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November 18, 2015

Covington Howler

November 17, 2015


In This Issue:

  • Message from the Principals

  • When to Keep Sick Children Home

  • Combined Payment Donations

  • News and Announcements

Quick Dates for your Calendar:

  • Nov 23 & 24: Parent-Teacher Conferences. No School for Students.

  • Nov 25 - 27: Thanksgiving Holiday: No School.

  • Nov 30 - Dec 4: Book Fair

  • Dec. 3: Kinder & New Student Information Night

  • Dec.. 8: Music Concert Grades 4-6, 1pm.

  • Dec 9: Dine Out for Covington @ Maltbys

  • Dec 21-  Jan.1 : Winter Recess: No School.

  • March 19: Covington Auction: Save the Date!


Message from the Principals

November 2015

Dear Parents:

It was great to see so many of you at the parent coffee last week where we talked about the shift to standards based grading and the upcoming parent/ teacher conferences.  Covington Teachers are committed to providing you with clear and informative communication about your child’s progress. We believe that conversation and meaningful feedback are essential for both students and parents.We look forward to the ongoing conversation between staff, parents and students.

Student progress will be reported using a 1-4 rubric score and aligned to Standards. All teachers will report at least one subject area using this scoring mechanic and some subjects may be reported out in traditional grading modes. Teachers are using this year to prototype and explore some different reporting options as we work to fully develop our Standards Based Reporting practices for next year.

We are excited that you are receiving the first installment of our new progress report.  The chart below shows you what each level means on a child’s journey toward mastery of grade-level standards.  Your child’s classroom teacher can provide more information about what assessments, assignments, and classroom experiences were used to determine mastery levels.



The student demonstrates mastery of the standard: he or she is able to independently apply the knowledge or the skills assessed to evaluate or create original work in new contexts, with no gaps in understanding and minimal errors in execution.



The student is able to recall or reproduce the knowledge or skills assessed, and is also able to apply, evaluate or create original work using the knowledge or skill in new contexts. They may have some small, non-critical gaps in understanding or errors in execution,

and may require limited teacher assistance.



The student is able to recall or reproduce the knowledge or skills assessed, and is also able to apply them at a basic level.  

The student may demonstrate some gaps in understanding,

significant errors in execution, or is not fully capable of completing a task independently.



The student is able to recall or reproduce some of the knowledge or skill assessed, but is not able to correctly or accurately apply the knowledge or skill.  The student will demonstrate significant gaps in his or her understanding, major errors in execution or may require continuous teacher guidance in order to complete a task.


Not Assessed

This standard has not been assessed - either no evidence has been submitted by the student relating to the mastery of this standard, or this standard has not yet been addressed at this point in the school year.

We hope you find these reports informative and helpful as you partner with us to support your child’s academic, social, and emotional development.  Again, we look forward to partnering with you and continuing the conversation around this topic.

On behalf of our staff and school, we wish you are wonderful holiday weekend.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Warmest regards,

Erin S. Green and Kami Thordarson


Notice From The District Nurse: When to Stay Home

School is a place where colds and diseases can spread rapidly. Children who are ill should stay home from school, rest and recuperate. Sometimes it is difficult, especially early in the morning, to know whether or not to send your child to school. The following guidelines are indications that you should keep your child home:

  • Fever of 99.6 F or higher

  • Vomiting or diarrhea

  • Chills

  • Nausea

  • Coughing, sneezing and/or runny nose

  • Headache

  • Wheezing or trouble breathing

  • Sore throat or trouble swallowing

  • Rash or unusual sores or spots

  • Generalized muscle aches and pains

  • Unusually red, crusted or burning eyes

  • Head Lice or Nits

It is required to keep your child home until he/she has been symptom free without medication for 24 hours.

Also, NOTIFY THE OFFICE IMMEDIATELY if your child is exposed to or contracts chicken pox, mumps or measles.  These conditions can be life threatening to students who are undergoing therapies that suppress their immune systems. Please click here for the LASD Health policies.


Absences and late arrivals are to be reported to the school by a parent or guardian by calling the Covington Attendance Line at (650) 947-1101 by 9:00am, or sending a electronic form via our website

Children who arrive after the school day begins must sign in at the office to receive a late arrival (blue slip) pass. For an appointment during school hours, please go to the office to sign out your child. Your child will be sent to the office to meet you.

Observed religious holidays are considered excused absences as long as the absence has been requested in advance in writing by the parent or guardian and approved by the principal or designee (E.C. 48205, B.P. 5113).



PTA Combined Payment Forms Still Needed

Back to School Combined Payment! We still need donations to avoid canceling some assemblies & field trips.   Keep those donations coming to help pay for field trips, assemblies, school supplies, class parties etc.  We depend on your generosity to make our school great. If we don’t meet our goal, some field trips and assemblies will need to be canceled.  You can find the form online and pay by echeck:

Paper forms are also available in the school office, in the Combined Payment cubby.

Thank you from the Covington PTA.


Lost & Found: Claim Items by This Friday!

LOST & FOUND!!! Please check the Lost & Found bin outside the Multipurpose Room. There are now over 50 jackets & coats hanging on the rack!!! In the bin below, there are long forgotten lunch boxes, water bottles, baseball caps, socks, pens, rulers, etc.

NOTE: All unclaimed contents will be emptied out & donated to charity during the Thanksgiving Holiday.


Donate to LAEF on #GIVINGTUESDAY 12.1.15

We have a day for giving thanks. We have two for getting deals. Now we have #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back. On Tuesday, December 1st, charities, families, businesses, and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give.

We are pleased to announce that DeLeon Realty will match every dollar you give to LAEF on #GivingTuesday, up to $10,000. Pledge today at


LASD & Community Announcements

School & Community News now found via Peachjar:


Questions?  Contact parent volunteer Ann Hepenstal at or LASD STEM Coach Karen Wilson at

Become a LIVING CLASSROOM docent... share your love of nature with kids!  Our Winter Docent Training will take place Monday mornings from 9 - Noon on 12/7, 12/14, 1/11 and 1/25.  Please click HERE to view our Winter Training Flyer which lists the locations of each of our trainings.  Apprentice-style training is also available to those who can’t make our Monday morning trainings.

Questions? Email us at or call (650) 947-1103.  For more information about Living Classroom, please visit our website at



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