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From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community:
Thank you, parents and families!
Thank you to so many of you who have helped to make our first month of school a wonderful experience for all. I know we say it often, but we truly mean it: we could not do it without our wonderful parent volunteers! From organizing our back to school picnic, running and serving our hot lunch program every day, recruiting volunteers for traffic duty and playground supervision, our volunteers are appreciated! We look forward to the LAEF celebration next Friday and to our community Walk-A-Thon on October 13th.
Next Thursday Minimum Day-Common Core Standards Professional Development (9/27)
Do you ever wonder what our staff is doing onminimum days? On minimum days, our teachers are involved in collaboration, training and development around our district vision and blueprint goals. This coming Thursday, teachers will be participating in a training at Almond School focused on the Common Core Standards.
New Faces Around Campus
Thanks to LAEF, we now have Literacy Aides helping in all 1st and 2nd grade classrooms for 45 minutes Monday-Thursday. We welcome to our Covington community and staff, Janet Milbank and Meri-Beth Bird!
Construction Between Bike Racks
Yesterday construction work began at the District Office. In the area between the Covington bike rack and the District Office buildings. Construction fencing went up today and will remain up for the duration of the project, which should be approximately 2 weeks. A portable office building is being installed.
Please try to avoid the construction area and use caution at all times. Access to/from the Rosita side of Covington will not be affected, but thank you ahead of time for keeping our children and families safe.
Thank you for your support and have a great weekend!
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
Sept. 27 – Minimum Day - All kinders attend 8:15am-11:35am, 1-6th dismissal at 12:15pm
Sept. 28 – LAEF Anniversary Event, 4pm.
Oct. 5 – Vision Screening, Grades K, 3, 6, SDC
Oct 13 – Covington Walkathon!
Oct 30 – Picture Make Up Day
School News
Student Council News!
Hey Coyotes! Campaign Week starts next week! Look for campaign posters all around campus. On Thursday, September 27th students running for student council officers will be giving speeches in the Multi at 10:30. See you there!
LAEF 30 Year Celebration Reminder
Friday, September 28th 4-8 pm, Covington Campus.
Parents, take a few minutes during the festival to educate yourselves about this fall's very important LASD Board of Trustees election. Two LASD Board of Trustee seats are up for election this fall and all four candidates will be there to answer your questions about their interests and objectives for the public school system in Los Altos. This is NOT a debate or a scripted discussion. Find out what they think about the growth plans over the coming years...or what to do about the relationship with Bullis Charter. This is the ONLY time you'll have an opportunity to talk to them about what matters to YOU! City officialsfrom Los Altos and Los Altos Hills as well as current LASD Board of Trustees members will be also be in attendance, so take this unique opportunity to find out how our elected officials are working together to make a difference for our kids.
From the PTA
Family Dinner Out –Wed. Sept. 26th 5pm-9pm, Maltby’s Restaurant.
Take a night off from cooking and dine out atMaltby’s in downtown Los Altos. Print out the flyer on the Covington Website 20% of the receipts will be donated to Covington School. For directions and menu go to
Volunteer at the Walkathon! You can be part of the year’s biggest community-building event. We need adult volunteers for the following jobs and stations: Field set-up, clean up, registration/check-in, incentives tables, Rocket Stop Café, water and firstaid, field monitors, and moon balls. One hour shifts are available. Please sign up on the Google spreadsheet located at
Fill up your sponsor cards! Students took home their sponsor cards last Thursday. Encourage them to ask family and neighbors for pledges. The top earners and walkers ineach grade level will be honored at the school-wide assembly and win a prize. Also, the top-earning classroom at each grade level will earn an ice cream snack at recess. This is an excellent opportunity for students to directly improve their school.
Covington Wear
The Covington Wear Pre-orders are in! Look out for t-shirts and sweatshirts coming home with your child on Friday. If you forgot to pre-order, you can buy at the Walkathon or on the Covington Website.
Looking for an opportunity to get involved? The Covington PTA needs you!
Emergency Preparedness Chair: This chair is responsible for maintaining emergency shed supplies, assisting during emergency drills, and overseeing the classroom emergency prep volunteers. The chair is also responsible for preparing class emergency badges used on fieldtrips and in the event of emergencies. Questions? Contact Mara Starkey at
Technology Committee Chair: The Technology Committee supports the implementation and use of computer-related technology as a core teaching tool at Covington. The committee draws on thetalents of our technology-savvy parents to augment the work of the computer lab aides who support teacher technology needs. They welcome volunteers who help with the planning and implementation of technology projects throughout the year. We’re looking for a chair who will assess our students technological needs, and then work with the PTA and other parent volunteers to meet these needs. Questions? Contact Mara Starkey at
Auction Co-Chair: Are you outgoing and want to help run the most lucrative fundraiser Covington has each year? We have one person and we need one other to help manage the tons of volunteers already committed to make this fundraiser a success. Interested? Contact Jessica Speiser at
Witches Night Out Event Still has Space
Come as your favorite witch for a Halloween themed Ladies Night Out with other Covington Moms. We will serve dinner, creative drinks and good fun! There will be a costume contest! Your co-hosts are Christine Wedner, Saori O'Reilly and Sandi Elefant
Oct 20th from 6pm to 9pm $50.00 at Sandi's house -169 Giffin Rd, Los Altos
Sign up online at our Covington school website or email
Are you up for a salivary sensation in an unforgettable setting? Start your evening with gourmet hors d'oeuvres, catered by Sunnyvale’s famed Dishdash restaurant, and fine wines, and then delve into the wonderful world of chocolate with Covington mom and chocolatier Suzanne Kasso as your guide! This unforgettable event will be hosted in Stonebrook Court Manor - an historic English Tutor mansion in Los Altos Hills. Rev up your taste buds! This is a chocoholics dream in an amazing venue! Tickets are $100 per person. Proceeds benefit the Covington PTA. Please make your check payable to Covington PTA, or "click here" to purchase your tickets online.
School News
Student Council News!
Hey Coyotes! Campaign Week starts next week! Look for campaign posters all around campus. On Thursday, September 27th students running for student council officers will be giving speeches in the Multi at 10:30. See you there!
From Los Altos School District
Curriculum Council
The Los Altos School District is looking for members to serve on the 2012-13 Curriculum Council. The District Curriculum Council is a standing advisory committee to the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction that has as its primary goal the ongoing improvement of the district’s educational program. Through its review of proposed program changes and proposed committee charges, the Council seeks to: provide students with rigorous educational programs that reflect the district's mission, goals and priorities, and meet and exceed California state standards. The District Curriculum Council meets quarterly. If you are interested in joining this council, please email agallagher@lasdschools.
IEPTA Meeting
Please join us for our first meeting of the school year. We'll discuss what's happening in LASD Special Education this year and we'll have plenty of time for informal discussion as well. This is a great opportunity to connect with other parents, share what's working for your child this year, as well as what you feel could be improved. We are looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new members! Please visit our website for more information on IEPTA (LASD Special Education PTA)
When: Thursday, September 27, 7-8:30pm. Where: Covington School Multipurpose Room
Follow this link for the School & Community News
For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.
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