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January 27, 2015

Covington School Howler - Jan. 27, 2015

Dear Covington Families,

Every Friday, parent volunteers support Covington students by donating their time during lunchtime Run Club. Student punch card boxes, per grade level, are set out; volunteers strategically space themselves at key route points on the field to encourage student runners; another team of parents greet students and hole-punch mile marker cards as children complete a lap around the track. An entire system has been created with the idea that should students choose, there is a place for them to go to run.

For the past couple of months, I have tried my best to be out at the track on Fridays, running (or in my case walking) with the students. I enjoy walking and observing students in motion on the greater playground, and quite frequently, find myself chatting with passing students who need a break and a quick conversation. While ambling along with different students I have learned about upcoming weekend plans, future aspirations for college, younger brothers and sisters still too young to attend school and the latest projects in the classroom. Run Club is an activity where many students flex their muscles, provide a workout for their heart and lungs and enjoy some time during the school day recentering themselves. And Run Club is also an opportunity for students to flex their minds through lively conversation and to strengthen relationships with their peers.

If you get the chance, encourage your child to try Run Club out or, if they already have, ask them what they find valuable about running. You may hear something surprising. And if you want to learn more about how physical activity affects learning, check out this TEDx talk, Run, Jump, Learn! How Exercise can Transform our Schools.

Enjoy the week!

Raquel Matteroli
Interim Principal, Covington School

Important Dates:

Jan. 28 - Dine Out for Covington @ Chevys
Feb. 3 - PTA Science Night 6pm-8pm
Feb. 16-20th - No School for Students, Winter Recess
Mar. 10 & 13 - New Parent Tours @ Blach School
Mar. 19 - Minimum Day: Dismissal at 12:15pm for all students
Mar. 23-25 - Covington STEM Expo
Mar. 28 - Covington Auction: Bombay Dreams
Apr. 25 - Jr. Olympics

Pertussis Booster for Students in grade 6: Students currently in 6th grade must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin 7th grade in August of 2015. Please provide a copy of your child's immunization record to your school office by March 13, 2015.

Remember: You must report an absence every day that your child misses school. Email:


Students in grades three through six will have the opportunity to attend an assembly in February featuring Michael Northrop promoting his first book in a five-part series TombQuest, an Egyptian adventure in the same vein as the 39-Clues.

Pre Order forms to purchase a signed copy of "TombQuest: Book of the Dead" are now available from classroom teachers, in the Covington Library, and the school office. Pre Order forms are due Monday, Feb. 2.

Michael Northrop's visit is made possible at no charge through Peninsula Arts and Letters a nonprofit organization partnered with Kepler's Books in Menlo Park and the Covington PTA.

Maureen Drobot, Covington Library
Lori Parson, PTA Author Visit Chair

Did you Know...K-3 class sizes are 25 or smaller because of LAEF?
The 2014-15 LAEF grant provides funding for the teachers needed to keep class sizes lower. Transitional kindergartens through third grades are limited to a maximum of 25 students per class because of your donations. In addition,first and second grade classes have a trained instructor during Literacy/Reading lessons for 45 minutes, four days a week. This lowers the student-to-teacher ratio even farther. Keeping student-to-teacher ratios lower during these critical educational years is important to LASD parents, and these dollars are hard at work in our classrooms today.

The LAEF grant benefits every student in every grade evenly. We have less than $1 million to go for programs that are currently in place in our classrooms this year.

LAEF cannot fund these programs without your support!

Make your tax-deductible LAEF donation today at (or bring a check to the school office)

LAEF Questions?
Web: … Phone: 650.559.0445 ...

Thanks in advance for your support of LAEF.

The LAEF parent-volunteer team

Fundraising & Fiesta! Please come dine at Chevys in Mountain View between 5-9 PM on Wednesday, January 28. Chevys will donate 20% of proceeds from Covington supporters to our PTA. Make sure to bring a copy of the attached flyer. Chevys is located at 2116 W. El Camino Real. (650) 691-9955. Please contact with any questions.

