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Buddy Classrooms

Each classroom partners with another classroom as a buddy classroom. Student are able to mentor each other, participate, assist and collaborate around cross-grade level projects and form friendships across the different grade levels.


Coyote Way

Covington students are educated and encouraged around the Coyote Way: Respect, Responsibility, Empathy, and Kind Mind. Teachers, administrators and school staff are on the look out for students demonstrating these traits.  Students are recognized with tickets and achievement awards at our Friday assemblies each week. This is just another venue for which we encourage the development of the whole child at Covington!


Project Cornerstone

The Project Cornerstone program is made up of parent volunteers who go into classrooms, usually monthly, to guide the students on lessons and discussions on being good citizens and compassionate human beings. Problem-solving strategies are emphasized, along with teaching students coping strategies when social interactions become prickly. Part of the success of this program is that the students come to view their Project Cornerstone parent as another safe and trusted adult in their life.



Fifth and sixth grade students participate in Covington's Leadership and Service Organization under our two Leadership Advisors, Miss Gibo and Mrs. Mase.  Leadership members help to run assemblies, provide input around school climate, initiate projects around the campus, and connect with the student body and greater Covington community.


Walk-to-School Day

As part of the "Going Green" initiative, students are encouraged to walk and bike to school on this day. Parents help by serving as crossing guards at different areas. We encourage students to help to "Go Green" and get to school by not getting a ride!

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