the past months under the direction of Diana Koss from Starting Arts. The students are excited and enthusiastic to share their musical pieces. Thank you to the PTA for supporting the starting arts program!
The Kinders and First Grade will perform at 9am in the Multi. The Second Grade and Third Grade will perform at 10:30am in the Multi. |
Lost & Found |
Lost & Found - Donation time!! We will be donating all lost & found items Friday, April 7. Please check the bin for your children's clothing, lunch boxes and water bottles. |
PTA School Play |
Come see a sneak peek of what the cast of this years School Musical, Peter Pan Jr., has been working on at this Friday's flag assembly. Tickets will be on sale next week T/W/Th after school by the multi. Tickets are $10 each for general admission. It is sure to be a spectacular show with 2 casts and 4 Performances. Be sure to come see your friends at both casts! London Cast: Sat April 22 3pm, Sun April 23 6pm Neverland Cast : Saturday April 22 6pm, Sunday April 23 3pm |
Who Are You Going to Pick? #MarchMatching
Did you know that LAEF received over $590,000 in corporate matching funds last year? Wow! We’re paying homage to March Madness (the famous NCAA Basketball Tournament) by celebrating matching! This year's #MarchMatching contenders include Google, Apple, Intel, Walmart, Genentech, Microsoft and many more. Please go to
LAEF’s 2017 Survey Complete Thank you to the 1,472 parents who participated in our annual parent survey! We were happy to see an increase in responses from Spanish and Mandarin speaking families. Your input is helping LAEF’s Grantmaking Committee guide our strategic discussions with LASD Leadership and finalize funding priorities for the 2017/18 school year. |
From LASD Health Services Department: When to Keep Your Child Home From School Sometimes it is difficult, especially early in the morning, to know whether or not to send your child to school. The following guidelines are indications that you should keep him/her home. In this way, you are helping to control the spread of colds, flu, and other contagious illnesses. Keep your child at home when he/she has any of the following symptoms. You must keep your child home until he/she has been symptom free without medication for 24 hours.
Also, NOTIFY THE OFFICE IMMEDIATELY if your child is exposed to or contracts chicken pox, mumps or measles or whooping cough (pertussis). These conditions can be life threatening to students who are undergoing therapies that suppress their immune systems. The following information is only a guide to common childhood health concerns. Call our District Nurses (650-444-9702 or 650-537-8119) or personal health care provider for more information. Always bring a copy of a physician’s note to school and/or notify the school if your child will have an extended absence due to a health condition for 10 days or longer.
If your child will be absent, please contact the office by emailing covingtonattendance@ |
Excellent Sheep: Reframing College as a Time for Self-Discovery
William Deresiewicz will give his perspective on how college should be a time for self-discovery, when young people can establish their own values and measures of success in order to forge their own path. See attached flyer for more information about this award-winning essayist and critic. Tuesday April 4th, 7:00 pm , Los Altos High School Eagle Theater. Registration: https://wderesiewicz.
School & Community News now found via Peachjar: |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
March 16, 2017
Principal’s Message- Mindfulness |
Dear Covington Families and Community Members, Last Wednesday, Covington teachers participated on a Mindfulness training with Roni Habib, founder of EQ Schools. The mission of EQ Schools is to bring mindfulness and positive psychology to classrooms. The research has been clear that all of us benefit from mindful techniques, especially in our world of stress. For teachers, mindfulness training, the act of being present and in the moment, is especially helpful- both as a technique for teachers to use on themselves and to teach mindfulness to our students. The 90 minute workshop was...well, mind blowing! As a staff, we played cooperative energizer games to develop a positive feeling. We analyzed how we felt along the way (and discovered we had increased feelings of happiness and fun). We also talked about the importance of creating classrooms where students feel safe to take chances. I think, as a group, we became closer as well. Many of our teachers employed some of those techniques with their students the very next day. I have been on my own mindfulness journey for the last two years now. I believe in it fully as a means of bringing more joy, awareness and balance to my professional and personal life.
