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November 01, 2012

From Erin Green, Principal

Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,

We had a wonderful Halloween celebration yesterday.  Everyone seemed to enjoy our traditional parade and the variety of costumes was amazing.  Today is November 1st and we have a great deal happening over the course of the next few weeks, including parent-teacher conferences and then the busy holiday season.  Check out our “Super Heroes of Covington!”  Even our fabulous volunteers got into the spirit while serving hot lunch yesterday!

Street Safety on Covington Road

You may have noticed that there is a lot of residential construction happening on Covington Road.   Please remember to use caution when driving on Covington Road.   Also please remind your children that when walking, biking, or on scooters to be careful of cars and trucks pulling in and out of driveways.  We want all of our children safe each day!

Homework Club-Starts Monday!  

We are starting our Homework Club next week forstudents who would like a little extra help.  Students will bring their homework to the club and have a quiet place to work, as well as, have access to teacher assistance.  Homework club will meet in the library on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45pm-3:45pm. Participation is by parent request or teacher recommendation; so if you think this is something your child would benefit from, please see our Front Office Staff or email

Students attending Homework Club will report to the Library promptly at 2:45 with homework (*snacks need to be consumed prior to entering the library). Teachers will be taking attendance and supervising / helping students from 2:45-3:40.  Students will be escorted up to the 6th Grade Tables at 3:45 each day to be picked up promptly!  Thank you ahead of time for your assistance with this!  

Mondays            2:45-3:45  Mrs. Portillo & Mrs. Sitler

Tuesdays            2:45-3:45 Ms. Hedlund and TBD 

Thursdays           2:45-3:45  Mrs. Amsden & Mrs. Kingman

Stay tuned for potential other dates and times!

PTA Meeting and Parent Coffee-Next Friday, November 9th!

Next Friday, our PTA will meet in our staff room after the assembly and our district Project Based Learning Coach will be visiting to share out around our iLearn offerings and future goals.

Parents, thank you for your ongoing support!  From supervising the parking lot each day, to working in the LAIR, helping at lunchtime or in the Library, we appreciate all of your time and dedication to making Covington a great place for children!

Erin S. Green



Upcoming Events –

Nov. 5-9 – 6th Graders at Walden West Science Camp

Nov. 12 – Veteran’s Day – No School

Nov. 15 – Picture Make Up Day, 8am-10am

Nov. 19-20 – Parent-Teacher Conferences, No School

Nov. 21-23 – Thanksgiving, No School

Dec 21-Jan. 4 – December Recess

Jan. 30, Jan 31 – Egan Parent Tour

Mar. 16 – Covington Auction “Fashion’s Night Out”

Mar. 27, Mar. 28 – Egan Parent Tour

School News

Important Picture Make-up Day Update

Make-up Day is scheduled for Thursday, November 15th. If you missed Picture Day or would like to retake your photo, sign up for Make-up Day now!

If you have any questions about your order or Make-up Day, please email our Customer Service at<>. Do not contact your school office.

If you missed Picture Day or are dissatisfied with your photos for any reason, you must sign up to attend Make-up Day. To do so, click here<> or visit<>, select ‘REQUEST A MAKE-UP DAY<>’ from the Quick Links menu, and then click ‘Student for Make-up Day<>’. If you do not have internet access, you may call Customer Service at 415-695-1020 or toll-free at 1-800-311-7784 to sign up.

If your student was photographed on Picture Day and is retaking his or her photo, all you have to do is register for Make-up Day! Your original order will be transferred to the new photo.  If your student was absent on Picture Day, you still need to place your order. Don’t miss out on reduced Early Bird pricing and our new Photo Selection service. Order your photo package and choose your favorite image from your child’s gallery for production. The deadline to place your Early Bird order is Wednesday, November 14th at 9 p.m.

In order to qualify for our Photo Selection service, you must complete an online purchase (either place a photo order or register for the $7 sitting fee) before Make-up Day.

You have three easy options when ordering photos:

1.    Early Bird Advantage(recommended option)

o   Order online, choose your picture from a full gallery of photos and take advantage of Early Bird pricing:

Go to<>


Enter your school’s Access Code: scsk1612

Login/Create Account

Follow prompts to order your photo package(s)

You will receive an email with a link to your gallery by Thursday, November 29th. View your gallery and select your photo!