PTA News:

Oola Dance Fitness and Margarita Party
Date: Jan 30th 7-9pm
Address: 347 1st St, Los Altos, CA 94024
Price: $40 per person

Ditch the workout and join the party! This Ladies night out dance fitness party will be led by Oola Dance Fitness, the Zumba class that has been blasting Los Altos with amazing exhilirating workouts. Check out what the buzz is about. Move to the beat and then socialize with some fabulous treats and Margaritas. Viva O Sol, a Brazilian fitness and fashion boutique will be featuring its line of sexy Brazilian workout wear to try on and purchase, 15% of revenue going back to Covington school.

Friday 2/6 (6:30 - 8:30pm) - 4th Annual Father/Daughter Dance @ Covington Multi
There are still a few spots available for this event. If you are interested, please contact Tracey Leong:

Friday 2/27 (5:00 - 7:15pm) - Kinder Movie Night in Covington Library
Come watch a movie and eat popcorn with the fabulous kinder teachers! If you are interested in signing your child up please contact Tracey Leong:

Covington Auction tickets now on sale! Early Bird pricing available until Friday, February 13th! Act today to secure your discounted tickets - $150 per couple, $75 per individual. For more information and ticket purchase,

Donate to Covington Auction! In addition to the continued support of local businesses, we are counting on the generosity and creativity of our Covington families to make this year's event a success. Now is the time to share your favorite vacation getaways, your VIP access, your talents, and all of the unique experiences, goods and services you treasure! Donations are due no later than Friday, February 6th. Please direct any questions to our Donations Chair, Lara Sullivan, at Online donations may be submitted here:

Computer skills needed! Do you know your way around Adobe InDesign? Do you, perhaps, possess a particular talent with Pages for Mac? Could you even be, or know someone who is, a graphic designer? Are you, or your friend, willing to volunteer your time, or donate a bit of it, to the Auction Committee in the next few weeks? If so, the gratitude of literally the entire school, especially all the programs funded by the PTA, is yours. As well as a tax write-off, if applicable. Please email Sumaira Nabeel with any leads. Thank you!

Adult Auction Parties: We are looking for hosts for Adult Auction Parties - these parties are hosted by Covington parents for Covington Parents. The host decides the theme, location, date, and number of participants. These fun and creative parties raised $35,000+ for Covington last year. Any idea that shares your enthusiasm for something is a great one! Think about what you and your friends would enjoy, or perhaps special skills you may have to offer.he list is limited only by your imagination and the parties do not need to be expensive or lavish to be a great time! Please email or call Christine Sellers at / 650-867-7187 if you have questions or are willing to host.

Lost & Found. Just three weeks into the new year, the bin is already brimming! Please check it regularly for clothes, water bottles and lunch boxes. The warmer afternoons means children forget the colder, morning jackets on the playground...
Thanks!! Atossa

YEARBOOKS. Covington will be using TreeRing again this year to produce our yearbooks. If you aren't familiar with TreeRing and how to use the website or need a refresher - here is a link that gives you everything you need to know.

To register for your yearbook go here:

and enter passcode:

Should you have any more questions, please feel free to contact, Christine Wedner,

CALLING ALL PARENTS! I have decided to try to take a different approach to the yearbook this year. I would like it to be more of a community and collaborative effort. I am asking that one parent from each class be a representative and put together a one page photo collage for their class. In addition, I also need a couple of parents to put together a 2 page spread of the Walkathon and the Junior Olympics. The task involves, collecting photos and dragging and dropping into a template. No design experience required. If you are interested, please contact Christine Wedner, Thank you.

Common Core Math and LASD February 6, 2015 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Covington School Multipurpose Room. Los Altos School District is integrating the new Common Core Standards into our educational programs. This EdTalk will provide information that separates Common Core myth from fact. Discussion will center around LASD's approach to the Common Core to assure that all students are mathematically prepared for grade level progression. Common Core builds mathematical reasoning and critical thinking through problem solving strategies that are relevant to everyday life. The eight common core mathematical practices remain the same in grades K-12 to build a solid foundational understanding. Join us as we share information, try some hands-on math, and provide an opportunity to have your questions answered.

You may register to attend at Eventbrite by clicking this link:

School & Community News now found via Peachjar:

Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday.

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