Perhaps mindfulness for you as a parent is something you’d like to explore? How would you use mindful techniques when working with your children at home? A huge thank you to the Covington PTA who is sponsoring both the staff and parent training. It’s a blessing to have such a supportive PTA that understands that a positive well-being is critical to all of us as we work with our students. Thanks for your support of Covington. Wade Spenader- Principal |
Auction Information |
Seas the Day!
TIMING IS RUNNING OUT TO BUY AUCTION TICKETS - BUY BEFORE FRIDAY MARCH 17th OR YOU'LL MISS THE BOAT! You really don't want to miss this fun night out which celebrates our community whilst raising valuable funds for our school.
All hands on deck! We need lots of help before the auction for set-up and decorating; during the auction to help the evening run smoothly; and for clean-up afterwards. Please sign up here on the volunteer sheet if you can be part of our crew on Friday 24th, Saturday 25th or Sunday 26th. Auction Catalogs will be sent home in the next few days with the youngest child in your family. Be on the lookout. Look forward to seeing you all there! Thanks Fionnuala, Shauna & The 2017 Auction Committee |
After School Programs |
New after school programs starting in March: Looking for something for your kids to do after school? Check out Activity Hero on the Covington Website and browse new offerings for Spring New Class Sessions include Pilates, Lift Stem RC Airplane, LEGO Engineering, Soccer and more! |
Pertussis Booster for Students in grade 6: Students currently in 6th grade must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin 7th grade in August of 2017. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your school office as soon as possible! Please refer any questions regarding this requirement to our District Health Assistants: Suzy Gough 302-1448 and Sandy Anderson 302-1449. Thank you for your cooperation! Health Services Staff |
2017-18 LASD District Calendar |
Many of you are already making travel plans for the summer. For your planning purposes, please note that school starts on Wed. August 16, 2017. The LASD District Calendar for 2017-18 can be found here: |
TWO BIG DEADLINES FOR LAEF ON FRIDAY, MARCH 10TH $10,000 in matching still available! In the past three weeks, LAEF has received $10,000 in NEW donations and increases OVER last year’s donation amounts. It’s countdown time, and we still have $10,000 from two LASD families to match YOUR donation this year. LAEF’s goal is 100% participation from every family, so every dollar counts. Please donate today at LAEF Needs Your Input! Survey Deadline Approaching! We launched our survey last week to give the parent community an opportunity to share your feedback about LAEF-funded programs this year including enrichment programs, smaller classes, teacher support, and more at your child’s school. Your input will help our board of 20 parent volunteers, and LASD Leadership determine the Foundation's funding priorities for the 2017-18 school year. Thank you for your participation. |
Los Altos Now Hiring School Crossing Guards. Would you like to work part-time? Would you like to work only the days’ school is in session and not have to work nights, weekends or holidays? Would you like a job protecting children while working a before and after school shift? NO EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY – TRAINING IS PROVIDED Seniors and Students (over 18) Welcomed!(800) 540-9290
School & Community News now found via Peachjar: |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
March 9, 2017
Auction Information |
Seas the Day!
We are making great headway with our auction planning! Our catalog is almost ready for printing, we have sold more than 200 tickets and our list of donations is looking great. Don't miss the boat! Time is running out to jump aboard - if you would still like to buy a ticket for the auction please click here.
