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September 13, 2012

From Erin Green, Principal

Dear Covington Parents and Community:

It was great to see you all at Back to School Night!  It is hard to believe we are already finishing our third week of school.  I wanted to share some of our student engagement opportunities you generously provide to our school and our students via both PTA and LAEF.

Lunchtime Opportunities for Children

Did you know that during the week Covington has a great deal opportunities for students to make connections with caringadults and engage in organized activities as well as playground games?

Thanks to our generous PTA, we have several lunchtime activities going on to support our students

Coyote Lair

Room 32 is open each day at lunchtime for students to drop in to participate in one of the following activities:

Mondays            Doodle Day with Suzy Allison

Tuesdays            Bingo with Walter Chapman

Wednesdays        Origami with Takaka Yanase

Thursdays           Build it and Board Games with Judith Girardi

If you are looking for a great way to connect with our students and get to know more of our Covington Community, we have opportunities for you to volunteer on one of these days. Contact Suzy Allison if you are interested

Many thanks for our wonderful parent volunteers for providing this opportunity for our students!

FIT/ IntraMurals

PTA also funds structured activities on the playground every day.

Mr. Heeb, our P.E. Teacher runs intramurals and organized games for all students on Tuesday's and Thursdays, while FIT runs organized, interactive sporting activities on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  Coming soon is our Friday running club!

Let’s Recognize and Celebrate LAEF and our Community

Educating children involves the efforts of an entire community.  Our community in Los Altos is made up of parents, teachers, homeowners, business owners, concerned citizens, and our own children.  One important and valued facet of our community is the Los Altos Educational Foundation.  LAEF has stepped in for 30 years to bridge the gaps in our funding and provide programs for our students.  Some of the programs sponsored by LAEF over the years include: School Library Hours, Art Docents, STEM for 6th graders, Reading Literacy Aides for primary grades, and PE/Music Education.   This is part of what makes Los Altos such a wonderful community in which to live; the involvement of so many members of the larger community banding together to support children.   The Los Altos Educational Foundation will celebrate its 30th Anniversary with a grand family party on Sept 28 from 4 to 8 PM at the Covington Black Top.   Please plan to attend and celebrate the achievements of our community in supporting our children’s education.

PTA Meeting/Coffee

I hope to see you all at our first official PTA Meeting and coffee tomorrow morning at 8:30am in our Staff Room!


Erin S. Green


Upcoming Events –

Sept. 14- PTA Meeting/Parent Coffee

Sept. 19 – Picture Day

Sept. 27 – Minimum Day - All kinders attend 8:15am-11:35am, 1-6th dismissal at 12:15pm

Sept. 28 – LAEF Anniversary Event, 4pm.

Oct. 5 – Vision Screening, Grades K, 3, 6, SDC



LAEF 30th Anniversary Community Festival

Have dinner with us! Join the Los Altos community to celebrate 30 years of supporting our great LASD schools. Mogo Korean BBQ, The Grilled Cheese Bandit, Armadillo Willy’s, Louisiana Territory and more will be offering dinner for purchase during LAEF's 30th Anniversary Celebration on the Covington School Campus on Friday, September 28 from 4 - 8 pm. Look for posters in downtown Los Altos stores supporting our schools and join us on September 28th.

From the PTA

Walkathon Update

Walkathon sponsor cards going home today.  Calling all students to come out and raise funds for Covington’s essential programs!  Check Thursday folders for the sponsor card and event brochure.  Encourage your student to help improve their school by participating. The Walkathon takes place on October 13 from 9:30 am – 3:00 pm.

