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SBAC Results
Last Friday, at our Coffee with the Principal, I shared the recently publicized SBAC testing results that our 3rd-6th graders took last spring. The SBAC testing is state-mandated assessments given each year to 3rd-6th graders. You can view a more detailed report here but I’ve summarized the results in the table below:
Percentage of students who met or exceeded standards:
3rd Grade |
4th Grade |
5th Grade |
6th Grade |
All (3rd-6th) |
English/Language Arts |
86% |
96% |
95% |
93% |
92% |
Math |
89% |
92% |
91% |
91% |
90% |
* Scores represent last year’s grade levels. For example, the 6th grade scores represent current 7th graders
While we are proud of these results we will continue the work to meet all students’ needs. We also realize that these results are only ONE piece of data to measure our work. Nothing can replace the day-to-day observations of our teachers when working with students, in a number of different activities and tasks.
Your child’s individual results were sent home during the summer. If you need a copy of your child’s results or help interpreting the data, please don’t hesitate to call our office.
Solar Panel Update
The materials have arrived and the start date to install solar panels in the parking lot has been moved to October 23rd. You can expect to see fencing around the parking lot going up on or near the 23rd. The project still is targeted to be complete by December 31st. While the project will be a temporary inconvenience, the construction window is slightly shorter and includes a few days when school will not be in session. As a reminder, the drop off/pick up lane will still be used during construction.
Help Support Our Teachers
The Los Altos Educational Foundation (LAEF) provides funding for our staff in the areas of Art, Literacy, STEM, Wellness and Personalized Learning. The Foundation’s biggest fundraiser, the phonathon, is coming up on October 24th and we are asking for every family to participate in two ways:
First, please make sure you donate or pledge before 10/20 and saving volunteers a phone call. Our goal is to increase our participation rate this year by 5% so please participate at whatever level is meaningful to your family.
Second, join Superintendent Jeff Baier, teachers and staff, LAEF Board Members and other parents at the phonathon for some food, fun and phoning! Click here to volunteer and don’t forget to bring a friend too!
-Wade Spenader, Principal
3/15/25 8:23 AM