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From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,
LAEF Celebration Tomorrow!
Tomorrow our campus will host our entire school district and community as we celebrate 30 years of the Los Altos Educational Foundation. I look forward to seeing many Covington families, as well as, neighbors and community members. Please join us at starting at 4pm!
Student Council Elections
All this week, many of our upper grade students have been busy campaigning for student council offices. Today we heard fantastic speeches from all the candidates. I am so proud of how enthusiastic our upper grade students are about participating in our school community. We have so many students willing to step up and take leadership positions. This is also a great opportunity for our students to learnabout the election process, very timely this year in particular. Congratulations are due to all the participants regardless of the outcome of the election! We look forward to the leadership of our new studentcouncil members, which will be announced at the Friday morning assembly. Thank you to Cortney Mase and Jenny Portillo, our fantastic Student Council Advisors and leaders!
End of Month Indoor Assembly
Please feel free to join us in the multi on Friday morning for our first indoor flag salute and assembly. For those of you new to 1st grade and/or Covington, the last Friday of each month we gather in our Multi for a community assembly. I hope to see you tomorrow!
Covington is on Twitter
For school updates and exciting news, follow us on Twitter. You can find us @CovingtonCoyote!
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
Sept. 27 – Minimum Day - All Kinders attend 8:15am-11:35am, 1-6th dismissal at 12:15pm
Sept. 28 – LAEF Anniversary Event, 4pm.
Oct. 5 – Vision Screening, Grades K, 3, 6, SDC
Oct 13 – Covington Walkathon!
Oct. 23 – Minimum Day - All Kinders attend 8:15am-11:35am, 1-6th dismissal at 12:15pm
Oct 30 – Picture Make Up Day
LAEF Anniversary Celebration this Friday, September 28, 4-8 pm.
Bring the whole family to Covington School to spend the first Friday of autumn celebrating with the rest of theLASD community. Get your picture taken with a Los Altos Fire Engine and a Los Altos Police Cruiser. Food is available for purchase from local food truck providers. Play some carnival games. Make an art project with CSMA or the Art Docents. From Lego Robotics to Chess to Yoga - many of our enrichment providers will be there to entertain, engage, and educate everyone from students to parents. Come join us at Covington this Friday - September 28th from 4-8 pm. Admission is Free.
From the PTA
Walkathon T-Shirt Size Change deadline Thurs 9/27!
If you would like to change the size of your child's t-shirt please visit this link:
Sponsor cards due on Friday, October 5!
There is only one more week to get sponsors. Encourage students to ask family and neighbors for pledges. The top earning individuals and classrooms will honored at the school-wide assembly and win a prize. This is the chance for students to directly improve theirschool. Cards will be collected at Tattoo Friday on October 5.
Volunteer at the Walkathon!
You can be part of the year’s biggest community-building event. We need adult volunteers for the following jobs and stations: field set-up, clean up, registration/check-in, incentives tables, Rocket Stop Café, water and first aid, field monitors, and moon balls. One hour shifts are available. Please sign up on the Google spreadsheet located at
Sign up for Covington Priceless Parties at the Walkathon.
Each year, our wonderful Covington teachers hold parties for students in each grade level. These parties are bothfundraisers AND community-building events. Kids get a chance to spend time with their teachers in a social setting, and the PTA benefits from your donations. Traditionally, these parties (known as CovingtonPriceless) have been offered at the spring auction. This year, sign-ups will be at the Walkathon. Each grade level will have one or two events, but space is limited! Most parties will only have enough slots for 20-30 kids at each grade level. Sign-ups open at 10 AM and will close when each party is full. A complete list of the parties being offered (as well as the price per student and the number of available slots) will be published in early October. But plan to arrive early with your checkbook/cash if you want to take advantage of these fun events.