Sign up to be a Family Sponsor of the Walkathon. Put your family name on the Walkathon t-shirt!  Complete the sponsor form on the Website (

Earthquakes Soccer

Do you love Soccer?  Do you love Covington?  Have you been itching to go to an Earthquakes game and just needed a good excuse?  Well, I have one for you!  Come watch the San Jose Earthquakes play F.C. Dallas on September 29th and 33% of your ticket price will go to the Covington PTA!  See details on how and when to purchase the tickets in your child's Thursday folder or email me (  


Are you up for a salivary sensation in an unforgettable setting?  Start your evening with gourmet horsd'oeuvres, catered by Sunnyvale’s famed Dishdash restaurant, and fine wines, and then delve into the wonderful world of chocolate with Covington mom and chocolatier Suzanne Kasso as your guide!  This unforgettable eventwill be hosted in Stonebrook Court Manor - an historic English Tutor mansion in Los Altos Hills.  Rev up your taste buds!  This is a chocoholics dream in an amazing venue!  Tickets are $100 per person.  Proceeds benefit the Covington PTA.  Please make your check payable to Covington PTA, or "click here" to purchase your tickets online. Thanks!

Covington's Run Club: The Coyote Pack

Join The Pack! Starting October 5th, every Friday at lunch Covington's Run Club, "The Coyote Pack", will meet out on the field.  The Coyote Pack is a self-paced, “run for fun” activity, open to every level of runner. Coyote Pack Runners will be provided mileage cards to track their distance to earn ribbons for graduated milestones completed.  Ribbons earned will be presented at Friday Flag Salute. 

From October through December, Coyote Pack Runners will be encouraged to work toward the goal of participation in the Los Altos New Year’s Day Fun Run. Between January and May, Coyote Pack Runners will be encouraged to run with a goal in mind to participate in the Run for Zimbabwe & Los Altos Hill Pathways Run. Participation in these events is optional, with more information to follow. Coyote Pack Runners will be able to purchase a "Pack T-shirt" to proudly wear to school and these local running events.  

There is no need to sign up ahead of time, just be sure to remind your interested runner to wear tennis shoes, bring a water bottle, come have fun and join The Pack on Friday, October 5th!  For more information and to volunteer (volunteers do not need to run!!) to help make Covington's Run Club a success, please contact Jen Roy McGuigan ( or 650.248.9532.  

PTA Meeting 9/14/12 – Agenda

Old Business

- Minutes from May General Meeting

- Treasure’s Reports

- Check Approvals

New Business

- Discussion and Approval of 2012-2013 Budget

- Discussion and Approval of PTA Goals for 2012-2013

School News

Student Council News

Welcome to a new school year, Coyotes! Students who are running for Student Council officer positions will be meeting on Tuesday, September 18th in Mrs. Portillo's room at lunch to discuss campaign rules. We will have elections on Thursday, September 27 following student speeches. Looking forward to another great year! 


If your child is absent, please call the Attendance phone to let us know, 650-947-1101.  Also, remember if your child will be absent due to a religious holiday, you must let us know in writing in advance.  An email or note to the office is fine.

After School Pick Up Policy

Just a friendly reminder that children must be picked up promptly at dismissal time; 2:20pm for 1st-3rd grade, 2:40pm for 4th-6th grade. Your child’s safety is our primary concern.

After School Art

After School Art Clubs still have space available.  It is not too late to sign up to “Learn from the Masters.”  Students will paint, draw and sculpt their way through art history as they explore the work and lives of well-known artists. Different artists are studied each session! Click here for more information:

From Los Altos School District

LASD Launches a New Parent Education Series

We are excited to share information on current district wide learning initiatives that will help us revolutionize learning for all students with the LASD parent community.   Once a month, district staff will host an “iLearn Parent Education” event.  All parents and community members are welcome.  Our first event will focus on Gifted Education and the difference between gifted and high achieving students.  This event will be on Friday, September 28, 9:00 am at Oak Elementary in the Multi.  Parents will learn more about how LASD is meeting the needs of their children and walk away with strategies and resources that are beneficial to parents of both high-achieivng and gifted students.  Presentation content will be available on the districtwebsite following each presentation.  Information on all parent education events can be found at


Follow this link for the School & Community News


For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.

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