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February 10, 2015

Covington School Howler
February 10, 2015

Principal’s Message

Dear Covington Families,

I wanted to share the protocol for parking, pick-up and drop-off.

When driving through the pick up lane, pull as far forward as possible and please stay in your car (please do not leave your car unattended to go and pick up your child).

  • You are welcome to park your car in a space and walk with your children in the morning or to meet your children after school.
  • Please drop your children off at the curb; the middle of the parking lot is not a safe place to drop children.
  • Once you drop off your children, please proceed out of the parking lot. Traffic needs to continue to flow to avoid back-ups on neighboring streets.
  • Thank you for not using your cell phone while driving in the school parking lot.
  • If the Covington parking lot is full, you may park in the back portion of the St. William's parking lot. The church is generously sharing their parking lot and we respect their wish to keep the front lot available for their functions.
  • If children need assistance getting out of the car, it is best to park in a parking space and then walk them over. In the drop off lane, parents should not get out of their cars to assist children as it clogs the lane.
  • Thank you so much for helping to keep all of our students be safe!

If your child is going to participate in bringing valentines for his or her classmates, we ask that s/he bring one for every child in his/her class. Remember that valentine's should not come with edible treats. Our teachers and room parents are putting together fun parties with yummy snacks for all. Did you know you we have a Wellness Policy that gives guidelines for all food events that happen at school? Please click on the link to take a look!

I would like to thank Ingrid Choong for organizing our fantastic Family Science and Engineering Night last week!

And finally, please join us this Friday morning for the PTA Meeting & Parent Coffee.

Enjoy the week!

Raquel Matteroli, Interim Principal

Important Dates

Feb. 13 - 8:30am PTA Meeting/Parent Coffee
Feb. 13 - School Spirit Day: Matching Day
Feb. 13 - Classroom celebrations: Valentine's
Feb. 16-20th - No School for Students, Winter Recess
Feb. 25 - Dine Out for Covington @ Pizza My Heart
Mar. 10 & 13 - New Parent Tours @ Blach School
Mar. 18 & 20 - New Parent Tours @ Egan
Mar. 19 - Minimum Day, dismissal at 12:15pm
Mar. 23-25 - Covington STEM Expo
Mar. 28 - Covington Auction Bombay Dreams
April. 25 - LASD Jr. Olympics

Lost & Found at Covington

The LOST & FOUND is overflowing!!!! There are many lunch bags, water bottles, and most of all, loads of sweatshirts, jackets & coats!!! All the content will be donated to charity over the Winter Break.

Attendance Reporting

Did you know that you can simply report your child's absence by clicking the link on our Covington Website?

It is on the upper right hand side of the website and looks like this.

Covington STEM Expo

Reminder from the Covington STEM program:

The STEM Expo is coming up on March 23 - 25! If your child would like to participate in this year's STEM Expo, please be sure he or she fills out an Intent to Participate form on the Covington STEM Expo website. The form can be accessed by using the following link:

This form is due by February 24, 2015. If your child is in 4th grade or below, please consider completing the form with your child.

Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions or concerns! I look forward to seeing all the exciting STEM projects!
-Katie Farley, STEM Teacher

Katie Farley
STEM Teacher

Student Council Announcements

Charities. Thank you for your donations for the Pennies for Patients coin drive! So far, we've raised almost $1,000 to help find a cure for Leukemia! This coin drive will be ending on Friday, February 13, so make sure to send in as much loose change as possible by then!

During the week of February 23, we will be collecting small stuffed animals and skeins of yarn to donate to a Native American reservation.

Spirit Days

Don't forget - we're "going out in style" this year with one Spirit Day each month until summer! This Friday, February 13th will be "Matching Day"! Two, three, four, or more students can come to school in matching outfits!

