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March 20, 2015


THIS THURSDAY 3/19 is a Minimum Day. All STUDENTS attend from 8:30am-12:15PM. No Homework Club. LUNCH IS TO GO -- Please pick your children up promptly.

Covington School Howler

March 17, 2015

Principal’s Message

Dear Covington Families,

The article below explains the topic of our staff minimum day this Thursday March 19th. Teachers will be learning about a new LMS called "Haiku Learning." All grades K-6 will be dismissed at 12:15. Please make arrangements for your children to be picked up promptly.

What is a Learning Management System? This article is from Mindflash:

Learning Management Systems Allow Powerful Training Programs to be delivered on the Go
Over the past decade or so, powerful software for managing complex databases have been combined with digital frameworks for managing curriculum, training materials, and evaluation tools. This technology is known as a Learning Management System (LMS).

Nearly a billion-dollar industry, LMS products and software allows organizations to develop intelligent electronic coursework; and deliver it with unmatched reach and flexibility. It provides the users the ability to manage its continued use over time. An LMS offers an incredible balance between functionality and ease-of-use. It provides an easy, simple yet modern user interface.

The LMS has become a powerful tool for consulting companies that specialize in staffing and training, extension schools, and any organization looking to obtain a better grasp on the continuing education of its workforce. Its impact has been felt mostly outside traditional education institutions, though the same technological and market forces are dramatically changing today's classroom as well.

Below is a quick evaluation of some of the common aspects of the LMS industry, a few of its strengths and limitations, and a peek at what the future holds.

Components of an LMS

There is no standard industry definition or published standard defining the components of an LMS, but several features are common:

  • Creation of class rosters, control over registration processes, and the ability to create waiting lists.
  • Uploading and management of documents containing curricular content.
  • Delivery of course content over web-based interfaces, most often allowing remote participation by the instructor or pupil.
  • Creation and publication of course calendars.
  • Interaction between students, such as instant messaging, email, and discussion forums.
  • Methods of assessment and testing (like creating pop quizzes).
  • Full training management system with easy to use reporting

Enjoy the week!

Raquel Matteroli
Interim Principal, Covington School

Important Dates

Mar. 18 & 20 - New Parent Tours @ Egan
Mar. 19 - Minimum Day, dismissal at 12:15pm
Mar. 23-25 - Covington STEM Expo
Mar. 28 - Covington Auction Bombay Dreams
April 2 - Covington Open House & Art Show
April 3 - Minimum Day, dismissal at 12:15pm
April 6-10 - Spring Break
April 25 - LASD Jr. Olympics

Covington PTA Auction

Help raise money for Covington while enjoying our community's biggest party of the year. Come dine, drink and dance with us!

Covington Auction tickets now on sale! For more information and ticket purchase,

For Covington School Bombay Dreams Night Fundraiser, we invite all party goers to visit Maitri's sustainable, high-end boutique in Sunnyvale featuring new & gently used South Asian party wear and accessories for women, men, and children for sale at very competitive prices. All net proceeds fund the economic empowerment at Maitri. Support us to empower the survivors of abuse. The store is located at 1214 Apollo Way, Suite 401, Sunnyvale, CA 94085 & its hours are Wed – Sat: 11 am to 7 PM; Sun: 12 PM to 6 PM, & Mon and Tue closed. Our phone number at the boutique is (408) 400-7400.


Important dates:
April 25th - LASD Junior Olympics!


Training is well underway and the athletes need your support!

Please remember to sign up to volunteer during PE. Mr. Heeb needs the extra parent help to train the Covington Coyotes so they are prepared for Junior Olympic day. Sign up HERE:

Please also remember to remind your child to come dressed appropriately for PE so they can train. Need new shoes for training? On Your Mark is offering a 20% discount for JO. Please support our local sponsors!

Relay teams will be posted on March 27.


Please contact Junior Olympic Chairs at

Laura Torres
Mara Starkey
Louanne Gonzalez
Valerie Cairns
Jen Springer

Visiting Author in April


Students in lower elementary grades will have the opportunity to attend an assembly in April featuring Andy Griffiths as he promotes his third installment of the Treehouse series, called "The 39-Story Treehouse". Previous books in the series include "The 26-Story Treehouse", and "The 13-Story Treehouse".

Pre-Order forms to purchase signed copies of one or more books in his Treehouse series will be available this week from classroom teachers, in the Covington Library, and the school office. Pre Order-forms are due Friday, April 3.

