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Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community:
I am looking forward to seeing you all tonight at Back To School Night!
Tonight's Schedule:
5:30pm :
6th Pre-Algebra Presentation (Noirin Foy) Library
4th-6th Special Day Class Presentation (Justine Hedlund) Classroom
K Special Day Class Presentation (Ami Lutz) Classroom
6:00-6:45 pm:
1st-3rd Special Day Presentation (Samantha Kephart) Classroom
4th-6th Grade Classroom Presentations
All Parents Attend
General Assembly in the Multi --Meet our fabulous Staff!
K-3rd Grade Classroom Presentations
Thank you for your ongoing, outstanding support! Thanks to you, we have had a great start to the year and appreciate everything you do each day for our children and our school.
Here's to a great evening and 2012-2013 school year!
Erin S. Green, Principal
Upcoming Events –
Sept. 6 – Back To School Night
Sept. 7 – MINIMUM DAY – All kinders attend 8:15am-11:35am, 1-6th dismissal at 12:15pm.
Sept. 14- PTA Meeting/Parent Coffee
Sept. 19 – Picture Day
Sept. 27 – Minimum Day - All kinders attend 8:15am-11:35am, 1-6th dismissal at 12:15pm
From the PTA
Sign up to be a Family sponsor of the Walkathon at BTSN. Put your family name on the Walkathon t-shirt! Complete the sponsor form on the Website (
Mark your calendars for the Walkathon. This year’s walkathon takes place at Covington on Saturday, October 13 from 9:30 am – 3:00 pm. With about 90 percent of Covington students participating, this is the largest (and most fun!) community event for the school. The funds raised at this event directly improve technology, music, art, and library programs. Details and student sponsor cards will be sent home Sept 13. Have questions or want to help out? Contact Sonia Brunner( or Tracey Leong (
Covington Wear Pre-Order deadline is Friday! Please order your shirts and sweatshirts now. We have two New Items! New - Kids Zipper Sweatshirt with logo on front left ($30). New- Women's t-shirt (orange) with a slightly fitted look ($20). Find order forms in front office or simply order and pay online on the Covington School website (under c-store).
Are you up for a salivary sensation in an unforgettable setting? Start your evening with gourmet hors d'oeuvres, catered by Sunnyvale’s famed Dishdash restaurant, and fine wines, and then delve into the wonderful world of chocolate with Covington mom and chocolatier Suzanne Kasso as your guide! This unforgettable event will be hosted in Stonebrook Court Manor - an historic English Tutor mansion in Los Altos Hills. Rev up your taste buds! This is a chocoholics dream in an amazing venue! Tickets are $100 per person. Proceeds benefit the Covington PTA. Please make your check payable to Covington PTA, or "click here" to purchase your tickets online.
Do you love Soccer? Do you love Covington? Have you been itching to go to an Earthquakes game and just needed a good excuse? Well, I have one for you! Come watch the San Jose Earthquakes play F.C. Dallas on September 29th and 33% of your ticket price will go to the Covington PTA! See details on how and when to purchase the tickets in your child's Thursday folder or email me (
Looking for an opportunity to getinvolved? The Covington PTA needs you!
Family Dinners Out Fundraiser Chair: Many area restaurants like to give back to the community by donating to our schools. The Family Dinners Out Chair organizes dining fundraisers at local restaurants that are interested in donating a percentage of proceeds generated by Covington families on a given night. The Chair is also responsible for publicizing these events to the Covington community and following up with the restaurants to receive the proceeds. We alreadyhave two great local restaurants lined up for you!! Questions? Contact Mara Starkey at
Emergency Preparedness Chair: This chair is responsible for maintaining emergency shed supplies, assisting during emergency drills, and overseeing the classroom emergency prep volunteers. The chair is also responsible for preparing class emergency badges used on fieldtrips and in the event of emergencies. Questions? Contact Mara Starkey at
Technology Committee Chair: The Technology Committee supports the implementation and use of computer-related technology as a core teaching tool at Covington. The committee draws on thetalents of our technology-savvy parents to augment the work of the computer lab aides who support teacher technology needs. They welcome volunteers who help with the planning and implementation of technology projects throughout the year. We’re looking for a chair who will assess our students technological needs, and then work with the PTA and other parent volunteers to meet these needs. Questions? Contact Mara Starkey at
Auction Co-Chair: Are you outgoing and want to help run the most lucrative fundraiser Covington has each year? We have one person and we need one other to help manage the tons of volunteers already committed to make this fundraiser a success. Interested? Contact Jessica Speiser
Come and join the fun - It's time to party! There are still spaces available for some of our Auction Parties. It's a great way to meet and socialize with other Covington parents. Please visit the Website and find the sign-ups under "quick links."
