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From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,
Thank you to our PTA and Walkathon team for afabulous community event! On behalf of our staff, students, and school; thank you for your support and help in putting on such a fantastic walkathon. All had a wonderful time and appreciated all the special touches our PTA committee added, especially the Moon Balls! Special thanks to Sonia Brunner and Tracey Leong our Walkathon chairs, as well as, the many volunteers who helped them, for their dedication and countless hours of hard work to make the event a success.
Geo Bee Club Starts
We are beginning to prepare for the Geo Bee. Thanks to Mrs. Croft and Mrs. Cuzzi for leading this program once again. See their message below for information about signing your child up to participate.
Safety Reminder
The safety of your children is a top priority. Please remember at pick up and drop off time, not to stop in the middle of the parking lot. Use the designated drop off lane or park your car and walk over to meet your children. We want children to cross the parking lot safely in the crosswalks and not have to dodge cars that are coming in and out of the parking spaces. Thank you!
Parent/Principal Coffee Tomorrow in the StaffRoom!
Don’t miss our PTA Meeting/Parent Coffee in the Staff Room after the flag salute. We will be discussing technology.
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
Oct. 23 – Minimum Day - All Kinders attend 8:15am-11:35am, 1-6th dismissal at 12:15pm
Oct. 26 - Stay and Play 2:40p-3:15p, students who attend must bring a parent
Oct. 26 – Spirit Day Wear Black and/or Orange
Oct. 30 – Picture Make Up Day
Nov. 5-9 – 6th Graders at Walden West Science Camp
Nov. 12 – Veteran’s Day – No School
Nov. 19-20 – Parent-Teacher Conferences, No School
Nov. 21-23 – Thanksgiving, No School
School News
Geography Club
If your child is interested in geography and would like to spend some extra time with peers to prepare for this year’s Geography Bee (January 2013), then the Geography Club is for them! We will meet every Monday, on 10/22, 10/29, 11/5, 11/12, 12/3, 12/10, and 1/7 in room 21from 2:45pm-3:45pm. During our meetings, we will study world geography and review Geography Bee practice questions. A sign-up sheet is hung up in Room 21 on the bulletin board right inside the door. Students may come during recess to sign up. Please sign up by 10/19. Once sign ups are complete, we will email you more information!
Thank you! -from Mrs. Croft and Mrs. Cuzzi
From the Student Council
Student Council News!
Next Friday, October 26 will be our Orange and Black Spirit Day! Wear orange or black to school!
Also on Friday, October 26 will be our first Halloween Stay and Play from 2:40-3:15. We will be selling spooky treats for only $1.00! The playground and playground equipment will also be available. Please make sure each student has an adult with him or her. Thank you and hope to see you there!
From the PTA
Covington Directory
The Covington 2012-2013 Directory will be coming out in early November! The directory is included in every PTA membership, typically distributed to over 250 Covington families. This year, we are doing something different, and opening the directory to advertisements (corporate sponsorships) and "Thank You Teacher/Staff" pages (similar to what we do for the Auction catalog).
For Sponsorships/Dedication pages:
Full Page Back Cover (8.5" x 5.5") - $500 - taken
Full Page Back Inside Cover (8.5" x 5.5") - $300
Full Regular Page(8.5" x 5.5") - $200
Half Regular Page (4.25" x 5.5") - $100
If interested in submitting a corporate sponsorship or a dedication page for the directory, please contact Ingrid Choong ( Sponsorships due Oct 22.
As usual, we are also looking for student artwork for the front cover of the directory. Theme is "Zoom to the Moon". Please make sure all drawings are in black and white, on white paper, using dark pen. Submissions due Oct 22. Please email jpg files to or dropthem off in Main Office. Thank you!
Also, Please stop by the office (by Oct 26) to check the directory draft to make sure there are no errors in your family's entry. Please make necessary corrections.
Walkathon, A BIG Success! Thank you, Covington families, for participating in this year’s Walkathon! Here are some numbers that show what a great community event it turned out to be.
· 90 percent of Covington families participated in the Walkathon
· 448 sponsor cards were turned in
· 13,500 laps were walked
· 500 moon ball rides were taken
Plus it was FUN! Thanks to the whole school for making it a big success.
Sponsor cards. Walkathon sponsor cards are coming home in the Thursday folders. Please collect the pledges from your sponsors over the next two weeks. The Walkathon Wrap-Up document stapled to your pledge card has detailed instructions on how to turn in the money you collect. Please return all money to the Walkathon box in the office by Friday, November 2nd.
Dine Out for Covington- Wed. October 24th
Join the fiesta at Estrellita’s on October 24th and 20% of sales will be donated to our school!! Call to make reservations (650) 948-9865. Don’t forget to tell your waiter that you are with Covington School! Estrellita’s 971 N. San Antonio Rd., Los Altos
5:00 to 9:00 p.m. Questions? Email or mailto:virginieblinforget@
Boys’ Night Out – Saturday, November 3 @5:30 – 7:30pm (check-in 5 pm) at the Homestead Lanes in Cupertino. Attention Covington Boys! Meet other Covington families for fun, bowling, pizza dinner and lots of laughs! All levels of bowlers are welcome – K to 6! Students must be accompanied by an adult. View the Boys' Night Out website on the Covington homepage under "Events and Traditions". Pay online or download the order form to pay by check. Please sign up by Tuesday, October 23rd. Questions: email
Looking to get more involved at Covington? The PTA has an exciting position available!
After School Program Coordinator- Responsibilities include (1) working with our current outside vendors to schedule programs, and (2) assessing what additional after school/enrichment programs parents and students would like to see at Covington, and then working with outside vendors to secure such programs.
Questions? Contact Mara Starkey at
The Coyote Pack, Covington Run Club.
Wear your running shoes on Friday. We're going to have some fun running at lunch!
AMAZON REBATE PROGRAM – Make Your Shopping Count for Covington!
Earn referral fees for Covington on purchases of books, CDs, electronics, toys, and more. It’s EASY and DOESN’T COST YOU ANYTHING! Go to,
LAEF: Two reasons to donate today!
#1: Save our dedicated parent volunteers a call during our annual phonathon and make your tax-deductible donation now.
#2: Donations from new LASD families and increases in donations from last year's donors are matched $1 for $1 ifreceived before November 1. So please donate today!
We promised to raise a total of $3 million this year to pay for our great teachers and staff. Your donation pays for this year's programs for every child K-8! Our suggested donation is $1000 but please give generously at a level that is comfortable for your family. Also, please remember to apply for a company match, if available. Click here to see if your company matches:
Show us that you are IN! Go online today at
Community Events
Santa Rita's 52nd Annual Witches Delight Carnival will be held on October 26th, from 3-8 pm at Santa Rita Elementary School, 700 Los Altos Ave, Los Altos. It is bigger and better than ever! Please come and help celebrate with all of us and enjoy anevening to remember! Join us for super fun carnival rides, games, a cake walk, a cookie decorating booth, a costumer contest, a new online auction, and even a fabulous BBQ! Stay until dusk and ride the rides until dark!
From Los Altos School District
Follow this link for the School & Community News
For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.
3/15/25 12:07 PM