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Reminder: Principal Coffee/PTA Meeting this Friday Feb 14th 8:30am. We hope to see you there!
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members:
Many of you have asked questions about the Common Core Standards and how they will affect our yearly STAR testing and assessment process.
Update on the Smarter Balanced Spring Field Test from the LASD Curriculum Office
In transitioning to the new Common Core Standards, LASD has been focusing on ensuring that all students have experiences that include rigor, application of knowledge, and deep levels of understanding of essential concepts. As the methods of instruction change to include critical thinking, collaboration, communication and creativity, the methods of assessment will also change to adjust to the new expectations of rigor and understanding. You are probably already aware that the State of California will not longer administer the traditional STAR testing for 2nd-12th grade students, and will begin implementing the new Smarter Balanced online assessments.
LASD will participate in the Smarter Balanced Field Test for 3rd-8th grade students, during the April 14-May 16 testing window. Students will take both the English Language Arts and Math online assessments. The Field Test is not designed to provide achievement information for students, but rather to help the test creators and administrators to refine the test and testing implementation process. No student data will be provided to schools, parents or districts.
To prepare for this new testing platform, students will be taught the technical tools needed to successfully experience the online format. You can access the tests that students will be using to practice these skills by following this link to the practice tests. Simply click the “sign in” tab to access the tests. These practice tests will provide students with experience using testing tools such as highlighting, click and drag, strikeouts, and the online calculator.
The main difference between traditional STAR testing and the new Smarter Balanced assessments is that students will be expected to reason and analyze information, and to explain their thinking in English language arts as well as mathematics. We are confident that the LASD vision of revolutionizing learning, and the focus of providing students with innovative and engaging ways of displaying their knowledge, will continue to support student success.
Principal Coffee/ PTA Meeting this coming Friday!
Don't miss this Friday's PTA meeting and Principal Coffee, where our 2nd grade staff and students will be sharing how they are using technology to enhance learning. I hope to see you Friday!
Have a wonderful week.
All my best,
Erin S. Green
Covington School
Important Dates – Please Note:
Feb 14 – PTA Meeting/Parent Coffee
Feb 14 – Valentine’s Day Parties
Feb 14 – Last Day to Claim Lost & Found Items
Feb 17- Feb 21 – NO SCHOOL: President’s Day plus Winter Recess
Feb 26 – JO Train the trainers for 4,5,6 parents 1:15pm-2:00pm @Springer
Mar 3 – Jo Training begins in PE
Mar 14 – JO t-shirt size change deadline
Mar 17-19 – Science Fair
Mar 20 – Minimum Day
Mar 29 –Covington School Auction!
Mar 30 – Jo Training begins in PE
April 26 – LASD Junior Olympics
Covington Auction News! The donation deadline has been extended to Feb 24 for the auction. Talk to your local hair stylist, soccer coaches and favorite boutiques for donations. They can also donate their time in many different ways. Ask them to contact Christine Sellers if they want to donate. Also, remember to RSVP and buy your auction tickets for a wonderful evening that benefits Covington School. For more information and ticket purchase,
JO News
Dear 4, 5, 6 grade families
Introductory information about the 54th LASD Junior Olympics has been sent to all families. Please check your email or visit this link ( ) to learn more!
Science Fair News: The Covington 10th Annual Science Fair (March 17-19) is a school-wide event where students get a chance to explore new ideas and research topics that are interesting to you. Last week at Science Night, Lawrence Hall of Science introduced some shock-tacular ideas about static electricity and electromagnetism! This night was meant to get your creative and scientific juices flowing, and is just one area that you can explore! The science fair packet is on the Covington Website:
Participation in the Science Fair is required for 5th and 6th graders, but ALL grades are encouraged to participate. Your science project will be on display in the Multi from March 17-19 where the whole school can see your creativity. On March 18 (Multi, 6-8 pm), families are invited to walk through and enjoy the science projects as well.
Key Info:
Lost & Found is once again, overflowing. Please claim your child’s abandoned clothing before Feb. 14th or it will be donated to charity. Thank you.
YEARBOOK INFORMATION: We need your photos! If you have pictures that you would like to share for the yearbook, please email, Christine Wedner, An invitation to the DropBox folder created will be sent to you and will allow you to upload photos to your child's class folder.
Also, don't forget that the deadline to create and customize 2 pages in the yearbook for your child is Wednesday, April 23rd. You can start customizing by clicking, and enter in the passcode: 1013595707721745
Have any other questions, please contact, Christine Wedner,
After School Programs: MVLA After school soccer program starts Feb. 24th. Check out the flyer on the Covington Website or contact MVLA Soccer or Contact Coach Ken at, 408-469-1182
LAEF: It’s not too late to make your LAEF donation for the 2013-14 school year! Our goal: 3.2 million and 100% participation. Funds are already at work in support of: smaller class sizes, extended library hours, STEM, physical education, Living Classroom lessons, art docent lessons, vocal and instrumental music. Who helps make LASD schools so outstanding? YOU DO! Donations can be made online at Annual Fund suggested donation is $1,000 per student, and corporate matching is available. Invest in excellent schools and a strong community.
LAEF Representatives at Covington are:
Matt Abrahams,
Anjana Nagarajan-Butaney,
Jessica Speiser,
Ritu Kapoor (member at-large),
District & Community News:
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday.
1/9/25 9:04 AM