Father Daughter Dance Rescheduled: Due to the LAEF 30th Anniversary Celebration which will be held at Covington on September 28th, the Father/Daughter Dance has been postponed until February 1st, 2013.
Stay tuned for details in the New Year!
LAEF celebrates 30-year anniversary with a Community Festival - September 28th 4-8pm at Covington School!
Join us for an evening of food, music, carnival games, face painting, and more. Come sees what crazy bugs crawl around in compost piles with the Living Classroom. Test your chess skills with challenge puzzles or just learn how to play with the Chess Club. Create some great art with CSMA and the Art Docents. Many of our LAEF-funded programs have thought up fun activities to show you how your donation dollars get spent! This is the only time all year you'll get to see these folks in action, so don't miss it. Bring a blanket and spend the evening with us on Friday, September 28th from 4-8 pm.
School News
Many After School Enrichment Programs are starting in mid-September including: Science Explorers, HOOPS, PYT, Art Club, Chess Club, Wizbots, Spanish, Flag Football & Tennis. Please visit the Covington Website Afterschool Page for links to flyers and registration information. http://www.covingtonschool.
From Los Altos School District
Follow this link for the School & Community News
For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members:
Still Needed: Yard Assistants and School Site Council Members!
Lunchtime Yard Supervisors
Do you have time each day to help supervise our students on the playground from 12:00-12:40 each day? Or do you have a friend who wants to divide up the week and share days supervising? We are in need of caring adults to connect with our students and to help supervisethem on a daily basis. College students, parents, neighbors, etc. arewelcome. If you know of anyone interested, please have them call our Covington School Office 947.1100. Vanessa Werth, a new parent to our school, will now be joining our yard assistant team at lunchtime! She relocated to Los Altos from Texas with her 2nd and 4th graders.
School Site Council Members
If you are interested in getting to know our dedicated staff members and helping to set school wide innovative goals forCovington, we need you! To provide an example of the kind of work this team does, last year's School Site Council collaborated to come up with several school wide technology initiatives for teaching and learning:
We are looking for 3-4 parents interested in serving as parent leaders on our School Site Council. Meetings take place typically the first Tuesday of each month from 3-4 pm in our school library. We meet between 5-7 times a year. Our first meeting will take place Tuesday, October 2nd, so we have a month to recruit a team. Please email or contact Erin Green directly to express your interest or willingness to participate.
Next Week is Back To School Night-Thursday, Sept. 6th
5:30 K, 4-6 SDC Classes (Hedlund and Lutz)
6:00-6:45 4th-6th grade classroom presentations
6:50-7:10 All school Gathering in the Multi-come and meet our fabulous staff!
7:15-8:00 K-3 Classrooms Presentations
I am looking forward to seeing you all at theFlag Assembly tomorrow I hope you enjoy the Labor Day Weekend!
Erin S. Green, Principal
Sept. 3 – Labor Day –NO SCHOOL
Sept. 6 – Back To School Night
Sept. 7 – MINIMUM DAY – All kinders attend 8:15am-11:35am, 1-6th dismissal at 12:15pm.
Sept. 14- PTA Meeting/Parent Coffee
Sept. 19 – Picture Day
Sept. 27 – Minimum Day
Walkathon News
Save the date for the Walkathon on Saturday, October 13! This year’s walkathon takes place at Covington from 9:30 am – 3:00 pm. With about 90 percent of Covington students participating, this is the largest (and most fun!) community event for the school. Come out to the green field, walk laps with your children, and meet their classmates. You can picnic on the lawn with food from the booths, listen to music, and take part in fun and athletic entertainment. This event is also a fundraiser allowing students to directly improve their technology, music, art, and library programs. Each and every student at Covington benefits from this event. Details and student sponsor cards will be sent home Sept 13.
