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February 09, 2016

Covington Howler

February 2, 2016


In This Issue:

  • Message from the STEM Teacher

  • Valentine’s Day Information

  • Covington Auction: Early Bird Registration Extended

  • Kindergarten Open Enrollment ends this week.

  • School, PTA News & Community Announcements

Quick Dates for your Calendar:

  • Feb. 2- Feb 4: STEM EXPO

  • Feb 3: STEM EXPO Open House 4:30pm-8:00pm

  • Feb 15 - Feb 19: Presidents Day & Mid Winter Break: No School

  • March 19: Covington Auction: Save the Date!

  • April 23rd & April 24th: PTA After School Play Performances: Aladdin

  • April 30th: LASD Jr. Olympics. Save the Date!


Message from our STEM Teacher

Dear Parents,

The 2016 Covington STEM Expo is finally here!

Just a few reminders:
1) Please join us in the Covington multipurpose room on Wednesday from 4:30 - 8:00 pm for the STEM Expo Open House!

2) Your child’s project should be removed from the multi no later than 3:00 pm on Thursday, February 4.  If you are unable to remove the project by that time, please email me to make arrangements.

If you have any questions, or would like further information on the Covington STEM Expo, please either visit the Covington STEM Expo website  or feel free to email me at

Thanks again for your continued support through LAEF and PTA, and for continuing to be amazing cheerleaders for STEM in elementary education!


Katie Farley
STEM Teacher
Covington School
Los Altos School District





"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."

   ~ Carl Sagan


Important Information About Valentine’s Day

Most classes will be celebrating Valentine’s Day with parties in the classrooms on Friday Feb. 11th. If you child is going to participate in bringing valentines for his or her classmates, we ask that they bring one for every child in the class.  Remember that valentines should not come with edible treats. Our teachers and room parents are putting together fun parties with yummy snacks for all.  We have a Wellness Policy that gives guidelines for all food events that happen at school.



Early Bird Deadline Extended for Covington Auction until 2/7:

Tickets are can be purchased here:



Open Enrollment For Kinder/TK Ends 2/5/16

2016 Kinder Registration: Open Enrollment until this Friday.  To qualify for kindergarten, your child must be 5 years of age on or before September 1, 2016.  Children who turn 5 between Sept 2 and Dec. 2, 2016 qualify for Transitional Kindergarten.  Please visit the Covington Office to pick up a registration packet.


Friendly Reminder About Being On Time in the Morning

A few reasons why it is important to be on-time for school:

  • A classmate who comes into the room after school has started causes a disruption. Disruptions can take time away from valuable activities.

  • Your child needs time to greet friends and get settled into the classroom. Being late doesn’t make that transition easy for them and they may feel anxious or rushed.

  • Being on time to school helps teach your child time management. This is a lifelong skill that they will need for success in school and future work endeavors.  

Tips for Parents: Getting off to a good start:

  • Be conscious of time and re-examine how long your daily tasks take: Make sure that you’re not underestimating the time it takes to get ready and out of the house in the morning.

  • Plan your daily commute: Check out the shortest route, where traffic jams might occur and alternate routes. Do this before you actually have to arrive at school.

  • Organize: Pick out clothing the night before. Plan lunches and put together what you can the night before. If you need to take something with you to school, put it next to your keys or purse.


“ Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.” -William Shakespeare

And remember, in the off-chance your child is late to school, they must come to the office and get a Blue Admit Slip before going to class.  The bell to line up rings at 8:25am.  If your child has a morning appointment, please call the attendance line and let us know they will be late.  Thanks!


Incoming Jr. High Parent Tours/Meetings

Egan School: Feb. 24 @9:30am, Feb. 25 @ 1pm

Blach School: Feb. 11th @9:30, Feb. 12th @1:30, March 21st @9:30 and March 22nd @ 1:30.



Covington’s Run Club is starting back up on Friday, February 5th at lunch time!!  Run Club is offered every other Friday at lunchtime, except on special party days and when it’s raining.   Run Club is an optional noon-time activity available to all 1st - 6th graders.  Kids can choose when they would like to participate and they can run as many or as few laps as they desire.  Parent volunteers help encourage kids, count laps by punching mile cards, distribute ribbons and help the activity run smoothly.  Every week 100 - 150 kids participate.  Run Club volunteers enjoy seeing their child at school and get to participate in this fun community building activity.  


If you are interested in participating and seeing this program continue at Covington, please sign-up here to help. There is NO RUNNING required for the volunteers.   


Click on this link to sign up to volunteer


Sign-up happens on the day of the event at lunchtime.  Thank you for your help!


Jen Springer

Tracey Leong


Party People in the Covington community!!

We are looking for party hosts interested in being a part of this year's auction parties.  If you have a great idea, some decorations you can't wait to put up, want to open your home or have another spot in mind, or are willing to host with some other people, we want to hear from you!

Please email


Girl Scout Cookies

Covington Girl Scouts will be selling cookies in front of the Multi on Thursday, February 4th and Friday February 5th from 2:20-3:30pm  All of your favorite cookies will be there waiting for you.  Cookies are $5 per box ($6 for Gluten Free Toffee-tastics). Cash and check are accepted.  Thank you for supporting Girl Scouts at Covington!



LAEF: For EVERY child in EVERY grade in ALL LASD Schools!


Did you know that your donation to LAEF supports enrichment program staff and smaller class sizes THIS SCHOOL YEAR? Here’s what your elementary kids will get this year thanks to LAEF:

- Smaller class sizes in K-3

- Literacy Aides in 1st and 2nd grade

- Our STEM teacher and librarians

- Plus music, PE and art!


Every K-8 student benefits from LAEF's grant, and that’s why our goal is 100% parent participation. The suggested donation per student is $1,000 (or $100 per month for 10 months). Every gift in any amount is appreciated. Learn More & Make Your Tax-Deductible Donation Today!


LASD & Community Announcements

School & Community News now found via Peachjar:



How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler

Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to  Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday.


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