All hands on deck! We need lots of help before the auction for set-up and decorating; during the auction to help the evening run smoothly; and for clean-up afterwards. Please sign up here on the volunteer sheet if you can be part of our crew on Friday 24th, Saturday 25th or Sunday 26th. Finally, there is a "Need to Know" document which answers some questions you may have on how things will work the night of the auction. Click here to access this information. Look forward to seeing you all there! Thanks The 2017 Auction Committee |
PTA Meeting this Friday at 8:45am in the Staff Lunch Room. |
After School Programs |
New after school program starting in March: Looking for something for your kids to do after school? Check out Activity Hero on the Covington Website and browse new offerings for Spring New Class Sessions include Pilates, Lift Stem RC Airplane, LEGO Engineering, Soccer and more! |
The District Nurses will be doing Hearing screening at COVINGTON SCHOOL for all SDC, Kindergarten, 2nd, 5th grades on MARCH 15TH. If your child has a known hearing loss, please notify the Health Services Staff before the day of the screening. The nurse will mail a referral form and call the parents of students who do not pass the Hearing screening. ***** Pertussis Booster for Students in grade 6: Students currently in 6th grade must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin 7th grade in August of 2017. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your school office as soon as possible! Please refer any questions regarding this requirement to our District Health Assistants: Suzy Gough 302-1448 and Sandy Anderson 302-1449. Thank you for your cooperation! Health Services Staff |
2017-18 LASD District Calendar |
Many of you are already making travel plans for the summer. For your planning purposes, please note that school starts on Wed. August 16, 2017. The LASD District Calendar for 2017-18 can be found here: |
Call for Spare Clothing from the Office |
We are short of spare clothing in the office. We especially need LEGGINGS and SWEATS in sizes for appropriate 1st-3rd graders. Also, if your child has borrowed clothes in the last few months, please wash and return the items. Thank you. |
TWO BIG DEADLINES FOR LAEF ON FRIDAY, MARCH 10TH $10,000 in matching still available! In the past three weeks, LAEF has received $10,000 in NEW donations and increases OVER last year’s donation amounts. It’s countdown time, and we still have $10,000 from two LASD families to match YOUR donation this year. LAEF’s goal is 100% participation from every family, so every dollar counts. Please donate today at LAEF Needs Your Input! Survey Deadline Approaching! We launched our survey last week to give the parent community an opportunity to share your feedback about LAEF-funded programs this year including enrichment programs, smaller classes, teacher support, and more at your child’s school. Your input will help our board of 20 parent volunteers, and LASD Leadership determine the Foundation's funding priorities for the 2017-18 school year. Thank you for your participation. |
LASD EdTalk – The LASD Student Math Experience. Wed, March 15, 2017 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM . Join us for a presentation for parents and community members to learn about the expectations and learning experiences the students of Los Altos School District engage in during math class. The presentation will provide suggestions about how best to support your child in deeply learning mathematics.
Presenter: David Foster, Founder and Executive Director of the Silicon Valley Mathematics Initiative (SVMI) and Co-Director of the Santa Clara Valley Math Project. To register: https://edtalklasdmath.
School & Community News now found via Peachjar: |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howlerscheduled for the following Tuesday. |
February 28, 2017
Principal’s Message |
Dear Covington Families, Welcome back from break! Breaks are good for the soul- a time to step away and reflect. While others might have gone to warmer climates or even up to the snow, I had the wonderful experience of attending the Professional Learning Communities Summit in Phoenix for 3 days last week. I was honored to be joined by Mrs. Sitler (2nd), Ms. Kingman (6th), and Ms. Tkalcevic (K).
Professional Learning Communities (or PLC’s) are not new to education. They’ve been around for over 20 years. PLC’s are not a new program or part of any curriculum. The premise of PLC’s is about collaboration- working together to meet the needs of ALL students. When implemented correctly, the PLC process has proven to raise student achievement for ALL. Critical to the process is the belief that the adults at a school must never stop learning. By using an inquiry based approach, teachers, working together, identify specific skills, student by student, and implement an approach to help build skills- with research proven approaches.
One of the great things about a PLC Summit is the caliber of presenters who form the faculty for the week. We’re talking about the best in the field of education; people like Richard Dufour, Mike Mattos, Douglas Fisher, Anthony Muhammad and Robert Marzano.
A few of the many takeaways that I came home with (and that you might be able to use at home when working with your children):
• The belief that ANY child can succeed is paramount. Research supports that when a teacher has a steadfast belief that a student can achieve at high levels, the effect has a major impact on that particular student’s achievement. Coupled with the student’s own positive belief in themselves (self efficacy), the impact becomes even more effective.
• Feedback, whether it is to a student or an adult, is most effective when it’s authentic, timely, and focused. The best coaching happens in the moment, during the multitudes of practice sessions. Think about when you taught your child to ride a bike. You were constantly coaching in the moment, running along with your child, shouting words of encouragement, and making adjustments to their bike riding technique along the way.
• Education has become a profession where we simply have too much content to teach. And because the pressure is on to cover it all, we often don’t go into depth. Research is showing that we should go more deeply in the skills and standards rather than trying to cover all of the standards. Our work then becomes identifying the most important standards. Which standards and skills are “got to know” vs. “nice to know”? I’m proud to say that LASD and Covington have done some good work in this area to identify the most essential standards to target our instruction. And we still have some more work to do in that area.
