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March 31, 2015


THIS FRIDAY 4/3 is a Minimum Day.  All STUDENTS attend from 8:30am-12:15PM.  No Regular Afterschool Programs.  LUNCH IS TO GO -- Please pick your children up promptly.  And remember, next week is Spring Break, no school from April 6-10th.

SPECIAL GUEST! We will be holding a special outside assembly this Friday beginning at 12:00pm. Guest presenter Senator Jerry Hill will be congratulating the Covington student body and staff on being chosen as a California Distinguished School. Parents are welcome to join us for this special event!


Covington School Howler

  March 31,  2015


Principal’s Message

Dear Covington Families,

Spring has sprung!

With the transition to Spring happening all around us (everything is in bloom!) there is much to celebrate. Last Saturday was the Covington auction, “Bombay Dreams” which was a magical night. There were many parents and teachers in attendance to support Covington students and the programs that we could not realize without the help of our special community. Thank you to all who volunteered their time and effort to create such a wonderful evening!

Last week was also the Covington STEM Expo. We had many individuals, teams of students and classrooms submit projects for display in the multi. The projects truly were a manifestation of students’ creativity, passion, hard work and perseverance. A huge thank you to our STEM teacher, Katie Farley, for all of the hours of coordination, attention and care she put in to make the STEM Expo a success for students!

Looking to this week we have two important events to highlight. This Thursday is Covington’s Open House or “Celebration of Learning” where students will have the opportunity to share some of the amazing learning occurring in the classroom. Please join us in your child’s classroom from 6-7pm. The Student Art Show, sponsored by the Los Altos Art Docents, will also be taking place in the Covington multi that night, beginning at 6:00pm. I’ve seen a preview of some of the art pieces and they are breathtaking. Don’t forget to stop by the multi that night! A big thank you to LAEF!   

And I would like to share that this week is staff appreciation week. We have amazing educators at Covington in many different roles, wearing many different hats. We appreciate all they do every day for our students! Thank you!


Enjoy the week!

Raquel Matteroli, Interim Principal


Important Dates

April 2 - Open House & Art Show

April 3 - Minimum Day, pick up students at 12:15pm

April 6-10 - Spring Break

April 18 & 19 - PTA After-school Play - The Wiz

April 20 - Dine Out for Covington @ Chef Chus

April 25 - LASD Jr. Olympics

May 8 - LASD Film Festival

May 18 - Dine Out for Covington @ Pasta Market


Lost & Found

Hurry and pick up your items left behind. Anything left on the Lost & Found rack during Spring Break will be donated to Charity.



Junior Olympic Update - Important Information

Dear 4,5,6 parents, Junior Olympics is getting closer — Sat. April 25!

Permission Slip/Attendance Confirmation

Every 4, 5, 6 grade parent is asked to confirm their student's attendance or absence. We must have this information with signed permission slips by Friday, April 3, 2015 - before you leave for Spring break!  Download, print, sign and return this form:


En Espanol:


Event Selection

Students are selecting their three Junior Olympic events this week. They will be asked during PE by our parent volunteers. Students will be sent home with a print out confirming these events the week prior to Junior Olympics.


Training Update

Mr. Heeb could use some help out there!! Sign up here:

Volunteers needed on day of JO

Pulling off a successful JO event requires active participation and volunteering by parents.  Please do what you can to help out.  Sign up sheet is now posted.  Sign up early to get the spot that works best for you.  We can't do this without your help.

More Details

Many more details about Junior Olympics day will be communicated in the coming weeks in an information packet. 6th grade band students are invited to play in Opening Ceremonies. T-shirts will also be sent the week prior to Junior Olympics For further information check or contact the JO chairs,


Please also remember to remind your child to come dressed appropriately for PE so they can train.  Need new shoes for training? On Your Mark is offering a 20% discount for JO. Please support our local sponsors!


Go Coyotes!


Covington JO Committee

Laura Torres

Mara Starkey

Louanne Gonzalez

Valerie Cairns

Jen Springer



Library News

Friday, April 3, is the deadline to place orders for signed copies of books by visiting author Andy Griffiths


Lower elementary students will be attending an assembly after Spring Break featuring Australian children’s author Andy Griffiths who will be promoting the latest book in his Treehouse series.  A highlight for many students after an author assembly is the chance to personally meet the author as their pre-ordered books are being signed.


To take advantage of this opportunity, pre-order forms to purchase any of the three books in this new series need to be returned by Friday, April 3.  If you missed seeing the form sent home by your child’s classroom teacher, additional copies are available here:


Maureen Drobot, Covington Library

Lori Parsons, PTA Author Visit Chair



PTA News

AUCTION ITEMS STILL AVAILABLE: For those who were not able to attend the auction or those who missed their chance to bid on silent items - there are still some items left! If you would like to bid, please notate in the Bid Amount the MOST you want to pay for the item and the auction committee will notate that on the bid sheet.

Available Items:

Bidding Document:

MATH CIRCLE: Bullis Charter School and Covington Elementary School will be jointly hosting a Math Circle, April 17, from 6 to 8 pm on the Bullis Charter School campus on 102 W. Portola Avenue.  If you want a joyful, inspiring, and intriguing math experience for your child, please join us for our fun Math Circle evening.

If you would like to attend, please rsvp via EventBrite.  Seating is limited.

If you can help volunteer during the evening, please sign up here:

The WIZ "paperless" Tickets. The Wiz performances:

Saturday April 18th at  7 pm and Sunday April 19th at 3 pm.

Tickets are paperless and are $10 each for general admission (first come first serve seating). There will be a list of names at the door for entry.

Tickets are available for purchase by filling out the Ticket Order Form in the WIZ box in the office. Please include payment (cash or check made payable to Covington PTA).Please contact Arezou with any questions.


6th grade Basketball - Save the Date

Bob Celeste "Everyone Plays" 6th Grade Basketball Tournament

May 15th Girls Tournament

May 29th Boys Tournament

Location: Egan

Time: 3:30p-8:30p

More Information to Follow Soon.



Did you Know?...LAEF funds Physical Education Specialists for Kindergarten - 6th graders

Your LAEF contributions fund PE for all Kindergarten through 6th grade students. PE specialists teach one lesson a week to Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd graders, and two lessons a week to 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th graders. The PE program provides age appropriate gross motor skills, encourages teamwork and healthy living, and inspires a life-long love for physical activities.

Your LAEF contributions also make possible the very special tradition of Junior Olympics. Make plans to cheer on our upper grade student athletes on Saturday, April 25 at Mountain View High School, and please continue to support PE with your donations to LAEF!

If you have already donated to LAEF, we appreciate your support.  If you have not, please donate before April 24th to assure that our PE is fully funded for this school year.  LAEF strives for 100% participation from our LASD families.



School & Community News

School & Community News now found via Peachjar:


How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler

Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to  Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday.


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