Here is a list of the upcoming Spirit Days for the rest of the year:
Friday, Feb. 13 = Matching Day
Friday, Feb. 27 = Sports Day
Friday, March 13 = Green/Leprechaun Day
Friday, April 17 = Crazy Day
Friday, May 15 = Oldies Day
Friday, June 5 (minimum day) = Beach Day

Looking forward to some awesome Fridays ahead!

Employment Opportunity

NURSE NEEDED: The Los Altos School District needs Registered Nurse substitute(s). Must be available on short notice. Approximate times needed are minimum of three hours, 9:30am-12:30pm. Job will entail covering snack & lunch time to supervise students with type 1 diabetes blood sugar levels and insulin administration; both injection and insulin pump. Monday-Friday. To apply, call Marlene Revelo 650-947-1153.

PTA News

PTA General Meeting, 2/13, 8:45, Staff Room: All, I hope you can make it to this month's PTA General Meeting. This week we will host a presentation from the Living Classroom, continue our discussion about allergies in the classroom with district nurses, get an update on this year's auction, vote on a resolution to send to the city about bike and pedestrian safety around the schools and as usual conduct normal PTA business. Coffee and treats are always served. Look forward to seeing you there.

Friday 2/27 (5:00 - 7:15pm) - Kinder Movie Night in Covington Library
Come watch a movie and eat popcorn with the fabulous kinder teachers! If you are interested in signing your child up please contact Tracey Leong:

PTA Auction Information

Covington Auction tickets now on sale! Early Bird pricing available until Friday, February 13th! Act today to secure your discounted tickets - $150 per couple, $75 per individual. For more information and ticket purchase,

Are you looking for something to wear to the upcoming auction 'Bombay Dreams"? Join the fun and be ready to party at Dosanjh Shroff, wearable art for any occasion, but especially the upcoming Covington Auction! The brainchild of former Covington mom Sudnya Shroff and Surinder Dosanjh, their line of fine-art inspired eastern couture with a contemporary twist is perfect to get in the mood for the auction. This event will be held on February 25th 10:30AM - 1:00 PM at the Dosanjh Shroff studio in Menlo Park, well before the big night on March 28!
February 25, 2015 - 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Dosanjh Shroff Studio, 740 Menlo Oaks Drive, Menlo Park, CA
Please RSVP to

Sixth Grade Immunization Requirement

Pertussis Booster for Students in grade 6
Students currently in 6th grade must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin 7th grade in August of 2015. Please provide a copy of your child's immunization record to your school office by March 13, 2015.

Sixth Grade Students Bridging to Blach & Egan

New Parent Information Sessions

Blach Dates:
March 10: 1:30 pm
March 13: 9:30 am

For more information about bridging to Blach, please check out the Blach School website here.

Egan Dates:
March 18: 9:30 am
March 20: 1:00 pm

For more information about bridging to Egan, please check out the Egan School website here.

Library News

Attention eBook Readers! The LASD eBook collection has just been expanded to include exciting new titles for reading over the February Break. The "Online eBook Library" is available to all students in the district free of charge and is easy to access.

From the Covington School website at under "Navigation", select "Library", and then click on "Online eBook Library". Access requires a student ID number (available from the school library) and password: gobooks. eBooks can be read instantly on a computer or downloaded to any eReader device. Further instructions are available from the website by clicking on "Library eBook Information and How-to Videos". Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Happy reading!

Maureen Drobot, Covington Library

After School Enrichment and Summer Camp Information

Book your summer camps through Activity Hero and Covington earns 3% of each registration. There are no extra fees! Popular camps such as Galileo, TechKnowHow, and Steve and Kate's are some examples:

Skyhawks Spring Basketball/Soccer After School Programs are here!
Skyhawks will be offering after-school programs for Covington Elementary K-6 starting April 1st. Space is limited! Don't let your child miss out on the amazing experience Skyhawks' Family Choice Award Winning programs offer. Sign up for programs today:

School & Community News

School & Community News now found via Peachjar:

How to Submit an Article to the Covington Howler

Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday.

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