• Critical thinking and cognitive flexibility are the most important skills our students will need for the 21st Century. The jobs of tomorrow will require innovation, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit. Critical thinking and the ability to use different types of thinking depending on the task lend themselves to the types of careers our students will encounter.
• By simply giving kids the answers, without having them activate their own thinking to get to the answer creates a learned helplessness. This is certainly not what anyone wants for his or her children. Instead of just giving a child an answer, asking prompting questions that help them activate their prior knowledge lead students to the answers. Use cues (which focus their attention to a critical part of the question) when they are still challenged to come up with the answer- even after giving them a prompting question.
Research is also clear that, when adults work collaboratively together, the impact in the classroom, kid-by-kid, skill by skill, is powerful.
I’ve been to quite a few seminars and workshops in my career. I can honestly say that the PLC Summits (this was my 4th one!) are the best investments an educator can make for the betterment of students. We now have 11 teachers on staffs who have attended at least one Summit- and the effects are contagious. It’s my goal to send all teachers to a PLC institute in the future. At Covington, we will continue to work for the betterment of all students. We want all children to reach high levels of learning. I’m thrilled to help direct this work. Regards, Wade Spenader- Principal
After School Programs |
New after school program starting in March: Hey, 4th - 6th grade students! Come join us every Thursday from 2:45 – 4:45 in the Covington STEM Lab beginning March 16 to build your very own RC airplane. The curriculum concepts covered in this course will include engineering, problem solving, aerodynamics, principles of flight, air pressure and air resistance, electromagnetism, and robotics (to name a few!). Each class will have a science and engineering content lesson built into the engineering of the plane. Registration is now open on Activity Hero. Contact Katie Farley with questions: See you there! Space is limited! Scholarships are available! *Program profits will be donated to LASD to help fund teacher and support staff.*
Looking for something for your kids to do after school? Check out Activity Hero on the Covington Website and browse this class and other offerings; |
LASD Jr Olympics |
Attention 4th • 5th • 6th Graders The 57th LASD Junior Olympics is coming! Saturday, April 29, 2017, 8am-4pm, Mountain View High School Every 4th, 5th and 6th grader in Los Altos School District is invited to participate in the 57th Annual Junior Olympics! This event brings together the seven LASD elementary schools for a friendly track & field competition, in which everyone is encouraged to strive for their personal best and cheer on their classmates as they compete. More information and important Junior Olympics dates available at Important JO Dates: Week of Feb 27th: JO training begins during PE Thursday, March 2nd: Time Trials for relay teams begin Friday, March 24th at 2:30 pm: Relay teams posted Monday, April 3rd - Event selection week Friday, April 28th at 1:45 pm: Pep Rally on the blacktop Saturday, April 29th from 8 - 4 pm: JUNIOR OLYMPICS at MVHS. All welcome! Tuesday, May 23rd at 8:45am: Awards Assembly at Covington. Parents welcome! |
2017-18 LASD District Calendar |
Many of you are already making travel plans for the summer. For your planning purposes, please note that school starts on Wed. August 16, 2017. The LASD District Calendar for 2017-18 can be found here: |
***** GroovYoga ROCK YOUR DHARMA PARTY. Places still available on this party 2.45-4.30 on Thursday 3/16. Please contact to book a place for your daughter.
***** Lost & Found: The many jackets, sweaters and other items left here at school since January have been collected and will be donated to charity this weekend. If you still want to peruse the discarded items, please swing by the multi kitchen where the items are bagged and ready to go. |
Information for Parents of Incoming 7th Graders |
Egan: Mar. 3rd - 9:30am-10:30am Parent Info & School Tour Blach: Mar. 17th - 1:30pm-3:00pm, Parent Tour (no presentation) Mar. 20th - 9:30am-11:00am, Parent Tour (no presentation) |
PTA After School Play - Peter Pan Jr |
Mark your calendars for the 2017 Covington School Musical, Peter Pan Jr. April 22nd 3pm and 6pm and April 23rd 3pm and 6pm It is sure to be a spectacular show with 2 casts and 4 Performances. Tickets are $10 and will go on sale in March. |
Save Us A Call by Donating Now! Our Spring Phonathon is Wednesday, March 1st and Thursday, March 2nd, so please save our parent volunteers a call by donating today (where you can also sign up to join us for a fun, free date-night with wine, food and community!) Your gift will be doubled or every tripled if….you have not yet donated, every new or increased dollar will be matched, by two LASD Families, up to a total of $20,000.
