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January 12, 2016

Covington Howler

January 12, 2016


In This Issue:

  • Message from the Principals

  • News and Announcements


Quick Dates for your Calendar:


  • Jan 13: PTA Meeting. 7PM

  • Jan 18: MLK Holiday, No School

  • Jan 19: Staff Dev. Day: No School.

  • Feb. 2- Feb 4: STEM EXPO



  • Feb 15 - Feb 19: Presidents Day & Mid Winter Break: No School

  • March 19: Covington Auction: Save the Date!

  • April 30th: LASD Jr. Olympics. Save the Date!


Message from the Principals

Dear Parents,

You may have heard that Mrs. Tyson is retiring. It is bittersweet for us as a school community.   We are grateful to have had the privilege of having Mrs. Tyson as part of of our community and we congratulate her on an amazing career in education, teaching and leading both students and staff.  We will greatly miss Mrs. Tyson and wish her the best in her retirement and new endeavors.  Ms. Rebekah Anderson taking over for Mrs. Tyson’s 4th grade class.  She has been working closely with Mrs. Tyson and other staff members since September. Rebekah brings with her knowledge, passion, a love for students and an enthusiasm for taking them to the next level for the duration of the year.  Please join us in welcoming Ms. Anderson to our staff.


We hope to see many of you at the PTA meeting tomorrow evening. We will meet in our staff room at 7pm.


Wishing you wonderful 4-day weekend with your families. Monday January 18th is Martin Luther King Day and Tuesday, January 19th our entire district staff will be in professional development.  See you all next Wednesday!


Warmest regards,

Erin S. Green and Kami Thordarson



Speed Limit Change in School Zones

Beginning in 2016, the City of Los Altos will be implementing 15 mph speed zones within 500 feet of all local schools.  This safety endeavor is part of the City Council approved Pedestrian Master Plan, which aims to improve pedestrian safety and mobility throughout the City. The California Vehicle Code allows local agencies to expand reduced speed limits for conditional speed zones on residential and local streets which have no more than two vehicle travel lanes in order to ensure safe travel to and from school.


The new speed zone signs will be effective as soon as they are installed and are generally enforceable during school hours.  As a courtesy, the Los Altos Police Department will initially monitor and provide notification to motorists who do not adhere to the newly posted speed limit.  Enforcement will begin approximately one month after installation.






For a change of pace, we will have our PTA General Meeting tomorrow on a weekday night at 7pm, January 13th at 7pm in the Staff Room.

In addition to general updates we will be discussing work being done campus wide to ensure our children are compassionate Covington citizens among other things.  



Covington's "Roaring 20's" Auction:  Early Bird Tickets are now on sale!  Learn how to buy tickets, make donations and learn about all things auction!


Oola Dance Fitness & Margarita Party

Date/Time: Friday, 1/29/16, 7-9 pm

Location: American Legion, 347 1st Street, Los Altos

Price: $40

Ditch the workout and join the party! This Ladies Night Out dance-fitness party will be led by Oola Dance Fitness, the Zumba class that has been blasting Los Altos with amazing exhilarating workouts. Check out what the buzz is about. Move to the beat and then socialize with some fabulous treats and Margaritas.

Viva O Sol, a Brazilian Fitness and Fashion boutique in Los Gatos, will be featuring its line of work-out wear to try on and purchase!

Just RSVP to Ula Ghosheh


Save the Date: LASD Junior Olympics, Grades 4-6

Saturday, April 30th

8 am - 4 pm

Mountain View High School



Principal’s M


You helped our arrow grow..thank you!


Happy New Year! Did you notice the growing arrow on the LAEF sign in front of our school? We have made great progress toward our goal for the 2015/16 school year with special thanks to the families who donated in 2015. We still have $1M to go and strive for 100% participation from every district family. It’s not too late for you to help LAEF pay for the amazing enrichment teachers, staff, and smaller class sizes in TK-3 and 7-8 this year. To learn more or donate, please go to Every dollar will be appreciated!


LASD & Community Announcements


School & Community News now found via Peachjar:



How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler

Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to  Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday.


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