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March 04, 2015

Covington School Howler

March 3, 2015

Principal’s Message

Dear Covington Families,

LAEF needs your input! Every Spring, the Los Altos Educational Foundation (LAEF) Board of Directors partners with LASD to determine its grant for the next school year. Please take LAEF's 5-10 minute survey today via the link sent to your email. Your feedback by Friday, March 6th is critical and will influence funding decisions for enrichment staff and programs.
Take a look below to see a "snapshot" of Covington programs funded by LAEF in addition to the Library, class-size reduction and Living Classroom.

Enjoy the week!

Raquel Matteroli
Interim Principal, Covington School

Important Dates

Mar. 10 & 13 - New Parent Tours @ Blach School
Mar. 13 - Hearing Screening for K, 2, 5 & SDC
Mar. 18 & 20 - New Parent Tours @ Egan
Mar. 19 - Minimum Day, dismissal at 12:15pm
Mar. 23-25 - Covington STEM Expo
Mar. 28 - Covington Auction Bombay Dreams
April 6-10 - Spring Break
April 25 - LASD Jr. Olympics

Covington PTA Auction

Help raise money for Covington while enjoying our community's biggest party of the year. Come dine, drink and dance with us!

Covington Auction tickets now on sale! For more information and ticket purchase,

Please note: NO REQUIREMENT to wear Indian or traditional clothing at Auction....

The auction promises to be a fun night! So many people to get to know without running after kids, and so many wonderful things to bid on to support our school! Please know that although it may be fun for some to wear traditional Indian clothing, it is not a requirement and you are more than welcome to wear whatever you please.

Questions? Contact the Auction Team:

Aditi Goel

Sumaira Nabeel

Anisha Vaswani


Important dates:

March 3rd - JO training begins in PE
March 10th - JO t-shirt size change and replacement order deadline
April 25th - LASD Junior Olympics!

Junior Olympics News:
TIME TRIALS began this week - March 2 - students should dress in proper running attire - especially SHOES for all PE days

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED beginning Tuesday, March 10, to help with Junior Olympic training. Sign up here:

T-SHIRTS - Change size and replacement orders due March 10.
All 4th graders and new students receive an adult small shirt free. To request a different size, fill out this form:

Replacement shirts for returning students are $10. To order, fill out this form:

For more JO info check out

Hearing Screening

The District Nurses & Health Assistants will be doing Hearing Screening at Covington School for all Kindergarten, 2nd, 5th, and Special Day Classes on Friday March 13, 2015. If your child has a known hearing loss, please notify Health Services Staff the day before the screening: The nurse will mail a referral form and call the parents of students who do not pass the Hearing Screening.

Employment Opportunity

NURSE NEEDED: The Los Altos School District needs Registered Nurse substitute(s). Must be available on short notice. Approximate times needed are minimum of three hours, 9:30am-12:30pm. Job will entail covering snack & lunch time to supervise students with type 1 diabetes blood sugar levels and insulin administration; both injection and insulin pump. Monday-Friday. To apply, call Marlene Revelo 650-947-1153.

Sixth Grade Immunization Requirement

Pertussis Booster for Students in grade 6
Students currently in 6th grade must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin 7th grade in August of 2015. Please provide a copy of your child's immunization record to your school office by March 13, 2015.


Sixth Grade Students Bridging to Blach & Egan

New Parent Information Sessions

Blach Dates:
March 10: 1:30 pm
March 13: 9:30 am

For more information about bridging to Blach, please check out the Blach School website here.

Egan Dates:
March 18: 9:30 am
March 20: 1:00 pm

For more information about bridging to Egan, please check out the Egan School website here.

Girl Scout Cookies!

Last Chance for Girl Scout Cookies!!!
Covington 4th grade Girl Scouts will be selling cookies in front of the Multi on Friday, March 6th from 2:20-3:30pm All of your old favorites will be there waiting for you as well as some new flavors too. Cookies are $5 per box; cash and check are accepted. Thank you for supporting Girl Scouts at Covington!

After School Enrichment and Summer Camp Information

Book your summer camps through Activity Hero and Covington earns 3% of each registration. There are no extra fees! Popular camps such as Galileo, TechKnowHow, and Steve and Kate's are some examples:

Also check the Covington Website for more spring after school programs.


LAEF's Annual Report 2013-14 is here
Click here to learn more about last year's highlights and to celebrate the donors who made LAEF's $3.2M grant to LASD possible.

LAEF: We Need Your Feedback!
LAEF is currently meeting with LASD Leadership to determine our funding priorities for 2015-16. Please keep an eye on your inbox for our annual parent survey. Your feedback by March 6th is critical and will help to determine funding for enrichment staff and programs at your child's school.

School & Community News

District English Advisory Committee (DELAC) meeting: On March 12th from 5:00-6:00pm in the District Office iLearn Studio, there will be a district-wide meeting about the English Learner program in LASD. On the agenda are the following topics: Information about and Goals of the DELAC, election of officers and input into the District Local Control Accountability Plan process. This is a public meeting and all who are interested are invited to attend. Please contact Raquel Matteroli, Interim Principal at Covington School, at, if you have questions.

School & Community News now found via Peachjar:

How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler

Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to  Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday.

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