LAEF Parent Survey: We Need Your Feedback by 3/10 LAEF is currently meeting with LASD Leadership to discuss funding priorities for the 2017-18 school year. Please keep an eye on your inbox for our annual survey. Your feedback by Friday, March 10th is critical and will help to determine LAEF’s funding allocation for enrichment teachers and program staff at your child’s school. |
February 14, 2017
Important Dates:
Message from our STEM Teacher |
Dear Parents, Am I the only one who feels like this school year has already passed us by so quickly? It’s hard to believe that it’s already time for the 2017 STEM Expo! Thanks to LAEF, PTA, and tons of district and community support, we are fortunate enough to be hosting our third Expo at Covington! I wanted to take a minute to remind you of a few important dates and notes: Dates: Tuesday, February 28 - Thursday, March 2 Community STEM EXPO Open House: Wednesday, March 1 4:30 - 8:00 Location: Covington multi Synopsys Outreach Foundation has generously donated tri-fold boards for your use. If you haven’t already, please retrieve one from the STEM Lab or the front office. To set up your tri-fold board, project, and any other materials, we recommend you come prepared on the afternoon of Monday, February 27 for early bird check in. If you do not check in on Monday afternoon, the multi will be open at 7:30 on Tuesday morning. Please come as early as possible so the check-in rush doesn’t cause any tardies! We will have a few community members to review projects, and we encourage students to present to them for feedback. I will be sending out the presentation schedule by Friday, February 17. Please consider volunteering for the STEM Expo by completing this form as soon as possible! For more information, please visit the Covington STEM Expo website. I look forward to seeing all the amazing projects! Katie Farley STEM Teacher |
After School Programs |
New after school program starting in March: Hey, 4th - 6th grade students! Come join us every Thursday from 2:45 – 4:45 in the Covington STEM Lab beginning March 16 to build your very own RC airplane. The curriculum concepts covered in this course will include engineering, problem solving, aerodynamics, principles of flight, air pressure and air resistance, electromagnetism, and robotics (to name a few!). Each class will have a science and engineering content lesson built into the engineering of the plane. Registration is now open on Activity Hero. Contact Katie Farley with questions: See you there! Space is limited! Scholarships are available! *Program profits will be donated to LASD to help fund teacher and support staff.*
Looking for something for your kids to do after school? Check out Activity Hero on the Covington Website and browse this class and other offerings; |
LASD Jr Olympics |
Attention 4th • 5th • 6th Graders The 57th LASD Junior Olympics is coming! Saturday, April 29, 2017, 8am-4pm, Mountain View High School Every 4th, 5th and 6th grader in Los Altos School District is invited to participate in the 57th Annual Junior Olympics! This event brings together the seven LASD elementary schools for a friendly track & field competition, in which everyone is encouraged to strive for their personal best and cheer on their classmates as they compete. More information and important Junior Olympics dates available at Important JO Dates: Week of Feb 27th: JO training begins during PE Thursday, March 2nd: Time Trials for relay teams begin Friday, March 24th at 2:30 pm: Relay teams posted Monday, April 3rd - Event selection week Friday, April 28th at 1:45 pm: Pep Rally on the blacktop Saturday, April 29th from 8 - 4 pm: JUNIOR OLYMPICS at MVHS. All welcome! Tuesday, May 23rd at 8:45am: Awards Assembly at Covington. Parents welcome! |
Early Bird Pricing Ends this Friday 2/17 Make sure to buy your auction tickets and 'teacher for a day' tickets here before you head off on Winter Break! Prices go up to $100 per head on Saturday 2/18. Auction Donations We are still accepting auction donations - please let us know if you have hotel points, sports tickets, a vacation home or any other item to donate to our auction. We'd also love to hear from you if you can host a kids or adults party next year. Thanks! Thinking ahead to 2017/18 In order to plan for next year, PTA would love to have some expressions of interest from people who would like to get more involved in organizing the walkathon, auction, or other school events next year. Please contact or if you would like to hear more about PTA volunteer opportunities. |