Become a family t-shirt sponsor. Put your family name on the Walkathon t-shirt! Complete the sponsor form on the Website (
Become a corporate sponsor. The logos of corporate sponsors are prominently featured on the back of the Walkathon t-shirt worn by every Covington student. If your company would like to sponsor the event, contact Sonia Brunner ( or Tracey Leong (
Minimum Days
Kid Chow is offering a brown bag Grab and Go lunch on minimum days. Grab and Go lunch is a limited cold menu but available to make your life easier. If you order a Grab and Go minimum day lunch, you and/or your child can pick it up in the multi after school.
Did you know the Hot Lunch Crew & Leads receive a hot lunch credit? And Hot Lunch Leads have exclusive use of a primeparking space on their workday. There are still volunteer spots available! Sign up today at...
We can't serve hot lunch without you!
Looking for an opportunity to getinvolved? The Covington PTA needs you!
Family Dinners Out Fundraiser Chair: Many area restaurants like to give back to the community by donating to our schools. The Family Dinners Out Chair organizes dining fundraisers at local restaurants that are interested in donating a percentage of proceeds generated by Covington families on a given night. The Chair is also responsible for publicizing these events to the Covington community and following up with the restaurants to receive the proceeds. We already have two great local restaurants lined up for you!! Questions? Contact Mara Starkey at
Emergency Preparedness Chair: This chair is responsible for maintaining emergency shed supplies, assisting during emergency drills, and overseeing the classroom emergency prep volunteers. The chair is also responsible for preparing class emergency badges used on fieldtrips and in the event of emergencies. Questions? Contact Mara Starkey at
Technology Committee Chair: The Technology Committee supports the implementation and use of computer-related technology as a core teaching tool at Covington. The committee draws on the talents of our technology-savvy parents to augment the work of the computer lab aides who support teacher technology needs. They welcome volunteers who help with the planning and implementation of technology projects throughout the year. We’re looking for a chair who will assess our students technological needs, and then work with the PTA and other parent volunteers to meet these needs. Questions? Contact Mara Starkey at
Auction Co-Chair: Are you outgoing and want to help run the most lucrative fundraiser Covington has each year? We have one person and we need one other to help manage the tons of volunteers already committed to make this fundraiser a success. Interested? Contact Jessica Speiser at
Register/Renew eScrip
eScrip is our most important shopping fundraiser, bringing in more than $5000 last year. Register all your existing grocery cards, credit cards, and debit cards with eScrip. When you use these cards at participating stores you’ll automatically start earning cash rebates for Covington. Participating stores include: Safeway, Draegers, Andronicos, and many more. Registration and participation cost nothing, so please take a few minutes to sign up at Existing users: Please login and update all your cards. Safeway cards must be renewed yearly.
If you have any questions, contact
Many After School Enrichment Programs are starting in mid-September including: Science Explorers, HOOPS, PYT, Art Club, Chess Club, Wizbots, Spanish, Flag Football & Tennis. Please visit the Covington Website Afterschool Page for links to flyers and registration information.http://www.covingtonschool.
Flag Football
Join the Covington Flag Football Team for grades 5 and 6. There is another team for grade 4, but no one will be excluded. Each Elementary School in the district will field an ATeam (5th/6th grade) and a B Team (4th/5th grade). Each team will play the other schools in a Fall 2012 season starting in September and ending by November 5th. There will be one practice on Wednesdays (Santa Rita and Almond) and Fridays (Bullis Charter School, Covington, Gardner-Bullis, Loyola, Oak and Springer) and one game per week on Mondays and or a Wed./Friday practice slot for all the schools. Both will be scheduled from 3:30 to 5:00 PM on a weekday after school. This is intended to be a recreational sport and we are not discouraging kids from participating in other sports or activities. Our approach is to have fun. The season will end with playoffs Nov. 1st, 3rd and 5th. The fee for the season is $185. Fee for additional children from the same family is $170. All equipment, except cleats will be provided by the league. Email coach Daniel Cornell (Ben’s Dad) with any questions:<mail
Covington Coyote Lair Now Open
The Coyote Lair Lunch Time program is up and running on Mon-Thurs. in Room 32. Activities include: Doodles, Origami, Bingo & Games. The Lair could use some more volunteer parents. This is a great way to get to know the children at Covington school and only takes a minimal time commitment. If you interested, please email Suzy Allison at
Covington Running Club
Startingthis school year, we are excited to offer students, Grades 1st through 6th, a lunchtime running opportunity. The Covington Running Club will meet each Friday at lunch, beginning October 5th. This is a self-paced, “run for fun” activity, open to every level of runner. Runners will be provided mileage cards to track their distance to earn ribbons for graduated milestones completed. From October through December, Coyote Runners will be encouraged to work toward the goal of participation in the Los Altos New Year’s Day Fun Run. Between January and May, Coyote Runners will be encouraged to run with a goal in mind to participate in the Run for Zimbabwe & Los Altos Hill Pathways Run. Participation inthese events is optional, with more information to follow. Each Coyote Runner will earn a t-shirt to proudly wear to school and these local running events. More information will be posted on the Covington website in September. For more information and to volunteer to help make Covington Running Club a success,please contact Jen Roy McGuigan ( or 650.248.9532.
