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From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,
Covington Parent Survey
Starting today, parents areinvited to complete the 2013 Covington Parent Survey, available online by clicking the link below:
This is your opportunity toshare your thoughts on a wide range of issues. Our School Site Council, comprised of parent, teacher and staff representatives, put this survey together to help assess Covington's strengths and identify areas for improvement. Your feedback is valuable to our school and me; we hope to hear from each and every family at Covington. Thanks, in advance, for your time.
C-Stem Showcase This Friday
Please plan to attend the 1st CSTEM Showcase at Almond school from 4:00pm-5:30pm, this Friday April 26th. Play fun games created by 6th graders from all 7 schools and learn about computer programming, robotics and 3D design.
Junior Olympics This Saturday
This Saturday our 4th, 5th & 6th grade students will compete in our LASDJunior Olympics at Mountain View High School. Opening ceremonies begin promptly at 9am, but some events start at 8:15am. Be sure to check the schedule for your required arrival time: http://www.covingtonschool.
I am currently in the process of working through staffing for the 2013-14 school year. Each year the staff can experience some adjustments in teaching assignments due to postings within LASD, and other various reasons. I will share our staffing list with you as soon as I am able to do so.
At this time our students are beginning to wonder who their teacher will be the following year. When placing students we seek to develop the best possible dynamics in every classroom. It is important for families to understand we cannot grant individual requests for teachers. If you feel your child has specific needs that we may not be aware of, you may stop by the office and complete a parent input form. Please do not request specific teachers by name. I appreciate your support and look forward to sharing our staffing assignments for the next school year very soon.
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
April 23 – Dine Out for Covington @ Hobee’s
April 26 – CSTEM Showcase @Almond School
April 27 – Jr. Olympics
April 29 – May 3 – STAR Testing
May 3 – 6th grade Girls’ basketball tourney @ Blach
May 14 – Last day of Homework Club
May 16 – Open House
May 17 – Minimum Day
May 17 – 6th Grade Boys’ basketball tourney @ Blach
May 21 – Music concert, grades 4-6, 1:00pm
May 27 – Memorial Day Holiday
May 31 – Volunteer Breakfast
May 31 – 6th grade bake sale
June 7 – Field Day
June 7 – Minimum Day
June 12 – 6th grade promotion
June 12 - Last day of school, dismissal @ 11:15am.
School News
Covington Student Art Show
LASD Art Docents are sponsoring a Covington Student Art Show in the Covington Multipurpose room. Open gallery on May 16th from 12:00pm-3:00pm. Art Show during Open House, May 16th from 6:00pm-8:00pm. Please stop by and see the wonderful art created by our own students.
From the PTA
Covington Yearbook
Believe it ornot, there are about 30 days left of school. Have you pre-ordered your yearbook yet? If not, make sure to reserveyour copy. You can purchase your yearbook here http://www.covingtonschool.
Company Matching
Some companies have been very generous in matching donations to Covington! Check and see if your company is willing to match your PTA donation. Any Questions? Contact Sangeeth
Volunteers Needed
Star Testing is a few weeks away and we need volunteers to help pass out snacks from 10:00-10:30am. Here is a link to sign up:
Dine Out for Covington
Hobee’s of Palo Alto will be donating 20pc of its sales to Covington School today, April 23rd from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Just mention Covington or find the flyer on the Covington Website
Junior Olympic News
URGENT: Please see volunteer sign ups for the day of Junior Olympics
COMING HOME: T-shirts (for all 4th graders, new 5th & 6th graders, and ordered replacements) / Event Confirmations / general event day info will be coming home this Thursday.
EVENT DATE & Info: JOis on Saturday, April 27th, 8 am - 4 pm.
For more information please see the Covington JO page http://www.
VOLUNTEERS: Many volunteers are needed to help the day of JO:
Please send any questions to your JO Chairs:
Kathleen Vitakis, Julie Altinger, Laura Torres
Covington Community News
CUB SCOUT PICNIC – Join Cub Scouts
Meet Pack 76 (Los Altos / Los Altos Hills) Cub Scouts and their families to learn more about Cub Scouting at our annual Picnic. When: Thursday, May 16, 5-7pm Where: Shoup Park (400 University Ave, just south of Burke Rd), Los Altos What: Food and Beverages provided For more information: Chi-Ray Chien, Cubmaster (<mailto:
From Los Altos School District
LASD Art Docents - Covington Student Art Show
LASD Art Docents are sponsoring aCovington Student Art Show in the Covington Multipurpose room. Open gallery on May 16th from 12:00pm-3:00pm. Art Show during Open House, May 16th from 6:00pm-8:00pm. Please stop by and see the wonderful art created by our own students.
Announcing Student Ed-Con 2013: Learning Rocked and Redesigned!
LASD is excited to announce that we are offering a new opportunity for current sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students to share their ideas for reimagining and redesigning their educational experience, using the design thinking model. We know students are full of ideas about how learning can be improved—and this is the time for us to learn from them with the introduction of our new program, the Student EducationalConference (SEC2013).
SEC2013 is an innovative program designed to teach children a range of important critical thinking skills. It promises to encourage them to express their creativity and learn important lessons regarding teamwork and collaboration, systems design, performance outcomes and influencing others. 70 students from across the Los Altos School District will get the unique chance to work with facilitators to create and prototype new ways of learning.
The conference will take place June 13 and 14 from 8:30-4:00 p.m., and conclude on Saturday, June 15, from 8:30-12:00 p.m. All conference activities will happen at the Covington campus. For more information, please visit our website: Student applications are available through the website and will be accepted through May 11th.
We are currently looking for sponsors and donations to help with this event. If you are interested, please fill out the sponsorship form and we will contact you with more information.
While the students participating in the conference will benefit from this unique learning experience, all parents and students in the district will know that we care deeply about students' feedback regarding what makes an ideal educational environment. We're counting on your support and participation!
For Howler submissions, please email by Friday for the next week’s Howler.
3/15/25 10:57 AM