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May 19, 2015

Covington School Howler

  May 19,  2015

Principal’s Message

Dear Covington Families,

Yesterday our Upper Grade Students wowed us with their Spring Concert performance in the multi.  There was a combination of orchestra, band and choir groups amongst our 4-6th grade classes. Thank you to our Covington upper graders for demonstrating poise, enthusiasm and many months of effort and passion in their playing and singing. And a HUGE thank you to the music teachers, Mrs. Dunn, Ms. Jorgensen, Mr. Beeman, Ms. Masters and Mrs. Fletcher, for supporting our students with their musical expertise and instruction!

I also want to point out that the music program is one of the many programs funded at Covington School, thanks to your donations to the Los Altos Educational Foundation. You make it possible for our children to get an exceptional education. Thank you so much for your support.  And I hope you can join us again on June 2nd for our Primary Music Concert.

Dine Out for Covington:

Have you eaten at the restaurant providing our kids' school lunches?  Remember tonight  Pasta Market will donate a portion of their proceeds back to our school.  Pasta Market is located at 4546 El Camino Real in Los Altos at the corner of El Camino and San Antonio.  (650) 949-1235. No flyer needed, just mention Covington School.  And thank you to Manjita Bhaumik for doing such a fantastic job this year organizing the PTA Dine Out Fundraisers.

Enjoy the week!

Raquel Matteroli, Interim Principal


Important Dates

May 19 - Tonight! Dine Out for Covington @ Pasta Market (no flyer needed)

May 22 - Last Indoor Assembly at 8:30am (Parents Welcome)

May 22 - All Library Books due

May 22 - JO Slide Show & Awards Assembly at 1:30pm (Parents Welcome)

May 25 - Memorial Day, No School

May 28 - LASD CSTEM showcase @ Almond School

May 29 - Volunteer Tea

May 29 - 6th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament 3pm

June 2 - Primary Music Concert, 1pm

June 5 - Field Day

June 5 - Minimum Day for Students, Dismissal at 12:15pm

June 10 - 6th Grade Promotion, 8:30am-10:00am

June 10 - Last Day of School, Start time 8:15am, Dismissal at 11:15am.

School Toolbox

Covington School Toolbox Donation:In an effort to save money and ensure all classrooms get the supplies they need, the Covington PTA has purchased a school toolbox for every student.

We are requesting your support in contributing $65 per student to reimburse the PTA for your child(ren)’s toolbox.  The donation form is available here:

Please do not order directly online from School Toolbox, even if you received an email from the company.                                                       

Junior Olympics Assembly

Parents: This Friday 5/22 at 1:30pm you are invited to the Covington Multi for our Annual Junior Olympics Slide Show and Awards Assembly. You are welcome to join the 4th, 5th, & 6th graders in watching a review of the fantastic JO Competition.


50 Families & $73,277 To Go: Summer is around the corner which means LAEF only has 2-1/2 weeks to raise $73,277 to fulfill our promise and grant to LASD for 2014-15. There are 150 families who gave last year, but not yet this year. Please donate today or request a match from your company to pay for the programs your child has enjoyed THIS current year, including STEM, PE, art, library, music and smaller class sizes in K-3.   We strive for 100% participation from our families, and it’s not too late to give. Please donate at or drop a check in our school’s office this week.  Thank you.

LAEF Parent Survey Results Are In! The 2015 LAEF Parent Survey Results are now available at Close to 1,800 families completed our annual survey. Thank you! Your voice has helped LAEF determine our funding priorities for 2015-16 while also providing the focus for our strategic planning sessions with LASD leadership.  We look forward to announcing our 2015-16 grant before the end of May.


Tonight, May 19th is Dine Out For Covington:   Pasta Market will donate a portion of their proceeds back to our school.  Pasta Market is located at 4546 El Camino Real in Los Altos at the corner of El Camino and San Antonio.  (650) 949-1235. No flyer needed, just mention Covington School.

Field Day 2015 is quickly approaching. On Friday, June 5th from 10:00 - 12:00 all students will be participating in Field Day. If you haven't had much of a chance to volunteer this year, this is the event for you! Field Day is a fun filled two-hour event where the children participate in tons of games, face painting and a blow-up obstacle course. We need your help to make Field Day a success. Please sign up on the Google doc found here:

We need at least two parents from each class to help!!  Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you! 

Louanne Gonzalez (

Play Dodgeball with Mr. Heeb!  Get ready for summer with a fun game of dodgeball with friends on Thursday, June 4.  Game time is 2:25 PM – 3:25 PM for the lower grades (1-3).  Upper classes (4-6) play from 2:45 – 3:45.  Both games are on the green field, but are separated by age.  Popsicles are served at the end. There are still a few spots remaining for this annual fundraiser game.  Donation is $30/child.  Please email if your child is interested in attending.

Thanks a Billion: Target is donating $25 for each teacher "thanked" on Facebook (only one teacher per facebook account). Schools can earn up to $25,000. The promotion will end when Target has donated $5 million (promotion started on May 14th). So why not show thanks to all of our amazing Covington teachers!…/thanks-a-billion

Lost & Found

Lost & Found - Donation time!!  We will be donating all lost & found items, next Friday, May 22nd. Please check the bin for your children's clothing, lunch boxes and water bottles by then. '



May 22: ALL books need to be returned by this date.

May 28: Library Closed for class visits and during recess

Books may be returned to book return carts in most classrooms, brought directly to the library, or dropped off in the book return box in the school office.

Bill Notices: Books overdue after May 27 will be considered lost and a bill notice issued.. Please check your emails that are coming from - Mrs.  Drobot,   Thank you!

News from Our Kinder Classes

Pencils of Promise Fundraiser

To help provide a quality education for children around the world, our kindergartners are selling pencils for $1 this week during recess and after school.  With the help of our big buddies and 5th graders, we decorated over 250 pencils.  All proceeds will be donated to Pencils of Promise, a non-profit organization that helps build schools in developing countries.

Thank you for helping us reach our $250 goal!

Questions?  Please email Miss Gibo at


From the LASD School Nurse

Students currently in 6th grade must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin 7th grade in August of 2015. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your current school office as soon as possible.

 School & Community News

School & Community News now found via Peachjar:

How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler

Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to  Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday.

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