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October 04, 2016

Covington Howler

Oct. 4, 2016


Important Dates:

  • Oct 4 - LAEF Phonathon

  • Oct 5 - LAEF Phonathon

  • Oct 5 - Walk to School Day!

  • Oct 7 - PTA Meeting 8:30am

  • Oct 12 - Vision Screening for Grades K,2,5 & SDC

  • Oct 13 - Minimum Day

  • Oct 15 - Walkathon

  • Oct 25 - “Screenagers” at Loyola School

  • Oct 31 - Halloween Parade 1:45pm @ Blacktop

Nov 11 - Veteran’s Day: No School

Nov 21-22 - Parent-Teacher Conferences: No School for Students

Nov 23-25 - Thanksgiving Holiday: No School

Nov 28 - Dec 2 - Book Fair

Dec 8 - Winter Concert 1pm, Grades 4-6

Dec 19 - Jan 2 December Recess

Jan 3 - School Resumes



Principal’s Message

Dear Covington Community,

Our Walkathon is coming up in a week and a half. For families new to Covington, the Walkathon is one of our school’s major fundraisers and has been an LASD tradition for many years.  In addition to fundraising, the walkathon is a tremendous community building event.  Students have fun walking laps on the track around the field.  Some parents join in the walking and some cheer on from the sidelines.  Most families make a day of it, bringing bringing blankets and lawn chairs to sit on the field and enjoy a relaxing day of socializing and fun.  The PTA has food for sale and we always have a DJ playing great music.

You also have an opportunity at the Walkathon to sign your child up for “priceless” parties, which are PTA fundraising events sponsored by the teachers in each grade level and are held later in the school year.

Everyone working together makes a strong school. And participating in this event demonstrates to your children that you value education and your school community.  The Walkathon is an engaging and fun day that encourages a positive school climate and creates lasting community bonds.

The funds raised at the Walkathon are  managed by the PTA to provide a valuable supplement to all the fantastic school wide projects that PTA supports.

For more informaiton about the walkathon or to sign up to volunteer, visit our walkathon page on the Covington website:

This year's Walkathon is scheduled on Saturday Oct. 15, 2016, 9:30am-3:00pm.


Wade Spenader




Oct 10th is NOT a School Holiday

We always get this question in October. To clarify any confusion, Columbus Day, Monday Oct 10th is NOT a school holiday. It is a regular school day, please plan to have your children attend school.


Covington School Visitor/Volunteer Policy

Visiting Policy at Covington School

All visitors and volunteers to Covington during school hours must check in at the office, regardless of their purpose for being on campus. This is for the protection of our students and to avoid unnecessary classroom interruptions.


When you come on campus to visit or volunteer:

1.         Sign your name in the sign-in book in the office.

2.         Put on a visitor or volunteer sticker as a security measure.

3.         Sign out when you depart.

4.         To avoid disruption of instruction, do not make any deliveries directly to the classroom. Students may pick up their belongings in the office at recess or lunch.  Lunches can be dropped at the designated table in the multi.



PTA Meeting. Please join us for our next PTA General Meeting this Friday, October 7th, 2016 at 8:30am in the Staff Room.  As well as regular PTA business we will have a Candidate Forum with presentations from the two candidates running for office in the LASD school board elections next month.

Walk to School Day tomorrow. International Walk to School day is tomorrow, October 5th.  We would like to encourage as many students as possible to either walk, bike or carpool to school.  If you can't walk the whole way please consider joining our "walking bus" which will be leaving the Los Altos Lutheran Church (460 S El Monte) at 8.10 to walk to Covington.  

Small prizes will be given to all kids who walk, bike or car-pool to school tomorrow!

Save the Date Oct 25th - Showing of the "Screenagers'" movie at Loyola school.  There will be more detailed information next week.



Field Trip Donations

Back to School Combined Payment for Donations: Classroom field trips are funded by parent donations.  PTA collects those donations online through the Back to School Purchases (except for 4th-Sacramento & 6th- Walden West); however, no child will be denied participation on field trips for failure to contribute. All donations will go to support the total costs of the field trip. If you cannot donate the requested amount, we would greatly appreciate any donation. Donations are necessary to make these trips possible. If sufficient funds are not donated, the field trips will be cancelled for all classes. We also appreciate if you are able to donate for a child unable to contribute. You can find the form online and pay by echeck:

Paper forms are also available in the school office.  Thank you from the Covington PTA.


Walkathon is Coming to Covington!

Walkathon Sponsor Cards

Due Friday! This is the final week for fundraising! All sponsor forms need to be returned to the school office by this Friday, October 7th. Even if you are using the online donation website, the signed sponsor card is still required to be turned in. Online donations can be made at



Vision Screening

The District Nurses will be doing vision screening, both near and far, at Covington School for all Kindergarten, 2nd, 5th grades and all SDC classes on Wed. Oct. 12, 2016.  If your child has glasses or contacts, please make sure they wear them to school on the day of the screening. The nurse will mail a referral form to the parents of students who do not pass the vision screening.



It’s LAEF Phonathon Week!  Our volunteers and LASD staff are busy making calls to help LAEF meet our $3.7M goal and to encourage 100% participation from every district family. We just hit the $1M mark, and it’s not too late to help LAEF pay for our amazing enrichment teachers and program staff for THIS school year. To learn more, pledge or donate at

The LAEF Annual Report 2015/16 is Here. Our board of parent volunteers would like to recognize the amazing difference our community of supporters made in our classrooms last year. We are pleased to share our 2015-16 Annual Report. Check it out at, and you’ll learn more about which two newly-expanded programs received 42% of our grant, why 2,193 donors contributed, the Los Altos Art Docents’ big anniversary, and how 600 families doubled their donation. Thank you!


LASD & Community Announcements

Synopsys Silicon Valley Science & Technology Championship

Sponsored by Synopsys, the Championship is a regional science and engineering fair competition for students in Santa Clara County held on March 23, 2017.  LASD 6th, 7th and 8th graders are invited to enter!! Students and parents are invited to attend the Synopsys Championship Information Session to learn more about this opportunity and how to enter: Sunday, October 16,3:30 - 4:00 pm,Covington Elementary Multipurpose Room 201 Covington Road, Los Altos. For more information, see the 2017 Synopsys Championship website at  Questions?  Contact LASD STEM Coordinator Karen Wilson at

Tech Challenge

Come to the informational meeting for all LASD 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade students and their parents interested in participating in The Tech Challenge, hosted by the Tech Museum.  Students and parents are invited to attend the Tech Challenge Information Session to learn more about this opportunity and how to enter:

Sunday, October 16, 4:30 - 5:00 pm, Covington Elementary Multipurpose Room

201 Covington Road, Los Altos The event day will be April 29, 2016 for grades 4 to 6, and April 30 for grades 7 and 8.  For more information on the Tech Challenge, visit the website at Questions?  Contact LASD STEM Coordinator Karen Wilson at

SELPA Events:

The October SELPA 1 CAC Coffee Talk will be Special Education 101 by Parents Helping Parents. We are having two sessions, one in Spanish on Tuesday, October 18 from 7-9PM at Castro Elementary, and one in English on Wednesday, October 19 from 7-9 PM at Santa Rita Elementary in Los Altos. Let's Talk - All are welcome, participants must respect confidentiality. Monday October 10, 10am-12pm, Orchard Community Room, Los Altos Library.

School & Community News now found via Peachjar:


How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler

Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to  Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday.


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