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Now that we’re nearing the end of September, it seems as if we are all getting used to the new routines of Thursday. Our Early Release Thursday has already proven to be quite impactful- both for the Covington staff and our community’s families.
As a staff, we are utilizing the time (we start right at 1:50pm) in the library. We first work in grade level teams, focusing on the 4 critical questions: what do we want kids to know and be able to do? How will we know if they learned it? What will we do if they don’t? What do we do with kids that already know it? The critical questions are broad, but they allow us, in teams, to dive deeply into standards, create assessments, analyze data, develop strategies to impact learning, and plan meaningful learning experiences. Later in the afternoon, we often work in teams across grade levels. For example, our 2nd grade team may want to find out how 1st grade teachers are tackling a particular standard so that it can be reinforced in 2nd grade.
For many of our families, Thursdays afternoons have become precious time. The early release gives many of our families more time to spend together in the midst of a busy week. Whether its an opportunity for a play date or a special outing, the early release has given more time to partake in some fun. In talking with some students, they have expressed to me that the early release on Thursday gives them a mental break to decompress during the week.
Coffee with the Principal is tomorrow in the multi at 8:45am. Special guest Randy Kenyon, LASD business manager will present information on the solar panel project taking place at all of our schools (scheduled start date is now Oct. 23rd). I will also be presenting the newly released SBAC test scores for Covington. Hope to see you there.
-Wade Spenader, Principal
3/13/25 2:12 PM