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November 12, 2014

Covington School Howler - Nov 12,  2014

Dear Covington Families,

As a friendly reminder, I wanted to share the protocol for parking, pick-up and drop-off.

When driving through the pick up lane, pull as far forward as possible and please stay in your car (please do not leave your car unattended to go and pick up your child).

  • You are welcome to park your car in a space and walk over to meet your children.
  • Please drop your children off at the curb; the middle of the parking lot is not a safe place to drop children.
  • Once you drop off your children, please proceed out of the parking lot. Traffic needs to continue to flow to avoid back-ups on neighboring streets.
  • Thank you for not using your cell phone while driving in the school parking lot.
  • If the Covington parking lot is full, you may use the back portion of the St. William’s parking lot.*  The church is generously sharing their parking lot and we respect their wish to keep the front lot available for their functions.  Thank you so much for helping to keep all of our students be safe! 

Please join us this Friday morning for the PTA Meeting/Coffee with the Principal, right after the flag salute/morning assembly.

Enjoy the week!

Raquel Matteroli
Interim Principal, Covington School

Important Dates:
Nov. 14 - PTA Meeting/Parent Coffee, 8:30am Staff Room
Nov. 18 - Dine Out for Covington @ Aldos
Nov. 24-25 - Parent/Teacher Conferences, No School for Students
Nov. 26-28 - Thanksgiving Holiday
Dec. 1-5 - Book Fair
Dec. 4- New Family & Fall 2015 Kinder Information Night 7p @ Covington Library
Dec. 9 - 4th-6th Grade Winter Concert 1pm
Dec 12 & 13 - PTA Play, Alice In Wonderland
Dec. 15-19 - 6th Graders to Walden West
Dec. 22-Jan.2 - December Recess, school resumes on Jan 5th.

From the School Nurse: Sometimes it is difficult, especially early in the morning, to know whether or not to send your child to school. With the flu season in full swing, the following guidelines are indications that you should keep your child home. Thank you for your help, to control the spread of colds, flu, and other contagious illnesses.


Keep your child at home when he/she has any of the following symptoms: Fever, Chills, Vomiting or diarrhea, Nausea, Sore throat or trouble swallowing, Coughing, sneezing, and/or runny nose, Rash or unusual sores or spots, Headache, Generalized muscle aches and pains , Wheezing or trouble breathing , Unusually red, crusted or burning eyes

If you or your child develops a cold that includes a severe cough or a cough that lasts a long time, it may be pertussis (whooping cough). The best way to know is to contact your doctor.

You need to keep your child home until he/she has been symptom free without medication for 24 hours

PTA News:

Please join us for the PTA Meeting this Friday at 8:30 in the Staff Room.  As always there will be checks to approve and actual expenses and income to review.  New business includes: (1) a Walkathon update (please don't forget to bring in your pledges if you haven't already!), (2) Auction Update, (3) Lice Brigade Discussion and Recruitment and (4) various openings for volunteers.

Come visit our Scholastic Book Fair and enter a kingdom of books!  From December 1st through December 5th, 2014 the Covington Multi will be transformed into Sir Readalot’s Castle - an amazing bookstore filled with engaging, fun books. 

Hours:   8:15am—3:30pm, December 1st – 5th
Family Night:  Wednesday, Dec. 3rd   6:00pm – 8:00pm
Parents & Pastries:  Thursday, Dec. 4th    8:30am – 9:30am

Our Bookfair needs volunteers as well as shoppers!  Please sign up through SignUpGenius on the Covington Website, or by clicking here:
Questions?  Ask Mara ( or Elise (

Dine out for Covington: Bon Appetito!  Please come enjoy an Italian meal and support Covington by dining at Aldo on Main Street on Tuesday November 18th.  Aldo will donate 20% of earnings from the entire day to the Covington PTA.  Please mention Covington.  Aldo is open for both lunch and dinner at 388 Main Street, Los Altos.  (650) 949-2300.

Run Club News: Wow, what an amazing Coyote Pack Run Club kick-off! We had 160 runners join us on Friday! Give your child a high-five for running with The Pack! If your child didn’t run, please encourage them to join us this Friday. A huge thanks to our awesome parent volunteers, this program could not happen without your enthusiastic support each Friday!

Who: Any level of runner interested in having fun and getting great exercise; grades 1st-6th
When: Fridays at lunch recess
Where: Covintgton field
What: Please remind your child to wear tennis shoes each Friday in order to participate
Coyote Pack is a parent run activity and we need help to ensure continued success! No running required. Please sign up at
Contact Jen or Jen with questions: or

Make Your Holiday Shopping Count For Covington!
eSCRIP ONLINE MALL: Automatically earns Covington money every time you shop through their links. Sign up or sign in at
Click on the Online Mall logo
Shop your favorite brands at online retailers to automatically earn for our group., Adidas Store, American Eagle Outfitters, Apple Store, BestBuy, Bloomingdale’s, Disney, eLuxury,
Gap, Home Depot, Nordstrom, Macy’s, Old Navy, PetSmart, RadioShack, Sony, Toys RUs, and many more.

AMAZON SHOPPERS: Earn referral fees for Covington while purchasing books, electronics, holiday gifts, and more. It’s EASY and DOESN’T COST YOU ANYTHING!
Go to
Click the Amazon logo on the lower right side to go to the Amazon website
Select and purchase your items as you normally would.
Covington will automatically receive a referral fee of at least 6.5%!  No sign-up required.

Lost & Found: We will be donating items during the Thanksgiving Break.  The Lost & Found rack is located on the side of the Multi, next to the water fountains. Look for the blue bin, with a double hanging rack.  Please check for your any items you might be missing. The racks are overflowing!

Alice in Wonderland: Don't miss the Covington PTA sponsored after-school play, Alice in Wonderland! Performances: Friday December 12, 2014  @ 7pm   Covington Multi
Saturday December 13th, 2014  @ 3pm  Covington Multi. Tickets are paperless: $10 Adult  $5 Children. To Purchase Tickets: complete a ticket form from the "Alice" box in the office, include a check, and drop back into "Alice" box.
email Arezou for info

Covington Stem Teacher Links:

School & Community News now found via Peachjar:

Festival of Lights Parade:  Sunday, 11/30/14, 6:00 p.m.  Join your friends and neighbors for an amazing Los Altos holiday tradition! Since 1977, the Festival of Lights Parade has brought "A Child's Holiday Fantasy" to life -- and with renovated floats and newly lit costumes, this year will be our brightest year yet!  Visit for a route map and viewing guidelines (for example, please do not set up before noon on Sunday, and do not use chalk or tape to mark your spots), or even to volunteer.  We look forward to seeing you and your family at the parade!

Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to  Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday.

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