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September 02, 2015

Important Reminder

This Friday, Sept. 4th is a Minimum Day. All Students Dismissed at 12:15pm.  Grab and go lunches only if pre-ordered.  No after school enrichment activities and no supervision provided (except for PTA minimum day activities, see below for sign up.* ) Thank you for picking up your children promptly and have a great 3-day weekend.  Also, Friday Sept. 4th is the St. William Rummage Sale. Thank you for NOT parking in their lot on Friday.


Covington School Howler

Sept. 1, 2015

Dear Covington Families,

Recently you have received messages from LASD regarding Haiku (our new Learning Management System) and Standards -Based grading and reporting. The roadmap includes a  progressive shift to standards- based grading over the course of this year with full implementation in 2016-17.  Using Haiku, this approach will help us enhance communication with students and parents about student learning.

Standards-Based Grading refers to a system of reporting student progress on a set of clearly defined learning outcomes or standards (grade level content/anchor standards). In contrast to students receiving one grade per course (typically averaged over the whole course duration) in the traditional grading system, standards based grading provides a more granular picture of student academic growth based on the most recent performance on the specific standards.

Feedback, thus provided within standards based grading is personalized, authentic, actionable and specific. Learning tasks within this system contribute to mastery of standards and therefore are relevant and meaningful to student learning of standards. For students, this approach to grading supports the understanding of specific concepts they need to practice for mastery and thus promotes the motivation to learn. Teachers are then able to adjust instruction to meet individual student learning needs (design to the edges) through additional learning experiences and tasks.

This dynamic learner centered approach to providing feedback shifts the focus from fixed mindset to growth mindset (‘Mindset’ by Carol Dweck, 2006). Research on student learning unequivocally supports that quality standards based feedback has the most positive impact on student learning (Lamarino, 2014; Marzano, 2010; Reeves, 2011)

At Covington, we are committed to a culture of continuous growth and improvement. To this end, teachers will be continuing their collaboration and professional learning to develop a robust standards based assessment system that is focused on personalized student learning and refine instruction that is aligned with standards. Through this process, student feedback will be invited to help inform our work. As a parent, you can continue to expect to see consistent communication regarding your child’s academic progress through the course of this year.

We are excited to be moving in a direction that is progressive, research based and in the best interest of our students. As your partners in your child’s education, we will also update you on the ongoing work in this direction through messages and information sessions. We are grateful for your support.

Back to School Night Schedule: Thursday, September 3rd

5:30pm K SDC, 1-3 SDC (Only Mrs. Schwartzman’s and Ms. Elmer’s classes come at this time)
6:00-6:45 K-3 Presentations, 4-6 SDC Class (All Kinder, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade classes come at this time, as well as Ms. Gudgeon’s class)
6:50pm* All Staff and Parents Come to Multi for Introductions
7:15-8pm 4-6 Presentations (All 4th, 5th and 6th grade classes come at this time)

We are looking forward to seeing you this week and on Thursday evening.


Erin S. Green and Kami Thordarson


Important Dates

Sept. 3 - Back to School Night (see schedule above)

Sept. 4 - Minimum Day: PICK UP AT 12:15PM ALL STUDENTS

Sept. 7 - Labor Day Holiday, No School

Sept. 11 - PTA Meeting/Principal Coffee

Sept. 25 - Staff Development Day:NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS



LAEF funds more PE & Computer Science in 2015-16

In our recent survey, parents shared they want to maintain LAEF-funded enrichment programs and smaller class sizes in K-3 and 7-8, but want more PE and computer science. That’s why LAEF has pledged to fund two additional teachers this year: a certified PE teacher and a teacher to extend computer science into Junior High.


The suggested annual donation is $1,000 per student. 100% participation is our goal and every gift in any amount is appreciated. Learn More & Make Your Tax-Deductible Donation Today at


Whole Foods donates $7,049 to LAEF!

Thank you to our LAEF shoppers who popped by Whole Foods or ordered groceries online on Wednesday, August 26.  We are pleased to share with you that LAEF will receive more than $7,000 or 5% of the daily sales from Whole Foods Los Altos!


