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February 25, 2014

Dear Covington Parents and Community Members:

I hope you had a wonderful winter break and you are excited about all that is happening over the next few months. It is hard to believe the Auction is just a month away! Next week also kicks off our Annual Junior Olympics Training for our 4th-6th graders; they are very excited!

Science Fair Update: March 17th-19th

I have had several new families inquire as to how the science fair works at Covington School. For starters, the Science Fair runs from March 17th-19th. Students bring their completed projects to the Multi-Purpose Room early Monday morning, March 17th, so their projects can proudly be displayed for the duration of the fair. During the week, classes have the opportunity to visit the fair to view student projects.

For students in grades K-4, the science project is optional. Students are highly encouraged to participate, but it is not mandatory that they submit a project or an idea. In several grades, the class collaborates around a collective project submitted by the teacher and focuses on teaching the scientific method, observation/note taking, recording data and of course working together as a team.

For 5th & 6th Grade students, submitting a project is mandatory, and students are encouraged to work in teams. This year, to keep things interesting, a student choice component has been added to the 5th Grade Projects. Fifth grade students have the option to choose one of the following project types: a Rube Goldberg device, designing an invention, or a Scientific Inquiry (the classic science fair project). This should be exciting; we have some very creative students!

If you have specific questions about grade level expectations/ projects, please contact your child's teacher. Families are invited to our Science Fair Night on the evening of Tuesday, March 18th, in the Multi-Purpose room to view and learn from our students' projects.

This coming Friday is our end-of-the-month indoor assembly! I hope to see everyone in our Multi-Purpose room at 8:30am! Have a wonderful week.

Erin S. Green
Covington School

Important Dates – Please Note:
Feb 26 – JO Train the trainers for 4,5,6 parents 1:15pm-2:00pm @Springer
Mar 3 – JO Training begins in PE
Mar 14 – JO t-shirt size change deadline
Mar 17-19 – Science Fair
Mar 20 – Minimum Day
Mar 29 –Covington School Auction!
Mar 30 – JO Training begins in PE
April 7-11 Spring Break
April 26 – LASD Junior Olympics

Covington Auction:

Remember to RSVP and buy your auction tickets for a wonderful evening that benefits Covington School. For more information and ticket purchase,

JO News:

TRAIN THE TRAINERS -presented by LASD PE Specialists
WED / FEB 26 / 1:15 pm
Springer Elementary / 1120 Rose Avenue, Mtn View

  • All LASD parents invited
  • 45-minute session
  • Covers all Junior Olympic events that LASD 4,5,6 graders will learn
  • Event tips and techniques
  • Especially helpful for parents volunteering during PE training sessions

TIME TRIALS begin the week of March 3 (NEXT WEEK) - students should dress in proper running attire - especially SHOES for all PE days

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED beginning Tuesday, March 11, to help with Junior Olympic training.


MORE INFORMATION visit OR contact Covington's JO chair:

Multicultural Festival Meeting, Thursday, March 6th, 8:45 a.m., staff room!! Join us as we plan on how to celebrate our school's rich diversity at our upcoming Multicultural Festival on May 30th! So far, we have 13 confirmations for booths representing: America, Colombia, Iran, India, Ireland, Palestine, Philippines, Russia, Japan, China, France, Singapore and Germany. Aside from booths, we plan on having performances representing various countries, a fashion show, food trucks and much more. So if your child, or someone you know has a special talent like singing in another language or performing an ethnic dance, please let us know! Any questions or suggestions, contact Nadiah at

YEARBOOK INFORMATION: We need your photos! If you have pictures that you would like to share for the yearbook, please email, Christine Wedner, An invitation to the DropBox folder created will be sent to you and will allow you to upload photos to your child's class folder.

Also, don't forget that the deadline to create and customize 2 pages in the yearbook for your child is Wednesday, April 23rd. You can start customizing by clicking, and enter in the passcode: 1013595707721745

Have any other questions, please contact, Christine Wedner,

After School Programs Upate: Engineering Fundamentals with LEGO starting in April. Check the Covington website for flyer and registration information:

LAEF: Tell Us What You Think! The LAEF Parent Survey is coming to your email inbox this week. LAEF knows parents appreciate high quality programs for their children; that is why we are asking for your input on current LAEF programs. The survey data will be used by the LAEF Board of Directors to understand your priorities for your student's educational experience, and to determine which programs to prioritize and fund next year.

YOUR INPUT IS CRITICAL! PLEASE COMPLETE the survey BY MARCH 7. If you do not receive the link, or have any questions, please contact the LAEF office at

LAEF Representatives at Covington are:
Matt Abrahams,
Anjana Nagarajan-Butaney,
Jessica Speiser,
Ritu Kapoor (member at-large),

District & Community News:

Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday.

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