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January 06, 2016

Covington Howler

January 6, 2016


In This Issue:

  • Message from the Principals

  • News and Announcements

Quick Dates for your Calendar:

  • Jan 18 - Jan 19: MLK Holiday & Staff Dev. Day: No School

  • Feb. 2- Feb 4: STEM EXPO

2016 Kinder Registration: Open Enrollment until 2/5/16.  To qualify for kindergarten, your child must be 5 years of age on or before September 1, 2016. Children who turn 5 between Sept 2 and Dec. 2, 2016 qualify for Transitional Kindergarten.


  • Feb 15 - Feb 19: Presidents Day & Mid Winter Break: No School

  • March 19: Covington Auction: Save the Date!


Message from the Principals

Dear Parents,

Welcome 2016!

Shifting into the calendar new year marks the halfway point for our school year. It’s the turning point for many students as they return from the holiday break with a new sense of who they are and where they’re headed. Teachers usually see a shift in their classrooms as students become fully invested in their studies, they’re comfortable with their routines, and they have established relationships with their classmates and teachers. In a teacher world, January, February, and March are the optimal learning months. The excitement of the holidays has passed and the lure of summer break is still too far away to become a distraction. It’s a fantastic time to explore and dig in to interesting topics that spark creativity and conversation.

The new year also can bring forth new resolutions. As I was perusing my Twitter feed, I saw this quote from Jaime Casap, Google’s Chief Educational Evangelist, (yes, that’s a real job), “Don’t ask students what they want to be when they grow up. Ask them what problems they want to solve and what they need to learn to build the knowledge, skills, and abilities to solve that problem.”  This time of year is an optimum time for helping our students take notice of the world around them and the many opportunities for learning. What do they see? What sparks their interest? What bugs them and how might they solve it?

Learning happens everywhere, so while teachers are taking advantage of this optimal learning time in their classrooms, continue to foster those curious questions and learning moments wherever they may occur. Here’s to starting 2016 in the learning zone!

Warmest regards,

Erin S. Green and Kami Thordarson



Limited to 38 Spots exclusively for Covington Boys/Dads

Mountain View Laser Tag* off Shoreline

Sunday, January 24th, 3:40 Show Time


Please Make Checks Payable To:

Covington PTA, $25 per person, includes 2 games

in “Boys Night Out” box in Office

*This venue will be closing soon b/c of redevelopment



Check out all the amazing things your donations are providing for Covington and other Los Altos schools:




For a change of pace, we will have our PTA General Meeting next week on a weekday night at 7pm, January 13th at 7pm in the Staff Room.

In addition to general updates we will be discussing work being done campus wide to ensure our children are compassionate Covington citizens among other things.  

Covington's "Roaring 20's" Auction:  Early Bird Tickets are now on sale!  Learn how to buy tickets, make donations and learn about all things auction!

PTA Friendly Reminder:

The State of California Education Code only allows 3 unexcused absences per year.

The only excused absences are for illness, medical appointments or family emergencies. If you are planning to travel during scheduled school time, please ask your teacher about Independent Study.  Independent study is an optional educational alternative to classroom instruction available to all students in the district.  We offer short term independent study which has specific guidelines of a minimum of 5 days, maximum of 15 days.  Teachers need at least 3 days notice to prepare work for an independent study.


Principal’s M

MAD SCIENCE starts AFTER SCHOOL  2:45-3:45 Gr. K-2

WED. Jan. 13 - March 9  SIGN UP NOW!!!

7 Exciting weeks with Supervision provided before class.

Science is important! Learn about harnessing heat, Magnetic magic, Nutrition, Sonic sounds, the works!

$124.00 with early registration $159.00 regular registration.

Register Online:  Or Call 1-877-390-5437


LASD & Community Announcements

Collaborative Preschool Pilot


LASD has started a Collaborative Preschool Pilot this school year on the Covington Campus by Champions, Stepping Stones, and LAPP.  A collaborative preschool is a class that fosters learning for all students regardless of ability.  The preschool uses best practices for early education guided by the 1st Five and Preschool Learning Foundations.  The staff creatively adapts activities so that each child can participate.


The Collaborative Preschool meets 5 days a week from 8:00-11:00 a.m., Tuesday and Thursday participation in social group 11:00-12:30 pm. And follows the district calendar.  Best of all, the program is free!


Currently we are accepting typical peers for a January 2016 start date.  Children must meet the following requirements:

· Children who are at least 3 years of age.

· Children do not need to be potty trained.  Assistance available.

· Must be a current Covington Family.


If you are interested and want to learn more please contact:

· Eva Stephens, Collaborative Preschool Teacher

o   Phone:  (650) 947-1171

o   Email:

EXTRA, EXTRA- Read all about it!  We have a wonderful opportunity at Loyola School. A very satisfying chance to support student learning in the classroom and on the playground.  We have several instructional positions opened, including:

  • working with kindergartners

  • working in a fifth grade classroom

  • spending time at lunch with our students

  • greeting parents and students in the crossing circle at dismissal time  

Don’t miss this rewarding chance to connect with our students and staff.  Please contact Mrs. Attell (

School & Community News now found via Peachjar:


How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler

Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to  Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday.


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