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January 06, 2015

Covington School Howler - Jan. 6, 2015

Dear Covington Families,

I hope you had a restful and relaxing break from school. I always find the time away to be a great opportunity to reflect on the work that has been done and what is yet to be accomplished. The turn of the year always brings with it renewed energy for new and on-going projects. Looking at the calendar from January to June, there are many exciting events coming up from the STEM Expo to the Junior Olympics to the LASD Film Festival. I look forward to our continued partnership together in the months to come.

Just a reminder that the open enrollment period for Kindergarten 2015 is now in progress until February 6th. If you have younger children who will be joining Covington in the Fall 2015, please stop by the office and pick up a registration packet.

Enjoy the week!

Raquel Matteroli
Interim Principal, Covington School

Important Dates:

Jan. 16 - PTA Meeting & Principal Coffee, 8:30am
Jan. 19 & 20 - No School For Students, MLK Holiday & Staff Development Day
Jan. 28 - Dine Out for Covington @ Chevys
Feb. 3 - PTA Science Night 6pm-8pm
Feb. 16-20th - No School for Students, Winter Recess
Mar. 23-25 - Covington STEM Expo

PTA News:

Covington Boy's Night Out at Area 151. Pizza/Soda/100Tokens
Saturday January 24th / 5:30 - 7:30PM / $25 per person/ $50 for Father and Son
Pizza and Soda at Area 151 at 6PM. To save your spot please email John Crawford at by January 10th. Make checks payable to: Covington PTA Boy's Night Out box in Office

Registration for Covington PTA's next Musical Theatre, THE WIZ, is now open for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders! Start Date: Thursday, January 15th, 2015
Rehearsals: Thursdays and Fridays, 2:45-4:30pm in multi* (Different start times on some days- Please see registration form in office for full schedule)
Mandatory Tech Week Rehearsals: April 13-17, 2:45-6:00pm
Performances: Sat April 18th @ 7pm and Sun April 19th @ 3pm (Must be able to attend both performances to be part of cast) Cost: $300 (includes t-shirt)
Refunds must be requested prior to the first class meeting. Two ways to register:

1. complete the form in the office "WIZ" box, attach payment, and drop back into the "WIZ" box.

2. complete online form:
You must still drop off check in the office "WIZ" box. Checks to be written to Covington PTA. Please contact Arezou ( for questions.

Food Allergy Information: Did you know that we have many moderate to highly allergic kids in our Covington community with roughly 2 food related allergy sufferers per classroom? Did you know that for some of these kids just touching the food allergen found on another person, a table or the jungle gym can cause severe and/or life threatening problems? Would you like to hear more about how we as a community can make a safer place for all of our children? You do? Then come to our next PTA General Meeting on January 16th at 8:30 am in the Staff Room.

Covington Stem Teacher Links:

School & Community News now found via Peachjar:


Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday.

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