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From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,
Jr. Olympics
The Junior Olympics was a fantastic success. Thank you so much to our wonderful parent coordinators who put in so many hours organizing our Covington team: Kathleen Vitakis, Julie Altinger and Laura Torres. Thank you also to the parents who volunteered to coach our relay teams, helping with training and volunteering in many other important jobs that keep the Junior Olympics running. We appreciate your support!
STAR Testing
We began start testing yesterday and will continue to test during the week. Thank you to all the parents for helping your children arrive on time, well-fed and well-rested. Thank you also to Alene Baronian for coordinating special recess snacks tokeep our students well nourished. And thank you to the team of parents coming every morning to hand out the treats to our students.
This is a friendly reminder to complete the 2013 Covington Parent Survey. This is your opportunity to share your thoughts on a variety of issues - communication, technology, workload,bullying and more!
The survey is available online at http://www.surveymonkey.
6th Grade Basketball-May 3rd & May 17th
This coming Friday, our 6thgrade girls, coached by Fred Fry, will be participating in the LASD Basketball Tournament. Come on down to Blach Junior High and support our 6th grade girls! Then mark your calendars for May 17th, when the 6th grade boys, coached by Dan Nero, will compete in their own tournament. Go Coyotes!
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
April 29 – May 3 – STAR Testing
May 3 – 6th grade Girls’ basketball tourney @ Blach
May 14 – Last day of Homework Club
May 16 – Open House
May 17 – Minimum Day
May 17 – 6th Grade Boys’ basketball tourney @ Blach
May 21 – Music concert, grades 4-6, 1:00pm
May 27 – Memorial Day Holiday
May 31 – Volunteer Breakfast
May 31 – 6th grade bake sale
June 7 – Field Day
June 7 – Minimum Day
June 12 – 6th grade promotion
June 12 - Last day of school, dismissal @ 11:15am.
School News
Student Council News!
This Friday, we will be having our final Stay and Play to raise money for Silver Bay School in New Jersey that was affected by Hurricane Sandy. It will be in honor of all the hard work our students did this week on their STAR testing. Remember, students must have a parent or adult to “stay and play”. Way to go, Coyotes!
Covington Student Art Show
LASD Art Docents are sponsoring a Covington Student Art Show in the Covington Multipurpose room. Open gallery on May 16th from 12:00pm-3:00pm. Art Show during Open House, May 16th from 6:00pm-8:00pm. Please stop by and see the wonderful art created by our own students.
From the Covington Community
Junior Girl Scout Troop 61100 would like to invite all Covington Coyotes and families to learn about the Red Sweater Project. Bring all your questions!! Come hear about the Red Sweater Project and how they are building schools and bringing education to girls in rural Tanzania. Meet RED SWEATER PROJECT Founder and Executive Director, Ashley Homer. She was a Girl Scout herself and has built her first school in Lashaine Village, which provides education to over 150 students each year who otherwise would not be in class. Ashley has been living in rural Tanzania for the past 8 years and speaks Swahili fluently. When, Friday, May 3 at 3:30 pm
Where: Covington School, 201 Covington Rd, Room 32 Contact & RSVP: Jane Lee Choe & Junior Bomi Choe, Covington School Troop 61100 (714) 267-0230
From Los Altos School District
Announcing Student Ed-Con 2013: Learning Rocked and Redesigned!
LASD is excited to announce that we are offering a new opportunity for current sixth, seventh, and eighth gradestudents to share their ideas for reimagining and redesigning their educational experience, using the design thinking model. We know students are full of ideas about how learning can be improved—and this is the time for us to learn from them with the introduction of our new program, the Student EducationalConference (SEC2013).
SEC2013 is an innovative program designed to teach children a range of important critical thinking skills. It promises to encourage them to express their creativity and learn important lessons regarding teamwork and collaboration, systems design, performance outcomes and influencing others. 70 students from across the Los Altos School District will get the unique chance to work with facilitators to create and prototype new ways of learning.
The conference will take place June 13 and 14 from 8:30-4:00 p.m., and conclude on Saturday, June 15, from 8:30-12:00 p.m. All conference activities will happen at the Covington campus. For more information, please visit our website: Student applications are available through the website and will be accepted through May 11th.
We are currently looking for sponsors and donations to help with this event. If you are interested, please fill out the sponsorship form and we will contact you with more information.
While the students participating in the conference will benefit from this unique learning experience, all parents and students in the district will know that we care deeply about students' feedback regarding what makes an ideal educational environment. We're counting on your support and participation!
For Howler submissions, please email by Friday for the next week’s Howler.
3/15/25 10:54 AM