Dismissal Times & Pick Up
Please remember to pick your children up promptly at dismissal time. Primary Grades (1-3) dismiss at 2:20pm and Upper Grades (4-6) dismiss at 2:40pm. If you have children in both grade levels, we ask that you pick up your younger child and wait with them until the older children are dismissed. This is a safety concern since we do not have supervision for younger children to wait on their own for 20 minutes. Thank you.
Important Safety Reminders about Traffic/Parking Lot
For the safety of our students, teachers and staff, and a safe and orderly drop off and pick up, please make sure to follow these basic rules:
Follow this link for the School & Community News
For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.
From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,
On behalf of all of us at Covington, welcome back to school! We had a wonderful first two days and look forward to a great school year!
Welcome New Staff/ Best Wishes
We would like to welcome the following staff members to Covington. Stop by and meet them when you have a chance!
Jayne Amsden-School Clerk
Michele Kibble-2nd Grade (Returning from leave)
Kate Kingman-6th Grade Teacher in Room 19
Ryanne Saddler-6th Grade Teacher in Room 18
Natalie Pontino-School Psychologist
We also wish the very best to Sandy Carse, who has had many invaluable roles here at Covington. We appreciate everything she has done to help contribute and care for our children, school and community! She has decided to pursue a new opportunity working directly with students in a special day class at Loyola. Our loss will be Loyola's gain; we know she will be an incredible asset to her new students and school. We will miss very much and we wish her all of the best!
Best wishes are also in order for Dr. ChrissyAnderson, our former school psychologist, who is now project managing at our school district offices.
Lunchtime Yard Supervisors
Do you have time each day to help supervise our students on the playground from 12:00-12:40 each day? Or do you have a friend who wants to divide up the week and share days supervising? We are in need of caring adults to connect with our students and to help supervisethem on a daily basis. College students, parents, neighbors, etc. arewelcome. If you know of anyone interested, please have them call our Covington School Office 947.1100.
School Site Council Members
If you are interested in getting to know our dedicated staff members and helping to set school wide innovative goals forCovington, we need you! We are looking for 3-4 parents interested in serving as parent leaders on our School Site Council. Meetings take place typically the first Tuesday of each month from 3-4 pm in our school library. We meet between 5-7 times a year. Our first meeting will take place Tuesday, October 2nd, so we have a month to recruit a team. Please email or contact Erin Green directly to express your interest or willingness to participate.
PTA Social Event-Thank You's!
Our family social event was a huge success. Thank you so much to a great team of PTA volunteers who made it happen. It truly takes a community! Valeria Carty, Emi Ishida, Marianne Mahoney, Chad Starkey, Suzanne Kasso, Jessica Speiser, Mara Starkey, Scott Kaufman, Jennifer Bennet, Ingrid Choong, Gabriella Bradley, Harpreet Parmar, Anjana Nagarajan-Butaney, Valerie Cairns, Cate Mills, Lisa Kim, Suzanne Jensen, Carolyn LeBaron, Valerie Cairns, Davida Ewan, Chi-Ray Chien, Lauren Hasenhuttl, Cameron Hamblin, Sandy Furuichi, Wendy, Angus, Ron Ninomiya, the 4th, 5th, 6th grade students who served as coyote ambassadors/mascot and of course, our wonderful custodian, Elias Baltazar.
PTA Friday Coffee/ Volunteer Sign-Ups – Tomorrow!
