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January 12, 2018

Happy New Year Reminders

The turning of a new calendar year is an opportune time for some reminders.  And, please see further below for some excellent opportunities around Mindfulness education.

The Flu.  As you may have heard via the local news, this year’s flu season is a BAD one. At school, we do our best to prevent illness by having students wash their hands frequently.  Once a student gets the flu, it is imperative that the child stay home and not return to school until they are symptom free for 24 hours.  Please  see the notification from our district nurses in the Howler - with a list of symptoms that really require the student to stay home.

Visitors on Campus.  All visitors/volunteers on campus must first stop in the office to sign in and get a Visitor/Volunteer Badge.  This includes dropping lunches off.  Lunches should be dropped in the the multi, not delivered to classrooms and/or the lunch tables.

Signing Students Out: If you are taking your child to an appointment in the middle of the day, or picking up a sick child, you must follow these procedures:

  1. Stop in the office and sign your child out.
  2. The office staff will call the classroom to have your child sent to the office, or the office will give your other instructions if necessary.
  3. When your child returns to school, stop in the office and sign him/her back in.

Parents should not go directly to the classrooms to remove students to avoid instructional disruptions. For student safety it is essential that the office monitor all students leaving and returning to campus, as well as, any adult visitors entering the campus.

Dismissal Time Protocols: As is the policy, parents/caregivers should not wait for students before dismissal in front of the classrooms. We ask parents/caregivers to wait for their students near the flagpole, at the front of the school or along the walkway facing the blacktop.  Kinder families are the exception to this.

Wade Spenader, Principal


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