San Jose Earthquakes and Covington PTA
Do you love Soccer? Do you love Covington? Have you been itching to go to an Earthquakes game and just needed a good excuse? Well, I have one for you! Come watch the San Jose Earthquakes play F.C. Dallas on September 29th and 33% of your ticket price will go to the Covington PTA! See details on how and when to purchase the tickets in your child's Thursday folder or email me (
Tickets Still Available for SYD FASHION SHOW
From the classroom to the runway,Covington teachers have class and style! Enjoy wine and hors d'oeuvres while you view the latest fall fashions modeled by our very own fabulous teachers and principal at Syd Boutique in the Rancho Shopping Center. We will also raffle off Bliss Beauty Center gift certificates for deluxe manis and pedis, facials, and one-hour massages. As a VIP guest, you will have the exclusive opportunity to shop at Syd Boutique, known for their everyday chic basics, effortless evening and graceful resort collections, shoes, belts, bags and jewelry. Twenty percent of your purchases will be donated to Covington. Date: October 7th, 3-5pm. Tickets are $50 per person (adults only please). Purchase thru the Covington Website by clicking on Events and Traditions, Auction Post Sales or by check made out to Covington PTA. Thank you for your support!
The auction event Witches Night Out still has space available!
Come as your favorite witch for aHalloween themed Ladies Night Out with other Covington Moms. We will serve dinner, creative drinks and good fun! There will be a costume contest! Your co-hosts are Christine Wedner, Saori O'Reilly and Sandi Elefant
Oct 20th from 6pm to 9pm $50.00 at Sandi's house -169 Giffin Rd, Los Altos Sign up online at our Covington school website or email
Boys’ Night Out – Saturday, November 3 @5:30 – 7:30pm (check-in 5 pm) at the Homestead Lanes in Cupertino.
Attention Covington Boys! Meet other Covington families for fun, bowling, pizza dinner and lots of laughs! All levels of bowlers are welcome – K to 6! An adult must accompanystudents. View the Boys' Night Out website on the Covington website under "Events and Traditions". Pay online or download the order form to pay by check. Please sign up by Tuesday, October 23rd. Questions: email
Now that the school year has settled in we wanted to remind you about our yummy hot lunch program provided by Kid Chow and share some highlights with you! New lunch items - Chef Jen has been tinkering in Kid Chow’s kitchen all summer long and has whipped up some kid “faves”-- Pizza pockets, Corndogs, California Rolls, Buffalo wings (and Hamburgers every day!). Larger Entrée Portions & Double Entrée Portions (these are especially popular with 5th/6th graders). New Late Ordering Option - 1 day in advance from a more limited menu (hot dogs, chix tenders, pasta). Be sure to let your child and child’s teacher know if you order late! Pizza Fridays from Spot- A-Pizza (served with fruit and milk or chocolate milk). Customized Homespun Lunches -Kid Chow knows kids enjoy food more when it’s prepared exactly the way they like it. You can select the bean, tortilla, bread, sauce, condiments and sides your child likes. Food Photos -Next month Kid Chow’s website will be launching pictures of their food so you and your child can view their choices online when ordering. Later Cancel Deadline -To accommodate your busy schedules Kid Chow now allows cancellations for full credit, by Friday the week prior to the lunch week and 50% credit, 9 a.m. the day before any lunch date. Let Kid Chow and the hot lunch team take school lunch prep off your plate.
School News
PYT After School Program still has space available:
Peninsula Youth Theatre (Grades 4-6) Thursdays 2:50 – 4:20pm, 9/20 - 12/6 with no rehearsal on 9/27 or 11/22. Covington Elementary School isteaming up with Peninsula Youth Theatre to offer after-school drama this fall! Students will learn the basics of acting, character development, storytelling and theater terminology while having fun and rehearsing a show. More information about this and other after school programs on the Covington website: http://www.covingtonschool.
Lost & Found is Overflowing!
We have over 40 sweaters, jackets & sweatshirts in the Lost & Found. Please stop by the rack outside the multi and claim your missing clothing!
From Los Altos School District
Follow this link for the School & Community News
For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.
3/15/25 11:33 AM