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September 07, 2017

Covington School HowlerCovington Coyotes

September 7, 2017


Covington Elementary commits to a high level of learning for every student and adult. Together we foster a safe culture, where we learn actively and collaboratively, think creatively and critically, develop perseverance, live respectfully and responsibly, and contribute positively to our diverse community and beyond.

Important Dates:
  • Sept 8 - 6th Grade Snow Cone Sale
  • Sept. 11 - First Day of Extended Kinder

  • Sept 15 - PTA Meeting 8:30am
  • Sept 22 - Staff Development Day - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
  • Sept 29 - Coffee with the Principal 8:45am- NEW DATE!
  • Oct 14 - SAVE THE DATE: Rock the Walk!




A Walk through the Classrooms

With school in full swing I take great pleasure in getting into classrooms to see what’s happening.  This time of year provides the best opportunity, as classroom routines and structures are in place, and the students are fully engaged in tackling curriculum.   Just a few highlights of my visits this week include:

1st graders working collaboratively in groups to take on a design challenge- designing a parachute for their graham cracker teddy bear.   Implementing their learning in science, the students needed to account for weight, air resistance, and different materials.

2nd graders working on math- basic addition concepts are taken a step further with a discussion on commutative properties.  Impressive!

6th graders reviewing for an exam on states of matter and particle energy- where the students themselves are creating a review activity (you know you’ve mastered a concept when you can teach it).

When you see the rigorous conceptual learning in each classroom, combined with the daily energy and excitement on campus, you know we are giving our students the exceptional learning experience they deserve.  

New Date for Coffee with the Principal- Please note a date change (formerly Sept. 21st) for this year’s first Coffee with the Principal.  We will now meet on Friday, Sept. 29th at 8:45am.


Wade Spenader- Principal


Snow Cones To Go!

Don't miss enjoying a yummy snow cone after school this Friday afternoon! Please help the 6th graders raise funds for a class gift for the school. They will be hard at work serving up snow cones at 2:40 pm this Friday in front of the multi. They are $3 each. Buy a treat to-go and support our 6th graders. Note: This is not a stay and play. See you then! -

From the 6th grade students in Ms Kingman, Mr. Villarreal and Mr Hazelton's class


Religious Holidays

Observed religious holidays are considered excused absences as long as the absence has been requested in advance in writing by the parent or guardian and approved by the principal or designee (E.C. 48205, B.P. 5113).  To advise the school office of absences in writing you must


Clothing Donations Needed

The Covington Office needs donations of spare clothes to keep on hand for children who need to change during the day due to unforeseen circumstances. We especially need smaller sizes of gender neutral t-shirts and shorts (elastic waist is best).  Thank you!  - Mrs. Evard & Mrs. Shea



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Save The Date!

Get ready to ROCK THE WALK  at Covington's Walkathon on October 14th 9-2pm.

This is our largest (and most fun!) community event for the whole school -- 90% of our students participate in this fundraiser.  

Become a t-shirt sponsor and have your family name on the back of the t-shirt by using this link to pay online: or by leaving a $40.00 check in the walkathon box in the office. Please write your family name on the memo line.          

Become a corporate sponsor.  The logos of corporate sponsors are prominently featured on the back of the walkathon t-shirt worn by every Covington student. If your company would like to sponsor this event, please contact Jessica Speiser ( ASAP.

  More information coming soon!

Walkathon Chairs
Trish Carballar & Jessica Speiser

Save the Date: Spring Musical

Mark your calendars for little mermaidCovington's Spring 2018 Musical

The Little Mermaid Jr. !!

All 4th -6th graders can participate in this school production. Rehearsals begin January 19th and will be held on Tuesdays and Fridays from 3-4:30pm in the multi.  Performances are Sat and Sun May 5th and 6th in the multi. Save the date!!

Registrations will begin in November; $250 per child; Scholarships available.

Please contact Arezou Bahman ( with any questions.


PTA Meeting
The first PTA meeting of the year will be on September 15th at 8.45am in the staff lounge.  The agenda will include:

  • Principal Update:  Mr Wade Spenader

  • Update on Literacy Program and PTA-funded Leveled Reading:  Mrs Cassie Becking (Instructional Support Teacher for Literacy)

  • Update on School District issues including 10th site progress and Solar Panel project:  Mrs Jessica Speiser (School Board Trustee)

  • PTA Budget for 2017/18

  • Change to PTA Executive Board Membership

We hope to see many of you there.  If you haven't yet joined the PTA you can do so here.  

