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October 11, 2016
Important Dates:
Nov 11 - Veteran’s Day: No School Nov 21-22 - Parent-Teacher Conferences: No School for Students Nov 23-25 - Thanksgiving Holiday: No School Nov 28 - Dec 2 - Book Fair Dec 8 - Winter Concert 1pm, Grades 4-6 Dec 19 - Jan 2 - December Recess Jan 3 - School Resumes |
Principal’s Message |
Dear Covington Community, Walk-a-thon Success! I thoroughly enjoyed my first Covington Walk-a-thon on Saturday. It certainly was a colorful event. The students had a lot of fun and walked many laps (a few of them looked pretty tired by the end of the day). We also lucked out with the weather as the rain stayed away until the evening. An event like the walk-a-thon, which is so vital to our fundraising efforts for PTA doesn’t happen without the dedication and efforts a many individuals. Thank you to all of our volunteers who made the day happen. And an especially huge thank you to David Trescott who organized this year’s Walk-a-thon. He and his committee did a fantastic job with this year’s event and I’m very grateful for their hard work. Thank you to all Covington families for your participation! It’s Cold and Flu Season It’s that time of the year- where colds and flus strike. It’s also the busy time of year where we run down our immune systems. Remember these helpful tips:
immune system strong. An important rule... We have been working very hard the last 10 weeks to establish a campus climate of safety. The work will continue and we are engaging in creating a positive campus climate for everyone that aligns with our Mission Statement. One of the most important rules we tell our students is the “keep your hands to yourself” policy. It means that we expect students to respect people’s personal space, to not hit or slap, and certainly not to roughhouse or wrestle. My current assessment is that students are understanding and complying with this rule at recess and lunch. However, after school I have witnessed wrestling or roughhousing while students are still on campus. This is unacceptable as the intent of the rule is about safety. If students are to remain on campus, all of the rules, based on safety, are still in effect. Your help is needed to make sure your children are complying with the rules- especially if you are supervising your children. Regards, Wade Spenader Principal |
Please remember the protocols for dismissal time: Do:
Thank you for helping us to keep all students safe! |
Screenagers : Don’t Miss It! |
The thought-provoking new documentary SCREENAGERSprobes into the vulnerable corners of family life, including the director's own, and depicts messy struggles over social media, video games, academics and internet addiction. Through surprising insights from authors and brain scientists solutions emerge on how we can empower kids to best navigate the digital world. Film is not suitable for young children. This free event is made possible by the PTA and co-hosted by the Loyola, Covington and Gardner Bullis Project Cornerstone Programs. Tuesday Oct. 25, 2016 7:00pm-8:30pm Loyola Elementary Multi
To Register to attend: |
From the School Nurse: When to Stay Home From School |
School is a place where colds and diseases can spread rapidly. Children who are ill should stay home from school, rest and recuperate. Sometimes it is difficult, especially early in the morning, to know whether or not to send your child to school. The following guidelines are indications that you should keep your child home:
It is required to keep your child home until he/she has been symptom free without medication for 24 hours. Also, NOTIFY THE OFFICE IMMEDIATELY if your child is exposed to or contracts chicken pox, mumps or measles. These conditions can be life threatening to students who are undergoing therapies that suppress their immune systems. Please clickhere for the LASD Health policies. Attendance
Absences and late arrivals are to be reported to the school by a parent or guardian by calling the Covington Attendance Line at (650) 947-1101 by 9:00am, or sending a electronic form via our website Children who arrive after the school day begins must sign in at the office to receive a late arrival (blue slip) pass. For an appointment during school hours, please go to the office to sign out your child. Your child will be sent to the office to meet you. |
Socktober |
Socktober Sock Drive
Inspired by Kid President's pep talk: |
Clothing Donations Need in the Covington Office |
Cleaning out your child’s closets? The Covington Office desperately needs donations of spare clothing in smaller sizes (Kinder-3rd graders). We need clean underwear, sweatpants, leggings, basketball shorts and socks. Also, if you student has borrowed any spare clothes in the last month or so, please remember to launder and return it to us for other students to use. Thank you!! |
Field Trip Donations Still Needed |
Back to School Combined Payment for Donations: Classroom field trips are funded by parent donations. PTA collects those donations online through the Back to School Purchases (except for 4th-Sacramento & 6th- Walden West); however, no child will be denied participation on field trips for failure to contribute. All donations will go to support the total costs of the field trip. If you cannot donate the requested amount, we would greatly appreciate any donation. Donations are necessary to make these trips possible. If sufficient funds are not donated, the field trips will be cancelled for all classes. We also appreciate if you are able to donate for a child unable to contribute. You can find the form online and pay by echeck: Paper forms are also available in the school office. Thank you from the Covington PTA. |
Walkathon |
Fantastic Walkathon! Saturday’s Walkathon was a wonderful time for our students and families. The kids did an amazing job and walked 14,582 laps (over 3,000 miles)! The Walkathon sponsor cards and donation envelopes will be sent home on Thursday. Please return the envelopes to the school office with your sponsor checks. Thank you for coming out and joining the Covington community as we raised funds for our school and our students. A special thanks to all those who volunteered before and during the event. These events only happen because of the time and effort put into them by our many family volunteers. |
PTA Sponsored Spring Musical |
Registration for the Spring Musical, Peter Pan Jr. is coming soon. All 4th-6th graders can register! Rehearsals: Tuesdays and Fridays in the multi from 2:40-4:30 beginning January 3rd (All are Mandatory) Cost: $250 (scholarships will be available, please contact No refunds after the first class. Tech Week Rehearsals: April 17th-21st 2:40-6:30 (All Tech Week Rehearsals are Mandatory) Performance Dates: Saturday April 22nd 7pm and Sunday April 23rd 3pm Questions: contact Arezou Bahman |
3/15/25 9:22 AM