Information for Parents of Incoming 7th Graders |
Egan: Mar. 3rd - 9:30am-10:30am Parent Info & School Tour Blach: Feb 15th - Blach Parent Info Night 7:00pm-8:15pm Mar. 17th - 1:30pm-3:00pm, Parent Tour (no presentation) Mar. 20th - 9:30am-11:00am, Parent Tour (no presentation) |
PTA After School Play - Peter Pan Jr |
Mark your calendars for the 2017 Covington School Musical, Peter Pan Jr. April 22nd 3pm and 6pm and April 23rd 3pm and 6pm
It is sure to be a spectacular show with 2 casts and 4 Performances. Tickets are $10 and will go on sale in March. |
Get Matched in February Love is in the air this week, and two LASD families have offered to match your LAEF donation! That means that all NEW donations and any dollar you give OVER your donation amount last year will be doubled, up to $20,000. Celebrate this Valentine’s Day and get matched by giving to LAEF at LAEF Celebrates the 100th Day of School Did you know that LAEF pays for teachers at every school enhancing your child’s education every day? LAEF funds STEM, PE, Art, Computer Science, Music, Library, smaller class sizes in K-3 and an Instructional Support Teacher for Math. Learn more at about what your child has learned in his or her first 100 days, thanks to contributions to LAEF. |
School & Community News now found via Peachjar: |
February 7, 2017
Important Dates:
Principal’s Message |
Good Things Happening at Covington! If rainy weather gives you the blues, let me try to change the shade! One afternoon last week I found myself with a bit more bounce in my step caused by the great things I was seeing around campus. My position allows me to get a broad view of all that is happening, but knowing I can’t be everywhere at once (don’t tell your child that), I sent the entire staff a Google doc and asked them to share what good things they were seeing at Covington. Below is a condensed list of what was shared:
• Kids are doing a good job recycling at lunch time. • FIT is out on Wednesday’s and Thursday’s at lunch for lunchtime games (thank you PTA!) • Well-attended Origami Club in the Lair on Thursdays •Second Grade working on concepts of balance and motion building and testing Rope Runners. • Students actively listening during flag salute are showing respect to the speakers. • Volunteers helping in every way to make Covington great! (Thank You!) • 4th grade did a Design Thinking Challenge for Island of the Blue Dolphins • Students recognizing one another for living the Coyote Way - distributing tickets for positive behaviors. • Kids are working hard on STEM expo projects • 1st grade working on design thinking project to redesign Room 32 • Animal Assisted Happiness visiting the Special Day classes. • Continued reverse mainstreaming happening which really took off after our wonderful Abilities Awareness week. • Kids come to STEM Lab to help clean and organize without prompting! • Responsible 6th graders helping out on rainy days as room monitors. • Students acknowledging others by saying, “good morning” • Fantastic events like the Spaghetti Dinner (1/20) and last Friday’s Father Daughter Dance. Again, this is just a short list of the good happenings at Covington. If I missed something you have noticed, please send me an email and I’ll keep the list updated. Stay dry and safe, Wade Spenader Principal |
Reminders about visiting campus |
Remember, if you come on campus between the hours of 8:30 and dismissal please do the following:
Lollipop lollipop, Oh lolli lolli lolli |
Student Council: Water by Youth “Sweet” Sale: Student council is holding a lollipop sweet sale this Friday, February 10th. The sale will raise money for Water by Youth, a student-run network that provides clear drinking water for developing countries! Please help support our cause. Encourage your student to do a sweet deed by purchasing a sweet after school! Items will range from 25 cents to $1.00. |
The 2017 STEM Expo is right around the corner! We are in need of community volunteers to help with set up, cleanup, and project review. If you are interested in volunteering, please complete the link provided below.
