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REMINDER: Today is a Minimum Day. All Students are dismissed at 12:15pm. Grab N Go lunches only.
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,
Walk on the Wild Side-Amazing!
Thank you to our PTA and Walkathon team for a fabulous community event! It is safe to say, EVERYONE had a wonderful time last Saturday and appreciated all the fun opportunities created by our PTA committee, especially the mechanical bull and the delicious food! Everyone also enjoyed the special guests on the kick-off lap! An extra special thank you to Carolyn LeBaron and Katherine Lyon, our Walkathon chairs;
they deserve a standing ovation! Many thanks to all of the volunteers who collaborated with Carolyn and Katherine. We could not have done this without you! Thank you for making our Walk on the Wild Side a memorable event!
Staff Development -Minimum Day, Dismissal at 12:15pm for all.
After your students leave early today, our teachers will be participating in an afternoon filled with learning opportunities focused on both our LASD Vision of Revolutionizing Learning for all Students and Learning Principles. Thank you for supporting our culture of learning!
Thank you to PTA and Parent Community
I would like to thank all of you for the well-wishes and baby gifts last Friday at our PTA Meeting. I feel so grateful to work in such a wonderfully caring community. I really appreciate everyone's kind words and support. While I am excited for this new phase of life, I will miss you all over the next few months. I will look forward to seeing you all when I return to Covington in the Spring.
Best Regards,
Erin S. Green
Important Dates:
Oct 14 - Minimum Day, K-6 Dismissal at 12:15pm.
Oct 16 - Picture Make Up Day
Oct 16 - Dine out for Covington @ Mountain Mikes
Oct 24 - Kinder Sock Drive Collection Deadline
Oct. 31 - Halloween Parties 12:45pm, Parade at 2:00pm.
Nov. 11 - Veteran's Day Holiday - No School
Nov. 24-25 - Parent/Teacher Conferences, No School for Students
Nov. 26-28 - Thanksgiving Holiday
Sock Drive. After watching Kid President's newest pep talk:, our kindergartners got inspired to host our first "Socktober" sock drive! To help the homeless, we are collecting new pairs of socks. Please put donations in the boxes by the kindergarten playground or in Room 19 by Friday, October 24. Donations will be given to Redwood Family House. Thank you
LAEF: Don't forget to mail your check. Last week's LAEF Phonathon was a great success! Thanks to all who volunteered time or donated to provide small class sizes and enrichment programs for LASD students this school year. Special thanks to new parents or families who increased their contribution: we met our "new or increased donation" matching program goal of $100,000! If you pledged, please send your check or pay online at ASAP.
LAEF: Does your company Match?
Don't forget: you can make your dollars work harder through your company's corporate matching. For a list of local companies that offer matching funds, contact LAEF at It's Not Too Late!
We still have a way to go to achieve our $3.3M goal. Every LASD student benefits from LAEF, so we hope to get 100% parent participation. Any donation is welcome and appreciated. Make your tax-deductible donation today: (or bring a check to the school office).
Call for Spare Clothing: Our office is short of small sized clothing to keep on hand for emergencies. Especially shorts and sweatpants for small girls and boys. Basketball shorts, sweats and leggings are great! If you are cleaning out your child's closets, please keep us in mind. Sizes to fit kinders to 2nd graders are most needed. Thank you!
School Photos: THE DEADLINE FOR ORDERING IS today October 14th, 2014
To receive free shipping, please be sure to place your order by today. After the deadline has passed the school will no longer accept paper proof order forms, and all orders placed online will ship direct to home.
Picture Make Up Day is Thursday October 16, 2014. Here is the link to request make up photos
Questions? Email or call Shooting Stars at, or (800) 311-7784 x11.
PTA News:
After-School Play and Stay Sports and Games with Mr. Heeb: Please go to the following website for more information: Please note that kids in lower grades must have parental supervision until 2:45pm. You can sign up for as little as a one day session or for the full year.
Dine out for Covington: Mark Thursday, October 16th on your calendar for a pizza day! Mountain Mike's Pizza at 1724 Miramonte Avenue in Mountain View (near the Miramonte Safeway) will donate 20% of proceeds from Covington supporters all day. Just mention Covington at the time of purchase. Mountain Mike's hours are 11 AM to 10 PM. (650) 988-9090. See attached flyer for details.
Fundraiser! 10/13 - 10/19 Covington is participating in the Tea Collection "Tea School Days" to raise money for our school. Covington will receive 20% of the final order total (before tax and shipping). In order to use the code for Covington, please go to Once you are ready to place your order, enter the following code in for the Promo Code at checkout: SDF14COVINGTON.
You will also receive free 6-10 business day shipping on your order (you must select this option).
You can also post this code on Facebook to encourage others to buy with our code. The more people we can get to participate, the more money we will raise for Covington!
Thanks in advance and happy shopping!
Covington Stem Teacher Links:
An Interactive Workshop
Friday, October 24 9:00am – 11:00am Covington School Multipurpose Room
205 Covington Road, Los Altos RSVP:
See flyer for more information.
School & Community News:
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday.
1/9/25 8:37 AM