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November 3, 2015
In This Issue:
Quick Dates for your Calendar:
Message from the Principals |
Dear Covington Families, This month we are focusing on safety procedures at Covington. Last week, your children may have shared with you that we practiced our comprehensive earthquake/ evacuation drill with a full search and rescue mission. The great news is our staff is definitely prepared for an emergency! All of our students were safe and accounted for last Tuesday. (We typically have 1-2 students hide and have our search and rescue safety team find them!) Tomorrow the fire department will be visiting Covington and reviewing our fire drill safety procedures. (We have at least one drill per month). Volunteer/Visitor Sign-In is another area where student safety is a high priority at our school. Therefore, you must always report to the office before you begin your volunteer activity. Orange Volunteer/Visitor badges are provided and must be worn at all times. This will ensure that students and staff can easily identify you. Any adult without a badge will be sent to the office to sign in. Safety is vital to all of us, and will give our students the best possible school environment. We appreciate your cooperation! Finally, we have some good and bad news to share. Jayne Amsden, our school clerk who has been with us for the last three years, will be moving to Egan to serve as school secretary. Although congratulations are in order for Jayne, we are very sad to see her go. We appreciate her many positive contributions to our school and community. Her last day with Covington will be Tuesday, November 10th. Warmest Regards, Erin S. Green and Kami Thordarson |
Hot Lunch News Flash |
Reminder Parents! Hot Lunch Session 2 is now open and orders can be placed for now until February 26, 2016. Orders must be placed by midnight on Sunday to apply for that week. Please double-check whether your order has gone through before sending your kids to school without lunch! Several children were without lunches these past couple days. Hot Lunch Crunch: We still need volunteers to help with hot lunch. Without an adequate number of volunteers to help distribute lunches, we will have to eliminate hot lunch at least one day each week. Please see the google doc and sign up to help. Each shift is only from 11:45-12:10 and you get a $5 credit toward hot lunch with each shift you work. Please contact with any questions. |
School News |
MISSING ANYTHING?! Please check the Lost & Found bin outside the multi!!! So far, there are about 40 jackets, 10-15 lunch boxes, over 10 water bottles, a variety of caps, socks, pencils, rulers, etc. All contents will be emptied out & donated on 11/25/15 during the Thanksgiving Holiday. |
PTA Combined Payment Forms Still Needed |
Back to School Combined Payment! We still need donations to avoid canceling some assemblies & field trips. Keep those donations coming to help pay for field trips, assemblies, school supplies, class parties etc. We depend on your generosity to make our school great. If we don’t meet our goal, some field trips and assemblies will need to be canceled. You can find the form online and pay by echeck: Paper forms are also available in the school office, in the Combined Payment cubby. Thank you from the Covington PTA. |
Principal’s Message
Vision Screening |
The LASD Nurses will be doing vision screening, at Covington School for all Kindergarten, 2nd and 5th grades on Thursday Nov. 5th. If your child has glasses or contacts, please make sure that they wear them to school on the day of the screening. The nurse will mail a referral form to the parents of students who do not pass the vision screening. |
Walkathon Pledges Due This Friday! It is time to turn in your pledge forms. Please place all pledges (and checks!) in the Walkathon Box in the office by the November 6th deadline. Thank you! PTA Movie Night: Please join us for the PTA Community event this Friday at 6:00 pm in the Multi. We will be screening 'Inside Out' and providing pizza and popcorn. Hope to see you all there! Adult supervision required - please do not just drop your children off. Covington’s Run Club is starting on Friday, November 6th at lunch time!! Run Club is offered every Friday at lunchtime, except on special party days and when it’s raining. Run Club is an optional noontime activity available to all 1st - 6th graders. Kids can choose weekly if they’d like to participate and they can run as many or as few laps as they desire. Parent volunteers help encourage kids, count laps by punching mile cards, distribute ribbons and help the activity run smoothly. Every week 100 - 150 kids participate. Run Club volunteers enjoy seeing their child at school and get to participate in this fun community building activity. If you are interested in participating and seeing this program continue at Covington, please sign-up here to help. There is NO RUNNING required for the volunteers. Kids sign-up happens on the day of the event at lunchtime. Jen Springer