Andy Griffiths' visit is made possible at no charge through Peninsula Arts and Letters (a nonprofit organization partnered with Kepler's Books in Menlo Park) and the Covington PTA.

Maureen Drobot, Covington Library
Lori Parson, PTA Author Visit Chair

PTA News

PTA Minimum Day Activities: There is a minimum day on March 19th and we have a few parties lined up for after-school dismissal. If you are interested in signing your child up, send an email to Here is the link to the parties available and their timings:

We have three minimum day parties lined up for the 3/19 minimum day:

  1. The ever popular Game Truck on the blacktop, from 12:45- 2:15 for grades 2 and up. Cost $40 - SOLD OUT
  2. Athena camp for girls on the grass & library from 12:30-2:30pm, open to all grades. Cost $30
  3. Taekwando with Master Sonu in Room 32 from 12:30- 2:00pm, open to all grades. Cost $30

Make checks payable to Covington PTA dropped off at school office in the PTA Box. Kids going to minimum day parties typically bring lunch from home on the day of the party, eat their lunch immediately after school dismissal at the 2nd grade table area, and then they are walked over to their respective parties after checking them in. PTA parent volunteers provide supervision at lunch. Contact for more questions. Thanks!

The WIZ "paperless" Tickets. The Wiz performances:
Saturday April 18th at 7 pm and Sunday April 19th at 3 pm.
Tickets are paperless and are $10 each for general admission (first come first serve seating). There will be a list of names at the door for entry.
Starting tomorrow, tickets will be available for purchase by filling out the Ticket Order Form in the WIZ box in the office. Please include payment (cash or check made payable to Covington PTA).Please contact Arezou with any questions.

Tea School Days are here again! To shop the collection and raise money for Covington - go to and use the promo code SDS15COVINGTON. Covington will receive 20% of the final order total (before tax & shipping). You will also receive free 6-10 business day shipping on your order. Please share these details with anyone who would like to shop Tea Collection to help raise money for Covington.

European Wax Center ‐ Mountain View is Revealing Beautiful Skin....for Covington Elementary! Visit between March 21 and 27, mention Covington Elementary, and European Wax Center ‐ Mountain View will donate 50% of your paid full‐priced services to the school (offer excludes product, wax‐pass, and gift card purchases). All friends and family qualify. Call today to make your reservation. 650 / 965‐8480 Offer good only at European Wax Center ‐ Mountain View 1039‐L El Monte Ave. (El Camino Real and El Monte)

After School Enrichment and Summer Camp Information

New sessions of after-school enrichment classes are now available for registration:

Skyhawks Soccer & Basketball: Wednesdays, grades: K-6

Yoga: Tuesdays, grades 1-5

Made Science Moovin' and Groovin': Tuesdays, grades K-2

CSMA Art: Wednesdays, grades K-2

Young Rembrandts Drawing: Mondays, grades 1-6

Jedi Engineering Legos: Wednesdays, grades: K-3

Coach Ken Soccer: Mondays, grades K-4

All vendors offering classes to grades K-2 will provide supervision at the 6th grade tables from 2:20-2:45pm.


Did you Know?...LAEF funds STEM for K-6th graders

This year, the LAEF Innovation Grant includes funding for a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) lab and a dedicated teacher at each elementary school. STEM teachers offer opportunities for special class projects, provide grade level support, and hold very popular lunch club activities for students. LASD parent input and financial support have made this exciting program possible.

This month, all LASD elementary schools will be hosting LAEF sponsored STEM Expos. Students in Kindergarten through sixth grade will participate and showcase their work; designing hands-on STEM projects and exploring just how fun STEM can be! Thank you for supporting the STEM program with your LAEF donations.

LAEF will be making it's Grant to LASD at Junior Olympics on April 25th. Please give now to make sure your child's enrichment programs are fully funded.

School & Community News

LASD EdTalks Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)
Friday, March 20
9:00– 10:30am
Covington School Multipurpose Room
205 Covington Road
Los Altos
RSVP through Eventbrite
This year, California, in addition to 20 other states, will administer the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test to students in grades 3-12. The SBAC is one of two nationally developed assessments for the Common Core Standards and represents a clear departure from the previous assessment (CST/STAR). The March 20th EDTalk will provide information about the development, administration and scoring of the SBAC. In addition to sharing this information, participants will have an opportunity to experience this assessment first hand. Look for more information about future EdTalk Dates on the LASD website:
Next EdTalk: May 8, 2015

School & Community News now found via Peachjar:

How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler

Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to  Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday.

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