Join our PTA this coming Friday morning at 8:30am, immediately after drop-off and our community Friday Flag Assembly. We will be having coffee and treats in front of our Multipurpose room. At this event, you will be able to sign up for all classroom/ PTA volunteer opportunities. We look forward to seeing you on Friday.
I hope the beginning of school has been all that you have anticipated! We look forward to engaging and inspiring all of our students this school year!
Erin S. Green, Principal
Upcoming Events –
August 24 – 8:30am, PTA Back to School Coffee, Volunteer Sign-Ups
Sept. 3 – Labor Day –NO SCHOOL
Sept. 14- PTA Meeting/Parent Coffee
Sept. 19 – Picture Day
Sept. 27 – Minimum Day
From the PTA
Vote for Covington!
Are you a Facebook user? Please vote for Covington here: https://apps.facebook.
For every 25 votes Covington receives a $25 Target Gift Card is awarded to the school. Voting ends 9/8/12 and you can vote once a week. We are currently at $200 in gift cards, we can make up to $10,000 with your votes!
From your Back -to- School Social Chairs:
The Covington community is off to a fantastic start! Thank you to all the new and returning families for attending our first ever Back-to-School Social. We hope you had a fun time catching up with friends and making some new ones too! Thank you so much to our wonderful parent volunteers who helped to make this event successful. Your time and energy is very much appreciated. Special thanks to our 4th, 5th, and 6th grade student leaders who served as Coyote Ambassadors and Coyote mascot. You are all shining examples of what makes Covington a great school.
Valeria Carty, BTS Social Chairperson
Emi Ishida, New Families Chairperson
School News
Covington After School Tennis
Grades K-3, 2:30pm-3:20pm Thursday, starting September 6, 2012. To register contact David Panconi,, cell 408-893-1405. Registration ends 8/31/12.
Coming Soon: More afterschool programs! Check the Covington website soon and next week’s Howler. Most programs start in mid-September and are for 1st-6th graders.
From the Community
Cub Scout Round Up – Tonight!
Meet Pack 76 (Los Altos / Los Altos Hills) Cub Scouts and their families to learn about and join Cub Scouting at our annual Round-Up. Tonight, Thursday, August 23, 7:00pm-8:00pm. Covington Multi-Purpose Room.
From Los Altos School District
Art Docent Program/Volunteers Needed
We invite you to learn more about volunteering as an Art Docent at our Information Coffee. Wednesday, August 29, 2012, 10:00 AM to 11:30AM Art Docent Office, Los Altos School District, 201 Covington Road
Follow this link for the School & Community News
For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.
From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The Covington Staff and I would like to formally welcome you all back to the 2012-2013 school year! I look forward to seeing all of our returning families and students and welcoming our new Covington students and families as well! We look forward to continuing Covington’s traditions and commitment to providing an engaging education for all children. This year we will continue to conserve paper by communicating through email and via our website. Thank you for supporting our “going green” initiative by logging onto our website today!
One of the most important components of an effective school is the partnership formed between educators and families. Our wonderful PTA President, Chad Starkey, and his Board, are committed to providing opportunities for our families to come together and collaborate around making Covington a fantastic place for kids. I hope to see you at one of these events in the near future.
Important Dates:
If at any time I can be of service to your and your family, please feel free to drop by or call. I look forward to an excellent school year!
Erin S. Green
From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,
Staff for 2012-13
I am excited to announce our teaching staff for 2012-2013!
A special announcement – Best wishes to all of our Covington Friends! In the “good news/bad news” department, after eight years of team teaching in 2nd grade with Jolene Welch, Angie Girod is leaving Covington at the end of this year. But don’t worry, she will be staying in LASD — she’s heading up to Gardner Bullis to team-teach. We shall miss her and she will miss us, too! Thank you, Angie, for all you have done at Covington!
Also we want to thank Karen Howl, Suzie Jochner, Tracy Wright and Erin Zaich, for their dedication, service and love shared with our students and school! We wish our friends all the best in their future endeavors!
Back to School Social – Save the Date Monday August 20th!
In the interest of going green, we will not be mailing our traditional Back to School Letter with class assignments. Instead our PTA is planning a fun event to kick off the school year. At this time, the teacher assignments and class lists will be unveiled. Please join us from 5:00pm-7:00pm on August 20th for a Back To School Family Social. More details will be emailed to you in early August.
Wishing you all a wonderful summer!
Erin S. Green
3/15/25 3:06 AM