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From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,
On behalf of all of us at Covington, welcome back to school! We had a wonderful first two days and look forward to a great school year!
Welcome New Staff/ Best Wishes
We would like to welcome the following staff members to Covington. Stop by and meet them when you have a chance!
Jayne Amsden-School Clerk
Michele Kibble-2nd Grade (Returning from leave)
Kate Kingman-6th Grade Teacher in Room 19
Ryanne Saddler-6th Grade Teacher in Room 18
Natalie Pontino-School Psychologist
We also wish the very best to Sandy Carse, who has had many invaluable roles here at Covington. We appreciate everything she has done to help contribute and care for our children, school and community! She has decided to pursue a new opportunity working directly with students in a special day class at Loyola. Our loss will be Loyola's gain; we know she will be an incredible asset to her new students and school. We will miss very much and we wish her all of the best!
Best wishes are also in order for Dr. ChrissyAnderson, our former school psychologist, who is now project managing at our school district offices.
Lunchtime Yard Supervisors
Do you have time each day to help supervise our students on the playground from 12:00-12:40 each day? Or do you have a friend who wants to divide up the week and share days supervising? We are in need of caring adults to connect with our students and to help supervisethem on a daily basis. College students, parents, neighbors, etc. arewelcome. If you know of anyone interested, please have them call our Covington School Office 947.1100.
School Site Council Members
If you are interested in getting to know our dedicated staff members and helping to set school wide innovative goals forCovington, we need you! We are looking for 3-4 parents interested in serving as parent leaders on our School Site Council. Meetings take place typically the first Tuesday of each month from 3-4 pm in our school library. We meet between 5-7 times a year. Our first meeting will take place Tuesday, October 2nd, so we have a month to recruit a team. Please email or contact Erin Green directly to express your interest or willingness to participate.
PTA Social Event-Thank You's!
Our family social event was a huge success. Thank you so much to a great team of PTA volunteers who made it happen. It truly takes a community! Valeria Carty, Emi Ishida, Marianne Mahoney, Chad Starkey, Suzanne Kasso, Jessica Speiser, Mara Starkey, Scott Kaufman, Jennifer Bennet, Ingrid Choong, Gabriella Bradley, Harpreet Parmar, Anjana Nagarajan-Butaney, Valerie Cairns, Cate Mills, Lisa Kim, Suzanne Jensen, Carolyn LeBaron, Valerie Cairns, Davida Ewan, Chi-Ray Chien, Lauren Hasenhuttl, Cameron Hamblin, Sandy Furuichi, Wendy, Angus, Ron Ninomiya, the 4th, 5th, 6th grade students who served as coyote ambassadors/mascot and of course, our wonderful custodian, Elias Baltazar.
PTA Friday Coffee/ Volunteer Sign-Ups – Tomorrow!
Join our PTA this coming Friday morning at 8:30am, immediately after drop-off and our community Friday Flag Assembly. We will be having coffee and treats in front of our Multipurpose room. At this event, you will be able to sign up for all classroom/ PTA volunteer opportunities. We look forward to seeing you on Friday.
I hope the beginning of school has been all that you have anticipated! We look forward to engaging and inspiring all of our students this school year!
Erin S. Green, Principal
Upcoming Events –
August 24 – 8:30am, PTA Back to School Coffee, Volunteer Sign-Ups
Sept. 3 – Labor Day –NO SCHOOL
Sept. 14- PTA Meeting/Parent Coffee
Sept. 19 – Picture Day
Sept. 27 – Minimum Day
From the PTA
Vote for Covington!
Are you a Facebook user? Please vote for Covington here: https://apps.facebook.
For every 25 votes Covington receives a $25 Target Gift Card is awarded to the school. Voting ends 9/8/12 and you can vote once a week. We are currently at $200 in gift cards, we can make up to $10,000 with your votes!
From your Back -to- School Social Chairs:
The Covington community is off to a fantastic start! Thank you to all the new and returning families for attending our first ever Back-to-School Social. We hope you had a fun time catching up with friends and making some new ones too! Thank you so much to our wonderful parent volunteers who helped to make this event successful. Your time and energy is very much appreciated. Special thanks to our 4th, 5th, and 6th grade student leaders who served as Coyote Ambassadors and Coyote mascot. You are all shining examples of what makes Covington a great school.
Valeria Carty, BTS Social Chairperson
Emi Ishida, New Families Chairperson
School News
Covington After School Tennis
Grades K-3, 2:30pm-3:20pm Thursday, starting September 6, 2012. To register contact David Panconi,, cell 408-893-1405. Registration ends 8/31/12.
Coming Soon: More afterschool programs! Check the Covington website soon and next week’s Howler. Most programs start in mid-September and are for 1st-6th graders.
From the Community
Cub Scout Round Up – Tonight!
Meet Pack 76 (Los Altos / Los Altos Hills) Cub Scouts and their families to learn about and join Cub Scouting at our annual Round-Up. Tonight, Thursday, August 23, 7:00pm-8:00pm. Covington Multi-Purpose Room.
From Los Altos School District
Art Docent Program/Volunteers Needed
We invite you to learn more about volunteering as an Art Docent at our Information Coffee. Wednesday, August 29, 2012, 10:00 AM to 11:30AM Art Docent Office, Los Altos School District, 201 Covington Road
Follow this link for the School & Community News
For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.
3/15/25 8:43 AM