Link to sign up to volunteer: Also, don’t forget… If your child has registered for the STEM Expo, remind him or her to come to the STEM Lab to pick up a tri-fold presentation board, provided generously by Synopsys Outreach Foundation.
General STEM Expo information can be found here: if you have any questions or concerns email . |
Parking at St. William’s Church |
Please note: St William’s Church graciously allows us to use the back side of their parking lot for overflow parking when necessary. Due to maintenance, their parking lot will be closed on Feb. 10th, May 11th and May 12th. |
Covington Auction |
Auction Tickets - Early Bird Tickets on Sale - click here to book yours now
Live Auction includes:
Silent Auction includes:
Plus not to be missed: “Surprise” Entertainment. A Fun & Festive Way to Support Your School! Buy your tickets Early Bird Pricing Ends on Friday, Feb. 10th |
Multicultural Fair is Coming |
The ever popular and exciting Multicultural Fair is coming up on May 5th. Would you like to celebrate Covington's diversity and share your culture with the school community? The fair includes:
We need creative hands and minds to help celebrate our rich culture and diversity, so please let us know if you are interested in hosting a booth, providing some multi-cultural entertainment or taking part in a multicultural fashion parade. Groups of families are welcome to join together to provide a taste of their culture. We will hold a short interest meeting next Wednesday, Feb. 8th at 8.30am in the staff lounge, so if you have an interest in helping to organize or taking part please attend. If you can't make that meeting and want to express an interest or have any questions please contact or Thank-you. |
PTA News |
PTA Meeting This Friday 2/10 8:45am in the Staff Room *********************** Reminder: Family Giving Tree movie night this Friday 6-8 for all those who participated in the Giving Tree. Look forward to seeing all those have signed up to watch Trolls and eat pizza with us in the Multi. Don't forget to bring your blankets and pillows for sitting on the floor. Any questions email Trish Carballar or Angela Wilson ***********************
January 31, 2017
Important Dates:
Feb 2 & 3 - Covington Girl Scouts selling cookies after school.
Feb 3 - Coffee with the Principal featuring Special Guest, Egan Principal Keith Rocha, 8:45am @ multi
Until Feb 3 - Kinder Fall 2017 Open Enrollment
Feb 8 - Multicultural Fair Planning Meeting 8:30amStaff Room
Until Feb 10 - Student Council Coin Drive for Water By Youth
Feb. 8th - Egan Parent Info Night 6:30pm-7:30pm
Until Feb 10 - Student Council Coin Drive for Water By Youth
Feb 15th - Blach Parent Info Night 7:00pm-8:15pm
Feb 20 - Feb 24 - February Break (NO SCHOOL)
Feb 28 - Mar 2 - STEM EXPO
Principal’s Message
Coffee with the Principals this Friday
This Friday, at 8:45am in the multi, we will hold a special Coffee with the Principals. Yes, plural.
While I will be there, I will also be joined by Keith Rocha, Egan Intermediate School’s principal. Keith will give an overview of Egan’s program, including elective options that are currently offered. 6th grade parents will be especially interested in this presentation, but it is open to all.
Keep reading down the page and find information about Covington’s upcoming STEM Expo and our Multicultural Fair on May 5th. You also will see information about the “Seas the Day” auction. These important community events are a great way to get involved and make our school an even better place.
Stay dry this week,
Wade Spenader
The 2017 STEM Expo is right around the corner! We are in need of community volunteers to help with set up, cleanup, and project review. If you are interested in volunteering, please complete the link provided below.
Link to sign up to volunteer:
Also, don’t forget… If your child has registered for the STEM Expo, remind him or her to come to the STEM Lab to pick up a tri-fold presentation board, provided generously by Synopsys Outreach Foundation.
General STEM Expo information can be found here:
if you have any questions or concerns email .
Covington Student Council News
Student council is geared up to raise funds for Water By Youth, a student-run organization that raises money to provide clean water for developing countries. We worked with them last year, and were able to raise over $1000. We would like to make a similar contribution this year. Our goal is a donation of $2 per student. Students are encouraged to bring in loose change and small bills.
The coin drive will run from Monday 1/23 through Friday, 2/10. Thank you for your support!