Join the Walk or Wheel Project Team

With the solar project fast approaching, and the parking lot closing from September 18th, we are in need of team members to help with initiatives to encourage walking, biking and carpooling to school.  If you'd like to be part of this team, please contact

Brick Sale - Deadline Extended!

We are excited to announce that the sale of engraved bricks for the area around the informational kiosk in 'Kasso Corner' (near the flagpole) has been extended. Bricks can be purchased to commemorate your family, a special teacher, or each child.  Money raised from the brick sale will help fund important PTA programs.  To purchase bricks, please visit this website:

Special Education Support

SELPA 1 CAC - Parent education and local events on Special Education topics. To access detailed information and resources, visit

Upcoming parent education events:

Challenges of Dyslexia - Wed. September 20, 7:00 PM, Santa Rita Elementary School

Executive Functioning - Wed. November 15, 7:00 PM, Santa Rita Elementary School


Covington Morning Choir Starting Soon. 

Have a musical start to your morning with Covington's Before School Choir.  Students will meet one morning per week with Starting Arts music artist Diana Torres Koss to learn songs and vocal techniques that will lead to a memorable choral performance. Enroll today at  3rd-6th grade choir begins Sept. 15.  1st-2nd grade choir begins Sept. 27! Classes start at 7:30am and end at 8:25am.


Back to School Purchases

Thank-you to those parents that have already made all their back to school purchases.  We are still far from the target that we had hoped to raise.  In particular, teachers are currently booking field trips and need to know what trips they will be able to go on, based on the donations received.  If you haven't yet purchased your back to school items please do so using this link:


Volunteer Positions

We had a wonderful turn-out at the Volunteer breakfast and sign-up morning last week.  Many PTA and classroom roles were filled.  There are some additional classroom volunteer roles that teachers will be recruiting volunteers for at the Back-to-School night tonight.  There are also some school-wide roles still vacant including Environmental Co-ordinator, Lost and Found volunteer, Kitchen & Closet organizer, as well as openings for some of our key events such as Walkathon and Auction.  If you would like to help in any of these roles, please let Angela Wilson know


Covington’s Run Club is starting back up on Friday September 15th at lunch time!!   Run Club is offered every other Friday at lunchtime, except on special party days or when it’s raining.  Run Club is an optional noon-time activity available to all 1st - 6th graders.  Kids can choose when they would like to participate and they can run as many or as few laps as they desire.  Parent volunteers help encourage kids, count laps by punching mile cards, distribute ribbons and help the activity run smoothly.  Every week 100 - 150 kids participate. Run  Club volunteers enjoy seeing their child at school and get to participate in this fun community building activity.  If you are interested in participating and seeing this program continue at Covington, please sign-up here to help. There is NO RUNNING required for the volunteers.   

Click on this link to sign up to volunteer on this link to sign up to volunteer

Thank you for your help! Anna Barragan,

Catherine Long

BACK TO SCHOOL AMAZON SHOPPERS – Make Your Back to School Shopping Count for Covington! Earn referral fees for Covington on purchases of school supplies, electronics, sports gear and more.  It’s EASY and DOESN’T COST YOU ANYTHING! Please use this link (bookmark it!) or go to, click the Amazon logo on the lower right side, then select and purchase your items as you normally would.

Covington will automatically receive a referral fee from Amazon.  No sign-up required. Questions? Contact Jennie Ebbitt


For EVERY child in EVERY grade in ALL LASD Schools!

Did you know that your donation to LAEF supports STEM, arts, literacy, wellness and personalized learning NOW through June 2018?  Here are some ways elementary students benefit from LAEF this school year:

  • Literacy aides in 1st and 2nd grade

  • STEM and computer science teachers

  • Librarians and certified PE instructors

  • Plus music and art!

Every TK-8th grade student in LASD will benefit from LAEF-funded programs, and that’s why our goal is 100% parent participation. The suggested donation per student is $1,200 (or $120 per month for 10 months). Every gift in any amount is appreciated. Learn more & make your tax-deductible donation today at


LASD & Community Announcements

Los Altos Art Docents are looking for new volunteers to join us!

Our training sessions run from September through mid-April. You may still join our group of trainees this year, and are welcome to come to the September 6th and/or September 13th training session to see what it's all about!


Location: iLearn Studio, located at 201 Covington Road, Los Altos.

Time: Wednesday mornings, 8:45am-11:30am

If you would like more information, please contact the Art Docent

office at (650) 947-1195 or, or see our website at


School & Community News now found via Peachjar:

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