An Afternoon of Middle Eastern Food, Dance and Henna (Auction Party) Date: Saturday, 11/07/15, 3pm - 5pm Location: Dishdash Restaurant, Sunnyvale Cost: $50 per person, please email to sign up and drop off a check in the office made out to "Covington PTA" Want to learn how to shake what your mama gave you AND get a henna tattoo? Take the opportunity to learn some sultry moves from a professional belly dancer, and get a temporary henna tatoo all while munching on authentically delicious Middle Eastern food from Dishdash Restaurant in Sunnyvale. For centuries, the art of henna painting on the body has been practiced in India, Africa and the Middle East. A paste made from the crushed leaves of the henna plant is applied to the skin in the form of distinctly unique designs, and when removed, leaves a temporary work of art that may last for up to 1 month. Join us for an afternoon of good food, unique dance moves, and henna art. Aladdin Jr. Registrations for the Covington PTA 2016 musical, Aladdin Jr., will begin this week. All 4th-6th graders are encouraged to participate! Registration forms will go home with all 4-6th graders in their weekly folders. Additional registration forms will be available in the office towards the end of this week. Registration deadline is December 4th. Auditions will be held December 15th and 18th from 2:45-4:30pm. Students must attend both days. Everyone gets a part! Rehearsals will begin January 5th, Tuesdays and Fridays 2:45-4:30pm. Performances will be on Sat and Sun April 23rd and 24th. Students must be available on both performance dates and all rehearsal dates to register.Registration is $250 which includes a Tshirt. Scholarships available. Please contact Arezou Bahman ( with any questions. |
LAEF Phonathon Was a Big Success – Thank you! In the past week, 228 families have pledged or donated a total $285,967 (and counting) to LAEF. Thank you! We are processing donations and will have an update about the LAEF Board’s $100,000 matching grant soon. To learn more about LAEF, pledge or donate, please go to
Have you checked out the LAEF Annual Report 2014/15? Learn more about the amazing difference our community of supporters made in the well-rounded education of our students’ last year. Check it out at Thank you! |
LASD & Community Announcements |
School & Community News now found via Peachjar:®ion=54001 Information Session: Synopsys Silicon Valley Science & Technology Championship. Sponsored by Synopsys, the Championship is a regional science and engineering fair competition for students in Santa Clara County held on March 17, 2016. LASD 6th, 7th and 8th graders are invited to enter!! LASD students may compete in the middle school (grades 6-8) division for awards and prizes in multiple areas of study. LASD students have won prizes in prior years, and gained valuable experience with science, engineering and project management. Winners of the Synopsys Championship compete in the California State Science Fair and may advance to the prestigious Intel International Science & Engineering Fair, which presents nearly $4 million in prizes and scholarships each year. Students and parents are invited to attend the Synopsys Championship Information Session to learn more about this opportunity and how to enter:
Sunday, November 15 3:30 - 4:00 pm Covington Elementary Multipurpose Room 201 Covington Road, Los Altos
For more information, see the 2016 Synopsys Championship website at Questions? Contact parent volunteer Ann Hepenstal at or LASD STEM Coach Karen Wilson at
Information Session. Tech Challenge Come to the informational meeting for all LASD 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade students and their parents interested in participating in The Tech Challenge, hosted by the Tech Museum. You'll form a team to compete to solve a real-world problem in this annual design challenge. This year's challenge is "Taking Flight: "Your team will build a glider to deliver supplies to a remote location, and this year, you tell the story! What is your glider carrying? Where are you going? Why? New this year, there will be an award for the Top Tech Challenge story. Tech Challenge projects build skills in problem solving, time management, creativity, and teamwork, while working through the engineering design cycle as you build and test your design. Most importantly--it's great fun!!!
Students and parents are invited to attend the Tech Challenge Information Session to learn more about this opportunity and how to enter:
Sunday, November 15 4:30 - 5:00 pm Covington Elementary Multipurpose Room 201 Covington Road, Los Altos
The event day will be April 23, 2016 for grades 4 to 6, and April 24 for grades 7 and 8. (No conflict with Junior Olympics this year!)
For more information on the Tech Challenge, visit the website at
Questions? Contact parent volunteer Ann Hepenstal at or LASD STEM Coach Karen Wilson at |
How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler |
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday. |
3/15/25 7:39 AM