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November 15, 2016
Important Dates:
Principal’s Message |
After elections, we move forward... Last week the nation had a historic election. As a keen student of history, I can say with certainty that we live in very interesting times. Over the course of the week, media has reported on very concerning things. We’ve seen protests around the country. Many of our citizens are worried about their future. And while elections are for adults to make their voices heard, our children surely have been watching. Many of our children see the divide in this country and are concerned and confused. The Covington community has an opportunity to galvanize even more solidly as a school that respects and supports ALL of it’s members. Our children have many advantages living in this community. One of this community’s greatest advantages is our diversity. We work collaboratively with others of different ethnicities, religions, and beliefs, perhaps the most diverse in the country, to strengthen our students’ experience. Indeed, our community reflects the world our students will inherit. As a diverse community that provides the very best to our students, we celebrate our all of our differences. We respect everyone and support each other in times of need. And, we expect everyone to contribute positively to our community in any way they can. If this sounds like our Mission statement- well, it is. Our Covington mission statement is based on shared values. One of those values is to treat others as we wish to be treated. We reject any words or actions that don’t support that value. Our teachers have had, and will continue to have, discussions with our students about our shared values as a school. One of my colleagues provided resources to help talk with children about the election. I share them with you below:
Regards, Wade Spenader Principal |
End of Trimester 1- Reports are ready |
As I know you have heard, your child’s first quarter or first trimester report card is now available through the PowerSchool Parent Portal. For a detailed reminder of how to log on and navigate the Parent Portal, view this screencast. Once you are logged in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal, you will click the Print Reports icon in the left navigation area. If you click the custom report card link provided, your child’s report will be generated for you. If you have misplaced your login information, please contact our school secretary. Please preview your child’s report card prior to your parent conference later this month. The report should easily print in one or two pages. We have only sent home reports for families who we know do not have computer access at home. For details on the report card itself, including information about essential standards and mastery in LASD, please view this screencast. You can also see the mastery rubric and student friendly version of the mastery rubric here. |
Parent Ed Talk on Cyber Safety |
Cyber-safety: What Parents Need to Know. Tonight, on November 15th, at 6:30pm in our multi, Los Altos Police and School Resource Officer, Ryan Langone will be presenting a parent talk about keeping kids safe in the cyber world. This is a great presentation to attend in order to catch up on the latest trends in social media as well. This presentation would also be an excellent follow-up to Oct. 25th’s showing of Screenagers. Officer Langone will also be working with our 5th and 6th graders this week on what they need to know about cyber-safety and etiquette. |
Los Altos Educational Foundation |
LAEF’s meets $100K Challenge...raising $2.5M so far LAEF’s Board of Directors is pleased to report that we have just reached $2.5M in donations on our way to meeting our $3.7M goal for the current school year. A special thank you to the families who made first time gifts or increased their annual donation to help us meet our $100,000 Matching Challenge from LAEF’s Board of Directors and the Honor Roll of Realtors Leadership Circle. For those of you that have not yet participated, please join our community’s 1,700 donors by making a contribution that is meaningful for your family.
What’s an IST? Meet LASD’s new Instructional Support Teacher for Math Ms. Noirin Foy is the district’s first IST, supporting 6-8th grade math by providing our 27 math teachers with professional learning, coaching, and modeling. Teaching math in LASD since 2011, she is also strengthening LASD’s collaboration with the math ISTs from Mountain View and Los Altos High Schools. Check out Ms. Foy’s new LASD Math website with resources for students when they need extra support or practice and learn more at |
PTA News |
Hours: 8:15 am – 3:15 pm (November 28th – December 2nd) Family Food Truck Night: 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm Wednesday, November 30th Coins for Classroom Libraries We will be hosting an All for Books Coin Drive to update all classroom libraries. Donate coins and get a raffle ticket to win one of 2 book baskets! Seeking Volunteers and Shoppers! We need YOUR help! We will train you on the spot - No experience necessary! Volunteer for 2 shifts and get 2 raffle tickets for the book baskets. Sign up: Questions? Ask Mara ( or Elise ( ***********************
PTA Play: Peter Pan Jr. Registration. Registration forms went home in Thurs/Fri envelopes for all 4th, 5th and 6th graders. Additional forms are available in the office Peter Pan box. Please drop off registration forms and cash/check payments in the Peter Pan box in the office. For Credit card payments use online registration- link below. Deadline for registration is December 9th, 2016. Cost is $250 which includes T-shirt. Scholarships are available. Contact Arezou Bahman ( with any questions. Online registration: *********************** Lost & Found is overflowing! There about 80 jackets and many water bottles, etc... These will be donated at the Thanksgiving break, if not claimed before!! *********************** HOLIDAY AMAZON SHOPPERS – Make Your Holiday Shopping Count for Covington! Earn referral fees for Covington on purchases of books, electronics, school supplies, and more. It’s EASY and DOESN’T COST YOU ANYTHING! Please use this link (bookmark it!) or go to, click the Amazon logo on the lower right side, then select and purchase your items as you normally would. Covington will automatically receive a referral fee from Amazon. No sign-up required. Questions? Contact Jennie Ebbitt at |
3/15/25 9:07 AM