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October 22, 2014

Covington School Howler - Oct 21, 2014

Dear Covington Families,

I am thrilled to be serving as Interim Principal at Covington school while Mrs. Green is welcoming a new member to her family. In the weeks ahead I look forward to being able to continue to support the outstanding teachers in the important work they do every day: educating your children.  As I have walked around campus during recess, lunch and before and after school, many students have taken the time to introduce themselves. Not only am I impressed with their willingness to approach a new face around campus, but the confidence and enthusiasm with which they carry themselves is astounding.

The inclination to take a positive risk, albeit a small one, is a clear indication to me that students feel safe and supported here at Covington, due in large part to the strong connection between teachers and students. This relationship cannot be underestimated. According to Maslow’s hierarchy, the most basic human needs (physiological, safety) must be met before confidence, self-esteem and creativity can be developed within an individual. In conjunction with your support at home, Covington teachers and staff do a phenomenal job of building secure and meaningful relationships with students so that students can focus on critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity.

One of my essential roles as Interim Principal is to continue to help foster an environment in which students continue to be curious about the world around them and ask lots of questions. I am confident that the families, teachers and staff will help me be successful in this part of my job!

Here is a link to a TEDtalk: Three Rules to Spark Learning, which I believe does a stellar job of highlighting the teacher’s role in “cultivating curiosity and inquiry” in students.

Enjoy the week!

Raquel Matteroli
Interim Principal, Covington School

Important Dates:

Oct 24 - Kinder Sock Drive Collection Deadline
Oct. 31 - Halloween Parties 12:45pm, Parade at 2:00pm.
Nov. 11 - Veteran’s Day Holiday - No School
Nov. 18 - Dine Out for Covington @ Aldos
Nov. 24-25 - Parent/Teacher Conferences, No School for Students
Nov. 26-28 - Thanksgiving Holiday
Dec. 1-5 - Book Fair
Dec. 4- New Family & Fall 2015 Kinder Information Night
Dec. 9 - 4th-6th Grade Winter Concert 1pm
Dec. 15-19 - 6th Graders to Walden West
Dec. 22-Jan.2 - December Recess, school resumes on Jan 5th.

LAEF Highlight: Funding STEM in K-8. LAEF will contribute $820,000 THIS YEAR to bring innovation and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) to LASD's K-8 grade students. For example, this month alone:
- K students were introduced to the programming Bee-Bot App
- 3rd graders used MIT's Scratch interactive and animation app to reinforce science concepts learned about moon cycle
- 6th graders started the CSTEM program (more info at
- Computer Programming is being integrated into the 7th and 8th graders curriculum

Also, have you heard about Lunch Club? Lunch Clubs are a big part of the LASD's STEM program for K-6. Weekly challenges include creating musical instruments, zip lines, catapults, oobleck, Rube Goldberg, reverse engineering, egg drop and the list goes on and on…
Every K-8 LASD student benefits from STEM programs made possible thanks to *THIS YEAR'S* $3.3 Million LAEF grant. Our goal is 100% parent participation. Requested donation per student is $1,000 (or $100 per month for 10 months). Any gift in any amount is appreciated. Make your tax-deductible LAEF donation today at (or bring a check to the school office) LAEF Questions?
Web: … Phone: 650.559.0445 ... Email:
Thanks in advance for your support of LAEF! -The LAEF parent-volunteer team

PTA News:

Walkathon, A BIG Success!  Thank you, Covington families, for participating in this year’s Walkathon!  Last Thursday/Friday your child brought home their sponsor card and the wrap up materials .  It is time to collect your pledges and turn them into the office.  Please place all pledges (preferably by check) in the Walkathon Box in the office by the November 7th deadline.  Thank you!

Dine Out for Covington:  Thank you to everyone who supported Covington at Mountain Mike's!  Save the date for our next dine out event which is scheduled on Tuesday, November 18th at Aldo Los Altos on Main Street.  On that day, Aldo will donate 20% of proceeds all day to Covington supporters.

Lost & Found: We will be donating items during the Thanksgiving Break.  The Lost & Found rack is located on the side of the Multi, next to the water fountains. Look for the blue bin, with a double hanging rack.  Please check for your any items you might be missing. The racks are overflowing!

Make Up Photos: If you had your child take a make-up photo, deadline to order with free shipping is Nov. 15th. Any questions, contact Shooting Stars directly, or (800) 311-7784 x11.

Haunted House Fundraiser!! Dare to enter the Hawthorne Haunt and be thrilled by the spooky, scary surprises inside! It will be lots of frightful fun and chock full of chilling moments! Visit our Covington haunted house and enjoy Halloween fun for the whole family. Spooky fun for our smaller ghosts and ghouls from 5:30 - 6:30 PM.  
Experienced goblins and ghoulish gremlins ready to be chilled to your very bones? Join us from 7 - 8:30 PM." Thursday, October 30th, 530 hawthorne avenue
$20 per family. Please email Valerie Cairns to sign up!

An Interactive Workshop
Friday, October 24 9:00am – 11:00am Covington School Multipurpose Room
205 Covington Road, Los Altos RSVP:
See attached flyer for more information.

Covington Stem Teacher Links:

School & Community News:
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to  Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday.

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