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April 28, 2016

Covington Howler

April 26, 2016


In This Issue:

  • Principal’s Message

  • CSTEM Showcase

  • Los Altos Traffic Notice

  • Jr. Olympics

  • PTA News & Community Announcements

Quick Dates for your Calendar:

  • April 25-May 13 - Smarter Balanced Testing Window (Grades 3-6)

  • April 30th: LASD Jr. Olympics.

  • May 12 - Last Day of Homework Club 

  • May 13 - 6th grade girls' basketball tournament

  • May 14 - Pet Parade

  • May 16 - Spring Concert grades 4-6, 1:00pm

  • May 19 - CSTEM Showcase, Almond School, 3:15pm-5:00pm

  • May 20 - 6th grade boys' basketball tournament

  • May 20 - Volunteer Tea

  • May 30 - Memorial Day NO SCHOOL

  • June 3 - Field Day

  • June 3 - MINIMUM DAY, Dismissal K-6 12:15pm

  • June 7 - Spring Concert, grades K-3 1pm

  • June 8 - 6th grade promotion 8:30am

  • June 8 - Last day of school, 11:15am dismissal K-5


Principal’s Message

Dear Covington Families & Community Members,


In a stuck moment it is hard to see how to get unstuck and look for positive forces when all we see are obstacles. This is actually a good time to practice gratitude, not for what’s in our way, but appreciating what isn’t. While in the classroom, I challenged my students to keep a gratitude journal for 30 days. We checked in with each other each day to share our thoughts and stories. At the end of the 30 days, we all had discovered that learning to think with gratitude helped lesson panic when we were stuck and helped us see new solutions. We had a new attitude.

In my short time of being here, I have witnessed how giving the Covington community can be, through their time, their energy, and their donations. I wanted to take this opportunity to say Thank You! Your time and financial support is appreciated both in our community and in our classrooms.

At the district level, parents offer support through LAEF and their work is valued as well. Many of our programs such as PE, Music, STEM, and Library, are supported by the foundation and they are an essential part of what allows LASD to be a leader in revolutionizing learning. At the Junior Olympics this Saturday, LAEF will make its grant to LASD to fund this year’s programs, in addition to smaller class sizes in K-3. LAEF serves every one of our students and that is why giving to LAEF is about participation and gratitude. To reach its $3.3M goal, LAEF needs 30 more families from our school to donate by April 30th. Please give today at

I am grateful for the work that is done by so many of our community members. You all help us see our way out of those sticky situations. So here’s to practicing gratitude this week! (Try the gratitude journal app and read “How Feeling Grateful Can Make You More Successful”


Junior Olympics

Saturday, April 30th from 8:00am-4:00pm

This annual, fun-filled, all inclusive, inter-school track meet celebrates over 50 years of physical education in Los Altos School District.  Fourth, fifth, and sixth graders from all seven district elementary schools compete in both traditional and nontraditional track and field events. 


We are very short on Covington Volunteers needed for Junior Olympics.  The Junior Olympics is only possible because of the time put in by our parent community.  It is an incredible experience; one that our students will remember for a lifetime.  If you haven't yet volunteered much of your time at an event this school year, NOW is the time to do so.  It is a Saturday event, so for those who work outside the home, this is a great opportunity to lend service to your child's education.  While the bulk of volunteers are from our 4th-6th grade parents, any parent can volunteer. In fact, it’s a great chance for 3rd grade parents to see what Junior Olympics are all about.  PLEASE sign up for a volunteer spot here:

See you all in ORANGE this Saturday at Mountain View High.


Warm Regards,


Kami Thordarson

Covington Principal


After School Lego Class Cancelled on Wed 4/27

Attention Parents of Children in the After School Lego Class:

NO CLASS TOMORROW 4/27.  Please pick your children up at the regular dismissal time.


C-STEM Showcase

Come support computer science in LASD Schools and visit the CSTEM Showcase at Almond School, Thursday May 19, 2016 from 3:15pm-5:00pm. You can check out the flyer here:


New Speed Limit on Covington Rd - 15MPH

Did you know the speed limit in front of Covington School is now 15 miles per hour?  The Los Altos police will be strictly enforcing this starting this week.  To learn more about traffic safety join the Los Altos Police on Tuesday (tonight) April 26 from 6:30pm-7:30pm at the Grant Park Multi, 1575 Holt Ave, Los Altos.  Free, Open to all.  Please RSVP:


LASD Junior Olympics

The 56th LASD Junior Olympics is coming!

Saturday, April 30, 2016 /  8am-4pm  /  Mountain View High School

General Information


Junior Olympics is coming up this Saturday April 30th!  As you probably have heard, the event is scheduled from 8 am to 4 pm at Mountain View High School. The kids have been working very hard training during their PE time and are all very excited for the day to come.

We are in need of parent VOLUNTEERS to make Junior Olympics possible. Each of the LASD schools is responsible for running a few events, staffing various booths, and baking some baked goods.  All parents of participating students are asked to contribute some time to make this wonderful event a success.   If you have a fourth grader and have not been to Junior Olympics before, it is a wonderful district wide event.  You do need to stay at Mountain View High School all day as long as your child is there, so we encourage you to sign up to help for a time slot.  It is so much fun!


PLEASE sign up for a volunteer spot here:


To be sure that you are available for your child’s events, we’d suggest checking the map & schedule which is available at  

Please contact JO Chairs if you have any questions.



Jen, Mara, Louanne, Valerie and Kristi

Covington Junior Olympics Committee 



$15,000 Matching Grant Extended to April 29th

There is still time to get your donation to LAEF matched before we make our 2015/16 grant at Junior Olympics!  A fellow LASD family has extended their kind offer to double all new gifts received by 4/29. Help us reach our goal this year to pay for your child’s favorite enrichment teacher whether it’s STEM, PE, library, art, music or computer science. Donate today at or bring a check to the school office this week. 


LASD & Community Announcements

District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC) meeting is May 5th, 8:45 AM in the LASD Board Room

There will be a District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC) meeting, a meeting about the English Learner program in the Los Altos School District (LASD).  This is a public meeting and all who are interested are invited to attend. Please contact Ann Haigh at (650) 947-1180 if you have questions. The district-wide meeting is in the LASD Board Room, 201 Covington Road, Los Altos.


School & Community News now found via Peachjar:


How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler

Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to  Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howlerscheduled for the following Tuesday.



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