Covington Auction
Auction Tickets - Early Bird Tickets on Sale - click here to book yours now
Live Auction includes:
4th row tickets to Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton in San Francisco
Tickets to see the Warriors
A Fishing Trip with Principal Wade Spenader
A One-Week Vacation to a Luxury Resort in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
Original Artwork by Sudnya Shroff
And more!
Silent Auction includes:
Signature Wine Collections
Kids’ Parties
Adult Parties
Summer Camps
Covington Group Camping Trip
Plus hundreds more!
Plus not to be missed: “Surprise” Entertainment. A Fun & Festive Way to Support Your School! Buy your tickets
Early Bird Pricing Ends on Friday, Feb. 10th
Multicultural Fair is Coming
The ever popular and exciting Multicultural Fair is coming up on May 5th.
Would you like to celebrate Covington's diversity and share your culture with the school community?
The fair includes:
Booths representing various countries
We need creative hands and minds to help celebrate our rich culture and diversity, so please let us know if you are interested in hosting a booth, providing some multi-cultural entertainment or taking part in a multicultural fashion parade.
Groups of families are welcome to join together to provide a taste of their culture.
We will hold a short interest meeting next Wednesday, Feb. 8th at 8.30am in the staff lounge, so if you have an interest in helping to organize or taking part please attend. If you can't make that meeting and want to express an interest or have any questions please contact or Thank-you.
PTA News
Coyote Chorus Needs More Students in Grades 1-2:
According to Starting Arts, they are canceling 1-2nd grade Coyote Chorus because of low enrollment. It is a great program and the children in the program love it. It will not go on unless more enroll! Please enroll using this link if you are interested (choose grades 1-2). If they still don't get enough enrollment they will refund you.
Priceless Parties: There are still some spots available on the teacher-hosted priceless parties this Spring. We are very grateful that every year the teachers in each grade provide an awesome party for the kids in that grade to enjoy. Money raised goes to the PTA, which is redirected back into our school. If you would like to book a place for your child/children on one of the parties below, please contact or
Auction Fundraiser Party - Bootlegs & Bottles Dance Party. Date - Saturday February 11, 2017. Time - 7 pm - 11 pm. Location - Sumaira Khan & Nabeel Mian Residence. Price - $75 per person
Hosts - Sumaira Khan & Nabeel Mian, Ula Ghosheh & Mohammad Issa, Christine & John Sellers, Jennifer & Richard Townhill, Tracey & Ken Leong, Sara & Guy Colpitts, Valerie & Jim Cairns.
Calling all party people! Is your name on the list for the most exclusive nightclub in Los Altos? For one night only, Covington's hottest promoters invite you to leave the paparazzi at the door and enter! A live DJ will take you from Miami to Ibiza so make sure you like your nights hardcore! Burn up the dance floor or chill in the Lounge. There is something for everyone at this hot spot! Put on your dancing shoes and be ready for the weekend, cuz the cocktails don't stop so let the beat drop! If you would like to purchase tickets please click on the below link. Once purchased you will receive an Evite with all the party details :) http://covingtonpta.
Information for Parents of Incoming 7th Graders
Feb. 8th - 6:30pm-7:30pm Parent Info Night
Mar. 3rd - 9:30am-10:30am Parent Info & School Tour
Feb. 15th - 7:00pm-8:15pm, Parent Info Night
Mar. 17th - 1:30pm-3:00pm, Parent Tour (no presentation)
Mar. 20th - 9:30am-11:00am, Parent Tour (no presentation)
Covington Girl Scout Announcement
It's Girl Scout Cookie Time! Covington Cadette Troop 61164 and Junior Troop 61101 will be selling cookies after school this week Thurs Feb 2nd and Friday Feb 3rd! Support our Covington Girl Scouts while enjoying some delicious cookies! Most varieties are $5, some are $6.
PTA After School Play - Peter Pan Jr
Mark your calendars for the 2017 Covington School Musical, Peter Pan Jr.
April 22nd 3pm and 6pm and April 23rd 3pm and 6pm
It is sure to be a spectacular show with 2 casts and 4 Performances.
Tickets are $10 and will go on sale in March.
3/15/25 3:00 AM |