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November 09, 2017

The End of First Trimester

The first trimester of the 2017-18 school year has wrapped up.   The general consensus I hear is, “Where did the time go?”  Is the school year really a third of the way done?   The old adage of “Time flies when you’re having fun” can apply in this case.   While students and staff have worked incredibly hard since the start of school, we all have been having fun in the work we do.  

Your student’s report card for first trimester will be emailed to you on Tuesday, November 14th.  You may have heard that the report card has been updated, providing clear language and the scope of learning in all classes throughout the year. If a standard has not been assessed this particular grading term, that will be indicated with a --. All standards will have a score by the end of the school year. Some standards may have a single score one grading period, while others may be assessed over two or more grading periods.  Teachers will provide even great detail of your child’s progress during upcoming conferences.

As the son and brother of U.S. Army veterans, I hope you join me in honoring our veterans this weekend.

Wade Spenader, Principal

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