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April 14, 2015 |
Principal's Message |
Dear Covington Families,
2015-2016 Staffing plans... Staffing plans are currently being made for the 2015-2016 school year. Each year there are a few staff adjustments in teaching assignments due to postings within LASD, and other various reasons. As soon as plans are finalized, I will share our 2015-2016 staffing list with you. As we look forward to next year, our staff will continue our commitment to building balanced classes. Research indicates that achievement is higher in classrooms that have healthy dynamics. We seek to develop the best possible dynamics in EVERY classroom. This includes balancing classes by gender, personality types, social needs, cognitive skills, and English language needs so that all students have an equal opportunity to learn, be challenged and develop into their full potential. Teachers, administrators and specialists follow a systematic process to ensure each child is placed in the best possible learning environment for his/ her success. If you feel your child has specific needs that we may not be aware of, please stop by the office and complete a parent input form. Forms are available in the office from May 5th-May 20th. Thank you ahead of time for not requesting a specific teacher by name. I appreciate your support and look forward to sharing our staffing assignments with you in the near future SBAC testing... This spring our students in grades 3-6 will participate in the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium California state testing (SBAC). The SBAC replaces the STAR test many of you may remember from past years. The test is completely online for English-Language Arts and Math, while the California Standards Test (CST) in Science will still be administered in paper/pencil format to 5th and 8th graders across the state, including here in LASD. Our students in grades 3-6 last year took the pilot version of this test. We did not receive any results from that test; rather, it was to help us understand how the online test environment would function and what infrastructure we would need to support online testing. This year both parents and the school/ district will receive test results. Since the testing format is very different from the previous STAR test, it will take time to analyze and understand the information we receive. For example, the STAR was all multiple choice. The new SBAC testing has extensive open response questions, writing, math problem-solving (not choosing answers from a list), and performance tasks that build off a classroom activity prior to the test. In short, it is a much better test — though not perfect by any means. Teachers have begun providing practice for students in how to access the test online and operate within the online testing environment. However, our job as educators (and yours as parents) is NOT to prep students for this test. Our job is to provide practice within the testing environment, while also delivering 180 days of quality, robust instruction that will allow our students to demonstrate their knowledge, competence and passion in a variety of ways — including this assessment tool. The SBAC testing window opens for us beginning on April 20th and ends on May 8th. Testing dates vary according to grade level. Teachers will be sharing their testing dates with families for each class.
Enjoy the week! |
Important Dates |
April 17 - PTA Meeting 8:30am April 18 & 19 - PTA After-School Play - The Wiz April 20 - Dine Out for Covington @ Chef Chus April 25 - LASD Jr. Olympics May 8 - LASD Film Festival May 15th - 6th Grade Girls Basketball Tournament May 18 - Dine Out for Covington @ Pasta Market May 29th - 6th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament |
PTA News |
PTA MEETING: There is PTA Meeting this Friday morning after morning assembly in the Staff Room. This week we will be discussing and voting on amending this year's budget to pay for pseudo-capital improvements to the school grounds this summer in addition to normal PTA business.
TRAFFIC SAFETY: Below is a graphic showing the drop off and pick up rules at Covington. Please review it to refresh your recollection and keep our children safe!
SIP N SWAP: We have a few spots left for the Sip 'n Swap: an evening of fun and fashion! Date/Time: 5/7/2015 Time: 6:00pm Location: University Club of Palo Alto Price: $40 per person. Looking for some fine new fashion items and a chance to clean out your closet? Join us for a ladies only get together to sip on wine and swap your new or pre-loved clothes, shoes, handbags, jewelry and accessories that you no longer need (but are in good condition) and swap them for other great items. Bring your fashionable items to swap and leave your inhibitions behind! We'll supply appetizers, a changing area, and wine to sip! Please email Lara Sullivan at if you would like to attend.
2nd Annual Covington Ninja Warrior Tournament. May 3 at 4PM at Peruri Household. Last year we had 30 adults, 30 kids and 30 obstacles. Event is almost sold out. Email to sign up.
The WIZ this weekend. Saturday April 18th at 7 pm and Sunday April 19th at 3 pm. Congratulations to all the performers and best wishes for two successful shows! Dine out For Covington: Get your chopsticks ready! On Monday, April 20th Chef Chu's will donate 15% of all proceeds from Covington supporters to our PTA. Dine in or order take out. Flyers are required (attached). Chef Chu's is located at the corner of El Camino Real and San Antonio at 1067 N. San Antonio Road. (650) 948-2696. |
Dear 4/5/6 grade parents, JO is getting close- less than 2 weeks away. Saturday April 25, 8am - 4pm Please read the following information... PERMISSION SLIPS/EVENT ATTENDANCE: Every 4, 5, 6 grade parent is asked to confirm their student's attendance or absence. We are still missing many permission slips. We can not allow a child to participate without a signed permission slip! Download, print, sign and return this form and drop it off in the JO box in the office or have your child give it to their teacher: En Espanol:
EVENT SELECTIONS: Students are finalizing their event selections in PE. Parents will receive a print out with their children's events next week as well as other important details about Junior Olympics.
T-SHIRTS: Shirts will arrive to classrooms next week. Students should wear them on April 24th to Covington's Morning assembly pep rally as well as to Junior Olympics (a shirt is required to participate)
VOLUNTEERS - WE NEED YOUR HELP! Many volunteers are needed for Junior Olympics day: Baked goods, food sales, set up, clean up, basketball counting, hospitality booth, and Covington booth. Please sign up for a shift here:
EVENT DAY MAP AND SCHEDULE: The JO Schedule and Map are online at 1320 begins at 8am participants should arrive no later than 7:45am Opening Ceremonies are at 9am.
RELAYS: Coaches please remember to observe the practice guidelines - more details can be found at
NOT TOO LATE: 20% off running shoes at On Your Mark on Main Street in Los Altos through April 25th. Let them know you are a JO participant!
QUESTIONS: Info is available at<>
Contact Covington JO Chairs at
Thanks, Laura, Mara, Louanne, Jen, Valerie |
LAEF's in the final stretch – every dollar counts! There are just two weeks until LAEF makes its 2014-15 grant to LASD at Junior Olympics on April 25. With $206,504 to raise between now and then, every dollar you give will help! Did you know that if 30 more families gave at each school we would reach our goal? Your gift to LAEF directly benefits your child this current school year by funding STEM, PE, art, library, music and smaller class sizes for grades K through 6. Give online today at or bring a check to the school office this week. Great Grizzly Run is this Saturday, April 18th We're looking forward to seeing all LASD families at Gardner Bullis for their annual 5K benefitting LAEF. It's easy to register on Registration will also be available the morning of the run starting at 8 AM. The run begins promptly at 9 AM at the front of the school. The fire department will be there to greet everyone too. All welcome, including siblings older and younger, strollers, grandparents and pets and more! |
School & Community News |
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:®ion=54001 |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
3/15/25 10:39 AM