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Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,
What a Week!
Remarkable Night!
It was wonderful to see so many parents and staff members at the Carnaval Auction last Saturday. The energy and community spirit was contagious. So many times throughout the night I thought to myself how fortunate I am to work in a community with such a supportive group of parents.
Everything we know about student lifelong success and health is grounded in a strong support system that includes parents, staff and peers. We are lucky to have such a strong sense of that here at Covington. Thank you for your continued extremely generous support of our programs. I am deeply committed to creating a strong community of learners that nurtures each child’s passion, creativity, and spirit, while also maintaining a rigorous and challenging academic environment.
Thanks and gratitude to Ula Ghosheh, Jenny Bennett and Christine Sellers and their entire auction committee for putting on such a fantastic night! We appreciate you so much.
Here's to great things for Covington in the future!
Big Day Tomorrow!
All of us at Covington are so excited for our California Distinguished School Validation Visit tomorrow. A team of educational leaders will be visiting our school to observe in every classroom, talk with parents, students and staff and walk the halls and campus of our school looking for evidence of our two signature practices at Covington:
Covington Cares—how our community, staff and students all work together to create a positive climate here for all. This topic includes: Project Cornerstone, Expect Respect Workshop, Project Cornerstone Club, Free the Children work, Student Council, The 7 Habits of Happy Kids (Student council is sharing), Upstander Awards, 3 Be's, Buddy Class Program, Run Club—basically any initiative here that helps to create collaborative, supportive and caring relationships at school
Culture of Learning/ Innovation-how our staff and students are all learners. Specifically for staff: Taking classes at Ilearn, collaborating with coaches, taking risks and trying new things, Growth Mindset, Pilot programs, anything that involves learning and engaging students in creative ways. Concepts students would know (I shared with them at the flag assembly on Monday): CSTEM/ STEM, Film Festival, Computers, iPads & Tech in the classroom, Skype in the classroom, Brainology, Design challenges, Educreations and Google tools, Habitudes, Minecraft (mission projects) Science projects-Rube Goldberg, and ZSPace. There are many more things, we highlighted in the application that demonstrates how our staff is really moving and engaging our students in fun, challenging, creative ways.
We cannot wait for tomorrow to highlight all of the amazing things going on at Covington! I hope to report good news very soon.
Have a wonderful spring break!
Erin S. Green
Principal, Covington School
Important Dates – Please Note:
April 3 – Last chance to claim items from Lost & Found
April 7-11 Spring Break
April 26 – LASD Junior Olympics
May 1 – LASD C-Stem Showcase
May 9 – LASD Film Festival
May 15 – Last Day of Homework Club
May 15 – Covington Open House
May 16 – Covington Minimum Day
May 19 – 4-6th Grade Music Concert
May 26 – Memorial Day Holiday– No School
May 30 – PTA Volunteer Breakfast
May 30 – Covington Multicultural Fair
June 4 – Primary (K-3) Music Concert
June 6 – Minimum Day
June 12 – Last Day of School
Coyote Pack Run Club News:
Our Runners rock! It's such a thrill to see our runners dedicated to Friday run club. We truly appreciate all our volunteer parents who come out on Friday at lunch to keep this program running smooth. To volunteer all you have to do is come out to the field at lunch (11:50am-1pm) and plan to have fun in the sun with some really awesome kids! No running required. Please go here to sign up.. See TAB at bottom left of document for April and May sessions.
**Special schedule for Run Club…
In addition to Friday Run Club, we will be holding an extra Run Club on Wednesday, April 2nd. Please help your child participate by reminding them to wear their running shoes on April 2nd. On Friday, April 4th we will have an Otter Pop celebration for all our awesome runners who have completed their 5-mile card.
The 2014 Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk is on May 10 and we'd love to see a ton of Coyote Runners out there. Sign up here:
Did you Know?...LAEF funds Physical Education Specialists for 1st-6th graders. Your LAEF contributions fund the elementary Physical Education program for all first through sixth grade students. The 2013-14 LAEF grant allows for specialists to teach lessons every week to first through third graders, and two every week to the fourth, fifth and sixth graders. The PE program works to provide age appropriate gross motor skills, encourage teamwork and healthy living, and inspire a life-long love for physical activities. It also makes the very special tradition of Junior Olympics possible. Make plans to cheer on our upper grade student athletes on Saturday, April 26 at Mountain View High School, and please continue to support the PE program with your donations to LAEF! LAEF Representatives at Covington are: Matt Abrahams, Anjana Nagarajan-Butaney, Jessica Speiser, Ritu Kapoor (member at-large),
Dear 4,5,6 grade parents,
Please return the Junior Olympic permission slips to your child’s classroom by this Friday April 4. Each student must return their slip confirming attendance or absence at the event.
Here is the permission slip
PE VOLUNTEERS: sign up to help during the PE trainings HERE all parents welcome to any session:
EVENT DAY VOLUNTEERS: sign up to help on Junior Olympics day HERE
Parent volunteers will begin collecting student event sign ups this week. Parents will be sent a confirmation of these events the week before Junior Olympics.
25% off at On Your Mark for all Junior Olympic Participants through April 25
Please contact the JO Chairs with any questions
Kathleen / Julie / Laura / Mara / Louanne
Lost & Found! Please claim your coats & jackets by Thursday 4/3/14. Unclaimed items to be donated on 4/4/14!
Pertussis Booster for Students in grade 6: Students currently in grade 6 must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin seventh grade in August of 2014. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your school office as soon as possible!
District & Community News:
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday.
1/9/25 8:41 AM