Please note: If you haven’t received this email by Thursday, November 29th, please check your spam folder

2.    Register for Photo Selection

Reserve the option to choose your picture from a full gallery of photos, but order your package later:

                        Go to<>


Enter your school’s Access Code: scsk1612


Follow prompts to place an order

Select the non-refundable $7 sitting fee from the order options menu

You will receive an email with a link to your gallery by Thursday, November 29th. View your gallery and select your photo!

Please note: If you haven’t received this email by Thursday, November 29th, check your spam folder

Order your photo package(s); Early Bird pricing will still apply

3.    Traditional Order Form

Order on paper and take advantage of Early Bird pricing without going online:

Enclose check or cash in order envelope; bring on Make-up Day

Tax must be included (please see tax table provided with your order form) and change is not available.

The option to choose your picture from a full gallery is not available with paper orders. One image will be selected for you.

If you have not placed an online order or registered for Photo Selection by the Wednesday, November 14th deadline, our editors will select their single favorite image for you and you will not have the option to view a gallery of multiple images. Also, re-order pricing andshipping costs will apply to all orders placed after Make-up Day.  -Thank you for your patronage! Shooting Stars Productions


From the PTA

Save the Date

Annual Covington Auction “Fashion’s Night Out” - Saturday March 16, 2013 - Crowne Plaza Cabana Hotel

Please mark your calendars for our annual auction!  For more information, please contact auction chair: SangeethPeruri

Walkathon pledges and sponsor cards due TOMORROW!  

Please turn in your sponsor cards and all collected donations to the Walkathon box in the office by Friday, November 2 at 3 PM.  Top individual and classroom earners will be honored at the awards assembly on November 15.  Only donations turned in by November 2nd will be used determine the award recipients.  Any money turned in late cannot be counted towards recognition.  Get your pledges in by Friday!

Boys’ Night Out – Saturday, November 3 @5:30 – 7:30pm (check-in 5 pm) at the Homestead Lanes in Cupertino.

Night of fun, bowling, pizza dinner and lots of laughs!  All levels of bowlers are welcome – K to 6!  An adult must accompany students.  View the Boys' Night Out website under "Events and Traditions".  Online sign-up deadline is Thursday November 1st.  Walk-ups welcome at the event.  Please   email if you plan to participate without advance sign-up.

AMAZON REBATE PROGRAM – Make Your Shopping Count for Covington!

Earn referral fees for Covington on purchases of books, CDs, electronics, toys, and more. It’s EASY and DOESN’T COST YOU ANYTHING! Go to www.covingtonschool.orgclick the Amazon logo to go to the Amazon website, then select and purchase your items as you normally would. Covington will automatically receive a referral fee of at least 6.5%!  No sign-up required. Questions? Contact Dale Tritschler at

After School Red Star Soccer!  

Does you son or daughter want to learn soccer?  Does your son or daughter want to enhance the soccer skills they already have?  Red Star is offering after school soccer starting November 15ththrough December 20th (no class on Thanksgiving).  Cost is $75 for five weeks of instruction and a portion of the proceeds go to Covington's PTA!  To register, email and ask for a registration form and bring the completed registration form to the designated box in the office.


Parent donations + Innovative Teachers = World Class LASD Education

Have you made an investment in your children’s education yet? 

LAEF is investing $3 million dollars in small class sizes, art, music, PE and library for our children.  In addition this year, LAEF is funding STEM, Tech and Library coaches for the whole district..  Go online today at

Click here to see if your company matches.

Community News


Registration for the Spring 2013 season of MVLA Girls Softball opens November 1. Sign up by November 8th and save!  Established in 1972, MVLA Girls Softball(MVLAGS) is an ASA-sanctioned recreational league committed to giving girlsages 5 to 14 the opportunity to explore and enjoy the game of softball.  Learn more about us at:<>

From Los Altos School District

NURSE NEEDED:  The Los Altos School District needs a Registered Nurse at lunchtime to supervise tube feeding, blood sugar level and insulin administration.  One hour per day, Monday-Friday,  $50 per hour. To apply, call Marlene Revelo 650-947-1153.


Follow this link for the School & Community News


For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.

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