*PTA Minimum Day Options

Dear Parents,

This Friday, September 4, is a Minimum Day!  Classes get out at 12:15pm.  We have 3 Minimum Day Parties available to those who would like to have additional activities for their kids:

1. Game Truck - 12:45-2:15p (blacktop) $40

2. Basketball On - 12:30-2:30p (blacktop) $30

3. Tennis with David Poncini - 12:30-1:50p (Rosita) - no rackets needed! $30

Please sign-up for this Friday’s Minimum Day parties at the link below:

What to do on Friday:

  1. At 12:15p, teachers will direct kids who are signed up to the 2nd grade tables (near staff room).  There will be signs on the tables with the party name, so teachers will direct the kids there and the kids can eat their lunch.  If the kids have hot lunch, they will have to go get it from the Multi and then meet at the 2nd grade lunch tables.

  2. A parent volunteer will have a list of kids who have signed up for a party and will call out their names to check them in.  The parent volunteer will then take the kids to the instructors.

  3. Parents should pick up their kids from the respective parties:  Game Truck (blacktop); Basketball (blacktop); Tennis (Rosita Park).  Please note the different end times for each party.

  4. Please note that some of you may have signed up for a SCIENCE MADE FUN party that was moved to the June Minimum Day.  Many of you already rescheduled, but if you did not and would like a refund, please let me know.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

Please let me know if you have any questions.



PTA News

Back to School Purchases.  You can complete your back to school purchases in two ways: (1) You can fill out the Combined Payment Form attached to this Howler and attach a check for the grand total or (2) online here (please follow the directions closely). If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact PTA President, Jessica Speiser

eScrip is one of our most important shopping fundraisers. Register your credit cards and shop through the eScrip link shopping link to earn extra money for Covington (at no extra cost!):

Existing users: Login and update your credit card numbers.

Safeway is no longer participating in the eScrip program.

Contact with any questions.

AMAZON SHOPPERS – Make Your Back-to-School Shopping Count for Covington! Earn referral fees for Covington on purchases of books, electronics, toys, and more. It’s EASY and DOESN’T COST YOU ANYTHING! Go to, click the Amazon logo on the lower right side to go to the Amazon website, then select and purchase your items as you normally would. Covington will automatically receive a referral fee of at least 6.5%!  No sign-up required. Questions? Contact Jennie Ebbitt at

Ordering for Hot Lunch at Covington is Now Open! Click here for information and instructions on ordering Pasta Market Hot Lunch for your student:



We've got some great auction parties happening in September! Come join us! Send an email to Christine Sellers at if you'd like to attend either of these and drop off a check in the school office made out to "Covington PTA".



Date/Time: Saturday, 9/12/15 7:30pm-12am

Location: Garden House - Shoup Park

Price: $75 per person

Featuring DJ Mix Master, Cuba Libre signature cocktails, Bud Light, great snacks and the worst hair anyone's seen in decades!

If you've ever had a perm, acne or worn ruffles, then this party will bring closure to your night terrors! If you didn't go to Prom, this is your chance to participate in an American High School tradition.

Hosts: The Krames-Peters, Sayer, Taylor-Cohen, Boufford, Bennett, Braun and Murdock Families



Date/Time: Saturday, 9/26/15, Biergarten opens at 6pm sharp!

Location: The Speiser Biergarten

Price: $50 per person

Willkommen to Oktoberfest, the "wurst" party ever! Break out your lederhosen, practice your yodeling and head to our haus for good food, good beer and amusement!

Hosts: The Speiser, Andersen, Cairns, Townhill, and Colpitts Families



PTA After School Enrichment Programs

Chorus is returning to Covington! Starting Arts will be leading chorus before school on Wednesdays (gr. 1-2) and Fridays (gr. 3-6) starting next month. Space is limited so register early.

After-school programs:

Classes start in August and September.

Class schedule:

Mon: Soccer (K-4), Drawing (1-6), Mathletes-in-Training/Mathletes (3-6), Flag Football (4-6)

Tues: Chess (1-6), Mad Science (K-2), Bald Eagle Go Games (3-6)

Wed: Lego Engineering (K-2), CSMA Art (K-3)

Thurs: Run for Fun (1-6), Public Speaking/Debate (3-6), Technology/Programming (2-6)

Fri: Basketball (K-6), Spanish (K-6), Flag Football (4-6)

Register early to ensure you get a spot. More details and registration:



St William Rummage Sale

Our neighbor, St. William Church, is having their annual rummage sale Sept 3-5th.  Sept 3rd is a private sale day, open only to their own members and Covington School.  You are welcome to stop by after drop off on 9/3 starting at 9am and shop.




Haiku Learning and Standards Based Grading.  


Friday,September 11th 9-10:30am

RSVP at this link:

Thursday, September 17th 4-5:30pm RSVP at this link:

Covington Multipurpose Room.

For More Information please download FLYER attached to this howler.



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